I found this interesting and I like to share.

Pls read carefully……

It was one cool evening, Motunrayo tied her wrapper firmly by her waist with Bible, jotter and a pen on her right hand she headed to the backyard to study for an hour knowing that her husband Tope wouldn’t return from work until about 2 hours later. She was deeply engrossed in the study and suddenly she checked her phone clock and decided to ring Tope and say hello.
“Hello oko mi”
“Hi dear” Tope replied
“How’s work today?”
“Where are you, still in the office?”
“Yes” Tope pretended
“Okay then, see you soon; just checking on you”she replied.

With serious laughter at the other end of the phone Tope announced
“I am close to the house”
“What? Uhn? What did you say? Are you serious?”
“I am close to the house” Tope said with a serious tone.
Marathon race began…
Motunrayo packed her Bible and other materials in haste!
“He mustn’t meet me in this way”.
She ran into the living room, removed her wrapper, changed to an
evening gown. She rushed into the kitchen to do her dirty dishes and in the twinkle of an eye with a mobbing brush in her right hand she rushed out of the kitchen into the bathroom to dry the floor. Panting and smiling she picked up her broom to sweep the bedroom, living room, kitchen and their balcony thereafter she sat down and expected the return of her hubby.

Why the hurry and scurry?
Motunrayo knew Tope her hubby hates having dirty dishes inside the
sink, wet toilet floor during the day(that place is his inspiration
room), and he hates his woman tying wrapper in the house.
Thinking he wouldn’t come home till around 7-8pm she flaunted all
his dislikes.

This happened to me
And after I settled down, the Holy Spirit told me “Can you now see the
reason why no man is permitted to know the time for the second
coming of Christ?”

Hmmm, I became sad and thoughtful. God wants to reward only servants who are faithful even in His absence. God would have many unfaithful servants in His kingdom if we know
His time of coming. Many will live in sin and disdain God’s order only to quickly seek re-dress when the day draws closer.
Unfortunately and good for us, none of us will have the time for
repentance when rapture suddenly comes upon us!

It will be too late!
At Jesus’ coming there won’t be the time to put off the filthy garment
of sin!
Secret and dirty life, wet and lukewarm christianity!
There won’t be a time to go pay back all we stole! No time to forgive
those we held in the captive of unforgiveness, No grace to greet those we are keeping malice with, No chance to pray for forgiveness of those secret sins, no time to make amends after rapture.
No repentance after rapture or death.
He will come suddenly like a thief in the night
In the twinkle of an eye..all His saints He has taken!
The left over will be unrepentant sinners. Lukewarm and unfaithful Christians!

Tears will flow.
Fingers will be bitten.
Had I known song will be rampant.
Eyes will turn red.Pandemonium everywhere.
Chaos and noise.
Blood will flow through accidents.
Weeping and crying over loved ones taken up.Regret for neglecting the call of salvation.
Regret for living in sin will abound.
He is close to the house
Whether preachers stopped preaching it or not.
Jesus second coming is too close.
It is too risky to live in sin.
I never want to remain here after rapture.
What about you?


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5 years ago

So true