Special’s visiting day will be in 2 days time,I had to make it a special day,but disturbed I noticed something off with Cynthia’s attitude,she left home this morning and came back late.

She refused to talk to me about anything ,even when I persuaded her to talk,she kept ignoring me.

Not until I got a call from Special’s hostel mistress,it  was unexpected because she never answered my calls so I thought she never saved my number.

I was sketching a plan design when the hostel mistress called.

I gazed at the time on my phone screen.

“1:00am?,wonder what’s this emergency,is my Special okay?”

I decided to call back and know what the problem is.

“Good morning sir”.

“Morning ma’am , how is my daughter?”

“She is very sick sir,I am afraid the school had to give her permission to be taken good care of at home,she hardly eats or even open her eyes,her temp kept increasing,now it’s 1..am yet no improvement regarding the treatments given to her”.

I don’t know if I can’t understand English anymore but I stopped when she said my baby is very sick,what the hell are they talking about, my Special! I paid her enough to give her the best treatment plus the good treatment the school was known for! Being credited as the most expensive school.

“Excuse me, what do you mean, my daughter is very sick and needs a leave? Is that supposed to be a joke? What’s the cause of her sickness? What happened to her? She was very healthy when she left home,I will involve the police , make the necessary investigations and carry out some tests. If it has anything to do with abuse,I promise you will regret it”.

“Ah oga ,wetin?  Shebi na bad thing to inform you about your daughter’s illness,na me you dey shout for me? Your daughter is sick that all I know,better come carry her before she dies here,come bring bad name give this school”.

Kelvin noticed the fear and terror in her voice even when she tried to sound threatening, she is definitely hiding something.

Cynthia moved slightly on the bed like she had been listening to our conversation.

I hung up the phone angrily,stood up pacing around the room restlessly like a cat that smells a mouse.

I can’t wait anymore,I gazed at the clock impatiently.

I have to go see Special,I thought.

“You shouldn’t have threatened the hostel mistress,are you the first man whose daughter got sick,you know your daughter very well, could tell maybe she missed home and got sick with a little time she will adapt to her enviro…”

I had to cut her off.

“For goodness sake Cynthia please,don’t even get me mad,why aren’t you so concerned about Special instead you are concerned about that stupid woman,first I paid her half a million bribe she agreed on to treat her like her own,you know how hard it was for me to get that money,just to take care of Special,next  day,she block my line….”

“Well she did not block mine or am I no longer special’s mom?”

Cynthia countered,looking away from me,with arched brows,her hands folded.

“So what’s wrong with me speaking with her too, concerning my daughter,now today she called for the first time,only to tell me this and that about my daughter that I should get her out of school before she dies,that woman must be insane, a lunatic!”I thundered.

Cynthia went mute,I guess she noticed the anger that she got heated up in me and decided to keep it low.

“She certainly must be exaggerating baby,you don’t have to be scared for Special’s sake,I will visit her tomorrow,you don’t have to worry,if it’s that bad,I will bring her home to us”she pleaded.

Cynthia certainly don’t understand me

I need to see my daughter at this very moment,no matter what. I don’t care about my work schedule etc,I had to go see Special and that’s final.

I got up from the bed.

“I said don’t worry I will go visit her,you have to focus on your next project baby,I will do the rest that is why she got a mom and best friend in me”.

She snapped annoyed.

“There’s nothing stopping me from seeing my daughter if you are coming with me then go freshen up,we are leaving by 4am,let me tidy up my work”.

She ignored me,mumbling words to herself.

“I guess I am no longer her mother,since you don’t trust her with me,I know this will happen,you will never see me as your beloved ex wife”.

She finally spoke out loud enough for me to hear.

Why is she this difficult all of a sudden, losing her pregnancy totally changed Cynthia to a stranger.

I decided to ignore her, after tidying my work,I went to the bathroom to take my bath.


As soon as he got into the bathroom, Cynthia knew it’s the perfect time to text the hostel mistress on WhatsApp.

Luckily she was online, she decided to use a voice note.

It will be safer she thought

“What’s your problem,old lady,didn’t I pay you enough to seal your mouth?”

“Madam i am very sure you are not the mother of this kid like you claimed,it’s better I speak out or else ,I am also scared about the girl,she seem she can’t live longer than 24 hrs,I don’t want to be involved in a murder abeg I need this job”.

“You must be mad,what murder! If you don’t seal your fowl butt of a mouth,I will frame you up and make sure ,my husband throws you in jail”.

“Madam I am a human ,and I have a heart ,no matter what you said I am not going to keep shut and watch this innocent girl die for nothing,I rather lose my job,I have been selfish and wicked enough to have been following your instructions,blocking her dad on WhatsApp,treating her badly and the rest,now I’m done,I kept having this nightmares,this girl must be a destiny,child I don’t want to involve in her death”.

The woman said with a finality in her voice.

Whenever death is mentioned it frightens Cynthia.

She handled Special carelessly but the thought of murder frightened her even when she wished to kill Special instantly,the guilt feeling was driving her insane.

“Listen fool,stop your superstitious belief of destiny child,call my husband and tell him, find a good lie I don’t care what it is,make sure he doesn’t step his feet in that school,that girl just need little treatment she will be fine,so why are you making a fuss out of it”.

“What exactly did you do to her?”

The woman asked.

Cynthia went offline after blocking her

That woman must be insane!!!she thought out loud.

“A fool that’s what she is,how will I ever get out of this mess,I have to be bold and face it, remember Kelvin’s miserable life before I came into his life that’s something to threaten him with ,he will probably surrender his work for Special,no maybe…I should take pregnancy..as the bat”.

As she was still battling with her thoughts

Kelvin walked in,she quickly lay back on the bed pretending to be fast asleep.

“I guess you don’t want to come with me”

Kelvin said softly.

He dried his body ,and put his clothes on,got some wraps of cash from his save and picked his car key.

“We will be back soon,can you please make her favorite meal,well garnished indomie and eggs,with yam.

She didn’t respond.

He sighed and it kissed her cheek before leaving the room.


“I don’t want to die just yet,I want to see daddy”.

That was the only thing I could mutter,my eyes were hot,I have been crying since mom left,my eyes were half closed and my body was hot,so hot that you can feel it on your skin even being a feet away.

I stare at the ceiling of our school hospital,I wonder if she will let dad come see me,or if the school will call her instead.

I heard footsteps.

The woman in charge came in,she was dressed in a nurse uniform.

“Your daddy is here honey”

I wanted to cry out loud for joy but I couldn’t feel my own lips anymore,only the stream of tears flowing down my eyes.

My daddy came and hugged me crying,I don’t like seeing him this way. It hurts to see my dad cry.

“What happened to you baby?what happened,tell me please?”

I was too weak to say a word,he cried for some time then noticed the marks on my body.

“What’s this!?”

He snapped at the nurse,I never heard him that harsh.

“Please the hostel mistress will explain better sir,I have no idea”.

The nurse said she sounded like she wanted to avoid trouble.

“What do you mean by that! Is this how your school is?I saw cane marks and other red marks on my baby’s skin and bruising isn’t obvious? She was physically abused in your school,and you had the guts to tell me that! You have no idea”his voice shook the whole school.

The hostel mistress entered like a sacrificial lamb, swimming in tears.

The school security had accompanied her in.

“Sir I did nothing wrong,your wife asked to take your daughter and I have her permission only for her to come back with Special this way,nobody in this school abused special ,your wife should be questioned sir”.

“Are you people messing around with me! My wife? you are dragging my wife into this,she would never….”.

Then Dad stopped like he remembered something.

“Sir we ran the necessary tests on her,and treatments were applied abruptly but she was not responding to them that’s why we called you”the nurse continued.

“Here is your daughter’s friend Kamsy, she wants to say something to you”.

The security that came with matron cuts in.

Kamsy came in and burst into tears seeing me in that state frightened her.

“It’s hostel Mistress! She always abuses Special”.

She snapped bravely.

“Not just her,many other students testified about this”.

The security said and took Kamsy back to class while the others bounced on the hostel mistress.

If the security never held dad back ,he would have done worse than murder to the Mistress.

“What did my girl ever do to you!”

Dad cried out

“I swear her mother came and took her,I am innocent”.

The woman managed to say in-between the painful torture.

I think I gained a little strength to talk

My drip bag is  almost finished also.

I slowly stretched my hand and touched Dad’s.

He turned and rushed to me immediately

“I am taking you home honey, forgive me,I should never have…”

My eyes clouded.

“Mummy did this to me dad,she took me to an uncompleted building,two men were there waiting,she asked them to torture me,and told me to confess why I killed her baby since I am a witch,she told me her dream and ordered,I was stripped ……….naked,tied up.  Daddy I got all these marks from the belt hooks and slaps. After sometime she asked me to take a substance,but later changed her mind,saying the pain will kill me afterall..(cries loudly).I didn’t ..kill my baby brother…I will never hurt him…I always prayed for a baby and I love mommy so much… believe me daddy..I am not a witch….”.

His face was that expression I feared to see on h,I don’t want him to get broken again after believing so much that mummy Cynthia was the one,first my mom, now mummy Cynthia,it’s sad to see him broken.

He hid his face and cried in the presence of everyone in the ward.

I did same too

“Please don’t cry daddy, I am sorry to have come into your life ,maybe i’m the cause of…”

“Shut up Special,you don’t talk about things bigger than your age,you are only 9 for crying out loud. What do you mean by being the cause of my pains,who is in pain here?You were handled by two devils who treated you more than a criminal without holding back on a child of 9yrs,if I ever hear that from you I will not be happy with you”.

Then Dad turned and gazed angrily at the Mistress.

“We will take care of her sir,but you should take care of your wife too,she is a devil in human form”.

One of the security advised.

Dad got control of his emotions and finally carried me out of the hospital.

The students must have gossiped about me, their stares when we got out of the hospital to the parking lot where Dad parked my car says it all.

Some muttered

” Special sorry”,and waved at us.

I cried, hiding my face shamefully in dad’s broad arms.



I drove to the nearest best hospital in the area.

With one hand on the steering and the other holding on special,she seem really weak and her eyes had not yet opened clearly.

I prayed the school didn’t hide anything from me,I had to run another test for her,I am so scared, so scared that I think I am going crazy.I don’t want to lose my daughter.God please, whatever it will take,I am ready to give up,I prayed silently.

My Bluetooth earphone beeped.

“My loml calling”.

It was announced.

My brows arched,I put off the Bluetooth off

I can’t believe I saved her name with that,well she is my fiance and my supposed loml.

I thought it was fate after what happened with Sarah,how on Earth did Cynthia turned out this way,did losing her baby turn her completely evil. Was she actually that way even before we met but pretended to be an angel.

Torturing a child and accusing her of killing your unborn baby in the dream ,is she insane!!

My poor Special,I have failed you many times,you do love Cynthia a lot you must be more emotionally hurt than I am now to be betrayed by her”.

We arrived at the hospital.I was fast to get a private room and pay for the emergency treatment etc.

After she took the injections and finally resting.I decided to go back home and face Cynthia.

This story is originally written by Authoress Caroluchy

I WAS A BILLIONAIRE then my wife left after I went broke


         EPISODE  12


I got home and found Cynthia sitting unbothered on the couch,I thought by now she must have gotten information about what’s happening.

“What did she ever do to you cynthia!!”

I snap at her in anger,she ignored me

It made me sick and angry.

“I am talking to you, don’t you dare ignore me!”

I grabbed her arm.

“Go ahead kill me then,since you are finally crazy enough to believe outsiders then your own wife”.

“Wife? You are no wife of mine Cynthia and I heard it from the horse’s mouth, my daughter told me everything”I snapped back, angrily.

“Oh…the little witch told you”.

My blood boiled up ,I knew I was approaching my temper limit,one more word and for the first time, I will lay my hands on a woman.

“What did you expect from me kelvin?,she killed my child but no you don’t care about our son,all you have in that head of yours is Special Special Special!

I accepted her as my flesh and blood , still she had the guts to attack me in my dream and kill my baby..” she sobbed loudly.

That  irritates me,this hatred for her was awaken in me,I never should have let her get into my head the first place in the name of love,its obvious she was using her kindness towards Special to gain my favor and love which actually was  successful .

“Oh please Cynthia, spare me those fake tears,can you just hear yourself out,she killed your baby in your dreams, that’s proof? I never thought you had this bad side Cynthia, I am sorry but it’s over, this thing that makes you think you can take the place of my daughter. I am done with it”.

“Just listen to yourself kelvin,tell me are you having a secret affair with your own daughter, you are choosing her over me!!

Are you serious, no problem I will leave the house but you will regret it,you can’t find a woman like me,a woman who loved and respects you ,no matter your financial status, you will regret it, I helped your life ,you know how hard it was for a day meal, ungrateful goat”.

She dashed into the bedroom to park her thongs I guess.

I sat on the couch, my head aching,I was thinking over what could have been my fate if she had succeeded in killing Special.

She came back to the sitting room a few minutes later with her baggage.

I got up with a finger pointing at her.

“And let me warn you never in your life lay your hands on my daughter, I am letting you go because you helped my daughter and I even though your intentions were not for the best,but If you try it again….”

“Oh please what will you do…stupid man,I made you ,do you hear me,how did you get to live in a house,I was the one that saw you through, and got you out the wretched garbage container, your ex wife dumped you in,fool you are threaten me or you will regret it “.

She spoke directly into my face and finally left.

I must have gotten this attached that I felt her absence immediately, it’s okay to feel this way. I once loved this lady with all that I am,so I don’t blame myself,I have to take care if daughter and forget about Cynthia or so called love life of mine,there are single father who train their children, I can do this  it’s just one child ,it will be shameful if I wasn’t able to take care her”.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes tightly.

“Sarah if only you were here for your own daughter”.


Cynthia was seen at her friend Ada’s house.

She thumbed the door bell,waiting impatiently, she pressed again.

“Hold it,will be there in a jiffy”

Ada announced from the inside,eventually she came and opened the door,excited to see her friend but Cynthia’s face got her worrying .

“Cee cee what’s the problem, this one your face resembles mashed potato,what happened?”

Ada asked curiously, opening the door widely for her.

Cynthia ignored her and went in and sat on the couch with both hands on her head crying.

“Ah ah..what’s the problem Kwanu?are you going to keep mute…”

Then she noticed Cynthia’s tummy.

“Is the baby alright?,please talk to me”.

She walked towards Cynthia, who burst into endless tears,Ada held her in an embrace.

“I lost everything Ada, I lost my baby and kelvin”

“What do you mean? How? What happened ?”

“Special happened. Ada that girl is evil, pure witchcraft”.

“Special evil?CeeCee to be sincere, maybe your hatred towards that girl is the evil stuff, Special is a harmless sweet girl no offense,we both know that”.

“Really then what about my dream?,I was chasing her when I slipped and fell,then I woke up to realize that I had a miscarriage, if not for her ,my baby would still be intact and healthy”.

Ada sighed

“You were chasing her ,maybe if you were not chasing her ,your baby would also be healthy. I am not saying it to side her ,but as a friend  I will tell you the truth, right from the day you wanted to get rid of her I knew something will happen, Special is a good sweet girl,these days kids are not even that pure in heart,those kind of children are really in the care of God”.

“Why are you assuming that,care of God indeed!”Cynthia sneered.

“Oh you dont believe she is in the care of God, but you believe her to be a witch”.

“I just want Kelvin back, Ada”she sobbed again.

“Then apologize….apologize to Special and him,I am also afraid cus I don’t think he will accept you back”.

“Apology?,I won’t do that to that witch of a girl,I rather give up kelvin”.

“Alright then in that case settle, stop crying your throat out and own your choice with your full chest,biko don’t die because  of kelvin,let me get you a chilled drink”.

Ada got up and walked towards the dining.


“You want me to sack your fiance?”the C.E.O and relative to Cynthia whom he introduced to kelvin asked in astonishment.

“That’s right”.

Cynthia said with finality.

“I don’t know Cynthia, he is one of the best, if not the best, the little time we had him here ,our work has been smooth and progressive”.

Cynthia went on her knees

“Please Eden ,I was the one that get him for you,I will bring someone else,he hurt your cousin sister Eden,he damaged me emotionally, please how will you feel to see his face everyday in this company ,the face of the person who treated me like I was nothing even though I did everything for him”.

She cried loudly.

Eden was confused and left speechless, one thing he is sure of, Cynthia loves kelvin soo much,and when she get hurt by one she loves she goes extra miles to get revenge in him or her,but he thought kelvin is a good gentleman,how on earth did they broke up?

“What happened between the two of you?”Eden demanded.

“It’s a personal issue,he made his choice over me,even without considering the pain I went through losing his pregnancy”.

She got up and dried her wet face,Eden sighed and nodded.

“Alright I will do just that,if it will make you less miserable, get yourself together  but I will advise if you love him that much and it hurts,give it time and win over your rage,then you two can make up”.

“Eden I will confess I do love him but I can’t anymore”.

She sobbed, shaking her head.

“Alright,you know what is best for you”.

She picked her bag, thanked him and came out of his office,the same time Kelvin was heading there to summit his plan.

They walked past each other ,but both  didn’t care to stop or say hi,or anything else.

Cynthia got out of the company and looked back,trying to control her emotions.

“Goodbye kelvin,enjoy your daughter”.

She stepped into her car and engaged the gear.

Meanwhile Kelvin entered the office thinking of Cynthia, he didn’t even notice the presence of Eden,until his boss cleared his throat.

“Oh sorry Good day sir”.

He said and handed over the work plans.

“I told you to summit this yesterday”.

“Yes sir”kelvin answered nervously he could sense something was wrong by the tone in the boss’s voice.


He looked up at Kelvin, brows arched,his face hardened in a way that it made him ugly.

“Sir, my daughter was sick and..”

“The one in the boarding school?”

He snapped, interrupting.

“Yes sir..”.

“So what does it have to do with my company?”

“So, she is 9+years old”.

“Can’t the school authorities handle a sick child or are you just obsessed with the girl that you put her first before your job?”his boss thundered.

Kelvin could tell where this is going,his boss is looking for a slight chance to get rid of him, maybe that was Cynthia’s mission to the company today.

Kelvin stared at the boss like a handicapped baby,he knew the suffering he would return to if he dared tell him his daughter is way more important than anything else.

He didn’t know when hot tears clouded in his eyes.

“Are you suddenly dumb!!,I ask you again ,why didn’t you summit the plans yesterday’s as you were instructed but today do you think this is a child’s play, you disobey the authorities to suit you”.

“Sir, the school  called me to come get  my daughter, that was why…..”

Eden interrupted

“Take your work plan Mr kelvin, I am sorry I will need a replacement for you,someone who don’t have difficulty in putting his job first ,maybe a man who isn’t a single father that got a wife to do the family uns,tbis is a serious work Kelbin,since you can’t devote everytime to it,then,have a nice day”.

Kelvin smiled,shamefully drying his eyesthen he slowly walked to the desk and took the files.

He returned to Eden and muttered.

“Thanks boss”.

He walked out of the company,he knew things wouldn’t be the same,he is certain can’t easily get this type of job even in years to come,and also  not when his daughter already got used to this type of lifestyle.

He had to first sell his car and make sure she is well fed while job hunting again.


After a week, I was discharged from the hospital,the bill was huge,I heard my daddy scream it out after they told him,while I was pretending to be asleep,but I am glad daddy had a job,it will make up for it when he gets paid.

Surprisingly when we got home,I noticed some of our furniture was missing.

“Daddy,where is our chair,the one with a royal purple cover?”

“Rest first Special, you need it”.

He pecked my forehead and smiled

“Where is mommy?”I asked.

“She don’t deserve that name from you Special she hate you”.

“But she love you daddy”

Special said and she meant it.

“I can manage,”I sneered.

“You cam what look am okay without a companion, I have you and….”

“Daddy please bring her back,I don’t want her to leave,if my own mom never wanted me ,I knew how hard it was for her to accept me”.

His anger intensified.

“Special I will get my cane,sleep now I will make something for you to eat”.

Daddy ordered, he pulled his shirt off and went to the kitchen.

I could tell from the tone in his voice when he said those last words that he was sad,I got up slowly,then walked quietly to the dining room which leads to the kitchen.

I heard him crying ,I peeped and found him sitting on the floor leaning against the wall,his bare chest wet with sweat and tears.

“How will I get out of this mess,what will I do,where will I go,I can’t let my daughter go through the hell of living and feeding her with leftovers again. The money I saved these few months of working wouldn’t be enough for a good school, and she is in basic six the high school entrance is around the corner ,I can’t let her repeat class,why did I have to drag this sweet child into this miserable life by asking Sarah to keep the baby, she is better off not born that having a miserable father like me”.

I covered my mouth,if I cry out he will flog me.I tried not tiptoe back to my room but unfortunately, my hand hit a cup on the dining table,it shattered on the floor


I ran back to my room and locked the door crying on top of my voice.



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1 year ago

Why do all stories paint step mom’s evil, like I don’t grab?