DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 17 – 18 By Amah’s Heart

DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 1 By Amah's Heart


Written By Amah’s Heart

Nike knew it was time to start executing her plans, she checked the content in her hand again and nodded to herself, Nike wrap it up into a paper and hide it within her cloth, she started talking to herself quietly

“I must become the next queen of this kingdom…whatever it will take me but I must be the next queen of this kingdom and Iyami has said that there are two obstacle to achieving my aim…Remi and the Oba himself and she is right, if the Oba remains in power for so long the prince can not rule, he has to die or step down for the prince to take over the kingship…if the Oba is off from the seat of power then I can focus on the prince…I thank the gods I have access now to the Oba eating room, since I’m a personal maiden to the Queen mother I can sneak into the Oba’s eating room and drop the content in his food and sneak back out before he comes in to eat…let me first of all observe movement and know how to go about my plan…power must change hand…I must become the next queen by fire or force but whatever that must happen for it to come to reality I will make sure it happens…I will tell Leja about my plans in taking the oba off the throne so that Omaoba can take up the seat of power and with time he will fall for me and marry me and I will become the next Queen…oh how interesting it will be if all my plans works out…first of all I have something else to do to that fool called Remi…Iyami will take care of Remi’s mother, Leja will have to make sure the prince gets drunk and I must watch movement around the Oba’s eating room and know how to start up….hahahaha…my enemies are in hot soup…they are in serious trouble…

The princess was walking around with Remi, she told Remi not to stress herself in doing most of her chores again because of her condition, and there were other maiden attending to the princess so that Remi can have much time to rest.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t convince my brother…I told you he can be difficult sometimes and I wish he will believe you and take you as his wife, you are worthy of the title and I will be so please to have you sit right next to my brother as his wife and the future Queen of this great kingdom, no one else deserve such title as you are…

“I’m not asking him to marry me all I wanted was for him to know that the pregnancy belong to him and not to Leja as he claims…but we tried and you also tried your best to convince him it did not end well, so let’s leave the rest for the gods…thank you for speaking up for me princess…

“yes, let us leave all for the gods…I silently pray that my brother will do the right thing…I and Tunde will be married if the gods pleases and I will give birth to both male and female… I will teach my children never to run away from a mistake or to deny a fault rather they have to be strong and take responsibility for their every action, I will instill this teaching on every male child given to us by the gods…they will have to be humble, respectful and never to sweep a wrong under the carpet…Remi, I can’t wait to get marry to Tunde…and start a family with him…aaah…Tunde will make a good husband and a great father…I can feel it…I love him…I have this funny feeling anytime he comes around…and I feel shy when he looks at me or hold my hands…sometimes I wish he will stay all day but he still have to go…I just wish he will hurry up with the traditions and marry me so that we can be together for ever…

“Yes he will…and is obvious that he loves you too…your marriage will happen after all preparation is done which will start next week…just a little patient my princess and your marriage with Tunde will happen soon and you can start a family with him…

“I’m happy to hear you say that…sorry if I’m acting stupid right now…I’m just love struck…after everything is done and marriage ceremony is over you will be free to go home except if the Queen mother decide to keep you, and I know very soon the Queen will find out that you are pregnant, don’t be scared my mother is very understanding and loving, she may not be please you got pregnant this way…just like every mother but she is very understanding… wherever you are make sure you visit me sometimes when I finally settle with Tunde…and I will also be coming around to visit too…the Oba and the queen will be so happy to have grand children…and I can’t wait to give them that…I wish my brother took responsibility of your pregnancy, you would have being the first to give them a grandchild it would have been so good…having you as a sister in-law will be great don’t you think…

“haa….that will be too much to ask from the gods…being a commoner doesn’t give me any chance to compete with the royal maiden of this land who your brother the Prince maybe interested in, but…I will take that as a compliment my princess, it doesn’t matter if I bear my child without a father…I will bring him or her up in the right way and just like you said earlier…I will teach my child never to sweep a wrong under a carpet but rather take responsibility for every action.

The prince walk round his chamber and Leja came in with drink and served him which he has already mixed with the grinded leaf that Nike gave him, he put just a little since is just to weaken the prince.

“I can see you are so tensed today my prince…take some drink so that you will feel good again…there is an adage that says alcohol makes you see better and forgets your sorrow…Omooba drink up so that you will feel at ease…

As the prince drank the third cup as Leja continued to fill his cup whenever it gets empty, he told Leja he doesn’t want to get drunk so he shouldn’t pour much drink for him again but Leja kept on filling in, he wanted to get the prince drunk so that he can sneak in Nike into his chamber and in that way the prince can lay with her, just like he did with Remi, and he has being waiting for the time or day when the prince will be troubled over something and he will convince him into drinking to stupor, him and Nike need to start executing their plan so that they will be able to achieve their aim, the prince pause from drinking as he looked at the filled cup that Leja just poured for him, the drink was stronger than his usual, it taste as if it was mixed with something, he was already getting tipsy as he blink severally but his senses were intact

“do you want to get me drunk Leja…the last time I got drunk i landed into a serious trouble…and Is same trouble that I’m trying to get away from…your woman…Remi bringing your pregnancy for me to claim it as mine, you told me the pregnancy was yours and she told me so clearly before that I never touched her, now suddenly she is claiming I laid with her, and I can’t even remember such happening, Leja you have serve in this place for so long and that was why the Oba made you a chief guard of the whole palace…just because you are trust worthy, you have never disappointed me, you saved me from getting drown in that river, it may feel like it was what you suppose to do for me but I believe you did it more because you care about my welfare and everyone else here, I believed you when you told me she was your lover and when you said that she was carrying your child, but she came here again and boldly said…that she was not afraid of the Oba or me…she even sent my sister to come and beg me to accept her…she said couple of other things…can you imagine the madness, so crazy…she is strong willed and I kind of feel she has a presence moving with her…I wonder why she was trying to blackmail me with a pregnancy that is totally yours so that I can settle with her…that is insane…don’t you think…and I thought she is a good maiden…I will certainly tell the Oba…she will have to come and repeat herself in the presence of the Oba…

Leja saw that the drink was gradually taking effect, he was waiting for him to drink up the last one in the cup so that he can pour another for him, he was happy that he added little of the grinded leaf that Nike gave him, it will weaken the prince and makes him sleep for a very long time. he thought within himself “ if Remi can not be mine she will never be yours too, I will not only poison your mind towards her I will also make you lay with Niki and that is where your down fall will start… for picking interest in the woman I first met, defiling her and getting her in with a child that was suppose to be mine…

“My prince, Remi is a liar and a cheat, don’t ever listen to anything she says, her sister Nike is better off than her, her sister is sincere and truthful, but Remi is after the wealth of the palace and after you, she is carrying my child and claiming that is yours…that is not good at all…knowing well that you did not even touch her…Remi is not to be trusted, she is not what she think she is…very dangerous maiden

The prince drank off the last shot and Leja poured in another one, Leja tried to poison his mind the more and he drank another cup before standing up, he told Leja that his head was pounding, that there was something else in the drink that weakens him at every cup he takes, Leja asked him to lie down and he did.
Leja waited for him to sleep off before going to Nike, he waited for darkness to come before sneaking Nike into the Prince chamber.

Iya Remi checked her food that she was cooking at the backyard that night, she stirred it properly before going back inside with her oil lamp
It was the opportunity that Iya Nike who has being waiting patiently for her to leave the pot of food and go away, she tip toed quietly towards the fire place with the wrapped content in her hand.
It was time, her mind was made up on this, and there was no going back. She needed to be fast before Iya Remi will return to the pot
Iya Nike was happy for the tick darkness that covers up the whole place and her cloth was also black, she will not be easily seen.

Dami, Remi’s brother was coming from another side of the back yard but Nike’s mother did not see him because his cloth was not bright.
he was quietly coming towards Iya Nike’s direction.


Dami noticed a movement in the dark and stopped to ascertain what he was really seeing and just then Iya Nike moved again and Dami started screaming, calling his mother that a ghost is in their backyard and moving towards their fire place.

Iya Nike was shock as she hard Dami’s scream, the content in her hand fell off and she quickly bend down to pick it, she stood at a spot as iya Remi ran out with speed immediately she hard her son’s scream.
With the help of the oil lamp in her hand she saw that it was Iya Nike, she was surprise, she wonder what iya Nike was doing in her backyard close to her fire place where she was cooking night food after a long day in the market
Is being a very long time since iya Nike crossed to her backyard, she has being keeping malice with her and do not even respond to her greetings ever since Remi beat her and Nike up after they set trap in their front door.

Iya Remi saw that she was in a black wrapper which made Dami to think she is a ghost, she wondered why she was in black, who could she be mourning

“Iya Nike…ooh is you… what happened… you got Dami scared…

“,Uhmmm my senior wife… don’t mind me jare…I was coming to… to ask you for Something…I know we have being having this continues misunderstanding for a very long time… and is not good and I’m really tired with the constant fighting and quarreling…I just wanted to say let’s stop all this fighting and start living as one family… you are my senior wife and despite our husband is late that is not enough reason to be fighting each other all the time..he won’t be happy in the grave…so I thought you will be cooking at the backyard as usual because I know you came back late from the market…so I decided to come and see you here, I wanted to sit and talk with you that was why I did not go through the front door, I did not even know that you are inside..I was just coming and Dami started screaming…

Iya Remi was shock to hear iya Nike say all that and even call her “senior wife” iya Nike has never called her that before, respect or talk in this manner ever since their husband died, she sounded so remorseful and convincing.
iya Remi was so happy that iya Nike has finally come to her senses
She silently thanked the gods because she was tired of the constant misunderstanding between them every time
Iya Remi offered her a seat and she sat down as they talk some more and even laugh, she offered her some of her food but iya Nike said that she just finish eating not too long before coming to meet her.
Iya Nike later left as iya Remi bid her good night,
As they entered inside Dami began to talk to his mother

“Maami…I saw her moving towards the pot of food that was on fire… she is probably up to something and I felt goose bombs all over when I saw her… she smells of terror… maami you have to be careful… me…I don’t feel comfortable with this her sudden friendship…that woman is always filled with trouble..
She can’t suddenly change… just like that…

“Gbe neu sun (keep quiet) what do you even know, don’t you know that people change, you are suppose to be happy that the gods has finally turned her around, iya Nike is very sincere and she was real and I am so happy… finally the gods has brought back peace and unity in our home…

Nike kept trying to get the prince to touch her but it wasn’t working out, she put off his clothes and left only his undies, she also off her own cloth and climb on top of the prince with her naked body, trying to do everything possible so that he will have an erection but the prince was in a deep sleep because of the mix drink that Leja gave him and he couldn’t move.
He mumbled something in his sleep and repeated it twice,
Nike stared at him and was seriously wishing she will belong to the prince, as he mumbled again she placed her ear to his mouth to hear what he was saying and was shock when the prince mentioned a name that sounds like “Remi” Nike got angry and slap the prince in his manhood making him to suddenly shake and he came awake.
The prince was awake and blink severally to be sure of what was happening

Nike was scared as the prince awaken, the prince wasn’t suppose to wake up so soon, it was too early, is either Leja did not mix the drink well or the prince did not take enough doze, she started regretting slapping his sensitive part, which might have hurt him and made him to wake up.
Nike began to think of what she was going to do, she was naked she jumped down from the bed but did not bother dressing up, she wanted the prince to see her naked maybe in that way he will be move to lay with her

The prince swore under his breath and sat up from the bed, he was confuse and wondered why Nike was not only naked in his chamber but him too was half dressed also, only in his undies, he swore again before checking himself, he took a wrapper to wrap up himself before standing up.

“Wha…what…in the gods name are you doing in my chamber… who are you…wait.. you are Remi’s sister…so why are you naked… whaaaat are you doing here and how do my cloths gets off from my body…I remember sleeping with my cloths on after the drinks Leja gave me…I remember so clearly sleeping in cloths how come… did you touch my…what is happening…why I’m I feeling this pain under… what is going on…will you cover up immediately because your nakedness disgust me…is irritating how you stand there comfortably without your cloths on…. how do you get into my chamber…why are you here… by this time of the night… start talking before I call the guards, they will have to come and explain how you got in here… answer me quick…

Nike saw that the game has changed, she stammered as she quickly thought of what to say, she grabbed her cloth and wore back as the prince wait for her to explain

“Omooba.. imabinu..moro Leja si won.. (i’m sorry my prince you asked Leja to send for me) when I came you laid with me, you made love to me my prince and you said you love me while you were on it …that is why I’m naked…

“Shut… shut up… who sent for you and did you say I… omooba laid with you…me…wait…do you say I laid with who…hahahaha…this is so interesting…go and fetch me Leja… immediately… all of you will have alot to explain…get out of my face, out of my chamber…now..

Nike ran out immediately the prince was pacing the room angrily and swearing under his breath, something was not right and he will have to know what exactly is going on.

Dami walked into his grandma’s kitchen with the fire wood, after setting up the fire he placed a pot of water for his grandmother’s evening bath before coming to join her outside where she was peeling melon

“I sent a message to your mother two days ago… you didn’t deliver it to her…I guess…

“I did…but maami said she is too busy… she said there is no time to see you but she will come once she is a little free…iya.. she have being so occupied with the fufu business…I must say and comes back late at night…

“Hmmm…I understand, I wish she could spare just a little time to come and spend with me… everything in life is not all about being busy and making money… she enjoy going to the market and talking with other women, your mother will rather send you or your elder sister down than to come here herself.. she was all that the gods used to clean my tears from my years of childlessness, she is my only child and the gods blessed me even more with you and your sister through her, you know sometimes all I want is to spend time with your mother but she has a mind of her own since when she was a little girl.. she looked hardened yet so soft, an easy prey for her enemies…I plead to the gods to keep her away from the trouble I see lurking around…

“Iya, do you know that Yesterday…I saw iya Nike in our backyard, I was coming from the outhouse and was so scared when I saw her snooping around our fire place, covered up in a black cloth… she was upto something…I screamed in shock not knowing she was the one and maami ran outside and iya Nike said she was only there for peace meeting, she told maami that she wanted them to drop their differences and embrace peace..maami believed her but I don’t…iya Nike talking about peace…is a lie… she is probably upto something iya…

“You maybe right…a fowl does not run in the night, is either pursuing something or something is pursuing it…but it does not run in vain….your mother needs to be careful if she really want to live long and escape all hidden traps… she have to be wise.. she is too soft… she should shield herself and you from future mishap…iya Nike is up to no good…omo mi..jowo… go and put fire in that pot of water so that I can warm the ifo eriro soup I made yesterday and put some for you to eat before you go…I still have enough fufu from the last one you brought…

Dami went into the kitchen and checked the water, after bringing it down he quickly placed the pot of soup on fire.
He love eating his grandma’s food, it always have a special taste.

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5 years ago

It’s getting more interesting…

5 years ago


4 years ago

Very interesting story, that really touched my heart