Dora And The Water god! Episode 28 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 28

On the third day, I woke up very early to prepare us for the journey ahead, and also made sure I visited the palace with the baby in company of one of my maid’s and all my guards. The King gave us his blessings and we proceeded out of the village.

When we got to the exit where palm fronds were tied to two trees, the baby made us pause, asked me to cut a few palm fronds from the ones tied to the trees and also made me wrap it around my head, and we all proceeded to my village.

As soon as we got into the village, the villagers who saw me first couldn’t believe their eyes. They stood stunned without a word, watching the hefty guards match after me. They couldn’t tell if I was in d@nger or not cos I’m sure they must have heard the news that Dora had a talking baby.

I waved at some while some waved back, but others couldn’t raise their hands to do so cos they were too busy watching the parade, unable to tell the kind of person I had now become.

Arriving the palace, the King had been told that I now had a talking baby. He stood up as soon as he saw us approaching from afar, he couldn’t even wait for us to come close before asking some few questions at the top of his voice.

“How come? How did you come across a talking baby? That is an abomination” He said but I ignored him, went close to him and I knelt before him after giving the maid the baby.

Some people were already gathered, including the chief priest and my almighty stepmother and her eldest daughter.

The King didn’t even bother to respond to my greeting.

“How did you come across a talking baby?” He asked again.

“Your Highness, I have been saying it to everyone’s hearing that this girl is p0ssessed. Can an ordinary human birth a new baby that talks?” My stepmother said from where she sat and I turned looking at her, and I smiled shaking my head.

All of a sudden, the baby called the Chief priest’s name. The people there screamed with mouth agape and the chief priest turned swiftly, now facing the baby.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

The chief priest moved closer to the baby, peeped at him and then bowed his head all of a sudden.

“I don’t understand. What is the meaning of this? Why are you bowing for a baby?” Asked the King fur!ously.

“Your majesty, please come take a look” Said the chief priest.

The King marched forward majestically, looked at the maid who was carrying the baby, and then looked at the baby and all of a sudden, he removed his crown and he fell on his knees. This act made people scream in chorus, and to pay respect to their king they too fell on their knees, except my stepmother who stood there so dumbfounded.

“I didn’t recognize you until I saw you, please forgive me” pleaded the King.

“Rise. Said the baby, and the King rose. The King took the baby from the maid and immediately, he ordered his guards to k!ll the fattest of livestock and again, everyone made merry with enough to eat and even leftovers that people were too filled to touch but my stepmother and her daughter refused to eat, they were sitting alone for hours.

People were still around a few hours later. My stepmother got up from where she stood, came before the King, went on her knees and again reminded the King the reason why every was present, and not to jubilate or make merry.

The King couldn’t even wait for her to stop talking before he shunned her asking her to leave the palace but the baby refused to let her go just like that.

“Don’t you think that it is time to confess all your evil deeds yet?” Asked the baby and my stepmother stood up swiftly, and started shaking visibly.

“I haven’t done anything o! I haven’t done anything!!” She said repeatedly, spreading both palms so wide.

“Care to tell everyone here the reason your son d!ed? Or do you want me to tell them for you?”

Hearing that, everyone was stunned. People started turning and looking at each other, talking in whispers into each other’s ears. All of a sudden, my stepmother hurried to her daughter, grabbed her by the hand and they sprinted out of the palace together but the Chief priest asked the guards to run after them and bring them back and King’s guards ran after them and they were both bundled back into the palace.

“Your Highness, I know nothing about my step brothers de@th, let the earth bear me witness” I said with both hands in the air.

“I understand better now.” Said the King. He then turned and looked at my stepmother who was already on her knees looking so sc@red, panting and shivering.
“Woman, I command you to speak up this minute. What do you know about the de@th of your son?”. The King added and as soon as my stepmother heard that, she busted into tears.

“Your majesty, please I am so sorry, I k!lled my son” She said te@rfully and everyone screamed.

“May we know why you k!lled him?” Asked the chief priest.

“He refused to listen to me. When Dora woke up from the de@d that period she d!ed, I left home with my children to my own village. So I went to a native doctor there and took a charm from in a bid to totally silence Dora cos she was becoming a thorn in my flesh, and I needed the necklace so b@d. But I don’t know what suddenly came over my son. He threatened to inform Dora and the King about it, so I po!soned him and then went back to the chief priest for another charm so that people, even the chief priest will not find out that I was the one behind his de@th”…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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