[Download Mp3] End Time Dominion System – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

End Time Dominion System – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

End Time Dominion System – Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia 2023)

The culmination of this journey (the passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ, called faith), is to know Jesus, be like Him and to manifest the glory of God.
God is on a journey with every believer, and no matter how long the journey seems, the end always leads to glory.

If you do not know what this journey is all about, you’ll become very weary along the way. The knowledge of God gives you the power to stay and continue on the journey of faith.
The glory of God is the holistic capture of everything that makes God who He is and can be revealed to the saints.

There is a measure of God’s glory assigned to every believer, that they should reveal in their lifetime.
As a believer, every time you pray, fast, give, serve diligently in the house of God, or pray while others sleep, you are sowing a seed and will reap the reward in due time.
Every activity we do, as far as being in the house of God is concerned, is likened to sowing. The soil is either the spirit or the flesh. You can sow to either of the two.

Believers who sow to the flesh are programming seasons of limitations. Sowing seeds in the spirit is like a farmer; every farmer endures to the end. Different plants yield after varying durations. Your role is to be patient.

Areas of Emphasis for The End-time Saints:

1. Dominion over unclean spirits – Most believers are yet to walk in this experience.
2. Dominion over sickness and disease – The proportion of people who get healed compared to those who are being oppressed is very small. The Spirit of God wants to close that gap.
3. Dominion over resources – To survive the end times, given all the onslaught that Satan is bringing upon the nations, it is important to understand this from The Scriptures.

Title: End Time Dominion System
– Apostle Joshua Selman
Size: 42MB

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