Damian and the pregnant Ghost 3 – Barby Love


Damian and the pregnant Ghost 3

I woke up around 5 in the morning and saw Damian sitting down on the only chair in the room. He was sound asleep and I quitely sat up to look at him.

The way he slept showed that he hadn’t had a good sleep for long. I felt pity for him and wondered why he chose to sleep on the chair even when I offered him the other side of the bed. I stood up and tapped him on the leg and when he opened his eyes, I offered him the bed. With a sleepy eye, he got up and crashed on the bed.

“It’s obvious he didn’t sleep on time due to too much thinking and fear”.

It was easy to invite him, since my room mate travelled. I got up and did my morning chores then proceeded to prepare a well tasty and garnished jollof Rice for us both. It was around 11am that he woke up. I had lectures that morning but I had to sacrifice that day for him.

“Good morning Damian”

“Good morning El Giveth. How long did I sleep?

“It’s 11am. Hope you had a good sleep”

“Yes I did, I can’t remember the last time I had such. Thanks for inviting me to your house”

“You’re welcome” I said smiling

I offered him the new toothbrush brush I had in the store, showed him the bathroom and told him to take a bathe. I offered him my baggy short to Wear after bathing. He was taller but the short did fit him well.

“Eat Damian, we will talk after you must have eaten ok”. I dropped the plate of jollof rice on the floor. He pounced on the rice and began to eat. He asked for more which I also offered him.

“Thanks so much for everything El Giveth, I’m indepted to you” he said

“I’m indepted to you too for helping my drunken self get home. So what’s your story?”

“Six months ago, I was coming Back home from work around 10pm. I wasn’t on a high speed, as I was cutting the lane that connects to the junction, I mistakenly hit a woman where I was trying to avoid a lady crossing the road carelessly. I got down and saw it was a pregnant woman and I rushed her to the hospital that instant, made some deposit and left only for me to return in the morning to hear that she died due to the inability of the doctor to arrive on time”

“Where you not there when the doctor arrived” I asked him

” The nurses said that the doctor has left, they did there best to take care of her. I even took the doctors number and was calling him, all I get is I’m on my way Everytime. The nurses assured me that she will be fine and with faith I went home because my sick Mom was at home all alone. The next morning I was told that the doctor came by 3 am. The nurses did everything they could but she gave up the ghost”

“Seriously I don’t know what happened to me, I panicked and left. I was still thinking of how to go about it when I got an assignment at Abuja. I felt some kind of relief leaving, but my conscience hunted me. I came back a week later and went to the hospital only for the nurses to tell me that her family has taken her corpse. I don’t know how to reach them. I felt really bad and guilty for killing that young woman and her unborn child”

” You didn’t kill her Damian, it was the hospital negligence if not she would have been alive. You tried to save her but the doctor didn’t play his part for her survival. You were trying to save a life but mistakenly knocked down another” I said consoling him.

“For how long has she been coming after you”

“It’s been two weeks now, I ran away from my house and I have been jumping from one friends house to another. She does not show up when I’m with friends”

“So what happened yesterday when I saw you two”

“I was held up by the landlord who was asking about my way about. I was rushing out when she found me along the place you saw us”

“Hmmm Damian she’s angry. She’s angry that you killed her and ran away”

” I have been trying to make her understand that I didn’t leave her to die”

“If her spirit hasn’t been pushed to the extent of trying to kill you, trust me she would have known but she can’t. They told her to get revenge”

“El Giveth what do you mean by that”

“Damian you are the only one that knows about my secret and I want you to promise me that you will keep it for life. Promise me and I promise to help you.”

“I promise you El. I can’t betray you and moreover I’m not like that. Just know that your secret is safe with me. Who are they?

To be continued

Barby Love

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