“Senior there is ojuju(monster) in the mirror come and see”. He said while dragging my hand to the location of the mirror………….


When we got there we found no one in the mirror…..but my little bro swore that he saw something looking at him in the mirror when he was checking his face.

We both laughed and tried our best to convince him until he finally gave into our lies. I gave him my phone and asked him to go to his room with it, while me and my cousin sat down there to discuss.

I was facing the mirror while my cousin was backing the mirror. We were gisting when I noticed movement in the mirror. I made no sound but observed with my left eye (one eye ) . While we were still talking I then saw the monster looking at us and laughing, in fear and shock I shouted “Jesus”.

“Watin Na?” my cousin asked, as he stood up in fear to confirm why I shouted.

I requested he came over to my room for a brief discussion. when we entered my room I told him exactly what I saw and made me shout in shock.

My cousin became restless and said;

“we have to end this thing tonight meeen …… Like I need my peace back”

Immediately an idea came into my head and I told him what I think we should do.

So quickly we started since time was not on our side. The first plan was to get a lodge where we would spend the night. Since I didn’t have enough funds but my cousin did I gave him the assignment.

Then I went on with the second plan, which was to lie to my uncle that we wanted to pay a surprise visit to his sister and we would love to also spend the night there. My uncle at first didn’t want to accept but Helen his fiance was the one who convinced him.

Now the second plan was to leave to the lodge but before we leave Helen requested we eat first, we were so surprise because it was the first time she was being nice to any of us.

After we were served our food and we were about eating I noticed that there was a note under my plate, on top of the tray . I secretly took the note and placed it in my pocket with out the notice of my cousin.

When we were done eating we left, leaving everyone with the knowledge that we will be at our auntie’s place. My cousin took a spare key to the house and we bounced.

When we got to the lodge and preparing for the next plan, I recalled the note and brought it out to show my cousin so we can both read it together.

On the note was written “Help Me I don’t have much time left “

When we read the note …. questions began coming into our heads but the answer wasn’t with us because we don’t have a clue.

By 10 pm, which was the actual time for the next section of the plan. I and my cousin made our move towards our house to go steal the mirror immediately she transformed.

When we got through to the door leading inside the parlour, we saw Helen siting all by herself in the parlour crying. My cousin at first was moved and wanted to go confront her but I held him quietly.

Soon she began acting like a possess person and made some talks which was a bit audible

“Please please please don’t kill me or my family I’ll do it….. I’ll take their lives I just need time please ” she kept on saying until she burst open into the shadow monster and started her missions.

We silently went inside, steal the mirror and made our way back to the hotel with out the knowledge of the shadow monster.

When we got to the hotel I hanged the mirror by the bed and went to the bathroom, took a shower and laid down to sleep.

By 4pm I began hearing my name and woke up then I turned towards the direction of the mirror and boom was Helen!! She was calling out to me from the mirror!!!. I freaked out and called my cousin and he woke up.

We began asking her a lot of questions but she calmed is down.

“Did you see the note?”she asked when we calmed down.

“Hmm hmm” we nodded in agreement but didn’t let out words as we were still interested in her finishing her explanation.

” Alright see there is this woman who I used to work for…. she captured me when I came to give her some documents in her house…… that was seven years ago. Ever since then she has been using me to accomplish her evil plans. She made me kill his Mom ( my cousins Mom) and now she is asking me to wipe all the entire family except your uncle….I think she is in love with your uncle and is doing everything to get him.”

“Wait oo…. so if Ur the shadow monster what is it we are talking to?”I asked almost immediately.

“That shadow like monster is my reflection but my flesh is inside this mirror. Am only allowed to come out by 5am in the morning. I only have five days if not I’ll be stock in this mirror forever.”

“Alright why do you go from room to room and why don’t you enter Johnson’s room (my cousin)?” I asked again.

“Ooh I go out every night because I don’t have control over myself when she possesses me. She sends me into the rooms to kill y’all but I fight her in my head that’s why you people are still alive and I don’t use to enter your cousin’s room because he is always awake and I don’t want him to see me ?.”

“Alright so who is this woman behind this acts ?”my cousin asked.

“It’s almost 5am you people have to return the mirror back to its position if not she’ll know and I’ll be stocked!!!”



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