DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 11 – 13 By Amah’s Heart

DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 3 by Amah's Heart


Written By Amah’s Heart

Molero pe owalalafia (hope you are fine)

“I’m fine my prince…

“Kilo sele lale ana…(what happened last night?)

“Kosi omooba (nothing prince)

“Don’t be afraid Remi…tell me what happened…

“You were drunk last night… and…you… you vomited…and.. nothing again happened…

“Oh by the gods…Remi, you are stuttering stop it, what really happened…I knew I was drunk last night… I remember I asked you to take me to my chamber and you did, i got drunk because i… really wanted to express my feeling for you which i have been wanting to do for a very long time…I know I must have said all that and even what I don’t suppose to say or do as a royalty…but that’s not the point, my worries now is that I saw a blood stain on my trouser…I… have not being able to Leave this chamber since morning… I’m worried sick… thinking I might have done something stupid…Remi, mabinu bimo base o, molero pe kosi wahala, I’m sorry if I hurt you but I just hope there’s no problem…

“Kosi wahala omooba, mo wa lafia (no problem my prince, I’m fine)

“No, you are not, The blood…how come..oh by the gods, Remi, wahala wa topoju fun…did I…I mean did I..uhmmm… did I forcefully lay with you…did I make love to you… this is crazy…I don’t know why I can’t remember anything else after I came into the chamber…I felt like I did something wrong to you…my conscience is not at peace and when I saw the blood stain my worries doubled up…I can’t remember Remi, I can’t…is as if the gods wipe off my memory of last night but my conscience is troubled…help me, tell me everything…

Remi was quiet not knowing what to say, how do she tell the prince that he defiled her last night when he can not even remember doing that, he took her virginity without even knowing it and she did not fight hard enough to stop him, she lay there as if she was glued or being remoted it was after the deed was done she knew that she was in serious trouble, letting the prince know about last night may put him into trouble with the oba, because Leja May testify that the prince raped her when he was drunk, Leja is ready to do anything to hurt the prince if he finds out that the prince defiled her, it will be better to keep quiet and not bring more trouble to herself and maybe the prince…

“Remi, ejoo damilohun (Remi, please answer me)

“My prince, such did not happen… you were drunk and slept off immediately you came into your chamber, the blood is probably when I stumbled and fell down, your vomit slipped my feet off and I fell down and sustained a little wound on my thigh, so…so… while I was trying to help you… the blood stained your trouser…

The prince moved closer to Remi but she stepped away from him. He breathed deeply as he kept on looking at her

“Am sorry Remi…so sorry, can… can I see the wound…is it much…I have Ori here…I can use it on your thigh…so that it will heal faster…

“I can’t show you my thighs… that’s not right my prince…

“Hmm…I deeply cares about you Remi, I do, I’m not trying to take advantage of you being a maiden, I deeply care so much about you, and I feel terrible, I’m ashamed of myself…to have messed up the way I did last night in front of you, making you to sustain injury, hmmm…I hate myself for that…Remi look up at me…I can speak to Oba, my father about yo…

“We were getting ready for today’s party when Leja came to inform me that you sent for me…if I stay in here for too long it may raise an eye brows among the maidens, it will look suspicious, so please allow me to run ahead… there are things to be done out there but I assure you there’s nothing to worry about… last night was just like every other night, the only difference is that you drank too much and slept so early…please can I go now…

“Okay… okay… thank you for helping me to clean up my mess, I’m sorry about the injury you sustained on your thigh, I thank the gods that is not more than that, I thought I did something terrible…I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if I had taken advantage of you and forcefully defiled you…it would have been really terrible… I’m glad you are fine… despite I still have this ill feeling inside of me, but I’m fine knowing that what I thought didn’t happen…

Remi greeted him again before leaving.

She still need to talk to someone, Ope is not blood related to her as Nike was, she would have love to tell Ope instead of Nike
But no matter how much Nike disturb her to talk she kept on prosponding it, until Nike gave up, Remi wanted to tell her but something kept stopping her from doing that, at the end she did not say anything again.

The prince wasn’t so active like before, he spend most part of the day in his chamber or with the Oba, his father as they talk and the Oba was teaching him how to rule a kingdom, not to be biased in judging a case, how to be a good ruler to the people, a good husband to his future wife and father to the children that the gods will bless him with.

Nike tried everything for the prince to notice her but he was mostly too busy to notice anyone and sometimes ask Nike how Remi is doing, Nike always feel jealous anytime the prince specifically ask about Remi’s well being and that’s only when he comes visiting his mother in her chamber

The party was over and Remi did not feel the need to go and visit her grandmother or the need to talk to anybody again
She was fine and was trying to put what happened behind her as she continued her services, nobody knows what happened except her and it was better that way

It was after a month when her monthly flow cease to come she started panicking but decided to wait for another month, maybe by then it will come, she felt sick and throws up anytime she eats anything,
Remi thought it was a normal sickness and drank agbo for malaria, (herbal medicine for malaria) hoping to get relief but on the second month the flow still did not come.
Remi knew that she was doomed, she started praying and begging the gods not to allow her to be pregnant, she silently pleaded to the gods to send her monthly flow
When she couldn’t store all that she was going through within her any more, she decided to talk to someone.

Nike was the first person that came to her mind as she ran to look for her

“Egba mi oo… Nike…ki oluwa ran mi lowo…(I’m in trouble..i need the help of the gods)

“Kilo sele gan (what happened)

“Aaaah, wahala wa topoju fum (am in serious trouble) Nike, I think I’m pregnant…

“Kini…ewoooo (what) for who…is it for Leja…

“Rara… omooba (no, the prince)

Nike opened her eyes in shock as she looked at Remi as if she just released a bomb, it sound unbelievable to her, she kept staring at Remi like a ghost

“You know that first day, during that seven days party, ehee, when I told you I have something I wanted to discuss…yes..so it was during then that it happened… the prince was drunk and doesn’t even know, he can’t remember laying with me that night, that is my main problem Nike, I’m doomed…kini Kim se bayi? (What should I do) I just needed to talk to someone that is close to me…

“You said the prince is not aware of it… that is a good thing, you will have to remove it, I will get agbo (herbal medicine) you will drink it and flush it out, this agbo is very strong and works like magic and there’s no complication, I ones laid with Leja, nobody knows about it too, I enticed him into doing it and he did, I wanted to have him to myself after then but he was very foolish, he didn’t stay for long, when I noticed that my monthly visitor did not come as usual…I quickly ran to iyami and she prepared agbo and I drank it, everything came down…so you have to take that agbo, is the prince that we are talking about here… the future king of this kingdom…he mustn’t hear of this…

“I can’t, I don’t know Nike, but I’m already two months gone, and I feel terrible already, commiting another sin upon this will be deadly…I feel that way…I can’t, the prince do not have to know, I will resign from this palace and go-to stay with my grandma…but I just don’t feel like flushing an innocent tiny seed growing… I’m the one that deserve to die for laying with the prince not this baby…I don’t know what to do but I don’t have the guts to hurt or flush the child…

“Is not yet a child Remi, is a bad blood that will endanger the prince and it needs to be flushed out…

“Are you more concerned about the prince or my life, Nike, I never planned for this to happen, believe me, I did not even understand how it all happened and I couldn’t stop him, I thought I was free and nobody will know because even the prince doesn’t know, but after a month and then another came I knew I was carrying the prince seed, I’m afraid, what I greatly fear is this but the gods will see me through… I can’t drink any agbo or anything just to flush this out…I can’t..

“Even the gods can’t help you because you seduced the prince and slept with a drunk man that doesn’t even know what he was doing, the gods won’t forgive you, is an abomination Remi, and you have to take it off just as I took Leja’s own off, it was just so Simple, you have to do it… nobody will know… trust me…

Remi stood up and walked away from Nike as the whole thing was almost tuning into a fight,
Nike was more concerned about the prince and insisted that she flush the pregnancy out but Remi couldn’t, she was confuse on what to do, she thought telling Nike will help but it worsen her situation, she need to see her grandmother.

Nike took permission from the Queen after the talk with Remi,
Nike lied that her mother was very sick and her permission was granted, she quickly Left to see her mother.


Remi told the princess that she needed a day off so that she can finally visit her grandmother
The princess gave her two days off instead, as she was leaving, Leja saw her and came to meet her

“Where are you going to…?

“Home, I’m visiting my people.

“Is there a problem…?

“No problem Leja, must there be any before I visit my people?

“Not really…just asking because Nike, your sister also took permission from the Queen to visit hom…

Remi felt like throwing up as Leja was speaking to her but she kept holding it in waiting to when she will move away from Leja, she started walking away slowly just for Leja to leave but he followed and continued to talk
Remi couldn’t respond well as saliva filled her mouth, when she couldn’t hold it in she ran off with speed and vomited, Leja stood watching her until she was done

“Are you alright Remi…

I’m fine…is just the food I ate this morning that is troubling my stomach but I’m very fin….ugrrrrhhhh

She started vomiting again.

“Remi, you have being throwing up of recent, I also saw you the other day and and I thought is a flu…but it doesn’t look so to me any more…or…are you pregnant

Remi quickly stood up from where she bent over to face Leja

“What kind of talk is that…Leja, how can you think I’m pregnant… are you the one that got me pregnant… please don’t ask me that kind of question again…

“I’m only being concern that’s why I’m asking you… and if you are then I know who will be responsible… the night of the party that the prince got drunk… the time you spent in his chamber… the blood on the prince wrapper… the way you were shaking all over… the way you Walk with the invisible injury on your lap…the hidding of the wrapper in those over grown plants… omooba took your virginity that night I’m I correct?… stop lying Remi… everything is beginning to add up…is all making sense now…he forcefully lay with you…

“Is it same way you forcefully lay with Nike…no, the prince is not like you…you are only adding rubbish to your head…snap out of it…the prince is a noble man…i don’t owe you an explanation Leja… leave me alone…your problem should be with Nike not me… you two have being meeting each other in secret…

“Are you jealous, wait… did Nike told you that I force her… I never forced her… through out the days we did It she begged for It, it was only once… just once I went to her…but the rest she was coming to me… she wanted it and I gave it to her… why will she even tell you when she promised to keep it a secret… Nike is not trust worthy at all… she swear and promise never to tell anyone… why did she have to tell you…I wanted you Remi…I still do…I seriously desire to have you but you have never consider me for once…

Remi started walking away with speed but Leja followed her and continued to speak

“…I swear by the gods that you occupy my mind even while I was on top of Nike…all I see is your face as I met with her…

“You are disgusting Leja… stop following me…leave me alone…

“I can’t leave you alone…I love you Remi…please… stop doing this to me… the prince can’t love you as much as I do…he…

“What you feel is not love…you made me touch your manhood sometime ago because that’s where your feeling for me lay… what you feel for me is in between your legs Leja…

“Remi…aah..ahh…how can you say that…I thought you have forgotten what transpired between us that night…I apologise and you said it was okay…so if what I feel for you is within my manhood then what of the prince…he looks at you with desires in his eyes…he also wants you as much as I do… that’s if he hasn’t had you yet…I still remember that night and the blood stain wrapper… you can hide everything but you can never hide pregnancy… with time it will show up and every one will have questions that only you can answer… I’m watching you closely Remi…ever since that night…I have being keeping an eye on you and if what I think happens to be true then you will have alot of explanation to do…I won’t forgive you or the prince…

Remi stopped at the gate and face Leja who followed her down

“We don’t need your forgiveness…neither do we owe you one…live your life Leja and let me live mine… serve, because that’s what you are called to do or better still focus on Nike… stop confusing yourself… even if I happen to be pregnant…is none of your business…is my cross to bear..

Remi crossed the gate, Leja stood and kept talking as she walks away…

“So you are indirectly agreeing to the fact that you are pregnant…I just hope is not true becau….

Remi couldn’t hear him any more as she cross over to the opposite side of the road and quietly walked away

The prince have being watching Leja and Remi as they walk to the gate, Leja was acting all angry as he speaks to Remi, Remi stop to reply him and continued walking towards the gate, Leja kept talking until she walked out of the gate before he finally turned back
The prince wondered what they were arguing about, he wish to know what exactly is going on between Leja and Remi, he has seen them on several occasions arguing or talking over something
He was beginning to think there was something going on between Leja and Remi and he will find out today

“Could it be that Leja and Remi are in a relationship, what is really going on between them, oh by the gods…why can’t I forget this maiden, why has Remi occupied my mind and no matter how much I try to put her behind I can’t seem to to do that…

The prince stood by his window as he thought within himself, he decided to send for Leja

“Omooba you sent for me…

“‘yeah…i want to ask you a question and don’t lie to me just answer me… the truth only Leja…

“I have never lied to you before my prince…I won’t start now…

“Is about Remi, my sister’s personal maiden…who is she to you…

Leja knew this was a good opportunity for him…his answer will either make the prince to stay away from Remi or draw him closer, Leja decided to lie to the prince.

“My prince, I’m sorry that I have kept this a secret for a very long time, is mainly because I don’t want to endanger her and I also know that you have a great interest in her…Remi is my woman, we are in a serious relationship… she love me so very much and I also love her too…

The prince felt as if his heart was thorn apart, he breathed deeply and put his sweating hands inside his pocket so that Leja won’t see his discomfort, he felt stupid for loving a maiden who love another

“Leja…uhmmm… you should have told me that you and Remi had something serious going on but there’s no problem… I’m sorry for showing interest in her which you knew all this while without saying a word… you seem to be arguing over something earlier…I watched two of you from here… Treat her well Leja… she is a good maiden…uhmmm… that’s all for now…I promise not to trespass again… you may leave now…

Leja bow to him before walking away, he was so happy to have finally nailed the prince, he saw the prince discomfort even though he has tried to hide it but it was so obvious, the prince was in love with Remi but everything will start changing now that he told him that he was in a relationship with her. The prince is a noble man and will stay clear off another man’s property.

Leja felt so happy that he finally succeeded in separating Remi from the prince, now he will find a way to make Remi to be his, he knows it will be difficult but he will put More effort

The prince sat hard on his wooden carved chair, he was planning on how to ask Remi to be his, after which he will speak to his father concerning her, Remi has being avoiding him ever since the night he got drunk, he thought it was because she felt embarrassed with his behaviour, he was also trying to concentrate on other royal work with his father.
The oba has engaged him on a royal assignment, how to become a good ruler of the kingdom, he has being so busy and only thought of Remi whenever he was alone or when he sees her sister, Nike attending to the Queen with other of his mother’s personal maidens, he has always sent his greetings to Remi through her sister Nike.
The prince has wish Remi will be his but now he knows that she belongs to Leja.

He now understands why Leja was eavesdroping on his conversation with Remi sometimes ago. everything makes sense to him now.
He will stay off now that he knows she is for Leja, even though doing so may seem so hard to do but he will focus on other important things,
there are plenty of maidens within the kingdom and outside the kingdom, both royal and non royal, when he is ready to chose a Queen he will ask the gods for their help, so that he can marry a maiden that will have same attributes his mother, the present Queen has.

Remi did not go to her grandmother straight away, she stopped by to check up on her mother and brother
As she got home, her mother angrily confronted her

“Remi… Ki ni eleyi ti mo gbo yi..(what is this I’m hearing)…I was planning to come to the palace today to come and fetch you…

“Mami, kilo sele (what is it mother)

“Se ni ooto lo ti loyun (are you pregnant?)

Remi kept quiet, she wonder how her mother got to know

“Remi… damilohun…se ni ooto lo ti loyun (Remi… answer me… Are you pregnant)

“Beeni Maami…(yes mother)

Ahhh..olurun mi…Remi o ti pami ah ahh..(oh my God, Remi has killed me)what did I do wrong to deserve this…is this why the gods chose you to go and serve in the palace…ahh Remi…

“Maami, imabinu (I’m sorry mother) it was a mistake…who told you… how did you know…

“I will slap that your stupid mouth that you are using to ask me silly question… Nike came back yesterday evening and told her mother and iya Nike came to tell me… they said it was a guard… Leja that got you pregnant…but you lied and said it was for the prince…

“Whaaaat… hmm…maami… that’s not true… I’m carrying the prince seed…I don’t have anything to do with Leja… rather is even Nike that…

There was a bang on the door,

“Iya Remi…bosita (Remi’s mother come outside)

It was Nike’s mother that was calling her, Remi and her mother went out

Nike was standing outside with her mother

“I am concerned about Remi being pregnant…is a bad omen… when Nike told me about it yesterday i quickly came to tell you… because of how concerned I am I prepared agbo for her today…it will flush out the bastard that she is carrying… I’m just being concerned…

“Iya Nike I appreciate your concern but commiting an abortion is not a better way to handle this, being pregnant out of wedlock is enough trouble but flushing an innocent child…I totally disagree..
I’m not sure who the pregnancy is for I was just talking with her before you came… Remi can’t flush the innocent child…I totally disagree with that but thank you anyway…

“Innocent child ke… hahahaha… that thing she is carrying is neither innocent or child yet…is still blood…bad blood…your daughter is very loose and too wayward to have fallen pregnant… I’m only trying to help you so that she won’t bring shame and disgrace to you… She allowed a guard to get her pregnant… because I know the prince can’t fall for a commoner like her… even my daughter that now serve the Queen personally do get to see the prince often now and he doesn’t have time for palace maiden… so Remi should not open that her stinking mouth and say the abominable thing she is carrying belongs to the prince…

Remi spoke out of anger

“I don’t need your help…iya Nike, leave me alone, drink your agbo or better give it to Nike but I don’t need it and what I carry is the prince seed I’m not mixing words about it… stop calling it an abomination…or bad blood, is a child…I don’t want the prince but I do want to keep this child, children are gifts from the gods… the prince is not even aware of it because I refuse to let him know… stop pretending as if you are concerned because I know you are not neither is your daughter… she has proven again to be who she has always being…

“You will flush that thing Remi…you are not worthy to carry the prince seed…you are not worthy at all… even Nike, my daughter that the prince was beginning to pick interest in.. has not cheaply thrown herself at him, he even speak and laugh with her so the only person in this house that deserves to carry the prince seed is my daughter not somebody like you…

“Is not too late… I’m not stopping her… she can go ahead since the prince has interest in her but please concentrate on her and stay away from us…

Remi and her mother turned and started going inside, Iya Remi angrily rushed and pushed Remi’s mother so hard that she almost fell face down if not for Remi,
Remi quickly held onto her before she could get to the ground, after she lifted her mother she charged towards iya Nike and pushed her and the woman fell down
Nike rushed towards Remi but she flings her away like an ordinary thing,
iya Nike was screaming and acting up the whole place, she took a wooden stick and fired it at Remi’s mother but Remi caught it mid way and instead of throwing it back she broke the stick
Nike and her a mother fired a big stone at Remi, targeting it at her stomach but she also caught the stones and threw it away before taking her mother inside.

Nike’s mother knew the battle line has being drawn, she swore that over her dead body will Remi carry the prince child.
If anybody deserve to be pregnant for the Prince then it should be her daughter Nike not Remi.


The following morning, Remi’s mother woke Remi up and started speaking to her.

“so Remi you are no more a virgin… One of the proud virgins of this kingdom…so you are truly pregnant..aah…you sold it in a platter of plessure with the prince…I have being breathing with ease with iya Nike… especially when her daughter came announcing that the Queen came to her and personally asked her to be her honorable personal maiden… she said the Queen had taken a special interest in her and that was why she gave her the post…she did not even ask to be appointed…the Queen just did… almost everyone is this kingdom hard of it…it was a good thing and that is what every mother expect from there daughter.. good news…not a news of you being pregnant…is a shame Remi… and why I can’t agree with iya Nike in hurting that innocent child in your womb is because I know what it took me to have you…me and your father had difficulty in conceiving after getting married for years and that was why he had to marry iya Nike, it was after then I gave birth to you so I cherish every child because some women are still praying to the gods to have one…Remi… there’s no pride in getting pregnant this way, no particular man to call yours, you said even the prince is not aware, i know how shameful it is but I will stand by you Remi and we will carry the shame together, I will never ask you to hurt that child… the mistake has already being made…I don’t care who is responsible… the guard, the prince.. even if is Oba himself…I do not care all that matters is that you will have that child and he or she will become part of us…I don’t understand why Iya Nike is fighting us…we are not dragging anything with her…I seriously don’t understand her problem but I know the gods will save us from her claws…all you need to do is to resign from the palace before the pregnancy becomes obvious…

“Ese maami…(thank you mother)

Remi sensed something was wrong that morning as she set to leave for her grandmother’s place, normally she will open the door and step out without any care but this time as she opened the door she did not go out immediately she was careful with her every move until she could see what the problem was and when she saw it she stood in shock.
Somebody poured a slippery substance in form of powder right in front of their door and put sharp objects like a broken bottles and nails all around, so that who ever that will be slipped down from the substance will fall into the pieces of broken bottles and nails which may likely penetrate into the victim’s body.
Remi stood looking at the set traps and knew who was behind it, she began to thank the gods that she sense the danger on time and was the first to come, if her mother or brother had opened the door first they would have being badly injured or even worst
Remi called her mother’s attention to it and the woman was in shock to see what iya Nike did right in front of the house

Dami, Remi’s brother wanted to pack sand from the backyard to pour in the place before sweeping it away.
But Remi asked him to leave it first
She knew that iya Nike has just stepped on her toe by setting a deadly trap on their front yard
Iya Remi wanted to go and meet iya Nike just to ask her why she will be so heartless to do such a thing but Remi stopped her from going because she knew her mother is not strong enough to withstand iya Nike,
So she decided to go instead, they went back inside and passed through the back yard.
Remi went to knock on iya Nike’s door.
At the second knock Nike came out

“What is it this early morning witch… why are you Knocking on our door or is the bastard pregnancy that you are carrying affecting your brain…

“I’m not here to batter words with you Nike… where’s your mother and I really do want to know who set such a dangerous trap right in front of our door…

“Do you see us setting any trap… why are you asking useless question and even if we did and so what… what can you do…it was meant to help you abort that bastards and disfigure that your face that make you feel you are more beautiful than me…if your mother has gotten into the trap then is also good…if she dies then is a very good thing because she is so useless to this kingdom and also your brother…

Remi gave Nike a double slap on her cheek, Nike felt dizzy and have to hold onto something from falling down, Iya Nike rushed out and saw her daughter trying to catch her breath, Remi’s finger print was on her cheek
Iya Nike charger towards Remi but Remi who was already boiling in anger slapped the woman and she also fell to the ground, Iya Remi who was watching from a distance.
she started calling her daughter that it was enough but Remi wasn’t done with them yet
She dragged Nike and her mother to the exact place where they poured the slippery substance with the sharp objects, Remi ordered Nike and her mother to start packing and sweeping the whole place and make sure that there was no pin left, as they tried to argue she gave both of them another slap and they quickly went to work

They felt dizzy from Remi’s beaten but had to clean up the place as she ordered them
They kept quiet, silently whimpering and sniffing there noses as they clean up Remi their front door

Remi’s mother and brother watch in shock, iya Remi has always baffles at the great strength her daughter posses, she knew is not from her because she doesn’t even have a enough strength of her own it must have been gifted to her by her “iyaiya” or by the gods
She watch as iya Remi and her daughter obediently staggered and clean up the mess just as Remi asked them to.

After they were done they wanted to go but Remi ask them to wait for one last warning and despite iya Nike was rolling her eyes up and down at Remi and hissing uncontrollably she still stood with her daughter and wait

“Leave my family alone… leave us alone for the gods sake iya Nike, warn your daughter and harken to the same warning, we have tolerated too much from you and your daughter… this is little compare to what i will do to anybody that will hurt maami and my brother… both of them and my grandma are all I have on this earth…if you hurt them in anyway you will be receive double for their trouble…I promise you… stay very far away from us and let us be in peace…

Iya Nike gave a loud hiss before taking her daughter inside, she was mumbling something but Remi ignored her and left for her grandmother’s house

She Saw her grandmother cooking something in her kitchen

“Iya…iya… ekaro…I’m happy to see you… what are you cooking…it smells nice…

“I’m preparing chicken pepper soup…I killed one of those fowl scattering my ridge and eating up my crops… and I’m making a strong soup which will be good for your condition…

“,My condition… what condition is that iya…do you know that…how?

“Remilekun… what an elder see sitting down the young can’t see even while standing up… the seed of crown has being planted my child… disaster will soon struck… before the gods will take you away… how I wish they won’t take you far but I can see that your journey will be a long one…my confidence is that you are strong enough to withstand it all… the gods chose right when they chose you… they chose wisely…

“Iya, I was even wondering how to tell you that I was pregnant…I feel so ashamed to break such news to you and i don’t know how you will feel about it…I thought you will be disappointed but here you are making me feel at ease… you are even making a chicken soup for me..aah Iya…I know you speak in riddles and I haven’t understand a single thing but I’m not worried like I was before…

Remi’s grandmother put enough soup into a plate before bringing it to Remi who was sitting outside the kitchen

“Becarefull with it…is hot but is better eaten hot than cold… drink the soup and eat all the meat…is very good for you and the child…

“Ese iya… you kept on saying disaster will struck is it the disaster that iya Nike almost caused this morning… she set traps right in front of our door and if maami have being the first to stepped outside this morning… I just can’t imagine what will happen… they set a deadly trap but I made sure that they cleaned it all up…I guess is time to give them a seat that they both deserve…alot has being happening iya…I can’t even tell you half of it…

“Igbagbo re ti poju…(you trust too much) I told you there are enemies in a friendly clothing…I told you anger labels you a fool…I gave you an illustration of it…my saliva in your palm…rubbed together with earth dust before I asked you to wash it…

“I know iya…I remember but hmmm…I can’t withstand them attacking us everytime, is too much to bear Iya…

“I know…I know my child…the strength you posses is uncommon and the gods blessed you with that because of the journey you will embark on.. they didn’t give you so much strength to go fighting physical battle… listen, your every part of life has being preordained but if you keep trying to fight physical battle or telling the wrong people what they don’t deserve to know…it will make your journey more difficult and spoil a whole lot of things…

“I understand iya but Nike and her mother needs to be dealt with, do you know I thought Nike has truly changed…I thought she was for real with all the show she displayed back at the palace…I was happy to call her my sister..I never knew it was just as usual..

“Unfriendly people care only about themselves, they lash out at common sense, fools has no interest in understanding, they only want to air their opinion… we may throw the dice but the gods determines how it falls…so gbo mi Remilekun (are you listening to me) a hot tempered person start fights a cool tempered person stops them….only a fool despise a parent’s discipline… whoever learns from correction is wise… Gbo kan le Olorun maa gbo kan le eniyan (trust no one except the gods) do you understand all that I have said…

” Not everything but in general you want me to be wise and control my anger because it only makes me a fool…I should becareful in trusting humans… they are proverbs iya and sounds so deep…my worries now is what will happen to me… what is next step for me… you make me feel there is danger ahead…what should i do iya?

“Ole se nkan Kan (you can not do anything) fire of strife has being set which will not only affect you but will consume those you holds dearly… is a blazing fire…I cry now so that I can be strong when it comes… There is nothing you will be able to do about it.. Olorun yoo mu e lo si ibi ri o dara….awon ota re o ni Simi digba to wo ba baeje (your enemies will not rest until you are destroyed) maa beru (do not be afraid) Olorun a maa so e (the gods will protect you)

And with that Remi drank the remaining soup in the plate before going to wash and return it back to her grandmother’s kitchen.

She felt satisfied with what she did to iya Nike and her daughter even though her grandmother did not totally agree with her actions she was happy that iya Nike will leave her mother alone maybe for the main time.

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5 years ago

Diamond in the forest, very nice story, but please I have been trying to get the other episodes, stopped at13

5 years ago
Reply to  royalze41

Its an ongoing story..pls check back tomorrow thanks