Dora And The Water god! Episode 29 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 29

… As soon as my stepmother mentioned that, everyone screamed in disbelief.

“It’s a lie!” I exclaimed all of a sudden, and then she turned facing me.

“Dora I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done to you, please forgive me ” She said as tears flowed down her face freely.

“Mama, I forgave you a very long time ago, I have nothing against you” I said.

Her daughter was now so embarrassed that she knelt there in the crowd, crying and covering her face.

“This is my pronouncement!” Said the King after calling for everyone’s attention.
“For all the ev!l you hav committed here in this village, and for making your own step daughter go through all she went through without any form of remorse from you, and for falsely accusing her of a cr!me she knew nothing about, you shall be dragged to the market square and under the watch of everyone, you shall be behe@ded” The King pronounced and everybody screamed again but I wasn’t ok with such pronouncement. She’s still my stepmother even though she tre@ted me b@dly, and I would never for once wish for this kind of de@th for her.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

I fell on my knees and started pleading for mercy before the King, already in tears, telling the King that I didn’t want her bl00d on my hands cos if she was eventually behe@ded, no one would talk about it without making reference to me but the King remained adamant.

When the King wouldn’t listen to me and my stepmother was already being prepared for the place of her final rest, I went to the the baby and I knelt before him, begging him to please help talk to the King which he did after much plea, and my stepmother was let go but, ban!shed. My stepmother, stepsister and I all cried our eyes out but I later stopped after realizing that she was still going to be alive anyways wherever she went, so there was no need crying. None of them even bothered to say a “thank you” but I didn’t let that bother me at all, I just had to let them be.

They were both going to be escorted out of the palace with ashes poured on their b0dies from head down.

“Since the mother is leaving, the daughter too must leave” The women kept on chanting and I watched as my stepmother and her daughter were being hum!l!atef out of the palace and I wept b!tterly.

Like an hour later, it was time for us to leave the village. The King thanked us for honoring his invitation and gave us numerous gifts amongst which were gold and silver, and also gave us maids and guards who helped us carry the loads and they even left for our village with the loads already while we were still there.

After we left, we were on our way back to the village when Neni and her grandmother appeared before us all of a sudden. I froze, and was so sc@red but I summoned some courage the moment I realized that I was actually with a powerful child.

“Finally, we meet again” Said Neni’s grandmother, approaching slowly while Neni followed from behind.

“So, that little brat has finally been birthed” Said Neni with a smile but I kept my cool without a word.

They marched forward now standing before me, and Neni looked into my eyes with a dev!l!sh smile.

“How dare you? How dare you Dora? First you dated Neon, and now you have a new baby, for a water god! You a mere mortal dared to go close to my man? What insolence!” Neni r@ged and all of a sudden she looked down and saw the baby I had wrapped in a white showel and she screamed. Her grandmother too as soon as she heard her scre@m, looked at the baby and immediately she fell on her knees.

Do you know the mysterious thing that happened on that particular day? I’ll tell you.

Suddenly, the baby rose from the showel and right before our very eyes, he changed form into an old man in his 80’s, with grey hair and grey beards, even the hair on his skin too was grey. My maid and guards took to their heels screaming at the top of their voices, I had never seen a thing of such in my whole life. I started to shiver that I almost peed on myself but somehow, I decided not to run like the rest, I just stood there watching whatever was going on with mouth agape.

“Is this how you have become?” The old man roared walking round Neni and her grandmother who were still on their knees.
“Oppressing humans just because you possess some powers that they don’t? I am so @shamed of you and henceforth, I will make sure you cease to be a river goddess, and also make sure that a very young lady takes over from you in order to teach you a lesson” He added.
“And as for you Neni, henceforth, you cease to have any form of relationship with Neon, my son. You will no longer be seen close to him and both you and your grandmother will never be able to come out of the water ever again. “

After hearing all he just said, my eyes popped immediately when I realized that he was Neon’s father…

To be continued!

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer!

Written by Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.
And Elleywrites Stories Page

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