BLOODLINE Episode 18 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 15 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 18 by Ironkurtain

Six weeks later.

Nina readjusted her blouse with alot of nervousness as she looked around the restaurant. She took out a small hand held mirror and her lipstick from her handbag. Glancing at the boy sitting next to her, she gently applied the red lipstick and pursed her lips when she was done. She paused and sighed heavily.

“I don’t know why i even agreed to do this……i hate being nervous”, she muttered and looked at the boy sitting beside her. He was dressed in black suit. “Whose idea was it by the way?, you or Eric?”, she asked him.

“It was Alex’s idea…..and i am Eric”, he replied.

“See, that’s why i hate being nervous……it makes me get confused”, Nina muttered.

Then Nina looked herself again in the hand held mirror. “How do i look?”, she asked Eric with a nervous tone of voice.

“Beautiful as always”, Eric replied indifferently as he too was looking around the upscale restaurant.

“Please tell me the truth”.

“If you weren’t my mother, i would have proposed to you….you look sweet”.

“Oh God”, Nina heaved a sigh. “The scars on my back. Do you think it is that bad?”, she asked again with a worried look on her face. “He might see it and get turned off”.

“I thought those scars were some kind of a bad-ass trophy you carried around proudly…..why the sudden worry?”, Eric asked and furrowed his eyebrows. Besides the cloth you are wearing is covering it quite well, so why worry about Barry seeing it?”, he looked at Nina suspiciously. “This is just a meeting…..or are you planning to do something else with him?”, he asked.

“Planning to do what?”.

“I dont know….you tell me”.

Nina ignored him and studied every man that came in or left the place. It made Eric quite uncomfortable.

“Calm down woman……he will be here soon”, he assured her.

“I haven’t seen him for almost nineteen years”, Nina said with a weak smile. “I wonder what the reaction might be… could get out of hand. But i don’t want him to do something bad to Agnes his wife”.

“You mean…..cheat on her?, well that’s not gonna happen”, Eric shook his head. “And you better make sure that it doesn’t happen”.

“I will try my best”.

“Don’t say you will try……just don’t let it happen. Even if it means you threatening him with that knife you are concealing under your skirt”.

Then Alex came over to their table.

“Okay…..he is in the lobby”, he began as he rubbed his hands and glanced at Nina and Eric. “So are you ready to meet him?”, he asked

“Wait, does he know am here?”, Nina asked him and looked at the door nervously.

“No….he doesnt know at all…..i told him i wanted to have a father and son dinner”, Alex replied. “It was really hard convincing that man to come here”, he shook his head and sighed

“You always had it so easy”, Eric said to his twin brother. “Mine was making a bad deal with her so as to bring her here”, he pointed at Nina.

“Yeah yeah….we all know you are the one doing the heavy ones”, Alex said sarcastically.

“And also wrote your certificate exam for you because your are too dumb to write it”, Eric added.

“And i also heard you helped your girlfriend……was she also like me?….too dumb to write it?”, Alex smiled.

“Don’t make me add ‘roasted Alex’ to the restaurant menu you dumb f@ck”, Eric got up and glared at Alex.

“Boys!….seriously are the both of you gonna do this right here?….right now?”, Nina retorted. “You boys need to behave…especially infront me and your father”. Then she looked at Eric. “You have to always show respect no matter the situation…..that is one of the virtues that will make you stand out from the rest”, she said to him.

Eric said nothing.

“You heard what she said. You have to respect me because am older”, Alex whispered to him as Nina drank the water in the glass cup on the table.

“I will do that on the day you kick my ass”, Eric whispered back. “Until then, you better watch yourself”.

“If not because you put the hurt on Daniel’s karate teacher thereby making him to think i am you, i would have joined Daniel in training karate in his dojo….and be able to kick your ass”.

“Dude just listen to what you are saying”.

Then Nina suddenly stopped drinking and stared at the restaurant front desk, holding the glass close to her lips. She was looking at the middle aged man who was talking to the receptionist and looking around the restaurant. Without looking at her twin boys, she left the glass on the table and immediately headed towards man.

Barry listened to the female receptionist and nodded his head as he looked around the place. He asked about the reservation his son had made and the lady was finding it difficult to find the name he gave her.

After checking and cross checking the names on the bright monitor screen facing her, she shook her head and apologized. Scratching his neatly cut grey hair, Barry sighed and glanced to his side. He saw a beautiful woman wearing a black close fitted dress coming towards him and looked at his gold Rolex wristwatch. Then he gasped and immediately looked in the direction of the woman approaching him again and stared at her with his mouth open.

Nina came over and stood infront of Barry. She stared at him. Barry stared back at her and they remained like that for almost half a minute.

“Hi Barry….”, Nina then began with a weak smile. “Longtime no see……how are you doing?”.

Barry was totally lost for words. He just keep staring at Nina with his mouth still open. Nina got closer to him and held his hand. She looked him in the eyes and gently rest her head on his shoulders. Barry eyes darted around the restaurant.

He wanted to be sure that he wasn’t in dreamland. Then he gently raised a hand and suspended it over her shoulder for a few seconds before placing it gently. Nina slide her arms around his neck and raised her face to his. Barry put his arms around her waist and pulled her more closer. Their lips met. The kiss was full of passion and Nina had tears rolling down her cheek.

“That shouldn’t happen”, Eric murmured and glanced at Alex.

“I know…..just let them be”, Alex said and stared at Nina and Barry.

“Well you know what can happen when ex lovers meet again”.

“I know…..”, Alex sighed. “But that woman called Agnes have treated me so bad that i don’t care what he does with aunt Helen.

“You mean Nina”.

Nina….Helen….whatever the name is. I just want to see her happy…..and my father too”.

Barry slowly let go and looked at Nina in her face.

“You are still as beautiful as how you were when i first met you”, he said as he gently touched her face.

Nina smiled shyly. “I’ve gotten old”, she murmured and looked down.

“Oh come on….”, Barry put his hand under her chin and lift her face up. “You are still beautiful as ever if not more”, he said kindly and swiped the tears on her cheek.

Nina smiled and gave him a peck.

“Oh i came with the boy you asked me to take care of….”, Barry said and looked around the restaurant. “He is grown now. I have alot to tell you about him”.

“I know…..and i came with the other boy”, Nina said to him.

Barry stared at her . “Other boy?,……what do you mean by that?”, he asked with a confused look in his face.

Nina smiled and pointed at Alex and Eric walking towards them. Barry saw the twins and was flabbergasted. He had woke up today and prepared for the dinner his son wanted to have with him. Not for the drama that is unfolding before him.

“How come?”, he managed to utter as he stared at the two boys. Then he looked at Nina. “Are they twins?”, he asked her.

“Yes they are twins……our twin boys”.

“Our twin boys?,….you mean… had a baby for me?”.

Nina nodded and beckoned at the boys to come to her.

“This is Alex, the one that grew up in your house”, she said and looked Alex. “This is Eric, the one who had been in your house for almost two months”, she said and looked at Eric.

“Been in my house for the past two months?, i dont understand?”, Barry is really confused.

Nina looked at him. “Alex didn’t run away from your house. I took him and let him stay in my place”, she said. “Eric took his place while i fixed the damage your wife had done to him”,

Barry thought for a while and looked at Eric.

“Well that explains alot of things”, he then said. “The sudden toughness and boldness… wasn’t Alex all these times. It was him”, he smiled.

Then Barry sighed and glanced at each and every one of them.

“This could have been how we supposed to be”, he murmured and looked at Nina. “We suppose to be here as a family…not like this”.

They all remained silent as they stood; glancing at each other. One of the stewards came over and asked them if he could be of any help. Eric whispered something to him and pointed at Nina and Barry. The steward nodded and turned to Barry.

“Sir….let me show you and your wife your table”, he said politely.

Barry and Nina looked at Eric who nodded at them. Then Barry smiled at him. He gently took Nina’s hand and they followed the steward who lead them to another table in the V.I.P section.

“So what are we gonna do?”, Alex asked and looked at Eric intently.

“We?, there is no ‘we’ here”, Eric replied. “You should ask yourself what you gonna do”.

“What does that suppose to mean?”,

Then Lisa stepped into the place and looked around. Her eyes caught the twins and she smiled.

“It means that you will have to find something to keep yourself busy”, Eric said and looked at Lisa as she approached them. “Because i already found one”.

Lisa came over and said hello to Alex as she placed her hand on Eric’s shoulder. Alex stared at Lisa. Her close fitted black mini-skirt and black flowery designed blouse that showed her curves wowed him.

“And she wants us to go somewhere else”, Eric continued and held her hand.

“Aw come on bro…..”, Alex sighed. “Can’t we have some time to spend together as brothers?”, he asked.

“Sorry not today…..perhaps next time”, Eric winked at him.

“So what am i suppose to do?”.

Then Eric went close to Alex. “If you were half as attentive and alert as me you would have noticed that the girl over there had being sitting alone”, he whispered and pointed at a beautiful girl in her late teens sitting on a table. “That’s why i always tell you am better than you. So you have to respect me”.

Then Eric took Lisa’s hand and walked away. Alex smiled at him brightly and turned his eyes to the girl. He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. Then he calmly approached the girl. She looked up and saw a handsome boy coming towards her with alot of confidence. And it made her smile.


Barry opened the bottle of red wine after reading it’s label and looked at Nina

“Is it still your favourite?”, he asked her.

“Unhuh……”, Nina replied, with elbows on the table and hands folded under her chin. “It’s like you still remembered”.

“Yes i remembered…..”, Barry murmured as he poured some wine in her glass. “I remembered everything… it was just yesterday”, then he poured in his own glass.

“Are still mad at me after all these years?”, Nina asked.

“I will be lying if i say am not mad at you”, Barry replied and placed the bottle on the table. “After all we had between us you just disappeared……saying goodbye on the phone. Atleast you could have said it to me, face to face”.

Nina sighed. “Barry, you won’t understand…..i…”, she began.

“What do you mean by that?”, Barry interrupted her with abit of irritation in his voice. “That’s exactly what you said before you left and that’s also what you said almost ten months later when you called to tell me about a baby i should adopt”.

Then he looked down and stared at his glass of wine for a while in silence. Nina stared at him and wondered what he was thinking about.

“It is almost nineteen years since you left”, Barry muttered still looking at the glass. “Whatever it is, am sure am old enough to understand”, then he looked at Nina. “So please tell me what it is that made you to leave me and convince my wife not to divorce me”, he demanded. “You know very well how i loved you so much and wanted us to be together”.

“Barry, there are things best left unknown”, Nina said to him. “And there are things that we can’t have… matter how hard we try to get it, we can’t have it…….and alot damages could be done while trying to have it”.

“I still want to know”.

“You want to know?……you want to know the truth?”.

“Yes…..the whole truth. I deserve to know all of it”.

“And you think you can handle the whole truth?”. Nina scoffed and looked away.

“You seem to have forgotten who i am”.

“Of course i still know who you are”, Nina retorted, still looking away. “Barry Philips, the c.e.o of Philips conglomerate…….only son of a civil war veteran and the man who built a successful company in a short period of time……blood type AB……wears the left shoe before the right”.

Then Nina looked at Barry. “Are you still talking yourself when no one is around?”, she asked him.

Barry stared at her in silence. No one ever knew about him talking to himself whenever he is alone. Not even Agnes, his wife of more than twenty years.

“I can still remember the smell of the paper that had all the info about you”, she continued with a smirk. “While i was being drilled on how to kill you”.

“What?……what are you talking about?”, Barry was startled.

“You want to know the truth……the whole truth”, Nina said to him. “The truth is there was nothing between you and me……initially. Because i was sent to kill you after making you sign some documents. Some of your competitors and business partners wanted you out of the way. And the big man who had an age old grudge with your father was willing to help them do it”, then she took a sip from the her glass.

“That night i first met you, i was following and watching you. But somehow you developed an interest in me in that bar……at first it felt awkward. Then i had to play along after noticing another set of hired killers sent by your ex business partner to eliminate you watching and following you”, she sighed. ” All those nights i wanted us to go on a date. It wasn’t actually a date. It was just my way of watching over you so those assassins wont ruin my mission till i had killed them all”. She took another sip from her glass.

“And that thing that happened between us that night in the motel room. It wasn’t suppose to happen at all……but it happened. And just like every other nights, it kept on happening because we couldn’t get enough of each other. Then everything became so complicated because the man i was supose to eliminate became my first man….it made me weak. Soon i was carrying those boys you just saw in my womb”.

Barry rubbed the bridge of his nose as he bowed his head. Thinking about what Nina just told him was giving him some kind of a headache.

“First of all, who is this big man you are talking about?”, he asked.

“That, i can’t tell you……and it’s best you don’t know and go on living your life like i didn’t tell you all these things am telling you now”, Nina replied.


“Just take it that way”.

“Okay then, what is this age old grudge he had with my father?”.

“I wish i know……but whatever it is that made the man want to kill the son who has nothing to do with whatever his father did, it must be very serious”.

“So what happened?……since you didn’t eliminate me, why didn’t he send someone else to finish the job?”, Barry asked again. “Did he have a change of heart?”.

“Well….you have to thank me for that”, Nina replied. “I had to do alot of things…….underwent alot of unbearable pains and made alot of promises. That’s why you are still breathing today”.

“So why did you do it?”,

Nina remained silent and stared at her wine glass.

“Tell me why you did it?”, Barry demanded again.

“Why are you asking?, do you prefer to be murdered and all that you have built through hard work taken away by your enemies?”, Nina asked coolly.

“You did it because you really loved me”, Barry said to her and his lips curved into a smile. “You love me”.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” Nina murmured indifferently. Then she looked at her wristwatch. “Barry i think i have to go now”, she then got up and started walking towards the exit.

“Nina wait!…..”, Barry got up immediately and followed her.

Barry and Nina remained silent as the elevator descended from the twenty-fifth floor, heading to the ground floor. Listening to the lounge music that played in a low volume from the speakers in the elevator, Barry stole a few glances at Nina as she stood beside him and stared at the elevator buttons. As if trying to avoid looking at him. Then he gently extend his hand and held hers.

Nina slowly turned her head and looked at the hand holding hers. She looked at him for a few seconds and turned away. Barry gradually pulled her closer to him and made an attempt to kiss her. Nina resisted, but quite unwillingly. Barry made another attempt and their lips met. Nina immediately withdraw her head and shook it.

“No…..Barry please no……you have a wife and kids”, she protested quietly. “We can’t do this”.

Barry moved his hand to the elevator buttons. He hit stop button and brought it to a halt. Then he wrapped his arm around Nina’s waist and crushed his lips against hers. Nina didn’t resist. She responded quite well though protesting weakly that what they were doing was wrong. Then Barry moved his lips to the nape of her neck and kissed it passionately.

Nina moaned with alot of pleasure as barry worked his tongue on her erogenous zone. It made her mind to let go of all reasonable and cautious thought. And allowed all kinds of bad thoughts to replace them. Then she hit the fifteenth floor button and the elevator came to life, taking them to the new destination.

“I have a room…….”, she moaned as they kissed passionately. “I hope you still got it in you”.

“You better cancel whatever schedule you have tomorrow girl……”, Barry murmured at her.


“More than monsters……that’s what we are……from the beginning of time till the day the Big Guy decides to turn off the light in this world, that is what we will always be”, Nina rubbed the steering wheel of the car with her hands and looked at the boy sitting on the passenger seat beside her. “And the more you accept the fact, the better because it will make alot of things quite clear to you. Make you to be able to make the right decisions, make you to live with no regrets……..also make you know what you can have and what you cannot have”.

The boy remained silent as he stared at the apartment building the car was parked close to.

“The day you found out about me was the day i knew that this day will come”, Nina continued. “Just like my own day came when i found out who my dad was…..that’s why i tried so hard not to allow you boys know who i am. Because no matter what or no matter how far you go, you will always come back.

As long as that blood is flowing in you. One family legend has it that it was a curse placed on us. And as times went by, we became nightmares for monsters themselves because of the things we did and the things we have done”.

Then Nina took a deep breath and paused for a while.

“You will have two educations”, she continue. One will be the normal education people have. Which is going to college or university to get a career just like every other people do. The other is my own type of education”, she looked at the boy sternly. “I will shake and break you boy…..whatever it is that you learned in that house will be taken out of you.

I’m going to remake you. And when am done with you, to the outside world you will look like the every day normal guy. But in reality you will even be the bogeyman’s worst nightmare because i will make you be the kind of guy people will need if they want the bogeyman to be killed in the worst way. Even if he is in the depths of hell……

“So what’s the catch?”, the boy asked Nina without looking at her. “For me to be all that, there is certainly a price to pay”.

“Well…..” Nina began with a smile. “Never expect a better tomorrow because the promises of a long life is not for you so that’s why you gotta be extremely vicious when dealing with your enemy. You will know pain……falling in love is never an option because it is a weakness for people like us and you shouldn’t have any weakness at all.

Last and not the least, there are sets of rules that you must follow. You have to abide by it and always remember it. If you break any of them wilfully……”, Nina gazed at the boy. “I will kill you myself……i dont care if you are my son and i never cared. And how i will kill you if you break any of those rules will depend on my mood that day; it could be quick or it could be very nasty”.

Then Nina took a deep breath and and exhaled gently. She looked at the apartment with a smirk.

“If you had taken care of that boy that day, he wouldn’t have killed that girl”, she murmured. “Of course she was the one who had set your girlfriend up in his place but she doesn’t deserve to die”.

“Well, she is the one who brought it upon herself”, the boy said indifferently. “After what happened in that house she still hanged out with that guy and his group. Lisa saw her as a best friend yet that girl set her up. To me i think she deserves what happened to her”.

“Then why are we here?”, Nina asked.

“The boy’s time is up……and you wanted me to make you proud”, the boy murmured as he put on a black hoodie jacket. “Besides that bastard got the nerve to threaten me and my mother”, he looked at Nina. “Nobody threatens my mother”.

Nina smiled. She reached for the suitcase on the backseat and opened it. She took out the knife and pulled it out from it’s sheath. She looked at the boy and handed it to him.

“Don’t worry i got everything i need right here”, he said and grabbed his black duffle bag.

“Okay then……”, Nina then lit herself a cigarette and took a drag. She gently exhaled the smoke out of her lungs and stared at the burning end of the cigarette. “Go get him boy”, she then say without looking at the boy. “Leave no prints”.

Putting on a rubber gloves, the boy opened the door and slide out of the car. He put on the hoodie, slung the bag over his shoulder and head towards the entrance of the five floor apartment building with alot of determination.


Dad i can’t stay here for one more day……..”, Angel barked at the mouthpiece of his cellphone and listened for a while. “Since the police said there is no evidence for them to find the killer, why am i still here?……i want to go home………am tired of staying here”!, then he listened again. “Oh okay then……”, Angel smiled as he picked up the remote of the T.v. “Tell mom to give the driver some cloths……and some money…..i will be needing them……see you soon dad”.

Angel ended the call and smiled happily. He flipped the channels of the T.v as he looked around the living-room of the well furnished two rooms apartment. One of the several apartments owned by his family. And the apartment he had been hiding in for the past three weeks since the murder of Tracy. The murder he committed.

He didnt expect the murder to bring that much heat. And due to the gruesome nature of the crime; a girl killed and her body splashed with acid to cover up any trace of fingerprints or any other evidence, there is a growing public outcry for the authorities to find the perpetrators.

But as usual his father had used his connections and greased a few palms to save his neck. And a homeless deranged man was somehow made to take the murder rap. Yet Angel just don’t understand why his father still want him to stay in one of the apartments that he uses to cheat on his mother.

As Angel flipped the channel, a news being broadcasted in the news channel caught his attention. He listened as the female news presenter gave the latest report on a murder case with Tracy’s picture on one side of the screen.

Angel heard the report and smirk as he looked away.

“They should have also told the world that she squealed like a pig when we were taking turns on her”, he scoffed and changed the channel.

Then Angel heard a knock. He remained silent and stared at the door. After a few seconds of silence the knock came again and continued. He glanced at his wristwatch and got up. Thinking about the driver his dad had earlier said will be sent to him, he quietly went to the door and wondered how he came so fast. He opened the door and saw nobody. Quite baffled, he curiously stepped out from the apartment to the empty and quiet corridor. He glanced both ways and pursed his lips.

Probably one of those pranks, he thought as he turned to go back inside. Then he heard a sound, like that of an alarm clock. His eyes followed the sound and saw something a few feet away from the door of his apartment. He cautiously went over to where it laid on the floor and picked it up. He found out it was a digital timer. His digital timer……the one Lisa’s boy took from his bedroom. It was ringing and blinking “Time up”.

Angel immediately dropped the device and made for the door of the apartment. He opened the door and bumped into boy wearing a black hoodie jacket.

Angel stared at the boy in shock. “What the hell are…..”, he began.

But before Angel could finish that sentence, hoodie boy grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and thrusted what looked like a homemade knife at him.

The rusty blade of the knife penetrated Angel’s tummy. Before he could start feeling the pain of the stabbing, the “shank” got driven into him two more times. Angel groaned and collapsed on the floor with his hands clutching his profusely bleeding tummy. The hoodie boy dragged him into the apartment and kicked the door close. Angel made an attempt to get up but the boy kicked him in his face; making him to go down to the floor again. Then hoodie boy flipped him over and drive the knife into him again.

Angel screamed as the blade sliced into him. The hoodie boy was taking his time in delivering multiple stabbings in Angel’s back. The boy straightened up and watched Angel cry and beg for mercy as he crawled on the floor with blood spurting out of the knife wounds. He was trying to reach for his cell phone on the table in the dining room and leaving a trail of blood on the floor as he did so.

After spending a few minutes watching Angel struggle to reach for his phone, hoodie boy bend over him again and stabbed him more; making sure the blade hit his vital organs. Angel’s struggling stopped. He just laid on the floor, in the pool of his own blood with laboured breathing. Then hoodie boy went over to where he had dropped his duffle bag. He opened it and took out a 12 gauge sawed off shotgun.

Moving his head weakly and coughing out blood from his mouth, Angel gazed at the boy as he came and stood over him with the weapon.

“You……”, he began weakly and coughed out more blood. “Who the hell are you?”,

The boy took off the hoodie and showed his face properly.

“Alex…..please…..please dont do this”, Angel begged. He tried to get up, but couldn’t and groaned painfully.

Then boy grabbed Angel by his ankle. “The name is Eric….. not Alex”, he said to Angel and begin to drag him towards the bathroom; humming to himself.

Angel’s body left a trail of blood as he was being dragged into the bathroom. He couldn’t put up any resistance. The blade had hit his spinal cord and made his limbs to go out of action. He tried grabbing on anything his hand could reach as Eric dragged him to uncertainty. But his grip was weak and he only succeeded in leaving his blood stains on them.

“You don’t have do this man…..”, Angel groaned as Eric open the door to the bathroom and hauled him into the bathtub. “I didn’t touch her…..i didn’t touch Lisa….please”, he gasped.

Eric ignored his pleadings and made sure that he was properly laid inside the bathtub. Then he cocked the 12 gauge “hammer”.

“Please…..Alex…..Eric…please don’t shoot”.

“You were right”, Eric said and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Angel’s chest. “I can’t f@cking do you nothing……and i can’t f@cking do nothing about the order given for your execution”.

“Please…..don’t shoot….don’t shoot”.

“Give my regards to Tracy, tell her more of her killers will be coming soon”.

Eric pulled the trigger and let the cartridge in the chamber spit death.


Nina heard the gunshot and smiled. Two more shots rang out like a distant thunder. It attracted the attention of the few people hanging around the residential building that is usually empty by that time of the afternoon. After seeing no signs of any trouble, they continued with whatever activities they were doing, not knowing that a manslaughter had just occured in one of the apartments in the building.

Nina saw Eric calmly exiting the building and brought life to the car engine.

“So…….”, Nina began as Eric slide into the front passenger seat. “How did it feel?”, she asked, looking at him in his face.

“What do you mean?”, Eric asked as he took off the blood soaked rubber gloves.

“I mean… did it feel like after doing what you just did?”, Nina asked again.

“Well… felt like i just killed a guy…..that all”, Eric replied as stuffed the gloves inside the duffle bag and tossed it to the back seat. “Or am i suppose to have some special feelings after almost splitting a guy in half and blowing his brains out with a shotgun , he asked.

Nina stared at him for a while and then hit the gear of the Range Rover. The SUV slowly rolled out of the parking spot and head towards the main road. As the car hit the road and joined the traffic, Nina stole a few glances at Eric as he stared ahead of him in silence.

“No matter how tough or heartless or whoever you think you are boy……”, Nina said as she worked the steering wheel. “…..if you kill someone…..if you watch that energy and life leave the body, it will change you……change you forever. You have to know that”.

Then she pushed the car stereo button and chose a song from the list of songs on the menu screen.

“I always listen to this lounge music whenever i take a life”, she said and glanced at Eric. “It is calming. I think you should listen to it to calm yourself down”.

“Who said i want to be calmed down?”, Eric asked. “Just drive and shut your mouth if you have nothing good to talk about”.

Nina hit the music button. She glanced at him with a delightful smile and revved the engine, making the posh car to roar and accelerate it’s speed. The song called “Looped” could be heard playing out of the car as it disappeared in the traffic.

BLOODLINE Episode 18 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 18

Click the next post to read BLOODLINE EPILOGUE

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4 years ago

Gotta read this damn epilogue!!!

I’ve been taking by surprise, never knew the story is about to end?️

4 years ago

This is serious am short of words anyway thanks to opradre and the writer

4 years ago

It’s really addictive. Reading it all day. Thanks to the writer