I Started Picking My Wife’s Money From Her Purse by Praises Chidera Obiora

I Started Picking My Wife's Money From Her Purse by Praises Chidera Obiora

I Started Picking My Wife’s Money From Her Purse by Praises Chidera Obiora

So recently I noticed that whenever I ask my wife for money, she usually gave it to me without arguing twice. So I started picking her money from her purse as I like.

Whenever she asks me I will tell her I picked it.

She will just smile and say okay.

So two days back, while we were lying on the bed I asked her.

“Baby, why don’t you complain anytime I pick your money from your purse without your consent? You don’t even ask me back for it. I mean this is your money and you should complain a little or even give me that facial expression that you are not comfortable with me picking your money, but you don’t. I am worried.”

My wife held my hands and looked into my eyes.

“Baby, we are married, okay. We are no more single. Now what belongs to me, belongs to you. When I agreed to marry you, I agreed to give you not only my heart, my emotions, and my love, but I also agreed to give you my money. You own everything, baby. So you can pick my money as you like. It is yours.”

“Babe, do you know how much I have picked so far?”

“Nope. Maybe five thousand.”

I chuckled.

“No. I have picked fifty thousand.”

My wife turned to me.

“Just fifty thousand? O my love it means nothing. Pick more money okay. Pick more. My money is yours.”

I nodded my head and kissed her.

I started calling my wife Ego first Bank. Because she uses First bank account.

On Tuesday, while talking with Patrick at the office, I kept telling him why one should marry a woman who is financially stable. A woman that can give you money whenever you need money. Not a woman you will just be giving money to every every time.

Patrick took my advice.

Yesterday, my wife asked us to get dressed so I could escort her to the market to buy her hair and other things at the market. Then she will branch by at the eatery so we can have lunch together.

While in the car, she asked if we should use the eatery first, or go to the market before coming to the eatery.

“Ah… Let’s go to the market first. We can come back to the eatery later before we go home.”

We drove to the market and entered the shop of this woman selling hair and shoes.

While my wife picked hair and shoes going up to eighty thousand, she kept telling the woman how much of a loving and caring husband I am. And how I love to take very good care of her.

Because of the way she was praising me, I started helping her to select fine fine clothes.

Money now got to 150k.

She now handed the woman my ATM card and asked me to input my pin.

Sudden fear gripped me.

I looked at my wife and she turned her face.

Because I didn’t want to argue.

I just punched the pin in silence.

While in the car on our way home, I refused to talk to her.

My wife refused to talk to me too. Even when I decided to sleep in the sitting room to show I was angry, she didn’t say peem. She even helped to bring pillow and blanket and dropped by my side.

Throughout today I have been looking for my wife’s money in this house to carry, but I haven’t seen it. All the angles she do hide her money, she replaced it with Rat poison.

In this particular angle where she hides money, she dropped sniper there.

This is how this woman just set trap for me like that.

My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.


Read this Action Thrilling Story > ALL IN A CIRCLE

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