I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the U.S.A Final Part 3! Angela Nwosu

I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA! - Angela Nwosu

I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the U.S.A Final Part 3! Angela Nwosu

I know you’ve been so impatient to know what I found in my husband’s laptop. Okay, let me not stretch it any further and simply cut to the chase. Remember that cousin of his I always mention that is living with me? Yes, same 14 years old girl, started living with me 2 years after I got married, is my husband’s child. He claimed she is his mother’s youngest sister’s child, who dìed many years ago, while giving birth to her. The girl was living with his parents before we got married. She’s such a sweet girl, I didn’t dispute, the moment his mother insisted the girl must live with me, no part of me suspected anything.

I wanted his parents to fully accept me, so I took the girl like my younger sister. Plus, my husband begged me not to treat her like a house girl, that she’s family. She goes to the best school and gets the best things my kids get, as well. I saw mails he shared with a certain someone that I’ve never heard of, after going through all his sent messages to the person and his primary inbox, I discovered that the lady is the mother of his ‘cousin’.

Some of them were sultry messages of how he deflowered her back then, and the things they did after that, while the rest centered on how well the ‘cousin’ was growing and doing in school. The lady is married with kids, I figured from his pleasantries to her. Some of the messages had pictures of her nàked and doing stuff. He even asked her when she will visit the U.K. again, that he has greatly missed her. Apparently, she has been visiting him, while I am here, keeping the home-front, acting the good, faithful and trustworthy wife. What a wow!

I wondered why he didn’t marry her. What happened that made him call his own child a cousin, and why the lady in question got married to someone else and is still in a relationship with my husband. Why they were exchanging emails instead of phone conversations or normal chats.

My husband is 36, which means he had her when he was 22. My head was bursting with too much questions, anxiety was dealing with me, my throat was so dry, hands still shaking. I brought out my phone and snapped a few of the messages, then turned off the laptop and started crying, waiting for him to get back. I was going to blast him as soon as he walked through the door, I was eagerly waiting.

As I was crying, I remembered there were still messages that I didn’t check, I turned the laptop back on and continued to other messages.

The next thing I saw almost gave me a heart attack, I started choking, like I was going to pass out. I tried to get up from the bed, but I couldn’t. My knees were so weak and my head was spinning. I saw that he was the one that got U.K. visas for my sister and her daughter, booked their flights.

He’s the father of her baby, they started having an affair shortly after we met, I saw mails that dated back to before my wedding. I picked up my phone to snap the messages, I couldn’t focus. Oh God, who would have thought that my own sister that ‘hated’ my husband, telling me she doesn’t like igbo people at all, has been having an affair with him for so many years, under my nose and I had no clue.

I remember the day she told me that the father of her child deceived her, that she didn’t know he was a married man with kids. She’s been living so fine, always sharing good news with me, how the man bought her a car to be doing school runs and also bought a plot of land for her daughter. I never knew that all her comfortable and sometimes, extravagant lifestyle was courtesy of my husband.

I laid on the bed and started blaming myself, how gullible and foōlish I had been all these years. I loved this man o, I loved him with every fibre of my being, I loved him with my soul. He was my king, I believed and trusted him, hook line and sinker. My sister and her child are in the U.K, closer to my husband, while my kids and I, are living in Nigeria, and sees my husband whenever he wants us to see him. I have been married to a stranger all these years. Another wow!

I started thinking of who to call and talk to about my discoveries, I was going kolo, I needed to talk to someone, desperately. I was about dialing my mother’s number, but I changed my mind. She will start screaming and escalate the whole issue before I had the time to handle it.

As I was still going through my contacts, contemplating speaking to my best friend, something snapped in my head, ‘What is this sef? I am a full bred yoruba babe, we are strong and solid, no igbo man can mess me up this way, never. Bunmi, get up, clean your eyes and pamper your face with makeup, this man should be the one suffering, not you’. I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom, washed my face and put on some light make up, then watched a movie on Netflix. It was so difficult for me to concentrate, I was looking at the screen but wasn’t fully seeing the movie, my mind was running fast in thoughts.

Few hours later, my husband got back with the kids and his ‘cousin’. I greeted them with the warmest of smiles, gave him a tight hug and a peck, he felt so alright. I watched my kids as they narrated the fun they had with their father, just like the Netflix, I wasn’t seeing them, my mind was far gone. They had to tap me at intervals, to bring my mind back into the room. My husband noticed this and asked me if I was fine, I smiled broadly with an affirmative.

I had decided not to confront him or my sister. Since they did everything behind me, I had to also figure out how to move on, without letting him know. The rest of the trip was uneventful, I acted so cool and calm, it took the strongest will to remain calm, irrespective of the turmoil that was going on in my heart. My heart was running marathon, especially whenever I see him or speak to him. We were doing knakis like nothing happened. Before he went back, I gave him like never before, it was farewell, but he had no idea.

When he went back, I went on a selling spree. I contacted everyone I knew that knows people in real estate, and car dealers. His Range Rover was the first I sold, then sold my sister’s car that she parked in my compound, before traveling. It was a Mercedes Benz she entrusted in my care, with the papers.

I sold all the landed properties he bought for my kids and I, including his own, the documents were with me. While all these were going on, I applied for yankee visa and got it on the first attempt, multiple entry, with an invitation from my best friend, that lives there with her husband, and quit my job.

I still didn’t tell any single person what was going on. I didn’t want any advise, whether good or bad, it was my cross, I was carrying it with pride. So many times, I broke down in the car, in my room, in the shower, one time, at the supermarket. It wasn’t easy. He was my first love, my first everything, the heartbreak was so intense.

In all these, we were still communicating normally. He didn’t suspect anything, neither did my sister. 4 months after he left, I had sold everything that needed to be sold, remaining the house. It took a while for me to sell it, I put it on distress sale, with the properties in it.

The day the sale was completed, I packed his ‘cousin’ and a few of her belongings and bundled her to his family house in Ajah, during the weekend of my travel. I told his mother that I was taking the kids to go spend the weekend with my parents, that I will be back to pick her on Sunday. Then, I settled my housekeeper and sent her back to her people, I had wanted to take her along, but she wasn’t granted visa. I moved my kids and our luggages to a hotel. We spent only 2 days in the hotel, before we left for Atlanta, U.S.A.

I left my car with my younger brother, packed my husband’s belongings and the rest of his ‘cousin’s’ belongings and told him to take it to his parents in Ajah, the day after we left. Before take off, I sent my husband a long voice note on WhatsApp, narrated everything I found out, told him all that I sold and settled myself.

That I will remain his wife on paper, in Nigeria, but when I get to America, I will keep an open mind and find love again, as I will be living like a single mother with kids. That he is free to file for a divorce and find a way to send me the papers to sign, if he wants. Also, after 3 years, we will discuss plans for how he will be visiting, to see his kids, if he wants.

The last thing I would do is keep my kids away from their father, Never. Since the day we landed, till today, he has been begging me. If I hear say I share man with my sister again. Olóun maje. As for my sister, I completely cut her off from everywhere.

The End!

Read this Awesome Action/Romance Story > THE JAILBIRD

#OpraDre sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband sold my husband

If you read to the end, give me an accolade, I am doing well. 😂 For ginger to write another one. 😉

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2 years ago

Wow I dey heart broken.
Well done author 👍

2 years ago


2 years ago

nice story

1 year ago

Honestly, you deserve a trophy, you are really doing well. I have a question o, please do well to answer me: is this story a fiction or reality? If reality, I am completely speechless.
Once again, kudos to the writer. You deserve a medal.

Sophia Andrew
Sophia Andrew
1 year ago

Lovely story

1 year ago

Great story. Keep it up 👍

1 year ago

Am speechless ooo, how can blood sis be so wicked and manipulative like this chai may God help us

Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
1 year ago

Many things are happening
Who would perceive such
U did well your head dey ur neck