EMBERS OF YESTERDAY 1 – Chidinma Chijioke


(Power of mending hearts)
CHAPTER 1/3 – Chidinma Chijioke

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Ma’am.” The vibrant voice of a young lad broke through my reverie.

“Thank you,” I mutter half-minded, my furrowed brows observing the lass as he struggled to pull an object from the green bag hung across his neck.

“Here, have this. It’s a rose,” he beamed, revealing a gap from lost baby teeth.

“Aww. Thank yo…” My words are cut short when he disappears into the crowd, leaving me alone with a small token of unexpected warmth.

I sigh, gazing at rain-soaked streets. It’s 3 pm on February 14th.

The restaurant buzzed with people draped in white or red. Laughter and celebration filling the air.

Melancholy settles over me as the aroma of my TV dinner wafts through the restaurant. The waiter drops it at the corner table where I sat.

“Ladies and gentlemen, happy Valentine’s Day! As we embark on this season of love, let’s not forget the power of mending hearts. Today, we’ll be organizing fun activities to celebrate this journey of togetherness,” A presenter announced, his gaze taking in the excited emotions of the crowd. Seemingly satisfied, he continued, “And…”

The first game for the night was introduced. I watched as everyone around me seemed to be radiating happiness. Everyone but me.

This game, a source of joy for many, reminded me of the person I least wanted to encounter; my ex-husband, Collins. We had our very first date in this restaurant, but our story didn’t unfold as planned. While I’m not hurt by the past, but the fact that he took custody of our child and filed for divorce to please his parents still stings.

It’s been five years since our separation, and although our paths cross occasionally, I’m yet to forgive him for keeping my son away from me.

Lost in musings, I glanced up at a surreal sight. Collins, my ex-husband, seated at a nearby table. Our gaze locked, and my heart ached.

He looked away when a boy ran into his arms. It was the lad from earlier. Could he be my son?

Perhaps he left my son somewhere to enjoy time with the child he shares with his wife.

Having had enough of the tormenting affectionate scene between the father and son, I get up and make my way for the exit, but the applause of the people in the restaurant made me halt, unmoving.

“This way, please.” The presenter motioned. I followed, sliding my palms into his.

Collins walked up afterwards. For a moment, I wished that this was all a surprise. That he’d come up to apologize and explain that he was at fault. I wish he’d let me know where my child is. Too bad, he walks past to stand behind me.

I’m itching to turn and see the lady beside him, but it would make me look vulnerable.

After making necessary arrangements, the Presenter trailed off “Now, let’s begin. The rules of the game…”

The rules was that each couple would be separated, and asked questions independently. Any couples that looses would be eliminated. The winning couples move to the next level.

A lady moved to the center, a tray filled with papers in her hand.

“We’d start with these couples.” The announcer faced Collins and me. We were asked to step away from each other, mirroring everyone else.

I was surprised to be paired with Collins till I realized that the presenter had asked for two people who hoped to partake in the game to join. I had stood up at the moment and Collins followed behind. I didn’t plan for this, but let’s see as it plays out.

Questions were fired at us, from guessing our partner’s favorite movie to preferences over one another. It continued this way until the end of the game. Collins and I, despite the emotional turmoil, emerged as the victors.

We were asked to step down after receiving our prices. In order not to be caught in a complicating situation, I made for the exit but the words from Collins made me halt.

“Don’t go, Kate. Please, don’t go. Wouldn’t you like to meet our son?”

I hesitated, locking eyes with Collins, and finally, my whispered reply hung in the air, “Tell me where he is.”

To be continued…

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