JODA Episode 17 by Amah’s Heart

JODA Episode 4 by Amah's Heart

JODA Episode 17

Denis later returned half of the money to me, and said he borrowed it because the fraudsters collected all the money from him, I didn’t Care about his stories, i collected the money from him,
He was acting all beaten but I told him to stay away from me and my daughter, he argued with me that Luella was equally his daughter and I can’t ask him to stay away from her, I told him I wanted divorce, he laughed and said I can’t divorce him because I’m too soft and he knows I still love him, “if I can send you to jail to be tortured, Denis I’m capable of anything, you took my love for granted and did all manners of things, I’m done with you, you took my gentleness for granted Denis, you cheated and lied right under my nose…you are my mistake and I Will correct you,

” Joda, God bear me witness I never cheated on you, I never lied to you… I love you Joda, this period is a trying time for us and please let’s Work together like one family to get pass it, Luella is the child God used to reveal that we are meant to be together, we are blessed with a child, I want to be in the live of my daughter, I want to watch her grow and I want to be a father she will grow to be proud of, Joda stop all this, how can you be using something as serious as divorce to Joke… I don’t like that… I know I wronged you but I’m sorry…I have knelt down to beg you, you allowed them to take me jail and tortured me before asking them to release me, that was very cruel for somebody you claims to love, I know is Binta that is behind all this, you are listening to that wicked fool, Binta is only jealous of you, stop allowing her to be close to you, she’s good for nothing, you watched her slapped me and abused me without doing anything, Binta is only out to destroy our family and God will not allow her because I know love conquers all things…

He kept on talking I asked him to leave, I’m done with his cooked up lies and I mean it this time,
He later Left, I was watching him non stop on my iPad,
I later found out he transfered the money to Vanessa account and by the time he went to Vanessa’s place Vanessa has disappeared with all his money, he was calling her and causing her to returned back his money, according to him he only transfered it to her because I called police for him, that was why he transfered all his money just for her to keep it until he was out of the mess, his account is empty he trusted her because they had plans and he love her that was why he trustee her enough to entrust all the Cash to her, the money he returned to me was borrowed with the hope he will get his money back and return the borrowed money to the owner, how will he be able to do that now that she has disappeared and refuse to say where she was… I watched as Denis pleaded, and Even threatens to kill her if she doesn’t return his money, he was seriously threatening her and said so many thing but Vanessa did not show, he said to her the only thing in his name was the House and his car, he kept on begging Vanessa Who later blocked him and he couldn’t reach her again on phone, he was pacing like a wounded Lion, helpless he couldn’t believe Vanessa could do such to him after all their plans,
Denis became so angry that period, I watched him hit the wall severally, out of frustration he even threw something at the downstairs big screened television and it shattered to the ground, I was watching with Binta who said that I should remain calm, his evil deed is catching up with him, he planned with Vanessa to duped me, and now the table has turned against him as Vanessa disappeared with all the money he transfered to her to keep, He thought he was smart and was planning with his partner in crime, not knowing his partner was having her own personal plans,
Denis stayed off my way so that I will not see how broken he was, I called my lawyer for the divorce paper, this was the perfect time to double strike him, a good time to useless his life, i will make sure even his car is collected from, I bought him the car and put his name on the house, I will tell My lawyer to make sure his name is out of my property, as I called my lawyer he said he was working on it, I should give him time,
Denis was so evil, how did My father cope with him, when he was his P.A, now I begin to understand why binta hated him, Binta saw through him, I was blinded in the love i had for him, I have never loved any Man the way I loved Denis, he use to be very loving, when my father died of over dose he was always there for me, I fell for him not knowing he was after all my father laboured for, he took advantage of me and he never truly loved me but loved only the things my father Left behind for me,
My CCTV revealed a whole lot of frightening things about Denis, I wouldn’t have known or believed them if somebody had said that about Denis, seeing was believing, it was until I saw, heard and was played, when he lied to get money from me that I became scared, Denis was capable of anything.

Kuria stayed for two months instead of one before coming back, when Binta told me he was back, she went to his shop and one of his staffs said he came back yesterday, she visited his house and met a lady who greeted her and asked who she was, after introducing herself the girl said kuria was not around at the moment,
After hearing Binta say that my heart began to beat faster, the Lady in Kuria’s house was probably his girlfriend or fiance that was why he stayed extra month, and didn’t call as he returned, tears gathered in my eyes because I knew I have lost Kuria to another woman, may be this is my punishment for deeply loving the wrong person, I tried to hold back the tears but it flows more as i looked at my baby, I started Wondering why he didn’t let me know that he was back,
I wanted to move on with my live but I kept on thinking about Kuria, I had his daughter, my Godsgift to me in my arms, looking at Luella was enough hope to move on,
One day Binta said we should just drive down to his place and find out if the Lady was his girlfriend before concluding,
I hesitated, I told her I can’t face him knowing another woman is with him, she encouraged me to get dress let’s go, I sluggishly did and we drove down, as we tapped on the door the Girl that Binta mentioned showed up at the door, smiling at us, she was a very young girl, maybe early twenties, i wanted to turn back, and drive back to My House with my baby on seeing the beautiful tall black young Girl, but Binta held me,
Binta asked of Kuria she smiled broadly and said he was inside, I stood at the door while Binta made a move to enter, Binta held me as went inside, she asked us to sit while she gets him, Binta sat and crossed her leg but I stood where I was,
Within second Kuria showed up the Lady was behind him, on seeing me, he rushed to me and drew and my baby into an embraced, which lasted for so long, he kissed my two cheeks out of Joy, I looked at the girl’s face to see if she felt bad about Kuria hugging me but she was smiling,
Kuria carried Luella from me, laughing and apologizing that he was back since four days ago and planed to give me a surprise visit once he was done with his shop accounting Work, which kept him occupied, he also hugged Binta who was smiling, he said he has to stayed extra month because his mother was sick, but was feeling better before he came back,
I wasn’t still comfortable having his girlfriend watch us and smile, he suddenly turned to me and asked the beautiful tall girl to come close, he introduced her as Mera, the girl he told me off, who was in a girls boarding school, I remembered Mera but I never met her, Mera was just 16years, but was so tall and beautiful with her shining black colour, Kuria picked Mera and Jude from the Street many years back and has being the father they never had,
Binta looked me after the introduction and started laughing I joined in because I felt so relived, Kuria didn’t understand the laughter but kept on smiling, Binta asked Kuria what he was feeding Mera who was so Big for her age, Kuria laughed,
Mera came and took Luella from Kuria, Kuria took Luella from her and send her to get us drinks, and she replied Kuria with “yes uncle” just as Jude, Jude also came down and greeted us before going to assist Mera, Kuria sat beside me still carrying Luella as he gist us how his journey went, he told me he missed me so much and kissed my forehead, he asked of my husband, And i ignored the question, I told him I misses him too, he was so happy as held me and Luella as if we belonged to him,
I felt so happy but I need to find a perfect time to tell him that the baby girl in his arm was his own flesh and blood.

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Enny Pat
Enny Pat
5 years ago


5 years ago

Comment:kuria and joda we end up together nxt let see

Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

It’s taking too long now Joda just spill it , tell him she is his daughter.

Tracy Ike
Tracy Ike
5 years ago

Joda, all it takes is to open your mouth and tell Kuria he’s Luella’s dad. He’ll love you more for it

5 years ago
