Dora And The Water god! Episode 32 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 32.

… “Wow, that was so swift!” I exclaimed looking around.

I walked past the trees tied with palm fronds and just as I was about entering the village, two villagers that were approaching, also going about their activities saw me and took to their heels. I paused, turned and looked around to see if they were after something or something was after them but I found nothing, I then proceeded home.

I walked past this building with people sitting in front of it, seriously gisting and laughing at the top of their voices but as soon as they saw me too they all abandoned what they were doing, ran into their rooms and then shut their doors. I paused and looked around again…

“What’s going on?” I asked myself, and I then walked home slowly, asking myself why the people who saw me did what they did.

I was almost home but I decided to see the King first to be sure that all was well. Arriving at the palace, guards started running helter skelter setting eyes on me, and I stood confused with mouth agape.

“I hope I am still alive?” I asked myself, screening myself from my chest down.
“If I am still alive then why is everyone running away?” I asked myself, and then the King walked out from his chamber.

“Dora, I have been expecting you” He said from afar with a smile.

I walked up to him and I knelt before him with the baby still in my arms.

“May you live long” I said on my knees with head also bowed.

“Come on, get up. You shouldn’t kneel before me whenever you’re carrying the baby please, for I am a nobody before him” He said, and I stood up and sat on one of the wooden chairs before his throne.

As soon as I sat, I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it again.

“Is there something you would like to talk about?” He asked with a smile.

“Uhm…Yes your highness. I noticed something while walking into the village” I said , adjusting myself on the wooden chair.

“I don’t know why whoever set eyes on me keep taking to their heels” I said.

“Oh, that? ” He asked with a grin.

“One of the guards who escorted you to the other village came running into the village screaming at the top of his voice, telling everyone who cared to listen that the baby you are carrying is an old man, and not a baby”

As soon as I heard that, my jaw dropped in awe.

“No wonder people kept running away from me. So, what do I do now?” I asked.

“Nothing, I will call a meeting and address everyone, also telling them that this child isn’t just an ordinary child, but a water god. And instead of running away from you both, they should rather respect you and anyone who fails to do so will have themselves to blame” He said rubbing the arm of his throne.

At first, I was dumbfounded that I was unable to say anything for a few seconds.

“Your highness, I don’t really know why you’re doing this. What exactly have I done to deserve this kind of kindness from you?” I said already dropping a tear.

He smiled, and then adjusted himself.

“You see, Dora, I’m also doing this cos I’ve somehow been in your shoes before ” He said still rubbing the arm of his throne.

“I don’t understand ” I said with a giggle.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

“You really want to know?” He quizzed.

“Yes… yes!” I said nodding sporadically.

“I’ll tell you. You see, I’m not human like you” He said.

“I still don’t understand” I said with another giggle.

He exhaled and then continued.

“I don’t know if you have been told or heard the story of a river boy who fell in love with a human before. Who after having a child together, the river boy’s mother who was also a river goddess made the human come into the water to stay but it was too difficult for her to cope in the new world, and the goddess was not ready to help. Then one day, the river boy was sent on an errand by his mother and before he returned, his mother had chased out the love of his life out of the water after the baby was f0rcefully taken from her?”

“What?! Please, tell me I am dreaming ” I let out all of a sudden fanning myself with one of my hands.

“Have you heard something of such before?” He asked again staring at me.

“You are Neni’s father?!” I screamed and he nodded.

“Yes, I am ” He said bowing his head.

“Unbelievable! To think that I got to hear the whole story today. The baby transformed into an old man while on our way back into the village and narrated everything to me. I am so sorry about it all. But, your daughter is all grown now, why don’t you go back and claim what’s yours? Bring her here and then take care of her?” I probed.

“The old man you saw is the most powerful water god in all the kingdoms. And… It’s not as easy as you think Dora. She was raised by my mother and as such, my mother’s bl00d also runs in her veins. If I had made that attempt my mother would have long destr0yed this village that I’ve built for years now. After I left the river, I went in search of my love and luckily I found her, brought her here and we settled here. Other people also started coming to join us and I must tell you that this place is the most peaceful village in all the kingdoms, why because, you see that palm fronds by the entrance, I put it there specifically because of my mother and also because of anyone who has b@d intentions and wants to come here to settle. Such people can never set foot in here” He said.

“Wow, impressive! So when are you planning to go reclaim your daughter? or it’s not time yet?” I asked.

“I have been planning for it for a long time now, but that time is finally here. In 7 days time” He said raising his head…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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