[Download Mp3] How Nations Become Great – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

[Download Mp3] How Nations Become Great – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

How Nations Become Great – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

It is the will of God for nations, individuals, and families to be great. (Genesis 12:1-3, Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Joshua 3:7)

Nations just like organizations, families, and individuals, can become great.

Greatness is not just an impartation and a desire. There are scriptural and time-tested principles that are responsible for the greatness of nations, individuals, and organizations.

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

1. Vision (Proverbs 29:18)
Vision is the ability to see things as they ought to be, not just as they are, alongside the determination to bring that picture to manifestation.

Merely having a wish for a better future is not a vision, but a well-structured imagination.
2. Values (Policies). Proverbs 25:28
A nation is changed to the degree to which it has values.
Values lift men; Values define people’s idea about life and it gives them a template for living and conducting their lives.

Every national problem was first a community problem left unaddressed; every community problem was first a family problem ignored.
Nations become great when they have clearly defined values and have built systems that re-engineer mindsets to align with these values.

3. Education (Job 32:8, Daniel 1:3-4,17-21)
Education is the ability to read, write, communicate effectively, think constructively, and then use the knowledge acquired to birth solutions.

4. Leadership (Zechariah 13:7, John 10:11)
Leadership is the ability to coordinate human and material resources, to achieve a common and predefined goal.

5. Economic Empowerment
No Nation can be economically liberated with a dependency mentality.
Every great nation is empowered economically through its private sector. A dependency mentality can destroy a nation.

6. A Robust Security Architecture
One way to define a great nation is by the kind and quality of the security systems put in place.
Protecting the lives and properties of the citizens is one of the primary assignments of a nation.

7. An Honour to Spirituality (Psalm 33:12, 95:3, 2 Chronicles 15:12-15)
Spirituality is the key influencer of values, morals, and actions. People will always build values to reflect and honour their spiritual dispositions.

Title: How Nations Become Great (Koinonia 2023) 
– Apostle Joshua Selman
Size: 45MB


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