Meet Nancy an orphan who struggled to see herself through school.
She and Nathan a son of a business mugol name Williams were madly in love with each other.

Both of them were in their final year.
They love each other immensely and this made their course mates sing their praises.

After their last paper both Nancy and Nathan consummate their relationship.

Both travelled back to their different states.
When Nathan got home,his parents immediately sent him and his younger brother Noah abroad.

Everything happens so fast that Nathan couldn’t inform Nancy,Nancy tried reaching Nathan to but to no avail.

Few weeks later, Nancy discover she is pregnant. This really made her happy and also unhappy at same time.

She also try reaching Nathan again but she couldn’t get him on phone,she does not know any of Nathan’s family nor know his residence.

Five years later

Nancy continue struggling with her daughter, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter name Chantel.

Nathan and his younger brother Noah returned back from abroad,this made their parents happy.
Both of them took over their father’s business empire.

Things aren’t going well for Nancy and her daughter so she decide to move to a different state.

Nathan and Noah went in search for Nancy because Nathan is still in love with her.
They search and manage to get to her last residence but they were told she already move out.
Nathan became very depressed but Noah assure him they will still look for her( Nathan isn’t aware Nancy got pregnant for him or even have a baby for him)

Nancy got accomodations with the little money that is still remaining with her.
She find it hard to get work, because there is no one she will leave her daughter for. She only do job that will give her time to take care of her daughter, because Chantel is her only family and a symbol of love between her and Nathan.

As time goes on,things became so rough and hard for Nancy she decide to sell snacks and minerals in traffic with her daughter.(Chantel isn’t going to school,her mother make sure she educate her by herself because she can’t afford school for her.)

One faithful day, Noah stop his car in traffic,so little Chantel came to him to buy snacks from her, he saw how adorable she is. He bought all her snacks this made her very happy.

Most time when Noah pass the traffic he always see little Chantel hawking in traffic,he said to himself she is suppose to be in school by this time not selling in traffic.

He park and went to meet little Chantel,he ask her,her name. She said Chantel after greeting him. He ask her, Chantel why are you not in school?
Chantel reply, my mom does not have money to send me to school, Noah ask her to take him to her Mom.
Both went to her mom,when Noah saw Nancy it love at first sight for him.
Her beautiful and innocent face captivated his attention, Chantel said sir this is my mom.
Nancy ask, did she do anything wrong to you sir?
He said no,your daughter is my friend and also my customer.

Why is she not in school at this age? She is not suppose to be hawking at this hour.
Nancy said it’s a long story but I’m saving money so she can return to school..

Noah decided to buy all their goods for that day,he ask them to go home and rest.
Nancy appreciate him, he went with the goods to his car and drove to work.

When he got to work, Nathan ask why he took so much time,he explain to him about his little customer and went in details. Nathan appreciated his brother,it’s good to help people who are helpless.

Noah continue visiting Chantel and her mother at the traffic stand where both of them hawk to get their daily bread.
With time Noah got to know where they live,he promise to send Chantel to school which he also fulfill his promise and also gave Nancy some money to get a better house and shop,so she will stop running after cars selling snacks and minerals.
Nancy didn’t reject the help because she knows she need it.

Things started falling in place for Nancy and Chantel.
One evening Noah came to visit,he confess is feeling for Nancy and told her to accept him,that he would wish to marry her and also be Chantel’s father.

Nancy refuse, she said she is only in love with Chantel’s father,she can’t give another man his place.

Noah didn’t give up,he continue disturbing till Nancy gave in.
Nancy started liking him but she had no romantic feeling for him.

It’s been long she heard from Nathan and she has already lost all hope.
She accepted Noah’s proposal and both of them start dating.

To be continue
Written by Rukevwe merry

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