BLOODLINE Episode 16 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 15 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 16 by Ironkurtain

Nina removed the ice pack she had on her face and gave it to Eric who was sitting beside her. He took the pack of ice and pressed it against his left cheek and grimaced. He sighed and touched the cut on his other cheek.

“I don’t believe you”, he murmured and looked at Nina. “How will i know this is not one of your scams?”, he asked.

“Aw come on…….even that madness we displayed minutes ago would have convinced you”, Nina replied. “We are both crazy…….am a crazy woman and you are crazy boy…..the thing is you were too blinded by your hatred for me to see that we are the same”.

“Woman, we are not the same”, Eric murmured. “I’m not crazy and I’m not like you”.

“Really?, now tell me how we are not the same?”, Nina asked with a smile.

Eric looked at Nina surprisingly. “You are a killer!……”, he exclaimed. “You torture and kill people and i heard you do it like it’s some kind of a hobby”.

“Of course i kill people….i admit it. But they all had blood in their hands and none was innocent. They all deserve what happened to them”, Nina said. Then she eased closer to Eric. “Remember i told you that i did my investigation……and i found out that whenever that woman you call your mother seem to have a problem with anybody, something strange happen to them”.

Eric remained silent.

“………the drugstore owner had his shop burnt down…..”, she continued. “What did the furniture shop owner say to Esther that had him almost beaten to death in his own house and his shop burnt to the ground?. Oh and that story about a masked guy entering a bus load of a high school football team and taking all of them out with a baseball bat after the rumours about them molesting a girl was circulating.

Even though they got what they deserved for whatever they did, the person metting out those punishments is definitely crazy…..don’t you think so?”.

Eric rested his back on the sofa back cushion, still pressing the ice pack against his face. Then he looked at Nina.

“If you claim to be my mother, then who is my father?”, he asked her.

“Your father……”, Nina began and smiled with a distant gaze. “…….he was such a lovely man. I always regret why i left him…….but i had to do that for his own safety”, then she looked at Eric. “You have his eyes and his composure……i also heard he had being good to you”.

“Good to me?, what do you mean?……who are…..”, Eric paused for a few seconds and glared at Nina. “Barry Philips?!”, he asked aloud.

Nina nodded.

“Oh God!……but that man is married to Agnes”, Eric said and looked away. “How did you…….”, he paused and looked at Nina again. “It’s you… are the woman he was talking about…..”, he said to her.

“What do you mean?”, Nina asked.

“You are the woman he always wished to meet again…..”, Eric continued. “…….the person he wished he was married to, instead of that woman called Agnes”.

“Did he say all that?”.

“That man loved you so much……But you left him”.

“Look, i didn’t just leave him…….it was a complicated situation”.

“Yeah sleeping with a married man”, Eric scoffed. “So how did i end up in my mother’s hands…..i mean Esther’s hands?”, he asked.

“I don’t know……i think you have to ask Esther that question”, Nina replied.

“What do you mean you don’t know?…….she claimed that she stole me from you and you are telling me that you don’t know how it happened?”.

“I don’t know because i didn’t even know that you existed!”, Nina retorted. “I thought it was only Alex, but i didn’t know that i had twins”.

Eric stared at her with his mouth open and gasped as he looked away. Nina got up and picked up the phone and dialled a number.

“Yeah…..i want you to bring her to the living-room”, she said to the phone mouthpiece and dropped it on the table.

Then she went behind the counter of the mini-bar and took out a bottle of brandy from the liquor cabinet. She glanced at Eric and took two glasses.

“When she comes……”, Nina began as she poured a shot on both glasses. “……you ask her to tell you the rest of the story”.


The big man in black suit opened the door and politely motioned at the living-room. Esther glanced at him as he turned around and left. She went inside and looked around the place as she paced quietly; not being sure why she was brought there. Then she saw Eric sitting on the sofa.

“Eric!!”, she shrilled and rushed towards him as he got up.

Esther almost knocked him down as she threw her arms around him and gave him a tight hug. Eric winced with pain and tried to breakaway from the hug.

“My son, are you okay?”, she asked. Then she saw the cut on his cheek and some blood stain in his nostril. “Oh my God what happened to your face?”, she asked as she examined the cut. “What did that evil woman do to you?”.

“The evil woman didn’t do anything to him”.

Esther heard Nina’s voice and turned her head. She saw the woman in the mini-bar making a toast and sipping the drink. Esther glared at her with alot of anger while Nina smiled at her.

“What did you do to my son?…..”, Esther began angry as she made a move to go and confront Nina.

“No…no mom…..”, Eric grabbed Esther’s arm and gently pulled her back. “You don’t want some of that woman……..believe me, she is more of a monster than human”.

“Eric let me go!!……”, Esther protested. “Let me teach her a lesson!”.

“Mom…..calm down please!”, Eric tried to calm her down.

Nina picked up the bottle of brandy and two glasses and came towards them.

“Woman, you need to listen to him”, Nina said and placed the bottle and glasses on the centre table. “And he has questions that you need to answer”, Nina stood infront of Esther and stared at her.

“Why don’t you go burn in hell!!”, Esther spat and threatened to hit Nina.

“Woman, if you touch me, i will send you to that hell first”, Nina warn with a cold, stern voice.

“I will happily go there as long as i put you there first….evil b!tch!!”.

“Alright you two women shut up!!”, Eric bawled and got inbetween Esther and Nina before they could start tearing each other apart…….or rather before Nina kill Esther. “Calm down and let’s settle this mess going on here”.

“What is going on here?!”.

The three of them heard the voice and looked at the direction where it came from. They saw a boy standing at the door and staring at them. Eric and Esther stared at him with their mouth open while Nina smiled at him.

“Hello Alex……are you back?”, she said to the boy with open arms. “I want you to come meet someone here”, she beckoned at him.

Esther glanced at Eric and stared at Alex in bewilderment. Eric stood with arms akimbo stared at him as he slowly came over to where they stood. Then Alex hugged Nina and looked at her face.

“Aunt Helen what happened to your face”, he asked. Then he glanced at the broken flower vase and disorganized furnitures. “What happened here?…..who are these people……who is this boy?”, Alex asked and stood infront of Eric as he stared at him with alot of curiosity in his face

“Aunt Helen?…….”, Eric chuckled and glanced at Nina. Then he looked at Alex. “Hm… you are the one called Alex, huh?”, he asked.

“Are they……twins?”, Esther gasped as she gentle sat down with a thoughtful gaze.

“Twins?……”, Alex muttered and looked at Nina. “Aunt Helen, what is going on here?……who is this boy?”, he asked again.

“Dude…..even me myself don’t even know who this boy is”, Eric said to Alex and tapped himself on his chest. “I thought i knew, but now am as surprise as you are”.

Alex glanced at Esther and Eric. “Aunt Helen, please tell me what is going on here”, he asked without looking at Nina.

“Her name is not Aunty Hel…..”, Eric began.

“Shut up your mouth i didn’t ask you!…..”, Alex interrupted him rudely and glared at him.

Eric chuckled and looked away. He suddenly grabbed Alex and fell him down with a headbutt. Then he grabbed Alex by his shirt and heaved him up and raised his hand with open palm to smack him on his face.

“Hey!…..boys!….Eric enough of that!”, Nina barked. She separated them and pulled Alex away while Esther got up from the sofa and held Eric.

“I’m the one who took care of all the bullshits in your pathetic life……”, Eric barked at Alex as he felt his face and stared at Eric with fear. “…….the bullshits that keep happening because you were so much of a coward to face it and chose the easy way out……by the way your suicide letter sucks so bad that nobody will come to your burial if it was read”.

“Eric!….will you shut up your mouth!”, Nina warned.

Esther looked at Nina. “That job….was it to make Eric impersonate……Alex?”, she asked.

“Yes of course!……just that. But the id!ot went about rattling people’s cage”, Nina retorted.

“But why?”,

“What do you care?”

“I just want to know why”, Esther’s voice was calm.

Nina pursed her lips as she thought for a while and looked at Esther.

“Before i tell you why, you have to tell me how you got Eric and why you adopted him”, she said.

Esther looked at Nina and nodded. Then she sat down on the sofa and sighed.


“It was a terrible fire and alot of people lost their lives…….”, Esther said and wiped the tears in her eyes. “Quite terrible…..some dead bodies were badly burned that it was difficult to identify them”, she looked at other three as they stared at her and listened. “That was the day i lost my fiance, Ernest……he was badly burned when he risked his life to save a baby. I was there…. i saw him come out of the inferno with almost all his skin gone…..and carrying a baby covered with a wet blanket.

Then Esther remained silent with a downcast gaze. Nina poured a shot in one of the glass and handed it to her. Esther accepted and took a sip.

“We were suppose to get married in two week……”, Esther continued. “….Two weeks to the happiest day of my life i watched my ‘husband to-be’ lay on the bed and cry in agony as his skins fell off his body. All because of one baby. Yet he kept telling me to take care of the baby. He died of course.

Screaming for water….i dont know why he wanted water. Though i heard that before your final breath, you will have a vivid flash of all the events that happened in your life. I guess the last was him being roasted in that inferno”, Esther sighed and raised the cup as she looked up. “Ernest i know you will be surprise to see me drink this”, she said and drank it all.

Then Esther gave the glass back to Nina and looked at Eric.

“After a few days nobody came forward to claim the baby”, she continued her story. “And with so many charred unidentified bodies, the hospital put the baby’s mother as deceased. I was the one who made that paper works and also forged the orphanage paperworks.

Then i took the baby and left Easthill city because i felt that there was nothing here for me. We went to Metro-city and started a new life and i called the baby Eric.

That was the name i always told Ernest i will name our first son”, Esther pat Eric on his shoulder and smiled.

“So why did Ernest want to save the baby?”, Nina asked.

“That, I’m still trying to comprehend after all these years”, Esther answered. “I don’t know if it had to do with him being the surgeon who initially saved it from dying due to complication……maybe he got too attached to the baby after performing the surgery on it”,

“Did he tell you anything about the mother?”, Nina asked again.

Esther thought for a while and sighed.

“He said she was in her late teens. And that she had a caesarean section due to some kind of problem……i think he said fetal distress”, she replied and shook her head. “That poor woman…..she had twins…..she was still in a coma when the fire broke out……probably died without seeing her babies”.

Eric slowly turned his head and looked at the scar on Nina’s tummy.

Nina stared at Esther and asked, “So how come did i see only one baby beside my bed when i woke up?”

“What do you mean?”, Esther was puzzled by the question.

“She mean to say that she is our mother…..and that she woke up in the hospital with only Alex on the baby cot beside her bed”, Eric said to Esther and pointed to the scar on Nina’s tummy. “You can clearly see the scar from the C-section she had”.

“What?!…..”, Alex exclaimed and looked at Nina. “You are my mother?………why did you tell me that you were my mom’s sister and she died a long time ago……what the hell is going on here?!”.

Esther stared at Nina and scoffed. She shook her head and looked.

“So what is this?…..are you here to claim your kids?”, she asked. “Is that why you brought us here?, to claim what belongs to you through lies and deceptions?”.

“I didn’t come here to claim anybody or anything, woman”, Nina retorted. “What am i going to do with them anyway?”, she asked. “Am a woman but i can never be a good mother……..i can never be like you”, Nina said and looked at Esther.

Then Nina sighed and poured herself a shot.

“When i came back to this country, the first thing i did was to check up on my baby”, she said as she stared at Alex. “What i saw broke my heart……”.

“He was a total loser”, Eric whispered to his mom and she eyed him.

“I even doubted he was the baby that i had and left in the care of his father…….his character was so different from that of the family”, Nina continued. “So i decided to do some digging to be sure that he was my son. I managed to get some old files that survived that hospital fire. It was there that i found out i had twins.”

Then Nina drank the liquor and poured herself another shot.

“In my quest to find my other son, i dug deeper and located were he lived with the woman registered as his mother. Then i saw him perform in that tournament…. the way he fought… much killer instinct….a natural born killer.

It was there and then i knew that he was my flesh and blood. From a bloodline of psychos and lunatics”, Nina chuckled “….. So i decided to use him in my plan to help Alex’s situation”, she concluded.

“And you came up with that sick plan…. huh?” Esther asked her. “Blackmailing us into doing your bidding because you thought it was the best way to make Eric help you with your plan?”.

“And you expected me to do what?…..”, Nina asked. “…..Walk up to you and be like, ‘hi my name is Nina, the real mother of that boy who caused the death of your fiance and your son through some forged documents you made. And i want to use him to execute a job’…….is that what you wanna hear….. woman?”, she asked again.

Esther remained silent and stared at her.

“Besides….my aim was to execute the plan without any of them or any of you knowing that i am their mother”, Nina said. “And neither did i want what was going on to be made public because of their safety……because of the safety of everyone close to them”.

“What do you mean by that?”, Esther asked.

“She means the organization”, Eric answered.

“The family”, Nina corrected.

Then Nina showed them the scars on her back. Esther gasped when she saw it while Alex stared at it with his mouth wide open.

“I was tortured for a week for failing a mission…..”, Nina said. “……and sent to the worst part of killing fields of Congo to work my way back into the Family. By the orders of the Family head….we call him the Sosai. Guess what the mission was?, to kill Barry Philips….your father. But i fail….because of love. I was on the run for months…..with you boys in my womb.

I couldn’t even go to the hospital with hitmen trailing me and all the computer networks being watched to see if my name will appear anywhere”, then Nina laughed. “Do you know that before i checked myself into the hospital, i had engaged in a gunfight with four of the men sent to eliminate me”, she shook her head.

“After giving Alex up to be adopted by Barry, i gave myself up to the family and got punished”.

“Wait…..but why didn’t you just find a way to take the so called family down…….or even kill that Sosai or whatever his name is”, Eric asked.

“I couldn’t do that”, Nina replied.

“Why?…..”. Eric asked again.

Nina smiled. “Because he is my father…..your grandfather”,

“What?!!”, the other three exclaimed.

“Yeah…..and he doesn’t know about you boys”, Nina nodded. “And if he could do this to his only daughter for failing to kill a man who is the son of someone he had a grudge against, what do you think he will do if he finds out that i had children for that man?”, she asked. “He will kill you all and everybody that you know…..even your pet cats and dogs……he will go nuclear on everybody…….and he will take his time on me and Barry”.

Then Nina looked at Eric.

“You can see the reason why i always told you to follow my instructions”, she said to him. “His eyes is everywhere…..and he is watching me very closely.

Then the Cellphone in Eric pocket notified him of a new text message with two vibrations. He took it out from his pocket and checked the message.

“Hey that’s my phone”, Alex began and pointed at the phone Eric was holding.

“Yeah i know……”, Eric murmured as he read the message. “It’s Lisa…..”, He sighed and handed the phone to Alex. “I thought she said she dont wanna talk to me…… she is telling me to come help her……she said she is in Angel’s place and feeling very scared. I told her not to go there”.

“Lisa?……you mean the Lisa Richards?”, Alex asked Eric surprisingly.

“Yeah….it’s her so what?”, Eric eyed Alex.

“Dude she is like the hottest girl in town… did you even hook up with her?”, Alex said excitedy.


Then Alex read the message and frown.

“Dude if she is in Angels place and she is asking for help then you better go there as fast as you can”, he said and looked at Eric.

“Why do you say that?……she wanted to join the fraternity of happening people”, Eric said, glancing at Nina and Esther. “Maybe they are having one of their group fun and the rowdy boys are making her feel scared”.

“I heard alot of bad things about that guy Angel…..something that have to do with drugging and gangraping unsuspecting girls and other things i just don’t want to talk about”, Alex said. “And everything is always being covered up by his wealthy parents. That boy is the definition of a crazy spoilt brat. And his own is on steroids”.

“Then you better go help her…..she might be in serious trouble”, Esther said looking at Eric and Nina.

After a few second, Nina looked at Eric and said, “How fast can we go there?”

“I don’t know……but we have to get there real fast”, Eric said to her.

Then Nina picked up the phone and dialled a number.

Yeah……get the car ready”.


The porsche suv screeched and swung to the left as Nina worked the wood grained steering wheel. She hit the pedal and the engine revved hard and the automobile accelerated, overtaking every car infront of it.

“Has she pick up the your call?”, she asked Eric who had being trying Lisa’s number.

“Nope…….she is not answering the call”, Eric said and furrowed his eyebrow. “I will kill that nigga if he dare touch that girl”, he murmured with some anger in his voice.

“Do you think you can do it?…..”, Nina asked as she swerved the speeding car from right to left. “I mean, to kill somebody”.

“It’s not a matter of if i can…..but a matter of when”, Eric replied. Then he looked at her. “How many people have you killed?”, he asked.

“I lost count at two hundred and fifty-eight”, Nina replied. “Do you intend to break my record?”, she asked Eric with a smile.

“I have told you before and am telling you now that i am not like you”, Eric replied.

“We will see about that”, Nina murmured and chuckled

Then Eric looked at the traffic light that is about to flash the stop light.

“I wish that sh:t will only be on green…..we need to get there fast”, he said.

“Give me that your phone”, Nina demanded.


“I said give me the damn phone!”.

Eric curiously handed the phone to Nina and she dialled a number as she controlled the car.

“Hey Tony, this is Nina…..”, Nina began talking to the phone mouthpiece. “……i want you to hack into the city traffic system and track this car. Every traffic light it approaches should be a greenlight”.

She handed the phone back to Eric. Then Eric watched closely. And saw every traffic light they approached automatically turning to the greenlight while the others halted every other car coming from other directions.

“I be damned”, Eric muttered as the car rolled along the road undisturbed by any traffic. He looked at Nina and nodded with a smile.

Nina hit the pedal and the car roared louder, with the speedometer indicating how faster the car had gotten.

“I hope your girlfriend is a fighter…..”, Nina said as she swung the car into the street leading to Angel’s family house. “……Because if she is not, then Angel might be done by now……depending on how long he can last before he ejaculates”, she looked at Eric intently. Her intentions was to psych him up. And it worked when she saw Eric’s breathing suddenly quickened.

“Just drive this car to the place…….”, Eric said slowly but with a sinister voice. “…….God help him…….God help them all”, he murmured.

Nina heard it and smiled.

They reached the the high walled house and Nina brought the car to a screeching halt infront of the gate. Eric immediately opened the door and jumped out.

“Eric!……wait a minute!”, Nina called out as he was about to head towards the gate.

“What?!”, Eric stopped and asked angrily.

Nina strode to the back of the Porche Cayenne and beckoned at him as she opened the trunk of the car. Eric came over to see what is inside it.

“We might need one of these…..”, Nina said and gestured at the contents in the trunk……matchetes, 12 gauge sawed-off shot guns, Ak 47, Uzi, mac-10, handguns……..and other ‘hardwares’ for killing.

Eric glanced at her and stared inside her trunk.

“It’s like you are always ready to overthrow the government…..”, he said as he bent over to pick one. “……wait…is that a….a chainsaw??”, he asked and glanced at Nina. “Are we here to rescue a girl or open a human abattoir?”, he asked again

Nina pursed her lips and shrugged. Eric shook his head. Then he grabbed a baseball bat and straightened up.

“I want to take my time in bringing pain to them frat boys”, Eric said and examined it. Then he glanced at Nina and headed towards the gate.

Nina grabbed a handgun and tucked it in the belt behind her as she slammed the lid of the car trunk shut. She went over to the gate as Eric banged his fist on it.

The security man opened the gate furiously and stepped out. He glared at both of them angrily with arms akimbo.

“Who do you think…….”.

Before the man could finish those words, Nina pistol whipped him with the handgun and and knocked him out cold. One of the boys who came for the party going on inside the house saw what happened as he stepped out and froze. He looked at Eric and recognized him.

Then he staggered and rushed back into the house. Nina and Eric followed him in quick paces.

“Hold her still!”, Angel said to the boys as he unbuckled his belt while they struggled to spread Lisa’s legs apart.

Though she was very weak, Lisa trying her best as she kicked and thrashed her legs. But she know that it’s just a matter of time before the effect of the drug they just injected her starts to kick in. And her fate will be in the hands of the three boys.

“This girl is quite a stubborn one”, one of the boys said as they struggled to hold her legs still. “I think we have to wait till the drug weaken her more”, he said to Angel.

“I might enjoy it when she is struggling……since she is no longer a virgin”, Angel said as he unzipped his trouser. “It will make me give it to her very hard”, he smiled.

Then the door of the bedroom swing open and another boy stumbled inside, interrupting them in their rape game.

“Angel, that guy is here….”, the boy announced breathlessly. “The fool that was with her yesterday”.

“Which guy?”, one of the boys holding Lisa’s leg demanded.

“Alex……”, Angel murmured. Then he zipped up his trouser and smiled. “This is going to be too f@cking interesting……we gonna make him watch”, then he looked at the two boys holding Lisa. “You guys go tell the other boys downstairs to get him”, he ordered them.

“He is here with one woman…..and i saw…..”, the boy who just came in tried to tell Angel what happened to the security man but Angel barked at him to join the two boys that were now leaving the room.

After they left, Angel sat beside Lisa who turned her head weakly and stared at him. She is now giving him a weak smile.

“Run….run for your life”, she said to Angel inaudibly.

Angel lit himself a cigarette and blew the smoke at her waist.

“Don’t worry girl….when the boys bring your friend, we will make him watch while me and the boys enjoy ourselves”, he said to her and took another drag from the cigarette.

Eric swung the bat and hit him in his gut, making him to groan and double up. Then he beat the boy to the ground with another blow to his back. Eric glance at him and the other two boys lying on the floor and writhing in pain.

“Hm……impressive”, Nina said and lit herself a cigarette. She had being watching as Eric dished out the beat-down on the three boys. “But still not good enough”, she added and blew a cloud of smoke.

Eric ignored her and headed towards the entrance of the house. As he approached the door, he heard the stomping of several feet. Then the door swung open and six boys came out. They brandished bottles, metal pipes…….all kinds of bludgeoning tools.

Eric saw the determined murderous look on their faces as they stared at him with alot of eagerness to start using the weapons on him.

Then Nina came over tapped him on the shoulder.

“Go ahead and rescue your girlfriend”, she said to Eric as she stubbed the cigarette with her feet. “Let me handle this cockroaches”.

“Don’t use your gun here……”, Eric murmured to her.

“Who said anything about using a gun?…….let mommy show you how it is done”, Nina said and walked towards the boys. “Boys…”, she began as she approached them. “Don’t you think that you all suppose to be at home studying?”. She asked.

The boys glanced at themselves and smirked. One of them told the rest that Eric must have brought his aunt and they laughed.

Nina stood infront of them and glanced at each and every one of them

“Anyway we are just here to pick up a girl who is not supose to be here and we also suspect that she is in danger”, Nina said cooly and adjusted the cuffs of the jacket of her black suit. “And you guys can clearly see that we are not in the mood for any time wasting activities”, she gestured at the other three guys still lying on the floor and groaning.

“So it is unwise to be a hindrance to achieving our objective……so i suggest that you guy just step aside….or go back into the house and continue enjoying your frat party”. She concluded.

Then one of the boys holding a metal pipe approached Nina menacingly, calling her an old woman and bawling at her to get the hell out of their face. Before he could say another thing, Nina swung her left fist to his face. The blow broke his jaw instantly and got knocked to the ground like he got hit by a wreaking ball.

Nina picked up the metal pipe the boy dropped due to the “involuntary accident” . She stared at him as he laid on the floor with his hand on his hurting jaw and groaning in pain. Then she glanced at the other boys and savagely swung the pipe at the boy’s head; busting his temple open. And dropped the bloodstained pipe beside his motionless body as blood spurted profusely from his skull.

“So…..who else wanna be brave?”, Nina asked them with a smile. The remaining boys rushed at her like wild animals.

The last thing Eric saw before he dropped the bat and slipped into the building was two boys sprawling on the floor and bleeding profusely. Another boy’s foot was horribly twisted at the ankle as he tried to flee the terrible carnage. And a blood-curlding scream from the last boy with the sound of a bone being cracked

Eric ascended the stairs leading to the living-room in quick paces. Another boy descending from the stair saw him approaching and immediately came at him. Eric swung a right hook and bashed him in the face before he could throw a punch. He grabbed the boy by his shirt and propelled him to the wall. His body met the hard surface with his head thumping against it.

Eric swung another punch at the boy’s face that made his head to hit against the wall again, harder this time. Then he tugged the boy’s shirt , gave him a hard shove and watched him tumble down the stairs.

He took out another opponent standing infront of the door to the living-room in a matter of seconds with brutal sledgehammer blows that sent him into oblivion. Then Eric left him lying on the floor, bleeding from his nose and mouth. And proceed to kick the door open.

Eric entered the place that was crowded with boys and girls. They were drinking and flexing to the hip-hop music that was being played out too loud. The few that noticed how he barged into the living-room stared at him curiously.

He looked around the place wildly and made his way through the sweating bodies; pushing away those blocking him and touching themselves inappropriately as he headed towards the corridor with doors to the bedrooms.

“Hey!……you!…..what the hell are you doing here?!”.

Eric turned to see who it was. He recognized him. He was the boy who had grabbed his shirt on the first day he came to Angel house with Lisa. The “motherf@cking thug wannabe” who had the nerve to knock down the beer he was drinking.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”, the boy asked again as he came over and grabbed Eric by his shirt. “Who the f@ck do you think you?!”, he barked.

Eric looked at him and smirked. “You gonna know who i am today”.


Angel stubbed the cigarette in the ashtray and glanced at his watch impatiently. He wondered what was taking the boys so long to bring Eric. He got up and paced around his room and glanced at his wristwatch again. Then he went over to the window of his room to check for any activity going on outside the house.

“Where are your friends?…..”, Lisa slurred her words and moaned weakly. The effects of the drug they injected into her had kicked in.

“Have patience girl”, Angel murmured as he peeped through the glass of his window. “Your boyfriend will be here soon so that we can show his weak ass how to handle sweet girls like you”.

“There is nothing…….you can teach him…..”, Lisa murmured as she moved her legs weakly. “Why….don’t you….meet him to get lessons….on how to take a girl….to bed….”.

Angel turned slowly and looked at Lisa.

“…… took him just few hours to make me give it to him…..”, Lisa continued. “…..and he was so….so good in bed…..but you are the…..weak ass…..tying a girl up with help from your weak friends……i bet weak boys like you are terribly weak in bed…..”, she scoffed at him and laughed.

Angel stared at her with alot of anger.

“You think am weak…huh?!”, he barked angrily as he went over to the bed. “You think am weak in bed?!!”, he slapped her twice and started taking off his belt. “Iet me show you what i got….”.

Suddenly, the door to bedroom almost got knocked out of its hinges as a boy crashed into the place and collapsed on the floor. His face was completely battered. When he landed on the floor, he gasped and exhaled deeply from his mouth with blood and a few teeth dropping from his swollen lips to the floor.

Angel staggered backwards as he stared at the boy who had gotten some serious beatdown, lying on the floor. Then he looked up as Eric walked into the room quietly.

“Hey firecracker…..”, Lisa moaned at Eric with a smile. “You came for me…..i know you will always come for me”, she moaned tearfully.

Eric stared at her lying on the bed with both hands tied to the bed and only wearing a bra and pants. He shifted the cold look in his eyes to Angel and pursed his lip. Nina made her way through the crowd of party guests that are now standing near the door to Angels room. Most of them stared at Angel with a distasteful look on their faces and shook their heads.

“Oh boy…..”, Nina murmured as she stared at Lisa lying on the bed half nude and tied up. “This doesn’t look good for you”, she continued and looked at Angel.

Then she went over to the bed and begin to untie Lisa’s hands.

“Honey…..let me get you out of here first……”, Nina began as she freed Lisa’s hands and gently carried her out of the bed. “….I dont want you to see what’s gonna happen next……it will make you to never ever want to meet your boyfriend again”, Nina supported Lisa’s weak body and gently walked her out of the room, telling the crowd to make way for her. Before she left, she looked over her shoulder.

“Make mama proud……”, she said to Eric and left with Lisa who could barely walk.

Eric watch Nina leave with Lisa. He sighed and stared at Angel.

“You cant do me nothing!…….i can call my dad and you will be in a lot of trouble!”, Angel stammered.

Eric quietly walked towards him and he backed away.

“You can’t f@cking do me nothing….Alex!”, Angel continued, beating his chest. “Do anything to me and my parents gonna f@ck your life up you piece of abandoned dog sh:t!!”, he bawl and pointed at Eric.

Eric stopped. He turned around and looked at the guests standing at the door, watching both of them. He looked around the room and turned to leave. Then he saw a digital stop clock on the bedside table. He picked it up and examined it.

Angel could hear the “beep beep” sound as Eric begin to set the timer.

“Why don’t you take that……as a payment for seeing you girls underwear……” he mocked. “I like the sound she made when i slapped her around…..why don’t you try that whenever you want to sleep with her”.

Eric said nothing. He finished setting the timer and pressed a button. He glanced at the digital time counting down and looked at Angel with a smile on his face.

“Your time is running out bro…..”, Eric said to him and slipped the timer into his pocket. “Don’t say that i didn’t tell you”.

Then Eric winked at him and headed towards the door, stepping on the head of the boy lying face down on the floor as he did so.

“Yeah you better walk away asshole!….”, Angel barked at Eric as he left the room. “….And you better keep an eye on your b!tch because i will be around…..and if i get her again, she gonna be someplace where homeless dudes gonna be paying me a dollar to have their way with her……that, i promise you!”.

Then he looked at the guests at the door staring at him in disgust.

“What the f@ck are you all staring at?”, he growled at them as they begin to leave. “Get the hell out of my house… is over!….get the f@ck out!”.


Eric readjusted the pillow and gently lowered Lisa’s head on it. Esther bent over her and wiped the vein on her arm with a cotton wool dipped in alcohol. She gave Lisa an injection and applied a light pressure on the spot. Then she picked another needle connected to an I.V and gently pushed it into the vein.

Eric watched his mom keenly as she taped the I.V needle to Lisa’s arm and adjusted the line connected to an I.V bag hanging on a make shift hanger.

“This will flush out the drug those boys injected into her…..”, Esther said, glancing at Eric and straightening up. Then she examined slightly dark spot on Lisa’s face. “Those boys hit her quite bad”, she muttered.

Eric remained silent and stared at Lisa as she slept. She looked quite peaceful. And very lovely as she laid in the bed of one of the numerous bedrooms in Nina’s villa.

“She is very beautiful”, Esther said, noticing how Eric stared at Lisa’s face. “I didn’t know you had an eye for beautiful girls”, she teased.

“What do you expect from a boy raised by a beautiful woman?”, Eric muttered.

Esther smiled and touched the part of Lisa’s face that was darkened by the beatings she received from Angel.

“I hope you made that boy to pay for what he did to this girl?”, she asked Eric with some anger in her voice.


Both of them turned and saw Nina standing at the door.

“He did a very good job in making Angel pay for what he did to that girl”, Nina said again and stared at Eric with a disappointed look on her face. Then she looked at Esther. “How is she doing?”, she asked.

“Sleeping……for now”, Esther replied as she covered Lisa with a blanket. “When you brought her here she was talking quite carelessly”.

“Yeah she did so throughout the ride back home”, Nina said. She stood beside Esther and stared at mixed-race girl lying on the bed. “Is she gonna be okay?”, she asked without looking at Esther.

“Yeah….she gonna be okay”, Esther replied.

The two women stared at Lisa for over a minute in silence. Eric stared at them and knew that both of them were waiting for each other to say something.

“Look… really sorry for what happened…..”, Nina decided to be the first to break the silence with an apology.

“Its okay…..”, Esther interrupted her and sighed. “I understand……a mother will always do anything for her child”.

“Do anything?…….”, Eric chuckled. “She almost drilled a damn hole through my knee-cap mom”.

“Tough love… with it boy”, Nina said to him.

“Well i dont need it if it’s going to leave me crippled for life”, Eric retorted at Nina.

“Eric mind the way you talk to this woman…..i taught you better”, Esther warned him.

“Oh….ok now you are taking her side”.

“Am not taking any side….all am saying is you have to show some respect”.

“And if i don’t?”, Eric asked intently.

“Then get ready to be grounded”. Esther replied.

“Mom….helloo, we are not in our house……we are not even in Metro-city”, Eric said with a smile. “Here is Nina or aunt Helen house. Or should i say aunt Helenina’s house… your grounding jurisdiction is kind of invalid here”, he chuckled.

Esther stared at the boy and shook her head. “You need to get punished”, she muttered at him.

“Well……you know the job is not finished”, Nina said and looked at Esther intently.

Esther looked back at her and smiled. Eric looked at both of them with his smile fading away.

“That all expense paid one month vacation you told me about…….is it still on the table?”, Esther asked Nina.

“Of course…..i can call my agent right now to tell him where you want to spend your vacation so that he can make the preparations”, Nina replied.

“What vacation?…….what are you talking about?”, Eric asked in confusion.

“Can you make it for two……i need to spend some quality time with David”, Esther said and looked at Eric with a smile.

“Done……just tell me where and when the both of you are going”, Nina asked and also looked at Eric.

Then Esther pat Eric on the back. “Congratulations son……you just earned yourself a month stay with your biological mother”, she said to him and walked out of the room.

“Mom what are you talking about?”, he asked Esther as she left. Then he turned to Nina. “What is she talking about he asked her.

“What she is saying is you and i gonna do alot of things in the next thirty days”, Nina replied. “And alot of questions to be answered”.


“Yeah….questions about what happened in Angel’s room”, Nina said irritatedly. “You just entered there and walked away. Why didn’t you do something,….. anything to him?, have you suddenly gotten so soft?”, she asked.

“You said i should make you proud”, Eric said.

“Yes of course….and don’t tell me that the bullsh!t you did there is your own way of making me proud”.

“No……it’s still not yet time”, Eric took out the digital stop watch he took from Angel’s room and showed it to Nina. The time is still counting down.

Then he turned and headed toward the door. As he was about to leave, he bumped into Alex at the door.

“How is she?….”, Alex asked Eric eagerly and craned his neck to get a view of the bed in which Lisa laid.

“She is in there and please get the hell out of my way”, Eric said indifferently.

“Hey!……..What is it with you and this attitude of yours?”, Alex asked irritatedly.

“And why won’t i have this attitude when because of you, i am always in the position where people wants to f@ck me?”, Eric asked coolly. “Now my mother have put me in a position to get f@cked by your aunt Helen”, he pointed at Nina.

“And the worst thing is she likes to do her own sideways…… so please leave me alone let me get some rest so as to get myself prepared to go to ‘plow-ville'”, Eric said and left Alex standing and staring in confusion………………………………………………

BLOODLINE Episode 16

BLOODLINE Episode 16 by Ironkurtain
BLOODLINE Episode 16 by Ironkurtain

I am not seeing your comment guyz, i hope you are following..
i will patiently wait for your comments till i post next episode

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Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

Nina is so brutal and she may die on the long run and her twins will be united with their family/father. But that Lisa too is another twisted character that’s yet to be unraveled. Nice plot!

4 years ago

If only she had listened, well u got what you wanted thank ur stars u got a firecracker

4 years ago

My mind is at rest now at least Lisa is safe. I’m now liking Nina’s character. At least I now understand why she behaves that way. It’s either fight or die

4 years ago

next pls am enjoying it

4 years ago

This story is awesome oo!!
Can’t wait for next episode.. I pity for that dutchbag Angel, he doesn’t know what’s coming to him..please next…!

4 years ago

Secrets are revealing gradually

Bae nifty
4 years ago

Wow, didn’t see that coming
Next pls

4 years ago

Oh my God….i didn’t see this coming
I wonder what will happen next and how the twins will cope with eachother

4 years ago

I love the way things are unfolding ? thumbs up for the writer “ironkurtain” & a big thank you to Mr Opradre ? for sharing ✊

4 years ago

We r oooo

4 years ago


4 years ago

Nice one… kudos to d writer