CASSANDRA Chapter 10 – Nike investment




      Ernest drove out of his compound in tears. It was as if he was heartbroken all over again seeing the name Jaxon with a heart on Cassandra's phone. He continued driving but didn't know where to go to. He parked at a corner and inserted a sad music. He lowered the volume and just allowed the tears flow down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that Cassandra will come to break his heart for the second time. 

Ernest was sobbing bitterly when his eyes saw something from his side mirror. A girl struggling with two guys who were dragging her. He lowered the music and wiped his tears. He heard the cry of the lady and it sounded like Cassandra. He observed well and it was really Cassandra.

 Ernest wanted to open his door and go to Cassandra's rescue. But on a second thought, the guys may be armed and may stab him. So he decided to follow them instead to know where they would be taking Cassandra. 

After the guys had forcefully Carried cassandra into their car, they drove off in a haste. Ernest followed the car behind stealthy so they won't notice him. After a long drive, the car arrived at a location. One of the guys came down first and observed the area to know if someone was watching. Ernest remained in his car after switching off his head lights. The guy saw no one was looking so they carried Cassandra into a building.

   Ernest followed the boys inside slowly so he won't be noticed. When Ernest entered inside the building, he peeped through the little opening on the door. He saw Cassandra on the floor with four ( 4 ) guys. Among the guys was Jaxon the guy who Cassandra had introduced to him. Ernest was shocked that Jaxon will have a hand in the kidnap of Cassandra. Ernest realized that he had overreacted when he saw the call. If only he knew he would have allowed Cassandra to explain. The tears rolled down his cheeks.

 Jaxon came closer to Cassandra and started touching her and tried removing her clothes. Ernest was pained and couldn't control his emotions that had built up. He pushed open the door and ran towards Jaxon. He carried Jaxon off of Cassandra in annoyance. He landed a blow on the face of Jaxon sending him to the floor.

The other guys quickly came to Jaxon’s rescue. They held Ernest and started giving him the beating of his life. Jaxon stood up and cleaned himself of the dust. He ordered them to stop beating Ernest.

He went towards where Ernest was held down ,

Now what am I going to do with you he asked smiling evilly. 

You know when Cassy came to my house very early in the morning few days ago. I knew you something was wrong somewhere.

Before that let me tell you a story Jaxon said taking a seat. You see, Cassandra here made me go through hell years ago..

Back in our university days, I fell deeply in love with Cassandra. Look at me man, I’m handsome. Oh and I’m also an intelligent guy who any girl would want as a boyfriend. I approached Cassandra and made my feelings known to her but she turned me down. My friends mocked me, but I never cared. I loved Cassandra so much and never cared. I just wanted her to be mine. At night, I always dreamt about when I was studying with Cassandra. At times I dream when we are working together in the future or even living our lives forever as lovers. But the more I try to tell Cassandra that she was driving me crazy, the more Cassandra denies my friendship.

 On a particular day, I left my friends to join Cassandra on the table where she was eating. Cassandra stood up and left me all alone. My friends laughed at me so much in mockery. From that very day, all those love turned into hatred for Cassandra. I decided I was going to get back to Cassandra and make I feel the pains I felt. 

Years later, I left school. But never forgot the promise I had made to myself about Cassandra. The day I saw Cassandra walk into the same office where I work, I remembered my promise and decided I was going to deal with Cassandra on my own terms.

  If only my girl wasn't around that very morning you visited. I wanted to get you on my bed, then make numerous videos of us making out. I would break your heart into shreds when you least expect it. Trust me, I would have shared those videos of us making out online. So you will feel all the hurt I felt in those days Jaxon said looking at Cassandra.

 But it's not yet late. And as for you, it's better you're here. I want you to watch her scream.  Jaxon said and started unhooking his belts slowly. He walked towards Cassandra and held her on her bréást.

 Ernest was in so much pains from the beating they had given him. Yet he couldn't tell where he had gotten strength from. He untangled himself from the grasp of the guys holding him.  He ran towards Jaxon and held down. He was about to throw a punch at Jaxon when One of the guys lifted a knife and stabbed Ernest. Ernest left Jaxon slowly and held the spot where he was stabbed. He fell on the floor and blood started gushing out.

 Cassandra ran towards Ernest crying out in pains. Ernest looked at Cassandra smiling while tears rolled down the side of his eyes.

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