I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA. Part 2! – Angela Nwosu

I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA! - Angela Nwosu

I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA. Part 2! – Angela Nwosu

He went back to the U.K, and we continued our distant marriage. He was making all the money for our kids and I, to spend anyhow we wanted, but I was the only one raising the kids.

All the hospital visits, the sleepless nights, the school issues, watching them grow, being there for them, the milestones, he wasn’t witnessing any, except the occasional video clips I send to him, from time to time. In all these, I never stopped loving and trusting him, I never doubted him nor cheated on him. I didn’t create the room for any man to want me in that way, it was only my husband and my husband alone.

Because of my constant complain of how much I miss him, he started coming back once a year, instead of twice a year, his 6 weeks was reduced to 4 weeks, but I accepted it that way. It was better to be seeing him once a year than once in 2 years.

My husband knows how much I love segggs, I do not joke with it, my body longs for it, I have exhausted all the tõys in the market, trying to calm my nerves, while I wait for him. Each time he visits, he makes sure to mekwe me every single day, until he goes back to the U.K. My bone straight hair is on steady brush by him.

During the weekends, I collect morning and nights, sometimes, morning, afternoon and night. I tell him what I want him to do, and he does it happily, without questions. Angie, You see? I got the best husband, or so I thought.

All the misunderstandings and quarrels we had in the marriage, ended by him always being the bigger person and apologizing, he knows I know how to ignore, I will not communicate with him for days, until he starts begging. I know you will ask what if I am the one that offends him… Nah, you don’t have the luxury of asking me such 🙄, but because I am generous, I will give you an answer, which is, wives that their husbands left in Nigeria with the kids, are never wrong. 😒

It is not easy to be a married woman that acts as the man and woman of the house, because the husband is living abroad. We are never wrong. 😠

In his 4th trip back home, which is 6 years in the U.K, my younger sister got U.K visa with her daughter, she’s a single mother, but the father of her baby has been supporting her financially, in taking care of the child, according to her. She’s 2 months older than my first son.

I was so happy for her, I figured it would be a good thing for her to go and live close to my husband, so as to help me keep an eye on him and help him make Nigerian dishes, sometimes. He complains of how much he misses it. When I spoke to my husband about it, he didn’t let me finish talking, he rejected the idea, and said he doesn’t want my sister to know where he lives, that it’s not wise.

He spoke in a way that made sense to me at that time. His wife doesn’t know where he lives yet, he is not about to allow his wife’s sister to be the first to know. He didn’t even want to be on same flight with her, he told her to go on her own, if she needs guidance, she can always reach him on WhatsApp.

I didn’t push for it, I supported him, and told my sister to find her way, if my husband wasn’t living in the U.K, she would have still gone and survived. My sister left 2 days after he went back. As usual, everything was going so well.

I remember my sister telling me that I was making a big mistake, she told me I trusted my husband blindly, that I was acting like someone that wasn’t smart. She insinuated that my husband was cheating on me, something was fishy to her. She didn’t understand how a very rich man that claims to love his wife and kids, would be making flimsy excuses for his refusal for us to join him abroad.

She told me to permit and equip her financially, to investigate my husband when she gets to the U.K, but I laughed it off, I told her to clean her mouth and never utter such about my husband, ever again. My husband is not like the man that impregnated her and refused to marry her.

That night, I told my husband everything she said. The good and trusting wife in me was still rolling in action. I know, I was gullible, maybe because of his mighty gbola that rubs off my senses … oh, dude can grind from lagos to manfe, his 👅 has power and magic, he works wonders with it … hmmm … or the too much money, attention and care that he kept pumping on me, even in distance. He was so angry, I had to kneel to beg him not to react. He was going to chase her and her kid out of our house that night, because of the advice that she gave me.

Two years after that incident, my sister and her daughter was already settled in the U.K, when she told me she saw my husband in a certain mall, but he ignored her greeting, I was surprised, it was so unlike my husband to do such. I couldn’t believe he was still sulking over what my sister insinuated.

I apologized to her on his behalf and told her to also ignore him the next time she stumbles on him, it wasn’t really a big deal to me. I spoke to my husband about it, he confirmed that he saw her, but wasn’t going to stand and exchange pleasantries with someone that wanted to break his marriage, someone that was trying to spoil his wife, he doesn’t want to be close to such a person.

Few months later, he came back to Nigeria. It was Christmas period, he didn’t tell us he was coming back, unlike other times. We were so surprised and excited to see him. I had planned a trip to South Africa, with the kids and his cousin, my house-help travelled to her village, to see her parents. He jumped in and got his visa immediately, to go with us. It was a one week Christmas trip.

We went out every day, in Jo burg. I would look at my husband with so much love and admiration. I sent my sister a voice note, narrating my happiness and enjoyment on the trip, with my husband and kids, I gave her a lot of details in excitement. She told me it was too good to be true, that she feels something was off, I pushed it down to jealousy, and let her be.

On the 5th day of the trip, we had a sightseeing planned, but I was exhausted from the day before. I begged my husband to go along with the kids, while I put my legs up, drink some juice, Netflix and chill, in our hotel suite. I decided to tap on my laptop to check my mail, but it wasn’t responding. The laptop was having minor issues, but I didn’t have much time to get a new one and set it up before we left lagos, I decided to travel with it like that, it was just for a week.

After I tried to boot it and it wasn’t coming up. I sighted my husband’s pristine, extremely expensive laptop, sitting pretty on the table. I turned it on to use it … ‘enter password’, was boldly written on the screen. I picked up my phone to reach him and ask for his password, but I couldn’t get him. I guessed he was out of network coverage or something.

I started trying out all the passwords that I had seen over his shoulders in the past, I tried up to 5 times, before I got it right. Before then, I never had any reason to use his laptop, not even while we were still living together, before he relocated to the U.K, I always used mine.

His mail was open, plus a few other tabs. I was going to go straight to opening a fresh tab and sign into my email, but something stopped me. Out of curiosity, without any single bad intentions, I decided to snoop. I started reading his mails. What I saw, almost gave me a heart attack.

Angie, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My body was shaking and sweat was starting to break out, my palms got sweaty, the room became so hot, as anxiety set in. I couldn’t stop myself, Angela Nwosu, I’m telling you the truth. I kept going on and on and on and on. It felt like I was dreaming. I checked the username on the mail again, to make sure it belonged to my husband or it was for someone else.

What I saw was unbelievable, I never imagined that my husband could do such to me. I will tell you the painful things I saw, in the next chapter.

#OpraDre I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband I sold my husband

To be continued….

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