How To Treat A Cheating Husband – Innyobong Okon

How To Treat A Cheating Husband - Innyobong Okon

How To Treat A Cheating Husband – Innyobong Okon

A woman in Yola Adamawa State took her husband’s Phone and access his Facebook.

She realised and saw rōmantic chats he does with women.

She sat down and think of the possible way that she can easily use to separate him with the women.

She came up with a beautiful idea, without even the husband’s knowledge. She came up with the following methods.

She copied all his conversation chats with one of the women.

She opened a new Facebook account with a Male name.

She sent a friend request to the husband, and he accepted the request unknowingly it’s his wife.

After accepting the request. They started chatting and she hid her identity and introduced herself to him. She said “I’m Abu Dar’daee by name, a Member of BŌKŌ HĀRĀM. I saw all ur conversation chats with my wife. Therefore I want to use this medium to warn you to stay away from her if you really want to continue existing on the earth. To clear any element of doubt to you, I have all the conversation with me and here they are, you can see.

So, if you don’t stop chatting with my wife then I’ll slāughter you like Ram.

I know you. I truly know you. Your name is Jamilu your father’s name is Mohammed, your mother’s name Khadija, you have 3childrens. Al’ameen, Zahara and Yusuf.
Abdulrahman is your best friend and Usman is your neighbor. You are a Lecturer working at FCE. You also go to work 9:30am with your friend Usman, you follow Jambutu
street and you spend time together. I’m warning you if you dare call, text or chat with my wife again I will slāughter you like a Ram as I said earlier.”

The wife was close to him while he was reading the text. As he was reading it, he was shaking and repeating “Innalillahi WA innaillaihirraji’un”.

She asked him what happened, he said nothing. He immediately deleted his Facebook and Whatsapp and any other social media.

The following morning, he went and sold the phone in the market and bought food stuffs 🙆😂

#OpraDre Cheating Husband Cheating Husband Cheating Husband

Read this Thrilling Story > OJADILI

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Elizabeth Ajayili
Elizabeth Ajayili
2 years ago

This is so nice!! Pure wisdom