How Can You bring a Mad Man To Stay With Us😆 – Praises Chidera Obiora

How Can You bring a Mad Man To Stay With Us - Praises Chidera Obiora

How Can You bring a Mad Man To Stay With Us – Praises Chidera Obiora

So yesterday my mother announced she was bringing her father from the psychiatric hospital to stay with us. It was a serious argument between my father and mother.

“How can you bring a mad man to stay with us?” My father roared angrily.

“He is not a mad man. He is my father. My own father. That is Chidera’s grand father. He is not a mad man.” My mother replied angrily.

“Hence he is your father he should stay in your house or better still his house. Why bring him to my house? Someone who has been in the psychiatric hospital for over seven years.”

My mother activated her sweet charm. She started crying crocodile tears in a romantic way.

“A man who took care of me? I didn’t know you were this way. So you want me to send my own father to the streets? You do not love me. You do not.”

When I saw my mother crying, my mumu button was also activated. I started begging my father on her behalf.

“Daddy allow grandpa to come. Please allow him. Please.”

Well, my dad did not say Grandpa could come. He only kept quiet and sank into his chair. At that moment, we all knew he had agreed.

The next day, my father and I were both seated in the parlor when my mother walked in with her father. The old man kept staring at the sitting room.

“Dirty house. This house is very dirty. Give me mob and water. Are there no people in the house? Bring me broom let me sweep the floor.” He roared.

My mother quickly ran and brought mob and water.

My surprised father gave her the what is happening kind of look, and she began to explain

“Honey, the doctors said we should do all he says. They say it will help him recover fully.”

My father stood up and walked to his room. He was boiling in anger but could not say anything.

I watched as my grand father began to mob the floor like a faithful house wife. He kept cleaning everything with a damp rag and water.

My mother immediately followed my father to the bedroom to explain to him.

I folded my hands and started looking at the old man who had decided to clean an already clean house.

“Hey you, my brother. Come and help me clean the house. This place is too dirty. I wonder the kind of mad people that live in this house.”


“Yes. Are you not my brother?”

“No. I am your grand son. My name is Praises Chidera Obiora.”

“Who gave you that ugly name? From today your name is Itoribor. What did I say?”

“You say my name is Itoribo.”

“Ehen …. Oya come lets clean the house. This house is dirty.”

This was how I joined the old man. We started cleaning.

My father and mother walked down the stair case to find my grand father and I seriously washing the television with omo and Iron sponge. While the old man was washing the electronics, I was rinsing them in clean water.

Everything was seriously shining in our eyes.

The summary of the matter now is that grandpa is back to the psychiatric hospital, and my father made sure I followed him.

My father has refused to hear daddy I am sorry.


My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.

© Praises Chidera Obiora

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