EVIL UNCLE – Sire Prince Jhay

EVIL UNCLE - Sire Prince Jhay

EVIL UNCLE – Sire Prince Jhay

Someone called me by my full name from behind, when I turned back to check. I realized It was a måd wõman.

“Whaaaat!!!” I closed my eyes, rubbed it roughly with my fingers, I opened it more widely again. It never changed. It was still the måd woman standing beckoning to me to come over

Even most of my friends don’t know my full name, But how come this strange lünåtìc woman does

For almost two minutes, my mouth agape in surprise, I couldn’t alter a single word, it was as if my voice was arrèstēd by the lungs

She called me again and started chanting my family’s eulogy with a solemn expression and voice. That was when I knew something was wrong (maybe right) somewhere.

I moved closer to her, “Who are you and how do you know my name” I could finally recover my voice

“Michael, the son of Gbadamosi, everyone knows you as Prince. Here and even on social media.. you are living with your uncle presently, he’s name is uncle joe. I know you are surprised I know everything about you, but that’s not the issue now. The thing is, I want to help you out of bøndåge. Go back to your uncle and ask him why he detest White colour. Why he never put on white cloth, ask him why he doesn’t have any single white object in his house, ask him what was the relationship between himself and anything that has to do with white. Bye” she said and continue her lūnātic dísplāy..

Immediately I realized God had just sent this woman to me… Oohhhh, no wonder I didn’t see anything related to white in uncle Joe’s house and he always tell me I shouldn’t buy anything to the house except he instructed me to including my personal belongings

You can’t believe we had never cooked yam and white rice in the house before. he only buy cooked one from outside for both of us to eat.

Later that night, uncle joe arrived home by 9pm as usual. He came with fried rice and soft drinks this time. I greeted him and I looked at him from head to his toe. Nothing like white except his eye-balls

I started wondering what could be the reason. “Money ritual? No. It can’t be” I thought. My uncle is a medical doctor and i have been to his hospital times without number.

The nurses and other doctors in the hospital wear white but I don’t know why my uncle’s own is different. And I think it’s time to know

Both of us were already in the dinning room eating. “Uncle Joe, what’s your favorite color?’ I asked

“I don’t have a favorite color, na woman dey get favorite color” he replied smilling “but why are you asking” he bacame serious this time

“But uncle joe, there’s this new color that scientist just discovered, I’m sure you’ve never seen it in your life” I retorted

“Really?, it’s a lie, no other new color to discover again, we have them all already,

“I’m serious uncle joe, let me come and show you something” I went inside my room to bring out the Egg I put in my bag

You can’t believe what later happened


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