BURGUNDY Episode 1 By Amah’s Heart | An Inspirational Story

BURGUNDY Episode 1 By Amah's Heart

BURGUNDY Episode 1 By Amah’s Heart

I walked into the store and the sales attendant standing close to the cashier greeted me warmly. I smile back in response before proceeding to what I came to buy which was a shoe polish.

I searched all round the place for this particular shoe polish.
My uncle had sent these particular shoe for me from London and is been over three months I have not used the shoe. He sent it with a pack of polish but I don’t know how the polish got missing. I have searched, scattered the whole house even ask my family and friends if they saw any polish but none of them did.

My friend’s wedding is coming up this Saturday and I have already plan on how to rock my shoe for the first time but it needs a little shining to be able to stand out.
I’m part of his groomsmen and almost everyone is set for the wedding and I don’t want to disappoint on Jide’s big day.

Since I couldn’t find the polish I decided to check it out in stores. I need to be in my best who knows I may also find my own missing ribs. It may even be my shoe that may attract her to me or my smiles but I need to be in my very best.
I may even get to connect with Ireti.

I have checked three big stores before coming to this particular one and it looks like I will have to walk out of here with a sad feeling knowing well I may not be able to rock my shoe for my friend’s wedding and it will require me getting another matching shoe for the suit.
I really don’t want to wear another shoe except the one my uncle sent.
The shoe was made with original outstanding leather and it was creatively designed with little heel.
Everything in it was moderate and beautifully made. The only thing remaining is the polishing and it will definitely stand out.
Alot of people will get to see me because is a big occasion and I’m also among the groomsmen.
Ireti may eventually be mine at the end.

” Excuse me sir, can I help you with anything?
I turned and saw the same sales attendant that greeted me earlier. She was wearing a cheerful smile which can easily calm a disturbed nerve but I was too troubled to notice her that much.

BURGUNDY Episode 1

” I’m looking for a shoe polish, burgundy colour. Something like deep brown kind of shade but is not here. I have searched through can’t find anything close to it”.

She went straight to check out the shelf but I know she was only wasting my time because I have already searched but nothing like that.
She brought out three shades of brown polish but I have already seen those ones before so I shakes my head sadly, telling her that I have seen all the polish there before she came and what she was doing wasn’t necessary because the polish wasn’t there.
” I’m sorry sir, do you need it urgently? She asked with a straight face after my harshness to her.

” Yes…I do. Today is Tuesday, I need it before Friday because I will be using it on Saturday. Do you know where I can go and buy it?

She mentioned two big supermarket which I have already been to and I told her I have gone there before driving down.

” Burgundy colour is not so common sir…
She said with a worried face.

” So what exactly are you saying? Does it mean my shoe will only be admired and worn with the eyes instead of leg, all because the colour isn’t common. You all need to start upgrading your stores… all this is bulshit..

She remained calm and did not utter a word all through my angry rant.
Why should she even say anything, she was only doing her job and I shouldn’t carry out my frustrations on her.

BURGUNDY Episode 1

I turned and started walking away, she called again.
” Excuse me sir. maybe, I can help you check out other stores. On my way home I can search many other supermarket for the burgundy colour. But I need to see the colour of the shoe first to be able to know what exactly I’m searching for.

I stood, not knowing how to respond to her kind gesture.
But all that really matters was to get the exact colour for my shoe so I quickly brought out my phone and showed her the shoe.
She asked me to send it to her WhatsApp. without thinking I got her number and forward the picture to her. I gave her money for the shoe and even extra Just incase is expensive since I don’t really know how much is been sold.
I went into my car and drove home.

I waited and even searched few shops again but nothing.
Friday morning I was already giving up when I got a message on my WhatsApp. She sent pictures of burgundy polish and asked me to pick the exact colour but her camera wasn’t so sharp so I couldn’t see the colours clearly.
I was even angry with her for sending such a dull pictures. why can’t she afford a quality phone that has good camera.

Burgundy Episode 1 By Amah’s Heart

BURGUNDY Episode 1 By Amah's Heart

I was optimistic when I entered my car and started driving to her store to check out what she got.
I kept hoping and silently praying that she got the exact colour I’m looking for.
I need to slay on my friend’s day.

BURGUNDY Episode 1

Ireti will be at the wedding. I have been crushing on ireti for so long, she was a slay queen and came from a rich home. Ireti is beautiful and smart. the wedding day will be a good time to get connected and talk with her because I know I was a good dresser too and I will be looking dope.
She won’t be able to resist my cuteness.

Now, this sales attendant who I don’t even bother to know her name have to make sure she got the polish or my day will be ruined.

BURGUNDY Episode 1
To Be Continued..

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Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

This is going to be really interesting. Let’s go.

4 years ago

Hoty Hoty?