Don’t Waste Your Virginity by Bisola Longe

Don't Waste Your Virginity

Don’t Waste Your Virginity

A lady that has been deflowered or a guy who has involved in  pre  – marital sex but gave his/her life to Christ after that is a virgin of Christ. Unless he/she is not genuinely born again. His/Her past has been washed away by the blood of Jesus. He/She is a bride of Christ like every other believer. He/She is made pure by the blood of Jesus.

A virgin girl/guy that is not born again, his/her virginity which is a kind of  self righteousness does not make him/her pure but forsaking her sins and given his/her life to Christ and be washed in the blood of Jesus.
Sins in our life makes us impure before God despite we keep our hymens intact. Sexual immortality is not the only sin we must watch for. Several virgins live in different kinds of sins apart from sexual sins.

They carry their physical untouched hymen upon their head as if that will take them to heaven, and they continued living in very terrible sins thereafter. Some can steal more than Judas Iscariot robbing their parents. Some can lie more than Ananias and Saphira who received instant judgement from the Holy Spirit when they lie to the servant of God.

Keeping your hymen is superb and rewarding but you may be surprised to hear that it is not enough to give you the kind of holiness require to see God.  Our life of entire  holy living and sincere service to  Christ is much more rewarding and will reward us of making heaven at the end.

I have shared this sometimes ago. While I was at high school, I decided to keep my virginity outside Christ, not because I do not want to sin, but because I didn’t want to be ashamed in front of whoever I married. You see, this is not holiness or righteous living. I had not even given my life wholly to Christ then.  Until I met Christ and realised this.

Let us not get confused but get things right. Don’t waste your virginity. Live an entire life of holiness. Let Christ shine through your life. Don’t let us look down on anyone that Christ has forgiven because they are not physical virgins again. Who will condemn whoever Christ has forgiven and not condemn.

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5 years ago

Comment:This very thoughtful touching and truthful