Sarah drove into her compound,ever since she met with special,she has been thinking a lot,one thing is sure ,she regretted her actions but there’s not going back,not when she married to human devil.

Speaking of the human devil….

“Madam,oga went out”.
His gate man said after she came down from the car.

She nodded and opened the door for the kids.
“Please jubril take those inside”.
She was feeling hot,the sun wasn’t treating her well in that condition.

“Madam oga lock house before him comot”.

Sarah sighed
“Alright thanks,Carry them to the boy’s quarter”.

She took the kids by the hand and went towards the door with a hand supporting her waist.
She sat on the tilted door step and rested her head on the wall.

At a time she fell asleep and the kids started playing and running round the compound.
Just then she felt a sharp kick on her tummy,she thought it may be a baby’s kick,but it can’t be,she groaned holding her abdomen.

“Why are you sleeping by the doorstep?so you will get pity from anyone that comes around that I am abusing”.
Her husband chief Eugene barked.

She was still gasping trying to endure the pain when he kicked her again.

Her eyes opened widely,her tummy felt sore inside.
She burst into tears..
“Please Eugene please,it’s never my intention,the door was locked,I had to stay here,I am in pain please”.

“Never your intention indeed of all places it’s at the door post, pathetic being!”he cursed.

Sarah had to do everything possible to crawl out of the door or else the kicking would continue.
Her lips pressed together ,trying to gain enough strength as she shifted to the side.

The gateman stood afar shaking his head, it wasn’t a surprise as he has seen enough of it everyday.

The maid already took the kids not to witness that ,as an elderly woman she was.

Eugene is no surprise a drug addict,and a smuggler.
Well everything was fine and sweet in those early days of marriage till he decided to reveal his real personality to her.
Sarah knew she was caught into a devil’s trap.

After Eugene went into the house,the gate man sneaked to Sarah.
“Madam you need help?”

She couldn’t even say a word, she just shook her head,rubbing her tummy that seemed to be killing her from the inside.
She grabbed on the door and forced herself to stand up.

That was when she felt a drop of thick liquid dripping down her laps.
Terrified, she screamed out Eugene’s name.

Eugene rushed out to know if something happened.
“Our baby!!”
Sarah screamed.

“What happened to my baby, you’ve successful killed my child?”he snapped.

Sarah’s eyes widened,red with pain.
“No…I don’t believe he’s d**d ,he can’t be dead please let go to the hospital”.

This is the fifth miscarriage after her 4 yrs old son’s birth.

“You have done it now eh?Are you happy?”

A sound slap landed on her cheek ,he was pounding her to his satisfaction,lucky for Sarah the chief maid dialed her friend’s number to inform her that Sarah’s husband is at it again.

A car honked outside and Eugene left her helpless there,almost at her limit to collapse.

He went inside his car ,his gateman rushed and opened the gate,he drove off,at the time Sarah’s friend drove into the compound,rushed to her, the gateman helped carry her to the hospital.

Finally daddy agreed to visit aunty Cynthia with me.
“You have a nice place”Dad complimented her.
She smiled back
“Thanks Kelvin”.

I was so focused on the cartoon I was watching excitedly
“Here you go”.
She handed me a cold plate of fruit salad
I dived in.

She gave a bigger bowl to dad.
“I don’t think I will be able to finish,”he chuckled.

“Then You two should eat together dad ,let me feed you both”.

Aunty Cynthia chuckled embarrassed
“That’s so sweet but let’s not do that okay”.

I shrugged.

She went back to the room,I noticed dad stare at her.


He looked back at me ,eyes wide opened
I laughed out loud.
“What?,why are you laughing?”


He started tickling me,I laughed.

Aunty Cynthia came back with a big bottle of yogurt,she poured it into our bowls and went back to the kitchen.

My dad and I chorused.

I am glad daddy’s loosen up, before he won’t accept so easily.
Aunty Cynthia went back to the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen. Cynthia is working really hard to achieve all that.I went into the kitchen and saw her in her kitchen apron string her soup.

“Oh..you..you want more yogurt?”

I shook my head
“I wanted to apologize for the other day again”.

“Oh please Kelvin it’s been a week,and Special has gotten over the pains,right ,you don’t have to bring it up again”.

“Thanks, I appreciate”.

She got a tray of meat pie out of the oven.

“Oh also and I talked to a friend about you,so he wanted to see your credentials and others ,maybe he can get you a job at their oil and gas company”.

I was left speechless.

“Well what do you say?”
She turned off the oven and pulled off her kitchen gloves, and stood there with a hand on her waist smiling at me.

“I guess that’s a yes,”she said, seeing that I said nothing.

I hugged her tightly.

“I appreciate so much thanks”
I cried excitedly.

Soon I released her from my hug, embarrassed about hugging so tightly.

“Thanks so much”.
I said again.

“It’s a pleasure”.
She chuckled.

“Here have a taste of the soup,is it okay?,not really a good cook”.
She blew on the spoon and fed me,
I reluctantly tasted it.
“Not a good cook you said?”

She blushed.
“Well I guess I tried”.

I smiled back at her for the first time, without forcing it.

“Special, honey come take meat pie”she called out.

Special came running, her tummy has grown since we arrived here from overfeeding.

Cynthia handed her a huge meat pie
Special dove for the fillings was richer than a regular meatpie’s ,so she started selecting it with her fingers.

“Go sit and eat, table manners”
I scolded.

She went back to the living room to enjoy the snack.

“She is going to be obese if you continue giving her so much food,”I told Cynthia.

“She needs it to grow dear”.

I was staring at her lost for a moment.
“Well I appreciate your concern and care for my daughter”.

“Who wouldn’t love her, Special is an angel”.
She replied and put off the gas stove.

“Food will be set soon”.

I sighed
“I’m already heavy”.

“Force yourself,I suffered to cook this specially for you”she nagged.

I like the way she didn’t hide her feelings
by trying to use Special to cover up.

“Alright I will try”.

She smiled back
“Maybe you will have a little space in your heart for me”.
She avoided eye contact.

I didn’t know what to say,I just nodded and left the kitchen to join Special.

Sarah gained consciousness in the hospital after surgery,the doctor had to remove her baby.

She was swimming in her tears of agony when her friend came in with fruits and other stuff for her.

“How are you feeling dear?”

“How are my kids?”

“They’re fine ,your husband said he doesn’t want them to come with me”.

Sarah nodded slowly, swimming in tears.

“Stop crying, okay,it’s alright,just focus on those two you have,they will make you a proud mom”.

“This is my fifth pregnancy Kate,do you know what that feels like?”

Kate hugged her and kissed her forehead.
“But since how long has Eugene been this heartless?”
Sarah pretended to be surprised at her statement.

“Heartless my husband is not heartless”.

“So why would a good husband leave the house the same minute his pregnant wife was having pains and still get to visit you in the hospital?”

“He must have gotten an important call, please can we not talk about it”.
She tried not to cry.

“Okay what about this incident, what caused it, don’t you lie to me,I heard all that happened”.

“I slipped and fell on the stairs”.

“So the stairs bruised your face with finger marks”Kate said in doubt.

Sarah got annoyed.

“My husband had nothing to do with my condition,stop this Kate please,if he comes in now and hears you saying this how will he feel?”

“So that’s it you are scared of him?”

“I am not”she lied and turned to the wall sobbing.
“Okay oooo,I won’t bother asking again”
Kate said and cupped her jaw.



It’s been 2 months now after getting a job as an engineer,I will say Cynthia has been a blessing to me and my daughter,it’s not everyday you get to see that kind of woman,I was able to pay for a comfortable apartment.

Nevertheless the most important part is that my daughter has grown so fond of her. She loves Cynthia in a way that makes me jealous but I love that she was able to get the Mother’s love she so much longed for.

Today the little boss fixed us a date,she even helped Cynthia to pick her dinner gown and also selected the suit I wore.

Cynthia smiled at me and chuckled, the red romantic candle lights reflecting in her eyes.
“So she told me, Aunty I know you like daddy,why don’t you tell him, Special is something else I swear”.
Cynthia said to me.

“She is never going to change,she said the same to me too”I replied and shook my head.

“She did?”
Cynthia asked surprised and sipped her drink nervously.

“Yeah she did,I am really grateful for what you did for me, everything I have today is because of you Cynthia, thanks so much”.

“Please stop it Kelvin, your qualifications gave you the job and everything you own this very day,besides it’s been two months stop thanking me everything please”.

“You said my qualifications gave me the job,but I had the same job hunting all these years..yet no one to actually look into it, disappointments everytime”.

I sighed

“It’s okay Kelvin I’mm glad your salary was able to get you an apartment and also good clothes for our baby girl,I know years coming you will be even more comfortable with your living”.

“Not just about those finances,you brought joy to me ,my daughter …gosh,I have never even made her so happy,I always get that view whenever she’s around you”.

Cynthia blushed.

“Who won’t love her such a baby girl,smart one for that matter and sweet too”.

We both laughed.

“Why don’t we talk about each other,maybe this date could be more fun”.
I suggested and smiled at her.

“Well thanks to Special who made this date possible”she teased.

We clincked our wine glasses
I stared at her smiling,I noticed she got a little light headed cus of the drink.

I slowly took the glass of wine from her.

“What? She chuckled.
“I am fine ,don’t mind me, I am not drunk Kelvin”She mistakenly dropped her phone.

I picked it up,and put it in her bag
She laughed out embarrassed
“Okay I think I have had enough to drink”.

She looked so beautiful and attractive the way she said that huskily and licked those full lips of hers. I leaned forward and kissed her, passionately.
She was fast to respond and held on to me.
I admit,I think I’m gradually fallen In Love with Cynthia.

That night we got back home, Special stayed up awake like always, waiting. I know she won’t sleep without seeing me beside her. It’s a habit she developed as a baby.

“Daddy!!, mummy!!”

Well Special suddenly called Cynthia mummy.

“I was sad you two might not come home today,I missed you so much mummy”.
She hugged Cynthia instead of me. Well I am not jealous, just surprised though, their chemistry is something else.

Cynthia carried her into the house and I locked the door after.
Our apartment is still not well furnished but at least ,so far so good.
Cynthia spends more time over here than in her luxurious house.

I got to the bathroom and freshen up
While I overheard them conversing in the kitchen.
Special would tease her about the date and Cynthia would crack up laughing.

I dried my body and went to the kitchen to help her with dinner.

“You should freshen up ,I will cook baby”I said.

Cynthia snapped, holding back her laughter.

I messed up,how on Earth did that slip from my mouth.

“Did you call mummy baby,daddy? I am baby!!”
Annoyed Special folded her hands pouting.

Cynthia was blushing uncontrollably.

“I need some help here please”
I said to her,not knowing how to survive this question.

“No honey this is a father daughter issue,I don wash my hand comot”.
She literally washed her hands and left the kitchen.

I turned to Special,who was still sulking.

“Don’t baby me!!”
Angry Special snapped.
“She is not even a child why do you call her baby”.

“It’s a romantic name”.

“What’s a romantic name?”

I smiled at her
“Okay a pet name”.

“But it’s my pet name,and I don’t understand why you call her that since she is an adult”.

I carried her to cheer her up.

“Don’t worry when you grow older,you will understand, besides you are my only baby,Mom is my sweetheart,happy now”.

She smiled and gave an approving thumbs up.

After some minutes, Cynthia came back to take over the kitchen,smelling nice, I was tempted to hold her close to her.

Special went back to the sitting room and focused on her favorite kid’s Channel Disney junior.

“So how did you get to her?”
Cynthia asked.

I smiled back and held her on the waist, her behind was as soft as a baby’s.
She gasped and chuckled in Surprise.

“What’s gotten into you today?”

I kissed her neck then her cheek,closed my eyes and smiled.
“I just have to give love a chance,I think I found the right person”.

I whispered to her.

She loosened my arms from her waist, turned around and kissed me passionately,I returned the same energy.

“I am glad I am the one,now let’s get this to the table or the boss lady will come and ask what’s taking us so long”.

We both laughed out loud.
We set the food together on the dining table.

“Special food is ready”.
Cynthia called out to Special, who excitedly ran to the dining and chose her favorite seat in between us both.
We started digging in.

“Daddy can I have a little sister or brother,kind of don’t have any choice though”.
Special, suddenly requested.

I spilled the water I was about to drink and coughed.

Amused Cynthia helped me dry them with her hand towel.
“Thanks”I muttered then turned to Special,”Stop talking while eating, the food is spicy ,pepper can get into your throat and harm you”.
I scolded her softly.

“But I really want a baby brother or sister,to play with, please dad”.

“But I..don’t give kids to ask God”.

“I have done that already since I was five”.
Special replied.

“Well continue with it, don’t give up so fast”.
I said, trying to hold back my laughter.

“Eat honey don’t worry i will talk to him about it”Cynthia promised.

Special then accepted hers and continued eating.

Later that night, well we ended up in bed together
I hate to admit it but I love this feeling
It’s been eight plus years,I have been celibate, faithful to Sarah but seeing that she’s married already maybe I will find love with Cynthia and move on if not for anything,for my Special.

We both officially started a relationship and I can’t wait to propose to her.
I am sure it’s one of SPECIAL’S secret prayers.

I am so happy daddy and aunty Cynthia are getting better together,they go out most times without me.

I do miss daddy but I love seeing him happy each time they come home together, holding hands.

And also Aunty Cynthia,she is the best. I called her mommy the other day ,she was surprised and dad too.

I really wish she was my mother,maybe if she made daddy eventually get married.
She will be my mom forever, I will finally have a family,a mom and a sweet sweet papa.

I might also have sweet baby brother and sister and I will love them soooo much with all my heart.

Dad now got a job in a very big company,I went there the other time and I stayed with him. Everyone said I was cute. They were so caring and sweet that I can’t wait to visit again.

“Special love,come over here it’s the for your home assessment work”
Mummy called from the dining room.

I turned to dad who sat with me watching the movie together, while I tested my head on his tummy, it’s getting round these days.

“Is mummy sleeping over today?”I asked Dad in a whisper.

He nodded and smiled.

I screamed and ran excitedly to her.

“Here what do you think is the right word
Mummy Cynthia asked.

I read the passage from the assessment workbook.
“The answer is cheer,to cheer up?”

I was certain but she shook her head.
“Aww I failed it”
I said sadly.

“Got you!!”
She said beaming tickled me,I laughed then sighed relieved.

“You’re a really smart baby”.
She pecked my head.

We continued.


*4 months later
Cynthia poured into her glass and for her friend Ada.

“So how is it going?”Ada asked excitedly.

Cynthia blushed a little.

“My dear we thank God,he was and still faithful to us,we are expecting a baby together”.

Ada covered her mouth not to scream out loudly.

“Shut up!!,it’s a lie”.

Cynthia chuckled proudly

“So is he aware yet?”

“Not just yet,but soon, I will love it to be a valentine surprise”.

“Awww,I am so happy for you girly,congrats,finally,in a real relationship,you two should do fast oo,my wedding shoes are set”.

“And do you know the best part,he asked for it,I didn’t force him,we made love because he wanted us to,I kinda love that you know”Cynthia said beaming.

“..but Cynthia you said he had a daughter..”Ada cuts in.

Cynthia hissed.
“Yes and….”

“So you are okay with it, you’ve always said back then you will never marry a polygamist like your dad or a single father with a child,I am glad you changed your mind and be good with it”.

“Good with what? Abeg …abeg,and do you know the thing wey dey vex for this case,he is so much attached to her,I am afraid if I don’t do something,he might choose her over our kids in the future”.
Cynthia said with a sigh.

“I don’t get,ceecee,you sound like you don’t like this girl as much as I thought,why not take her as your own, what a big deal? I am sure Kelvin will not make her favorite,he will love all the kids equal”.

“Like kini?take what…,look the day met them for the first time, of course I sympathize with the little girl but I fall in love with her dad,you know my type of man na, looking pass his bad fashion and poverty,he is an incredible handsome young man with better height, he married very early also he is a full description of my father’s opposite character,I know i can’t let go,so I had to blend in”.

“Blend in… what do you mean by blend in….”

“I noticed he idolizes his daughter and is so much affected by her, so I had to win her heart first then his will be easy,shikena”.

They cracked up and laughed.

“You’re really good at this,So what will happen to the poor girl? Take her back to her mom?and do you think you can make him value you more than her”.

“Yes you can’t blame me,with this pregnancy I think I can,it’s a boy and he is an Igbo man,I will make sure he dance to my tones,I will be a submissive wife and treat him as a god ,no man can hate that type of wife,all I want to do is have my perfect family without a third party,very soon he will forget her and get fond of our son”.

“So what exactly are you planning on doing since he won’t just abandon his sweet daughter?”

“Well get rid of her as soon as possible,omo since her mom rejected her na me go accept her,abeg I no get strength for that”.

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1 year ago

Hmmm 🤔🤔

Funmilola Fajuyi
Funmilola Fajuyi
11 months ago

Wow… so Cynthia was just pretending to like Special…. this is not good at all