My eyes went to the notes that Special gave to her principal.
How? And where is that money from? But let’s not make a fuss about it now, begging the principal is not helping also.

“If you can get another five thousand naira I might consider you,I am sorry but your daughter is not allowed in our school anymore till you reach our agreement”.
The principal instructed and went back to her office and shut the door.

Mr feet heavy with shame,I stood up took Special by the hands and started walking out of her classroom,the outburst of laughter was unimaginable,each pace I think about my last life,I was that kid in school whom teachers worship as God,the son of a billionaire,I was set up by a man who isn’t even my father…… but…
I stopped walking,my shoulders shuddering uncontrollably.

I failed as a man to do the same for my daughter,a daughter as kind hearted as Special.

I broke down ,I didn’t mind that she was with me,I let go of her hand and cried loudly.

Special joined.

“Daddy..”she sobbed while pulling my hand.

I paused and looked down at her, rising anger in me. I was angry at myself for everything,so I decided to ask her about the money.

“Where do you get the money, Special?”

She hesitated and started sobbing loudly.

“Special, I am asking you,who gave you the five thousand naira!!”

“I begged the people at the park,”she cried with a runny nose.

The words were like a cobra bite to my ears.

“Daddy I am sorry I lied”.

I couldn’t control myself, I held her and spanked her hard on the butt.

She cried and ran a few steps away from me rubbing her back.

I looked for a cane and I found one around the bush side.

“What if something happened to you? Did you consider that,what if you got hit by a car or even got lured and raped!!”
I screamed trying not to cry, as people passing through the main road stole glances at us.

“Daddy, I’m sorry!!”
She kept shouting.

I got to her and swept the cane on her legs.
She cried loudly,I can’t watch her in pain but if I don’t do this,she might try it again, that’s the only way to scare her not to take such a risk again.

“I only wanted to help you daddy,I wanted…”
Another whip,she screamed out.

The pedestrians glance at us.

“At your age ,I am meant to provide for you and take responsibility!!, you’re 8 years old for crying out loud ,why are you so stubborn!, Your father is not disabled!”

Another whip,she cried in a high pitch and ran to hold on a passenger woman ,the lady was kind enough to protect her.

“Take it easy on her please sir”.

My anger went down a little, I dropped the came. I looked at my sweet girl shivering,scared of me. It was my first time using a cane on her,I felt bad even though she meant good for me,I have protected her first.

“Mummy , mummy”.
She sobbed tremblingly, grabbing tight on the lady, as she hid behind her.

The woman had to carry her and console her, cleaning her runny nose and wet cheeks.

“It’s okay,aren’t you supposed to be in school now?”
She asked her then glance at me.

“Sir are you alright?”

I damped my eyes and nodded avoiding eye contact. I was so stupid to cry in front of a woman like that.

“Thank you, please let me carry her”.
I said but Special grabbed hold of her not letting go, she even rested her head on her chest.

“I guess she is really scared right now”.
The lady replied.

I sighed and spoke to the Special.
“I’m sorry baby,I only wanted to let you know the dangers of the risk you took,I can’t afford to let you get hurt for my sake,you are still a child to have such risks in mind”.

The lady seemed very shocked to apologize to my daughter.

Special, hesitated, then she looked at me ,rubbing off her face.
I walked nearer to the lady and carried her from her arms, she obliged.

“Thanks very much”
I said to the stranger again.

“It’s nothing , I’m actually a pediatrician,so I love kids, we do have a connection together”she smiled.

I nodded,from her dressing I am very sure she is a woman of class.

“My name is Cynthia”

She asked for a handshake, I rubbed my dirty hands on my pants shamefully and accepted.

“Kelvin, my daughter is Special”
She smiled back.

“Lovely name you got daddy’s girl, so where are you two heading to?”she demanded.


“No school today?”

I shook my head shamefully,I felt Special sobbing quietly on my shoulder, and began to doze off.

She glare at the school compound.

“Let me drive you guys home then,my car is parked over there”.
She pointed across the road.

“I’m sorry but I..”

She interrupted.
“Look I had a terrible father,seeing the bond between you two really got me, It’s a pleasure, please don’t say no”.

I had to give in, I nodded and muttered thanks.
She smiled beautifully,the first time I got a view of her beautiful face.
She was unusually beautiful, I noticed.
I followed her slowly behind,as we walked to the place she parked her car.

She opened the door and I got in, she asked if she can carry sleepy Special to the back,I hesitated I love being with my daughter but I let go.

I looked over through the driving mirror ,and saw as she gently laid Special on the back seat,as she turned quickly to close the door I looked away and face front.

“So where do you stay?”

“Just stop us at the bus stop”.

She nodded and engaged her gear,she drove back and reversed.

Then off to our destination, after the awkward silence for minutes now, she spoke first.

“Your daughter must have made some terrible decision but don’t you think flogging her in public is not ..”

I cut in. “I know I know I just lost it,I never really flogged her before,she was an obedient and clever girl also smart and loving but when she thinks about me ,she take risks,and those risks are really dangerous,it’s all my fault”.

She looked confused but let it slide.

“Sorry to ask what about her mom?”

I went silent ,i found no voice to text answer.
She moved her legs , uncomfortably, thinking maybe my wife died and she brought it up.

“I’m sorry if…”

“She left when our daughter was only 6 months old”I replied.

“Oh so bad of her,why?Why on Earth will she leave?”

“Her family doesn’t want her to stay with a man who can’t provide”.
I tried not to blame her totally.

“And so?..you don’t make money overnight,she could at least try , marriage isn’t about quitting,is about helping each other and building a home”.
She sighed trying to let her anger off.

“Well I was touched when you apologized to your daughter,you must be a good dad,letting her know what she did and admitting you did something bad.
My father..hahaha,he hated me for being a female child. Alright my mom finally had a son too,but it didn’t change the hatred he had towards us girls,he never cared about us,or provided for us.

He married three more wives after mom ,for sexual pleasure and slaves to serve his highness.
Each wife is responsible for their kid’s education and food,all he does is distribute sperm, take care of his beloved son and order us the girls to work with our mothers and beat us up for no reason,you know typical African dads,but he was the worst!”

From her voice I could tell how much she hated her father.

“How is your mom?”
I asked.

“Dead…..,died of a heart break after donating a kidney to my brother who later didn’t make it alive ,he went into drugs instead of trying to hustle. Mom was a good woman, she worked hard for us,we are the only children in our family to have higher education,I was smart, my younger brother not really. He took after dad and caused mom a lot of pain. He joins the wrong crowd ,smokes, steals,drugs till he fall ill,may their soul rest in peace”.

She said coldly,her face clouded in a way that I regretted asking.

“I am sorry about that “.
I replied.

“It’s okay”
She replied softly then snapped.
“Oh we are here,so which way to your place”.

“We are fine here really, thanks God bless you, Cynthia”.

“No I want to know your place”
She was insisting.

“Please let’s just drop here”.
I persisted.

“I insist ,i’m sorry I really want to know where you live”.

I sighed and directed her
“Thanks”she smiled a little,as she adjusted, her skirt rode up a few inches,I tried not to look,I was a faithful husband all those years,even when there’s a possibility of her getting remarried,I just want the best for my daughter,funny enough no sane woman will like to come close to a corpse like me though.

Her face blanked, when I pointed at the abandoned container, she don’t have a place to park,so she have to pay a certain eatery nearby to park her car there.

We got out there, Special sat up awake rubbing her eyes.

“Daddy!”she screamed out like she just had a nightmare.

I rushed but the Cynthia was already with her,she helped her out of the car.

Special ran to me and hugged me tightly,
I carried her and pecked her forehead.

“I love you “I whispered, truly sorry,I made her cry, her body temperature high after the sleep.

Cynthia was beaming with smiles,I turned to go.
“Oh let’s eat first”she called my attention.

I was surprised,I wanted to turn down the offer but Special yawned tiredly,I knew she must be starving,I got no money,no food for her.

I nodded,then she took her purse and
gave me her card.

“Pin 5551”.
She said and smiled back.

I reluctantly collected and walked towards an entrance,the security looked disgusted by my appearance.

He opened the door and we walked in
My daughter eyes almost fall out of the sockets admiring the place.

“Call the waiter,and ask what do you like to eat, ask us”Cynthia whispered into my ears as we sat down on a vacant table.

Next table was a newly married couple, glaring at us in some manner.
I waved at the waitress and she started making notes.

“What..you like to eat miss?”
I asked Cynthia.

“Well seafood friend rice and coconut rice mixed though two plates,I want big chivita. .doubled.

She turned to Special.
“What do you want?honey?”

“Anything dad wants”.
Special said while her eyes was fixed on the ice cream a kid was eating,she throw her face off,trying to overcome the temptation.

“Okay,I will advise you get 2 packs of popcorn,emmm,big cone of cold stone,emmm meat pie and cakes just your best kiddie treats,foods and snacks
and you?,Mr Kelvin…”
She turned to me.

“For me….me ,a drink coke is okay”I stammered.

The lady nodded and went away.

“My daughter won’t finish those things”I told Cynthia.

“Oh then, most of them will be in take away packages”.
She replied.

“You just met us…”.
I was ashamed of myself,being fed by a woman.

“I know what you are thinking,I am paying right? Are you those men that easily get irritated by independent women?”She raised an eyebrow.

“No of course not,I am just marveling. I never expected such niceness from anyone,I too want my daughter to grow up as an independent career woman”.

“So Special, what do you want to be?”Cynthia asked.

“A lawyer!!”
She said excitedly,I smiled proud of her boldness.

“Really your barrister,why lawyer though?”

I love how they interact,seeing my daughter smile soften my heart, she so wanted a female to talk to.

“I want to sue everyone that insults dad”.
She said with a cold face that she meant every word.

“Okay take it easy please with that look,they can’t possibly be found not guilty”
Cynthia giggled,I laughed too,even though it madee want to cry.

The name made us both stare at eachother out of shock then to Cynthia.

“Sorry mah,I wanted to say thanks for saving me back then”Special corrected.

Cynthia smiled back .
“It’s nothing honey, daddy meant well for you actually,he loves you more than anything”.
She looked up and found me, disturbed
I don’t like that special called her mom,no one can replace Sarah,even though she was a bad mom ,I still don’t seem to be able to hate her.

The food was served at those takeaways set to the car.
Special lead the table prayer and digged into her food ,she was so excited and jumped to ice cream.

“One at a time special”
I scolded.

“Yes daddy”.

Cynthia chuckled and damped Special’s messy mouth with her tissue.

I opened my drink.

“Here you go”.
Cynthia shifted a plate towards me,I realized she ordered those two plates ,one for me.
“I am okay with this please”I replied, hiding my watery mouth anticipation.

“Not sure, please eat up,”Cynthia insisted.

I glanced at her fingers,there was no ring on them.
I wonder how this beautiful and kind hearted woman can still be single,maybe busy building her career.

“Daddy wee wee”.
Special started squeezing her legs uncomfortably.

I sighed and tried to stand but Cynthia got up instead.
“Don’t worry,let me take her to the lady’s restroom”.

I looked at special she seem comfortable with Cynthia so I let her but I was careful.
I didn’t blink as I watched them closely, making sure my eyes were fixed on Special till they disappeared into the restroom.
I waited impatiently, unable to eat,then few minutes,I sighted jogging happily towards me,my lips drew into a broad smile with relief,am glad she back and felt little bad for not trusting Cynthia wholeheartedly.

She pecked me on the cheek and went to her seat excited to continue her treats.

Today must be the best day for her,I wish I was the one that made it happen.

We finished our food,I shamelessly didn’t leave a grain of rice, special was the one that reminded me.

“Daddy table manners”.

Cynthia laughed out.

I smiled back at her and nodded.

We walked towards the cashier,I paid with Cynthia’s card and we walked outside.

I feel so heavily filled with food for the first time in many years. My daughter had her first experience of Belle full.

“I hope to stay in touch, I don’t know if it’s okay with you,”she said and gave me her business card.

“Sorry I don’t have..em phone”.

“Oh alright then I will get you one,next time I visit”.

“No it’s actually getting repaired,you don’t have …”
I stopped realizing she wasn’t paying attention.

She went and kissed special.
“Bye love, be a good girl for daddy”.

“I will”.
Special blushed.

She came to me and extended her hand.

“God bless you, Cynthia”
I said that with all my heart.

She smiled and went into her car, Special waved till she was out of sight.

I carried the bags and held on special as we headed home.

“What’s in the bag dad?”
She asked excitedly, peeping inside the bag.
“Indomie?”she guessed.

I smiled back at her,I was feeling her happiness,she never had this treat in her lifetime. God bless you Cynthia.


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Alagoa Boye
Alagoa Boye
1 year ago

My heart is bursting with so many emotions♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Enobong Dan
Enobong Dan
1 year ago

Hope has shone

1 year ago


Oladiran tolani
Oladiran tolani
1 year ago

I love this, i don’t even know if na to cry this is heartbreaking 💔