BORN FROM MADNESS 💢 Part 1💢 – Missing Pen

BORN FROM MADNESS 💢 Part 1💢 - Missing Pen

BORN FROM MADNESS 💢 Part 1💢 – Missing Pen

I was given birth to and raised by a mad woman. Everyone in my street made fun of me, even though I wasn’t mentally ill like my mom.

Although my mom was mentally ill but she was very beautiful even though she is covered with dirt, her beauty was still glamouring.

No one in our locality ever knew who impregnated my mom. When I turned six years, a woman took me to a school and got me admissioned. She also bought books, school uniforms and some other school material.

When I turned 16, a woman who has always been coming to gift I and my mom food l, called me and suggested I look for a job to do, so as to assist feed and get me out of the dump.

I accepted her advice and started job hunting. I was searching for a part time job so as to work and go to school.

I only had one friend as of this time and he will join me in the search for a job. We found a couple of vacancies but no one would accept me because they all know about my background.

One day while I was coming back from school, again I saw her standing by my mom with some items in a bag. I quickly rushed to her and gave her a hug.

“Welcome ma” I greeted.

“Good day Richard how are you?” She greeted back.

“Am fine ma” I answered.

“Eeh …. Richard have you found a job yet ?” She asked with facial expressions as she laid her hands upon my shoulders.

“No…. people are rejecting me because my mom is mentally ill and they detest me” I answered with tears filled eyes.

“Would you love to go to Lagos and work in a house where by you will be fed and be paid also?”

Immediately I jumped up of joy as I knew Lagos as a big city and the job was a good job as been recommended by her. Sooner my smiles faded away from my face.

“What is the problem Richard? ” She asked after seeing I’ve lost interest in the offer.

“Who would take care of my mom, I can’t leave her all by herself, she’ll die of hunger?”

Don’t worry I promise to take care of your mumor haven’t I been trying. Take, these are your new clothes, wash your self up , I’ll be coming to pick you up by six in the morning tomorrow.

I happily looked at the fine dresses and was satisfied because for the first time asides my school uniforms, I’ll be looking clean and good.

But at the same time I was sad because I will be leaving my home and a friend. It was sad but I accepted because I needed money to fund my mom to a psychiatry hospital.

The next morning she came and we joined the early morning bus. When we arrived at the premises of the house of which I was to render the house keeping services to, it was already dark.

She introduced me to the family and placed the sum of 50 thousand and a phone in my hand, then left to port-harcourt.

That same evening, I was asked to stay with the securityin his post, while in the morning proper introduction and preparation will be done and I’ll also be educated on my job description.

Early in the morning before day break, I woke up and rushed to the to the backyard, where I found a broom and started sweeping the entire compound before it was dawn, inorder to be seen fitting in eyes of the householders which I’ll be serving .

When it was day break and the family came out to call me in. They were amazed at the way the whole environment was glamouring.

“Chinedu (the gate man) are you the one that cleaned this place?” The wife of my boss asked smilishly.

“Ooh ma, it’s not the security man that cleaned it. I’m the one.” I immediately cut in.

She was amazed and appreciated the work I’ve done. She then called me inside for in person interview.

After serials of questions and I was answering correctly and wisely, the husband became so amazed at my smartness, to the point he asked me about the names of my parents.

“Ooh, I was raised by a single parent, my mom and her name is Jane ” I answered humbly.

“So where is your mom and what is her health status?” the wife asked immediately with a tint of anger expression on her face.

“Hmm ……my mother is doing fine that’s all I can say for now?” I replied with a twist look.

“Noooo, if you’re ever going to work here, you must comply and answer all our questions. I say who is your mother and her current health status?”

This time she was already pissed off and everyone including her daughter was confused as to why she got puffed off easily . Her husband managed to calm her down.

“Horny what is the problem, I thought we all were loving him just now?. I don’t see any thing wrong in what the boy said.”

“I knew it, we should never had trust Mary…….I know her plans. Is it not me again, I will kill you if you don’t leave this house”

She thundered and squeezed my little ear before walking out of the parlour leaving me, her husband, her daughter and son .

When she was gone, her husband pleaded on her behalf and desire I over looked what ever transpired, saying the cause could be as a result of mood swings. I took to heart the words of her husband and let go of the fear .

The man asked the daughter to show me my room, which he pointed at.. While we were going my bosses daughter was all over me talking and gisting until we got to the room which my boss pointed me to reside in. When I was about opening the door my boss’s wife came out again and barked, I should never enter the room instead I should sleep in the parlour or find myself another room.

For the sake of peace , the man asked me to go to another room, since the house had a lot of rooms.

By afternoon while I was sweeping the parlour, I overheard my boss’s wife mumbling to herself

“Mary I know you’re behind this, I will deal with you”.

I began wondering who was Mary and what was the reason my madam is mumbling her name in a bad manner.

In the evening, when Evelyn (my boss daughter) and her brother, where back from school. I went to play with them because I was done with my chores . My madam came from no where in particular and snatched Henry her son to her room.

Evelyn left me and went to ease drop. When she came back her expression changed total to a sad one.

“Evelyn what is it ” I asked and lean towards her whilst dropping my hand on her shoulders.

“My mother warned Henry never to play with you ” she replied amidst tears.

Evelyn was a very beautiful and elegant young lady she was my exert speculation of a beautiful woman and amongst all she had a beautiful heart. I and Evelyn played all day together and Henry was just sitting all by himself wishing to join.

A week later while I was cleaning the house, I found a picture of the same woman who brought me to the house in which I work. In the picture she was on apron and with a bright smile.

So I took the picture to Evelyn who was on the dinning table studying.

“Mama who is this woman? “

“Who is your mama ” she said blushing.

“See Your big head, abeg answer my question joor”

“I will not answer until you apologize”

“Eeh……. okay am sorry my princess “.

“Your welcome…..this is auntie Mary. she is my mom’s elder sister but I don’t know why she is wearing the chief chef uniform and standing in Mom’s kitchen, maybe she worked for Mom as chief chef lol”

We both laughed and she asked me to come teach her some maths, since I was done with secondary school about going to the university. I accepted and began teaching her but it was very impossible, she learnt anything because all we were doing was to stear at each other in the eyes.

While we both were lost in each other the mother came down, seeing me having a good time with her daughter, she got upset and shouted I get back to my job.

Throughout that night I was starved for leaving my job and going to play ‘so they termed it’ . Although my boss’s wife wasn’t the person who suggested I should not eat but when Henry mentioned itto his mom, she saw it fiting and accepted it.As of this time my boss was already away, so no one was there to defend me.

While i was in my room praying for food, my door cracked open and when I looked, it was Evelyn with a plate well loaded with rice. Immediately I sprang up and hugged her and thanked her for being their for me.

When I was done eating, I again thanked her so much. She held my hand and say I should stop thanking her. She then got up, planted a kiss on my lips and left with the plate.



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