I once visited a brother Written by Ebele UzoPeters

I once visited a brother Written by Ebele UzoPeters

I once visited a brother who’d just moved with his family into a new apartment,

and as he showed me around,

I noticed that the low railings of the stairwell could portend danger for little children.

At this time, he had two lovely girls who were still little; one 6 and the other 5 years of age – So I mentioned it.

The man said they already had that covered and then proceeded to ask the older girl

“How many things have I told you to remember about this house?”

The little girl said “Three things”

He replied: “Are you sure? Is it not like four or five? Okay, what are they?”

Daughter: No running around or climbing on the sofa in the living room

Father: Okay. What else?

Daughter: No playing in the kitchen,
No playing on the stairs
No putting on the TV without mommy or daddy around;
No running around outside;
No opening of the door for strangers.

And she began to remember them all.

Every time mommy or daddy were going out, and from time to time they reminded the young children of those 6 or 7 rules; for their own safety.

Now please, follow this closely.

By the time the children are older, say 16 or even 14 years, it will be very odd for daddy and mommy to be telling their children these 7 things when leaving the house. Imagine telling your 16 year old daughter

“No playing in the kitchen”. That will be odd, wouldn’t it?

What they’d say to them at that age is something more like “Be a good girl” or “We’d soon be back; keep the house well” or “Take care of your younger ones”. At that age, any of these 3 will do.

Now, inside these simple statements like “Be a good girl”; all the earlier instructions are fulfilled; BUT NOT IN THE SAME WAY.

For instance, a good or responsible 16 year old child will not play in the kitchen and will not play on the stairs; BUT they can turn on the TV when daddy and mommy are not around!

Do you see that?

With maturity has come a single instruction that replaces all the other instructions given at an earlier age, by fulfilling some of them, and ‘breaking’ the rest which have now become irrelevant.

That is exactly what the new testament is. It is the coming of age of the old. The Bible says “When the time was FULLY come; God sent His Son…” (Gal 4:4)

The Bible also says “For God so loved the world that He gave us His Son…” (John 3:16). Love is the instruction in and order of the new testament. The greatest commandment. And it fulfills all others like “Thou shalt not kill”, or “Thou shalt not covet”; while also making laws like “Don’t shave your beard”, “Don’t wear a cloth made of 2 different materials” – irrelevant.

I hope you understand.

I once visited

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