Damian and The Pregnant Ghost 6


Damian and the pregnant Ghost 6

” Sir try forgive him. Anyway you have been hurt by your wife death please forgive him

“Hmmmm” he exhaled. This thing you just talk now just weak my body. I wish say I go see the man” he said

I smiled knowing that I was making progress.

“You Sabi how we go take reach the man he asked. Because na face to face I go fit remove everything I do”

“I followed your wife to know where she was going and I saw her standing outside one door like that before I left. Maybe we can trace the guy I said

“I no fit follow you, since na you be the messenger, na you go look for the man. Bring him here if you find him. My wife na peaceful woman. She no dey like wahala even after she don die. I love my wife very much so I go do wetin she talk”

My heart beamed with joy and I texted Damian to inform him of the good news. I told him to enter taxi and go Wait for me at rumuola junction. I need to convince him that I have found him.

I collected his number and saved it with the name he gave me. I thanked me Ayaogu and Left. I met with Damian and told him everything we discussed and he was very happy.

“El Giveth thank you so much. You have really saved me” he said.

“Thank me when its over and don’t forget it was God”

We hanged around Kilimanjaro for several hours because Damian thought there was no need for us going back home. Around 1 pm, I called Mr Ayaogu and told him that I have found the young man and he asked me to come with him.

When we got there, we saw him standing in his shop and he invited us inside the house. On getting inside, Damian fell on the ground and held his legs and began to beg for his forgiveness. Mr Ayaogu held him up and told him not to worry that all is well. We sat down and he went inside, brought out some fetish stuff and began speaking over it. I saw his dead wife appear and the knife in his hand fell off. She looked from me to Damian and said

“Thank you” before her spirit went up the ceiling of the house and vanished.

“You’re free my dear. Thank this fine girl beside you. Mr Ayaogu said.

“Thank you sir for saving my life” Damian said holding his hand. In anyway I can be of help to you and your children, I will do it”

We spent some time with him and his children as he told us the story of his life and how he and his late wife have suffered together to get to the level they are. Before we left, Damian promised to come see Him the next day. Mr Ayaogu is not an evil man, grief pushed him to it. Grief can turn us to monsters.

The next day we went to the market and bought every full stuff we could lay our hands on including beverages, noodles, a bag of rice, toiletries, and other cooking items. Damian spent more than 100 thousand naira to get all. We drove to Mr Ayaogu’s house and he couldn’t contain his joy when he saw all the food items plus cash he received from Damian. He was very happy. Damian promised to come visit him every month when chanced. People around applauded Mr Ayaogu for forgiving Damian and thanked Damian for his little support to the family.

That night Damian went home and slept peacefully in his house after almost a month of running away. His peace was restored. He became a family friend to Mr Ayaogu and contributed as much as he can to the family.

As for me, I focused on my studies and few months later we began dating. Damian is a good man and a sweet soul. He offered me what I couldn’t give to him which was commitment.

He loved me with every fiber in his body but I wasn’t ready for commitment. I avoided him for complete five months but Olly’s ghost brought us together again. Now that I can’t run away from him, I have decided to embrace him and be committed.

He is okay with the fact that I’m different and willing to help me through out my journey with darkness.

The one person I’m planning on dealing with is okechukwu the he-goat”. His womanizing is getting out of hand and ladies are crying over him too much. I think I would have to visit the cemetery and find Lucy my friendly ghost to deal with him. He must learn the hard way to stop hurting women.

It’s Saturday night and I’m off to the cemetery with Damian. Lucy is coming for okechukwu.


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