CASSANDRA Chapter 1 – Nike investment





I passed my examination, I passed my Wassce (West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination) Cassandra ran into her compound shouting. Her mother came out to see her daughter who was filled with Joy. Mama I was the best student in my school Cassandra said with her lips filled with smiles.

Mrs Ekene opened her arms wide and Cassandra ran into them. I'm so proud of you my daughter, you always make us proud. 

Cassandra was still smiling sheepishly when she noticed that the joy had left the face of her mother. Mrs Ekene untangled her arms from her daughter and took few steps backwards , she sat on the bench outside the house. Her eyes were clouded with tears which were about to roll down.

What is it mama Cassandra asked sitting beside her mother. 

I'm so sorry we your parents can't send you to further your education. Your father is sick and needs medical attention. We don't even have enough to send him to the hospital, all we rely on is traditional herbs. If not the scholarship you merited because of your intelligence, I'm sure we won't have been able to send you to secondary school. I'm really trying my best to provide for everyone Cassandra, now you are done with secondary school. Who is going to send you to the university? Will all these your intellect go for waste? Mrs Ekene asked rhetorically shaking her head in sadness.

Cassandra knew all her mother had said were true. She felt bad she wasn't going to continue her education to fulfill her dreams. She pulled closer to her mother and hugged her wiping her mother's tears and hiding hers.

 Don't worry Mama, I don't want to be an extra burden to you. Instead, I'll stay back here in the village and help you take care of Papa Cassandra said trying to cheer up her mother.

 The next day, Cassandra was going to the stream to fetch water. Some of her classmates met up with her at the stream. They were discussing about the university they were going to go to but Cassandra was mute. She had nothing to say and continued fetching the water she had come for. 

Why are you not talking? One of them asked her..

What do you want her to say? Can her parents send her to the university one of her classmates mocked…
Awwnnn. She won’t be able to see the four walls of the university another said and they all laughed.

Cassandra was pained and a tear rolled down her cheeks. 

You see what you girls have caused? Now that she is crying hope you all are happy? 

No one knows tomorrow, that you are opportuned today doesn’t mean others didn’t try. Please stop throwing people’s problems on their face Mary one of Cassandra’s classmates said and held Cassandra. She wiped out the single tear that rolled down Cassandra’s cheek and they both walked out with their buckets leaving the others.

 When Cassandra got home, she didn't let her mother notice she was crying. Cassandra made up her mind to do every work possible to go to the university. She started doing all types of menial job just to save up money to train herself in the university. She worked on people's farms, she washes people's clothes, and hawked things around. Though Cassandra was so beautiful, many village boys always came her way but she was focused on achieving her dreams.

Months later, Cassandra was going back home after the long day's work on someone's farm. A car driving by splashed mudy water on her. She looked at her dressed and continued her way without uttering any word. The car which had just splashed water on her slowly reversed coming back to Cassandra. 

I'm so sorry, for splashing water on you the voice from inside the car said. I was talking on the phone and didn't see the potholes on time I'm so sorry he continued looking honest.

 It's okay sir, I'm on my way home already and besides my clothes are not that clean anyways. I'll clean up when I get home Cassandra answered politely and continued on her way. 

Where are you going so I can drop you off in order to apologize Ernest the guy in the car said with a smile. 

Don't worry sir, it's okay I can walk home, I'm almost home Cassandra replied and continued walking down. Ernest was so touched, any other village girl would have quickly entered into his car but seems there is something special about this particular girl. He tried stretching his hand to give her some money but Cassandra who kept walking declined saying she hasn't done anything for him to earn the money. See you some other time Ernest said with a smile and drove off. 

 Ernest arrived at a junction where his friend George was waiting for him. It was his first time coming to the village of Amazu. He had come to visit his friend George in his village. George was so happy Ernest had come to his village for the first time. After the nice time with George and it was time for bed.

 All night, Ernest couldn't stop thinking about the girl he just met few hours ago. There was something about her, the way she spoke, her manners and her beauty couldn't get her out of the head of Ernest. 

The next day, George decided to show Ernest around his village. As George was driving he felt a continuous tap on his shoulders. He slowed down, Ernest pointed at a young girl who was washing clothes. 

Who is this young girl? Ever since I met her yesterday my heart couldn’t just rest, I really want to know who she is Ernest asked George who had slowed down to observe who Ernest was talking about.

George told Ernest that he was going to find out who she was. After spending a while just watching Cassandra wash people's clothes for money, George drove off with Ernest. 

In the evening of the same day, George came back to Ernest. He had done his research on the girl he had showed her. 

Bro, her name is Cassandra. I heard She had passed her Waec and was the best student in her class. But from what I heard , her father has been sick for some years now and no money to give him the proper treatment. Her mother is doing her best to take care of the family ever since George said and looked at Ernest.

Hmm, there is really something special about this girl and I can't seem to place my fingers on it. I would like to send her to the university George, Ernest said drinking down the beer he had poured into the glass cup.

 Do you think her parents will allow you take their only daughter? What will you tell them you came for? To take their only child with you to the city to send her to the university? George asked looking at Ernest and expecting an answer. 

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