Entitlement by Nkechi Bianze
My mum has a nephew. His mum is a petty trader who gave birth to SEVEN children; 4 sons and 3 daughters.
My mum has 4 children.
My rich uncle has three children.
My other rich aunty has three children.
It was my mum and my uncle with three and four children that trained ALL these my illiterate petty trader aunt’s seven children in secondary schools and University.
But this my mum’s nephew is still very angry at my mum. Do you know why?
He said my mum trained her own children in Universities in the UK and sent him to a University in Nigeria. He goes around telling every family member that my mum is wicked for sending female children abroad and not sending him… a man who can hustle. But my mum and Dad were the ones who foot 70% of the bills for the secondary schools and Universities of the seven children another man and woman chose to have.
But these entitled idiots are still not happy with her because my mum and her husband sent their children abroad and sent them to Nigerian Universities.
That, ladies and gentlemen is the typical example of how some Nigerians can be so entitled and ungrateful.
My parents didn’t stop at training them. They tried and are still trying to fix them up in jobs.
The truth is that I don’t blame them sha. My parents are saints. Personally, I will NOT be as nice as my parents. I will NOT train another person’s seven children in school. Except the person died and I adopted the child.

A friend also told me about two sisters. One has two children and the other has five. The one with two children is very much richer. She helps her sister with her children’s school fees.
But the poorer sister with five children is not happy with her sister because she thinks her sister took her children to expensive secondary schools and left her own children in average secondary school.
Her sister and family travels to US/UK every summer. She thinks that her sister is supposed to use the money she spends on going on holidays with her family to upgrade her own 5 children’s school so that her own children can attend same school with her sister’s children… and her sister is supposed to pay the all the tuition fees for the seven children.

In Nigeria, there are many stories like these.
How can we rid ourselves of this entitlement that seems ingrained in our genes?