It was 10pm today when I noticed that some shadow like figure was watching over my kid brother every night.

My parents died two weeks before I figured out this incident. Ever since my parents died in there sleep, me and my two siblings were left to leave with my cousin.

That night my younger brother was using my phone to watch cartoon in His room when he slept off. So I needed my phone to chat with my girlfriend.

When I opened the door, I noticed some one like a shadow walking into the toilet. I quickly turned on the lights and walked towards the direction but didn’t find any one.

After a few search, I gave up, picked up my phone and left the room. When I turned off the lights I saw it beside the bed watching over my kid brother.

I was terrified but summoned courage and turned to attack the figure when I felt a tap behind my back.

“Richard what is it…..why are sneaking on your brother?” My cousin said to me as I turned with shock.

When my cousin left I turned and found no one beside the bed anymore so I quickly rushed to the parlour to operate my phone.

I was a late night sleeper and I don’t normally sleep till 1am or 2am. It was 1:20am when I noticed same figure walking through the lobby and entering each room except that of my cousin ( my uncle only had one son ).

It was really terrifying but I didn’t know where I summoned courage from to attack the figure. So I silently went after it with a kitchen knife, but it kept on walking towards my room. When it got to my door and entered, I followed it but didn’t see it anymore I guess it’s because I left my lights on and shadows can’t be seen in lights.

In my mind I was panicking wondering if the house was hunted, so many thoughts running through my head but a massage notification from Helen ‘my girlfriend’ got me back to heels and I stayed in my room to continue our chat.

Me and Helen was done chatting and I wanted to sleep, so I went to the kitchen to fetch drinking water. While I was coming down from the stairs, I realised that the same shadow like figure was staring at a mirror in the parlour.

Normally from the view of reality, it was just a shadow standing before the mirror but in the mirror I could see the face of a beautiful lady.

I was busy staring and forgot I was holding a cup , so I loosed grip of the cup and it fell down. Immediately the shadow lady dived into the mirror and disappeared.

I picked up the cup and walked away to get my water and straight off to bed.

In the afternoon just before we were about to eat lunch, my uncle brought a lady inside the house and introduced her as his fiance and to my greatest surprise she looked exactly like the reflection of the shadow like figure I saw last night.

While on the dinning table she was looking at me weirdly, even My cousin was suspecting the way and manner she was staring at me and the way I was reciprocating the stare .

After eating while I was in my room, my cousin came in to ask me if I’ve ever met his father’s fiance?. I told him yes and explained what happened last night to him but he laughed, thinking I was just making up stories.

That evening while I was going down stairs to get water for myself during the night. While I was coming out of the dispenser corner I saw the lady staring at the mirror thesame way l the shadow was staring at the mirror and in exact same position and posture as the shadowy figure I saw last night was.

I checked my time and it was past 10pm. By then my uncle has already fallen asleep and my cousin was already in his room. My brother’s where fast asleep, so I guess she thought everyone was asleep and wanted to perform her evil plots.

I was at the balcony where the water dispenser was kept watching her display her wick*dness. To my very eyes I saw her transform into the shadow figure. A bright light shine from the mirror and suddenly the womans flesh peeled off into rays of light, leaving only the shadow like figure.

The figure began making her moves again visiting every room except the room of my cousin. She wanted to enter my room but on getting to the door she paused and did a U turn.

She then walked back to the mirror standing in the same previous position and again the bright light shine upon her and she transformed into the beautiful young lady again.

After her transformation she then walked back to my uncle’s room to have a night rest but by now it was past 2am…..and am in awe of the reasons she watches over everyone in the house at night except for my cousin.

The next day while I was still contemplating on why she always gets to transform in one specific mirror among all the mirrors in the house, even though there was a bigger one in my uncle’s room. I was still in thoughts when our maid called me for breakfast.

While we were eating……I noticed that my cousin was now staring at his dad’s fiance in a weird manner, just like how I stared at her yesterday, when we first met.

The were still making eye contact when I raised the question;

“Uncle, I really love that mirror over there. How much did you buy it? ” I noticed she was looking at me drastically but faked a smile when my cousin caught sight of her emotions.

“Ooh that, I didn’t buy it, it was given to me by ‘Helen my beloved’ as a sign of love ” my uncle replied and held the hands of his fiance as PDA (public display of affection).

She faked a smile once again…..but from the look of things, I noticed there was a war going on between me, my cousin and Helen my uncles fiance.


To be continued in the next post

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