BLOODLINE Episode 15 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 15 by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE Episode 15 by Ironkurtain

Saturday morning is always a busy time for all the workers in the Philips’ mansion. And they hated it. Not because of the numerous tasks they had to deal with, but because of Agnes’ barking orders they had to endure while sweating over the tasks given.

But today they are working with smiles and ease because Agnes is hardly seen stomping around the house. After what happened in Eric’s room last night, she had decided to spend the morning in her bedroom with the possibility of her staying there all day. Most of the workers wish she would.

Unlike the workers, the Philips children were relaxing in the garden under the bright morning sunshine. Victoria and Mary sat quite aloof from the others as they gossiped about what happened last night in a low tone of voice.

Daniel practised his karate kicks and punches with some seriousness while Suzanne was at her usual spot, the seat of the garden swing, reading a novel. Eric sat on the bench by himself and quite busy with his cellphone.

None of the Philips kids had said anything to him since they woke up this morning. Not even Suzanne. They didn’t even look him in the face and seem to give him space each time he got closer to them. But Eric didn’t even notice. He was too preoccupied with something else he had in his mind to notice the new attitude or even know what was going on in the house.

Then Eric saw Rogers and Nancy walking towards the house with Rogers helping Nancy in carrying some foodstuffs. Earlier he heard that Roger drove Nancy to the market to buy the things needed in the kitchen, and they are just coming back. Eric stared at them and noticed that from the way Roger and Nancy talked and smiled at each other, there seem to be some kind of connection going between the both of them. When they got closer, he got up and walked towards them.

“Good morning Rogers….”, Eric said to the driver and looked at Nancy. “Good morning”, he said to her.

“Good morning”, Rogers and Nancy chorused with smiles. “My boy i heard you came home quite late yesterday……why didn’t you call me to come pick you up?”, Rogers asked.

“Oh……i had alot of things to do with my friends and one of them dropped me off when we were done”, Eric replied. Then he looked at Nancy. “I want to talk to Rogers privately, i hope you dont mind?”.

“Oh no it’s okay Alex……you boys should take your time”, Nancy replied and gave Rogers a look with a smile and left.

“It’s like there is something going on between you two”, Eric said with a faint smile when he saw the way Rogers keep staring at Nancy as she walked away.

“That woman is very nice and i really like her…..”, Rogers murmured, still staring at her. “Not only does she cook such a delicious food that will even make the devil himself to repent, she is also the kind of woman i wanna spend the remainder of my years with……so caring”.

What Rogers said amused Eric. And also the way he stared at Nancy.

“Rogers…….sir, wake up”, Eric snapped his fingers infront of Rogers face to get his attention. “There is something i want to ask you”.

“What is it?”, Rogers asked, shifting his gaze to Eric.

“This is important to me……..probably the most important thing i have to deal with and i want all your attention”

“Yes go on my boy… listening”.

Eric glanced around the place they stood and asked, “Did you tell anyone where you dropped me off yesterday?

Rogers thought for a few seconds, “yeah two people…….Nancy and Jim”, he said.

“Why did you tell them?”.

“I told Nancy because she prepared something for you. She said it was your favourite and wanted to know when you will be back so that she can set the microwave timer”.

“What about Jim?”.

“Jim?……boy that fellow is kind of strange”, Rogers muttered thoughtfully. “Since i came here he hardly says anything to me. It seems as if he doesn’t like me at all… i was surprised when he was acting so friendly and demanding the address of the place i dropped you off. I told him not to worry because you said you will call me or take a taxi but he keep insisting on having it…….saying that it was the rule of the house for drivers to share informations incase if one is too busy to be reached”.

“So what did he do after you gave it to him?”, Eric asked. “Can you remember exactly what he did after you gave him the address?”.

“Nothing at first…..he just left…….though i later saw him making a phone call and speaking in a low tone……he said he was calling his girlfriend after he finished making the phone call”, Rogers replied.

Eric nodded. “Where is he now?”, he asked.

“He took the boss to the country club”.

Eric thought for a while and looked around the place again.

“Rogers…….i need your help”, he then said.

“You need my help?”, Rogers asked. Then he thought for a few seconds and looked at Eric. “Is it the kind of help am thinking of?”.

“Yes it is”.

“Jim?, what did he do, beat another woman?”.

“No…..this one is a long story and it is very complicated. You are the only one i trust here.

“Well…..go ahead, i have all the time in the world to listen”.

Then Eric told Rogers the whole story. What brought him to Easthill, about Nina’s job, Alex disappearance, what happened to him yesterday and his mother being held by Nina. Rogers listened to all of it in amazement and nodded his head a few times. Eric also showed him Alex picture and the text messages from Nina.

“Boy……..”, Rogers began with a sigh. “If i didn’t know you very well, i would have said that you are crazy”, he sighed again. “So you think this guy Jim is spying for this woman you are talking about?”, he asked.

“Yeah……think about it”, Eric said. “I got suspended, she knew. My dad talked about sending me to the hospital with a friend in the car driven by Jim, she knew. You told Jim where you dropped me off, she came there and kidnapped me. I think that man is working for her. He is here to keep tabs on me”.

“So what do you want to do?……what do you want me to do?”, Rogers asked.

“I want to get some information from him. I want to know where this Nina resides because am sure that’s where she is holding my mother”, Eric replied. “Even if my mother is held somewhere else, i will make that bitch tell me where”.

Rogers sighed and looked around the mansion slowly.

“Boy…….am beginning to enjoy this job…..and Nancy’s cooking”, the driver said slowly. “I will help you…….as long as you won’t get me fired”, he continued.

“Roger, that’s not gonna happen i assure you that……but that should be the least of your worries”.

“What do you mean by that?”.

“That woman is very dangerous Rogers…something more serious could happen if she find out about your involvement…….she could kill you”.

Rogers smiled and said, “Tell me what you want”.


Lisa focused on the mirror of the dressing table and gently applied the red lipstick. She placed it on the table next to her cellphone and pursed her lips as she adjusted the collar and short sleeves of the black floral designed casual blouse she wore. She ran her fingers through her curly hair. Then the image in the mirror of the bed behind her caught her attention and she paused in what she was doing. She stared at it as the bright look on her face slowly turned into a gloomy one.

This day a week ago she was in this room and in that bed with someone whom she thought would be the love of her life; her first love. A week later she is in the same room, feeling so alone. Everything started so fast and ended so fast. And after her last words with Alex…….Eric or whatever he call himself, she had been wondering where it all went wrong.

Alot of boys had made so much advances at her, the so called hot-boys that had throngs of girls running after them had begged her to be their girlfriend and even stalked her, but she blew them off. The one boy she fell for; the boy almost everyone in school looked down upon and no girl wanted to date with was the one she went for. But within a week……just a week, he blew her off. Lisa wondered if it was a big joke or karma playing with her.

Then Lisa picked up her cellphone to check it and paused. She shook her head and left it in it’s original position on the table. That was probably the one millionth time she was checking her phone for a text message. A text message she had being wishing to see in her phone since yesterday.

“Lisa are you done…….”, one of Lisa’s female friend said as she opened the door to her bedroom.

Lisa remained silent and kept staring at her cellphone. The girl came over and stood beside her with her hand on her shoulder.

“Are you still thinking about him?…….”, the girl asked. “I told you to forget that boy, he is not even worth your attention…..why are you even hanging out with him in the first place?”.

Lisa remained mute.

“Lisa you need to get over him. Infact you should have set him up and have him beaten up for embarrassing you in Angel’s place”, the girl added.

“Tracy you know i can’t do that…..besides i…i”, Lisa stammered.

“You what?”, Tracy interrupted.

“I still love him and have so much feelings for him”, Lisa replied.

“Lisa, as your friend am advising you to leave him…….if you still want to be among our group… heard what Angel said, and now that you are about to be made one of the members of the inner circle, you have to forget about that guy completely”, Tracy stated.

Lisa stared ahead thoughtfully while Tracy looked in the mirror and applied some make ups.

After a minute, Tracy looked at Lisa. “Why don’t you give Angel a try?”, she asked. “Many times he had approached but you keep waving him off……sometimes i just don’t understand you girl…… ignored a hot guy like him for that mentally unstable fool?, you really amaze me”.

“Tracy….you know he has numerous girlfriends and i don’t like the headaches that is involved with that kind of situation”, Lisa said. “Besides i heard some strange rumours about him”,

“It is because the guy rocks…..that’s why girls are so after him”, Tracy said. “But many times he had said that if he gets a girl like you, he will cut those girls off…….girl imagine you dating the leader of our group…..have you wondered why he was willing to let you join his inner circle of friends?, it’s because he likes you alot”.

“Really?”, Lisa asked.

“Yeah girl……”, Tracy replied. Then she grabbed Lisa’s hand and stood her up. “Come on girl… are late for today’s party and your joining of the inner circle…….and also the opportunity to get the hottest guy in town”, Tracy dragged Lisa who protested that she had to take her phone and hand bag.

She picked both of them up, checked herself in the mirror one last time and followed Tracy.


Eric held the phone and slowly scrolled through all the text messages between he and Lisa. He read some of them with a smile on his face and sighed with the smile fading away. She hasn’t sent any other text or called after what happened between them yesterday. He thought to himself that Lisa may somehow decide to send one, or even call.

But none has come. And Eric is beginning to think that she must have really made up her mind not to ever talk to him again just as she had told him to do same yesterday. Perhaps by now she is having a good time with that guy called Angel……or planning to have one.

Eric hit the delete button and selected all the messages. He looked at them one more time before pressing the “okay” button and had all of them deleted……..permanently. Then Eric looked at Rogers who was sitting near the gate and having a discussion with the gateman. Rogers returned the look and Eric gave him a nod. Rogers smirked and said something to the gateman.

He gave the man some money and said more as the the man listened and carefully looked around. Then the gateman got up and sneaked out of the compound as Rogers watched him.

Rogers immediately locked the gate and went over to the man cleaning one of the Philips automobile. He placed a hand on the man’s shoulder and said something to him as the man who was quite smaller and average in body stared at Rogers.

The man glanced at the car and reluctantly handed Rogers the towel he was using to clean. He started heading towards the workers quarters as Rogers took over what he was doing.

Eric saw the man’s movement and picked up the two plastic bottles of water on the floor beside him. He casually followed the man and whistled as he did so, trying to act natural. As the man got near door to one of the several rooms in the workers quarters, Eric approached hastily.

“Good day Jim……”, Eric began pretending to be eager as the man unlocked the door with the key he took out from his pocket.

Jim turned and looked at Eric. “Good day….can i help you?”, he asked.

“Yes sir…..there is something very important i want to show you…..”, Eric said as he got closer. “Sir please can you hold this water while i get my phone”, he handed Jim one of plastic bottle and pretended to be checking for his phone. Then he looked up. “Hey Jim, what is that up there?”, he asked and pointed up.

As Jim innocently looked to see what it was, an upper-cut delivered by Eric’s right fist sent the man literally flying backwards. He crashed into the door and the impact made it to swing open. Eric quickly entered the room, dragged the Jim inside and closed the door. Jim tried to get up but a blow from a right hook knocked him down again.

Eric dropped the other bottle of water on the floor and watch the man get up. Before he could say anything, Jim Lunged at him with a fist swinging at his face. Eric didn’t expect that but his sharp reflexes was faster and he blocked it and threw a right straight punch that knocked Jim’s head backwards.

A blow to the guts from the left fist made the man to double up. A right knife-hand strike to the shoulder sent the man sprawling on the floor face down. Then Eric mounted him and put him on a choke hold.

“Tell me where she lives”, Eric said to Jim as the man struggled to breath. “You better tell me before you lose your life today”.

“I don’t know what you are talking about”, Jim gasped as he struggled harder for air.

“Yes you do and you better start talking “.

Then Eric released the choke hold and immediately put the Jim in armlock with one arm and grabbed his throat with the other. He pushed Jim’s head against the floor and dug his thumb into the man’s neck, pushing it against his larynx. The pain was agonizing and Jim couldn’t let out a scream.

“If i remain like this for a few minutes, which i could do all day, u gonna find it difficult to swallow food for a week”, Eric whispered to him. “If i add more pressure to it, you wont be able to sing beautifully to your girlfriend. But if you dont tell me what i want, i will just allow this hand to go further……that means an agonizing death and this hand knows the right amount of pressure to make it a long one”.

Jim managed to nod his head and Eric released him from the death grip. Jim held his neck and coughed uncontrollably.

“So where does that woman live?”, Eric asked.

“There is a house…..a villa that is in Eastwood estates”, Jim croaked and coughed.

“What is the address of the house?, the colour of the house and how many people are living there?”, Eric inquired.

“She lives there with one heavy man and one house help”, Jim coughed again. “The rest are just workers coming to work everyday”.

Then Eric picked up the bottle of water he dropped on the floor and gave to the man. “Drink some water… will soothe the cough”, he said.

The man grabbed the bottle of water and gulped it all and sighed as he felt his neck.

“Now write the address of the house and it’s colour”, Eric said as he handed Jim a piece of paper and a pen he brought out from his pocket.

Jim took the pen and made some scribblings on the paper. When he was done, he handed the paper to Eric with shaky hands.

“So why dont you tell me more about this Nina”, Eric said as he looked at what Jim wrote on the paper and slip it into his pocket.

Jim sighed and looked away.”I’m totally f@cked…am a dead man”, he murmured. “If she find out that i gave you that address, that woman gonna kill me to pieces……i swear”.

Eric was amused by the ‘kill me to pieces’ Jim said.

“Well, for sure she gonna ‘kill you to pieces’….”, Eric said with a nod. “….so why don’t you tell me everything about her so that your death won’t be in vain”.

“Seriously i don’t know…….all i know is that she part of some organization……a very powerful one. And i heard they wield alot of power and influence in this country”, Jim said and then looked at Eric. “Am surprise to see that you are still alive after crossing her so many times……that woman is more than dangerous…..she makes dangerous people to fear for their lives, Jim warned.

“Yeah yeah i have heard that like ten thousand times already……”, Eric smirked. “What do you know about this organisation”, he asked.

“Nothing….i dont know anything at all……it’s like they don’t even exist but it is there”.

“I thought you are working for them”.

“No am not working for the organization, i work for Nina”.

Eric nodded and and glanced at his wristwatch.

“Well, ten minutes gone now…..and m sure you will start feeling it”, he then said to Jim and went to the door.

“Feeling what?”, Jim demanded.

“Feeling the effects of the drug i put in that bottle of water……dont worry it will pit you to sleep”, Eric said with a smile. “So if i go to this address you gave me and find out that you lied…..that it is all bullsh!t, then you will wake up with a limb missing. Depending on the one i set my eyes on first”.

The drug took over Jim’s body. He tried to get up but couldn’t. He became very drowsy and laid on the floor. After a few unsuccessful attempts to lift his hand, he remained on the floor, very still. Then Eric opened the door and beckoned at Roger who was carrying a duffle bag.

“That was fast”, Roger said as he dropped the bag on the floor and unzipped it. “I thought it was going to take all day to get the info out of him. But you make these things seem so easy”, he brought out a rope and a tape from the bag. “So did he give what you need?”, he asked.

“Yeah……and more”, Eric said as he stretched Jim’s legs and picked up a tape. “He said the woman is a member of some organization and they are very powerful”, Eric started tying Jim’s legs. “And he said they wield alot of influence and power in this country”.

Rogers stopped what he was doing and looked at Eric. “Do you think what he said is true?”, he asked.

“I think so……from the look in his eyes, he was quite scared and feared that he will be killed in the worst way if that woman find out that he gave me her home address”, Eric replied.

Rogers sighed and looked at Jim. “If it’s true, won’t that organization be coming after us?”, he asked with some concern in his voice.

“No i don’t think so”.


“She is running the show alone…….this is her own show and not that of the organization……and they probably don’t know what she is doing”.

“What makes you think so?”.

“Roger, look at this man lying on the floor…… you think a powerful organization will employ him to even throw away their kitchen trash?”, Eric asked. “He is an amateur……just like the rest. She must have employed them for a reason…..perhap to be able to eliminate them so easily if anything goes wrong”.

Rogers stared at the man lying on the floor and nodded.

“But what if the organization is running the show?”, he asked Eric.

“Then you and i won’t be having this conversation”, Eric replied.

After the both of them were done tying up Jim, Eric showed Rogers the address Jim wrote on a piece of paper.

Do you know this place?”, he asked.

Rogers read it and nodded.

“Yeah i know that place….it is outskirts of this town”, he said to Eric. “Some of the super rich in this city lives there”, he continued.

“Then that must be the place she is keeping my mother……a relatively quiet and secured neighborhood. And the last place the authorities will be snooping around”, Eric murmured

“Yeah but now our problem is how to put this man in the trunk of the car without anyone noticing”, Rogers said and looked at Eric. “Do have any plan?”.


“She is here”, Tracy whispered to Angel and gave him a hug.

Angel gave her a dry peck and glanced at Lisa who was standing alone with a plastic cup in her hand while the others in the living-room mingled with one another. He motioned to one of the three boys standing behind him like bodyguards and whispered something to him when he came over. The boy nodded and left.

Then Angel gestured at the other two boys to stay where they are and went over to Lisa. Lisa saw him coming towards her and smiled.

“Hi Angel”, she began.

“Hello Lisa….”, Angel said and gave Lisa a hug that made her feel quite uncomfortable. “How are you doing?, are you ready for your big day?……you can see the number of people that are here to see you become one of us”. Angel gestured at the group of boys and girls in the living-room of his parent’s house.

“Yeah……”, Lisa murmured and looked around. She noticed that there seem to be more boys than girls in the living-room. “So these are the inner circle members?”, she asked.

“Yep…..”, Angel said with a smile. “And you are not going to be just a member, but also among those that run the group……being one of the decision makers”.

“Really……….sounds cool”, Lisa said coldly and sipped her drink. She wasn’t impressed and was quite indifferent in her response, like she doesn’t even want to be there.

Angel noticed her lackluster attitude and smiled.

“Anyway why dont you make yourself comfortable till the time comes for your orientation”, he said to her.

“Okay……”, Lisa said with a faint smile.

“See ya”, Angel said and left.

Lisa took another sip and sighed. She seem to regret agreeing to join the so called inner circle of the group. Tracy had being pressing her to join and she only agreed to do so because of Tracy and also because she is her best friend and a member in the inner circle. But what she is seeing now is total different from what Tracy and the other girls said about the group.

The ratio of the guys to the girls here will make any girl feel quite unsafe and the guys look kind of rowdy. Alot of bottles of alcohol with equal amount of empty ones on the floor. The few girls seems to be throwing themselves around the guys who touched them everywhere and the girls don’t seem to mind.

Tracy was even among them and Lisa was really surprised to see her best friend act like a slut.

Lisa reached for her phone in her handbag and checked it. She had being doing this all day and don’t really know why. Maybe it’s some kind of a sign that she should make that call, or perhaps send that message. A message to her ‘fire cracker’.

“Hey…..Lisa have you met Angel?”, Tracy asked from behind her. Lisa turned and saw her with two other girls.

“Yes i just met him…..he said he will be back”, Lisa replied.

“Girl, what are you even drinking?”, Tracy asked and took Lisa’s cup from her hand. She drank the content and smirk. “What is this?, orange juice?…….girl come on let’s drink something good, not this”.

Then Tracy dragged Lisa to the table that had bottles of vodka and tequila. She collected four shot glasses from the guy incharge of mixing the drink and opened a bottle. She poured shots in the glasses and handed it to the girls.

“Tracy……am sorry, i cant drink today”, Lisa rejected the drink.

“Oh what now?……have you repented or what?, oh come on girl…..let’s celebrate……you are about to become one of us so it is worth the celebration. Here, just take one shot”,

The four girls raised their glass and drank. Lisa took the shot and covered her mouth as she grimaced. Tracy and the other girls laughed at her.

“I think we should take another one”, Tracy immediately poured another shot in their glasses. Lisa protested. But she later raised the glass with the other girls and drank it.

Angel watched the girls as they raised their third shot and smiled. Then the boy whom he early whispered to handed him a tiny bottle that contained a liquid and a white handkerchief. He looked at the content of the bottle and looked at Lisa with a sinister smile.


The benz slowed down and stopped a few metres away from the villa. Eric and Rogers gazed at the high wall and CCTV cameras that changes it’s focus every twenty seconds. Rogers sighed and shook his head.

“It’s like Jim didn’t tell you that the woman lives in a damn fortress”, he said to Eric. “How are we suppose to enter that place without being noticed?. Even if we do, we don’t know what is waiting for us inside……the likes of that woman could be paying her a visit today”.

Eric glanced at his wristwatch and saw it was a quarter past 5 pm.

“Am sure there is a way in without being noticed”, he murmured.

“How?…..”, Rogers asked. “…..because we have gone back and forth for like four times. The house is more secured than a federal prison”, he continued.

Then a delivery van passed them and stopped infront of the gate of the villa. The driver who wore a khaki overalls with the delivery company logo stepped out of the van, holding a clipboard. He pressed the button of the intercom system beside the gate and said something.

Then he waved his hand at the camera overhead. After a few seconds, the gate automatically slides open. The man got into the van and drove into the compound and the gate slides shut.

“Great!……we will have to give the camera a big smile and wave before they even let us in”, Rogers sighed. “So what plan do you have for us?”, he asked.

“I have a plan for how i can go inside”.

“You have a plan for what?”.

Eric looked at Rogers. “This is where we split sir…..remember i promised not to make you lose your job”, he said.

“No…..i can’t let you do this alone”, Rogers protested.

“Well……someone have to return this car. Remember that Jim is still asleep in the trunk, tied up”, Eric said. “You have to drop him off somewhere before he wakes up and find out that you are also involved. You know what that means”.

Rogers gripped the steering wheel and stared ahead as he thought to himself.

“Besides you like that woman, Nancy……she is a nice woman and she likes you alot too…..don’t make her lose you”, Eric continued.

Rogers sighed. “Okay….but do come back home my boy……come back alive”, he said.

“That, i can not guarantee you. But if you happen to see me and i ask questions about you then you know who it is”.



Then Eric slipped into a black jacket with a hoodie and slowly got out of the car. Rogers hit the start button and brought live to the car engine. As he drove off, Eric could see him staring. Eric waited till the car disappeared in a distant.

He put on the hoodie and walked towards the gate of the villa with his head bowed to avoid his face from being viewed by the cameras. As he got nearer, the gate slide open and the van slowly rolled out from the compound; the man must have finished making the delivery.

The driver glanced at Eric approaching as he checked both sides of the street before driving away. The gate began to slide shut and Eric quickened his step and got inside the compound before the gate locked.

He saw himself in a spacious compound with a neatly trimmed grass lawn and flower hedges. Infront of the building is a fountain with a white marble statue of a lion with one of it paws on a globe. The white coloured two storey super luxury house is something he had never seen before and he spent a few seconds admiring it, muttering “wow” to himself.

He tried to act natural as he carefully walked towards the building in quick paces after seeing no one or no activity going on. There are cameras in the compound but no security men or a security box. Perhaps it’s somewhere inside the villa with the men monitoring the whole area through the cameras.

Eric pressed himself against the wall of the building and looked around, trying to determine which direction to go. He carefully sneaked towards the back of the building, pausing each time he heard a sound. He tiptoed and looked around him to see if he will find something handy to use as a weapon incase if one is needed.

When he got to the backyard, he saw a concrete paved patio with chairs and canopy. And a clean swimming pool with chairs and lounge chairs. A woman was sitting on one of the chairs in the patio under the canopy and reading a book. She lifted her face from the book and looked in Eric’s direction. She saw him. Eric frozed as both of the stared at each other.

“When did you come back?”, the woman then asked Eric as she got up from her seat and left the book on the table.

“I just did…..”, Eric replied as he held his breath and tried to remain calm. He saw the uniform the woman wore and knew that she was the house help.

“Alex… you need anything?”, she asked as she approached Eric.

“No……i was just……strolling around the house”, Eric said. Now he knows why the security men didn’t make any move on him because no intruder will go unnoticed with all those cameras in the compound. They thought he was Alex.

“Your aunt is about to leave and she told me to prepare whatever you want to eat because she might comeback late”, the house help said with a smile. Then she looked at her wristwatch. “I have to go check the laundry”, she said and headed towards a door.

Eric followed her behind, silently and carefully. They entered the kitchen that was sparkling clean with all the utensils neatly arranged. Eric saw the knife rack on the table. He quietly slipped out a knife from the rack without attracting the attention of the woman infront of him and hid it under his jacket. Then they entered a corridor with doors on both sides.

The woman opened the door that had a sign that reads “Laundry room”, and walked inside.

Eric continue walking down the corridor, glancing at the doors and wondering if his mother was locked in one of those rooms. He decided to open the door ahead of him. He did so and saw himself in the lobby of the building. He carefully looked around as he closed the door behind him and paced silently towards the stairs leading up.

He glanced around the empty lobby and slowly ascended the stairs. Eric got to the top and stood infront of a windowed door.

He peered through one of the glasses and turned the door handle. It wasn’t locked and it opened noiselessly. Eric slowly stepped into the spacious and well decorated living room and quietly closed the door. He was very nervous.

The skin on his tummy kept feeling the cold steel of the knife under his jacket as his breath quickened abit and he moved in. His eyes caught the suitcase on the living-room centre table. He remembered where he had seen it. On the table in that room where Nina almost drilled a hole through his knee cap.

“Hello Eric”.

“Eric immediately turned to his side and saw Nina in the living-room mini bar, holding a glass of drink in one hand and a handgun in the other. Eric stood still. He glanced at the muzzle of the glock 19 pointing at his chest and stared at Nina.

“Here to pay mama a visit?”, Nina asked as she placed the glass on the table and slowly paced towards the suitcase with the gun still pointing at Eric. She was dressed in a black suit with high heels. “I saw you coming before that delivery van left.

So i decided to prepare for your visit…..even though you came on a short notice”, Nina said as she punched the the buttons on the suitcase and unlocked it. Eric saw it contents.

A sheathed knife and two handguns with several bullet magazines. “So what can i do for you?”, Nina asked with a smile.

“Well……am here to see how you are doing and also leave this house with my mother”, Eric said, smiling back at her.

“Well let me see……”, Nina pretend to think. “Hmm…..i don’t think it’s possible”, she said and looked at Eric. “By the way, drop that knife you are hiding underneath before you cut yourself. I prefer to do the cutting here”.

Eric dropped the knife on the floor.

“Kick it towards me”,

Eric did so and the knife came sliding towards Nina. She picked it up and looked at it with a smirk.

“So you came here to free your mother with this?”, she asked. “Seems kind of dumb to me……especially for someone like you boy”.

Then Nina threw the knife at the dining place and looked at Eric. She slowly walked closer to him and put her hand of his cheek with the muzzle of the handgun pressed against his chest.

“Hmm…….”, she sighed and rubbed his cheek gently with her fingers.

“Woman what is it with you and touching my face?”, Eric asked with disgust. “Just let my mother go and nothing will happen to you”, he continued.

“Excuse me……but I’m the the one with the gun here so you don’t make demands and tell me the thing that will or will not happen”, Nina stated.

“What about letting the organization know what one of their own had been doing behind their back?”, Eric asked.

Nina stared at Eric.

“What does that suppose to mean”, she then asked.

“You know what i mean Mrs Nina”, Eric replied. “I used to think that you were just a cheap blackmailer with a bodyguard until i heard about your reputation…….that you are someone not to be messed with. Someone who will kill without even blinking an eye.

Someone who brings so much pain especially to the people who fail to do your biddings. So i was confused, i asked myself why would she be using blackmail which isn’t her modus operandi. And why be so lenient with me after i had disobeyed so many times.

It meant one thing. This job is very mighty important to you and you need me more than human beings need air. Then Jim mentioned you being part of some organization that make things happen. He said you guys wield alot of power and influence in this country, enough to make you guys seem invisible and probably invincible. Then i thought again.

That kind of organization won’t send those three guys i beat up near that hotel when i was tricked into come to Easthill. Neither will they employ a guy like Jim to keep tabs on me, which he later confirmed when i confronted him.

They will send professionals……men with a long list of jobs well done because an organization like that wouldn’t tolerate failures nor send amateurs a teenager could easily out maneuver”.

Nina stared at Eric with a smirk.

“Then i thought, maybe she is doing this alone and in secrecy…..that’s why she wants me to do everything according to her instruction”, Eric continued. “Not because of Alex’s life getting more complicated because to me, it was already f@cked up…..i saw his suicide note. And neither is it because of what the Philips will do if they find out.

But it’s because of the organization finding out what you have doing behind their back. People like that always keep a close watch on its members. What else will make a woman like you to be so cautious…….or even scared?…’s like this your job will rattle someone’s cage in the organization if they find out. Someone very heavy”, Eric said with a smile.

Nina cocked the handgun and pointed it at his head.

“So i have already put everything in place before coming here……and if my friend doesnt seem me tomorrow, then a sweet story will appear in the newspaper and t.v”, Eric added. “No matter how ridiculous it will sound, am sure the organization will still look into it”.

Nina stared at Eric for almost a minute and then brought down the gun . she smiled and dislodged the magazine and the bullet from the gun chamber. Then she picked up the bullet and placed everything inside the suitcase and locked it.

“Boy i like your story…….”, she began, facing away from Eric and taking off her black suit jacket. “…….even though it is just a load of horsesh!t”, she dropped it on the floor and unbuttoned the white long sleeve shirt she wore.

“But i want us to have some fun…….you and me”, she took off the white shirt and adjusted the black sports bra she wore. “If you win, i will let you and your mother go back to Metro-city and you will never see me again. But if i win, i will kill both of you”.

Eric saw the scars on Nina’s back as she headed towards the living-room door and shook his head.

“Lady, i would love to engage in this sick fetish of yours but am not in the mood”, he sighed. “Besides those trophies you got on your back…..probably from surviving some kind of a wild beast attack. Seeing it kind of killed my libido.

Nina looked over her shoulder with a smile as she locked the door and came over to were Eric stood. Eric saw the scar on her tummy and furrowed his eyes as he stared at the woman.

“You have no choice boy……”, Nina said as she took off her high heels and threw it across the room. “Unless you want to just remain still and take a beating……”, she balled her fist. “………and you have to know that a woman like me never gets tired”.

Then Nina hit Eric across the face. Before he could recover from the stunning blow, she hit him in his guts and knocked him to his side with a right hook.


Tracy and Lisa stepped inside the room as they chattered and laughed uncontrollably. Lisa seemed quite tipsy and she sat heavily on the bed and laid on her back.

“So this is The big guy’s room…..Angel’s room”, Lisa asked and looked around luxury place and felt the soft mattress with her hands. “Why does he want to interview me here?”, she asked Tracy with a smile.

“I don’t know…..but i hope you are not too drunk to give him the wrong answers”, Tracy replied and both girls laughed.

“Oh……last saturday….i….”, Lisa began and then paused.

“What happened last saturday?”, Tracy asked.

Then Lisa sat up and looked at Tracy.

“Tracy, you are my best friend right?”, she asked.

“Yeah”, Tracy replied.

“I want to tell you something”.

“What it is?”.

“I…..I’m no longer a virgin”.

“What?!…..”, Tracy frowned abit.

“Yeah”, then Lisa saw Tracy’s facial expression. “What is the matter?”, she asked.

“Oh it is nothing”, Tracy said and forced a smile.

“I’m telling you this because you were telling the girls that i was, so i had to let you know that am no longer one”, Lisa continued.

“Okay… who did you lose it to?”, Tracy asked and looked at her. “Don’t tell me it is that boy……Alex”.

“Well, yeah it is him”, Lisa replied.

Tracy frowned.

“What is the matter?, do you have any problem with who i decide to sleep with?”, Lisa asked, abit irritated.

“No…..i just think that you dont suppose to let that happen, especially with that boy”, Tracy replied. Then she got up. “Angel will join you in a minute or two. I want to use the bathroom”, she said and left Lisa who was baffled by her attitude.

Tracy met Angel with two of his boys in the corridor.

“She is in the room”, Tracy said to him.

“Good….”, Angel said and glanced at the door to his room.

“But there is one thing i have to tell you”.

“What is it?”.

Tracy glanced at the two boys and got closer to Angel.

“She is no longer a virgin”, she whispered to him.

Angel frowned and remained silent.

“I think it is that boy, Alex”.

“I see…..”, Angel nodded and scoffed. He seemed quite enraged.

“Angel please don’t do anything unpleasant…..if she refuses just let her go”, Tracy said.

“Whatever i do is none of your business!”, Angel retorted angrily. “You have done what i told you to do….so you can go now”.

Tracy stared at Angel and reluctantly left them, heading towards the living-room.

“That motherf@cker!!…..”, Angel barked angrily and made a fist to punch the wall. He stopped midway and sighed with a downcast gaze. After a few minutes he looked at the boys and smiled. “Do you guys wanna have fun?”, he asked them.

The two boys looked at each other and nodded with a mischievous smile.

“Go tell the D.j to increase the volume of the music and wait for me near the door”, he ordered and the boys left.

Then Angel entered the room and smiled at Lisa as he closed the door behind him. Lisa smiled back and Angel saw she was tipsy.

“So…..”, Angel began as he sat on the bed next to her. “Ready for your interview?”, he asked.

“Yeah…..”, Lisa replied. “I hope i will do well because am abit intoxicated. My friend was feeding me shots after shots”.

“No it’s okay”, Angel said and held her hand.

“Okay then…..”, Lisa began and composed herself. “Shoot the questions”.

“Okay……so you want to join the inner circle because you want to be one of us?”, Angel asked and got abit closer to Lisa.

“Yeah”, Lisa replied.

“And you think you can do what it takes to be one of us?”.

“Well am yet to hear what i have to do”.

“Really?, am sure you can do it……besides it is just having fun”, Angel placed his hand on Lisa’s lap and caressed it.

The smile on Lisa’s face faded as she glanced at Angel’s hand on her lap and stared at him.

“Am i being interviewed?…..”, she asked. “…..because this doesn’t seem like it”.

“Of course this is the interview……”, Angel said and got abit more closer as his hand begin to find it’s way inbetween her leg. “Everything here is about having fun and partying”.

Then Lisa gently took his hand and placed it inbetween his legs. She picked up her bag and got up. As she made for the door, Angel got up and stood infront of her with his back against the door.

“Where are you going?, we haven’t finished the interview yet”, he said to her with a cold look in his eyes.

Lisa stared at Angel and the look on his face scared her.

“I ….i….want to use the bathroom”, Lisa stammered.

“Why don’t you use my private bathroom”, Angel said and pointed at another door in the room.

“I might not feel comfortable there because……”, Lisa began.

“I said use it!”, Angel said abit loud, still giving Lisa the cold look.

Lisa quietly went to the door. She turned around and glanced at Angel who kept a steady gaze at her and entered the bathroom. The bathroom has no lock inside it. Lisa leaned against the door and immediately tookout her cellphone from her handbag. She started typing a message as fast as she can and sent it to a number.

She closed her eyes and prayed that the recipient to sees it on time. Then she typed another one and sent it to another number.

Suddenly the door of the of the bathroom was pushed open and it made her to almost stumble. Angel came in and smirked at her. Then he showed her a cellphone and it belonged to Tracy.

“Telling your girlfriend to come rescue you huh?”, he asked with a sinister smile. “Now let’s have the proper interview”.

Then he grabbed Lisa by her hair and blouse and roughly dragged her out of the bathroom. Lisa fought back but Angel was stronger. He dragged her on the floor and threw her on the bed. As he jumped on top of her on the bed, Lisa kicked him hard on his groins and he groaned painfully and doubled up. Lisa rolled out from the bed.

She rushed towards the door and opened it to flee. But as she was about to leave the room, the two boys waiting outside grabbed her and lifted off her feet. They threw her on the bed and held her down. Then Angel mounted her and hit her across the face. He hit her again and grabbed her neck.

“You f@cking b!tch!!…..don’t you ever try that again”, he bawled at Lisa as she screamed for help.

Then he brought the tiny bottle and the white handkerchief from his pocket. He opened the bottle and poured the content on the handkerchief. He covered Lisa’s nose with it. Her fierce struggling and screaming turned to a moan and weak movements as she became drowsy.

Angel rubbed her curly hair and smiled.

“That’s good….”, he murmured. “Just remain still and it will be over soon”.

Then he got up and looked at the other boys.

Take off her cloths let me get the candles……but leave her underwears…..i will take them off myself”, he ordered them and then opened the wardrobe of his room as the boys eagerly unbuttoned her blouse and her jean trouser. They could her moan something as they did so. “Firecracker”.


With a judo flip, Eric sent Nina crashing into tv stand; causing the tv to jolt and the flower vases to fall on the floor and break. He spat out saliva mixed with blood from his mouth and watch the woman get up.

“You are making a big mistake woman”, he warned as Nina wiped the blood on her temple and balled her fist.

“Boy ……i underestimated you again”, Nina said with a smile. “So where did you get all these training?… don’t fight like an ordinary karate fighter”.

“Well you once asked me why am not in the university after two years of graduating from high school”, Eric said and raised his own fist. “Mr Jason wasn’t just my karate teacher……he trains soldiers in the special force and i spent two years with him in the camp”.

“Really?, so why aren’t you in the army?”.

“Some left the camp because the training was too tough and demanding……i left because i got too bored”.

“Okay then, let’s see if you will get bored here”.

Then Nina swung a round-house kick to Eric mid section. Eric blocked. But it was a fake kick and with an unbelievable speed and flexibility, Nina redirected the kick to his head.

The blow dazed Eric and made him lose balance. Nina swing another kick that hit him on his right rib cage and knocked the air out of his lungs. Then a quick left and right hook made Eric taste more blood in his mouth. Two more hooks and Eric got knocked down to the floor.

“Special force huh?……i once killed a man who had two ex special force as bodyguards……killed them all with my barehands and hanged their bodies”, Nina said to Eric as he got up. “I think you still need more training, boy”.

Eric tried to maintain his composure and stance as he stared at Nina. Her blows are really causing him alot of damages and he just don’t understand. He had been hit an infinite number of times in countless fist fights and all his combat training that he developed a very high tolerance for pain. But the one delivered by this woman who is even twice his age seemed to be on a whole new level. And it hurts real bad. She isnt an ordinary woman and her fists and legs are some serious ‘hammer and anvil’ package.

“What is the matter, baby boy?”, Nina asked Eric as he seem to be hesitating to fight. “Already losing steam?, is mama better than you?”.

“Nope…..just waiting for you to come get me”, Eric replied

Nina smiled and immediately threw a punch at Eric. He docked and moving in closer. He grabbed her and lifted off her feet as he headed towards the wall. He slammed her body against it. Nina groaned and hit him with an elbow on his back. Eric slammed her again harder and made a 180 degree turn, still carrying her and slammed her on the floor, stunning her real bad.

Eric hammered in two blows in her gut and one straight punch to her face that bounced her head against the floor and made her nose to bleed. Eric hit her again and raised a foot to stomp her head. But Nina rolled away before the heel could crush her neck bone.

“Tough woman…..get up and fight!”, Eric taunted her. His rage was building and he was breathing hard.

Nina got up and stared at him. She was breathing hard too and the look on her face showed that she was taking it very serious after his foot missed her neck.

“Boy i will f@cking kill you now”, Nina murmured as she frowned.

“Bring it on woman…..this time you won’t be walking around with scars on your back…….it gonna be me walking around with your skin after am done skinning you alive and using it to make myself new shoes and belts”, Eric said.

Then they both rushed at each other with their fist raised and started swinging; beating each other real bad.


As Lisa drifted in and out of consciousness, she could hear the two boys talking. She felt the of hand of the boy sitting beside her feeling her up as she laid on the bed. But she was too weak to resist and unable to move her arms because because they were tied to the bed. The boy fondled her breast and said something she couldn’t make out while the other boy laughed.

Then she opened her eyes and could only see a blurry image of two boys staring down at her. Then a third boy came and she saw him taking off his shirt.

“Fire cracker…..”, she moaned and turned her head.

“What is she saying?”, Angel asked the two boys as he dropped his shirt on the floor.

“I don’t know…..she has been saying it since she woke up”, one of the boys said. “Fire cracker?, what does that suppose to mean?”, he laughed.

“Maybe she want us to give it to her real hard”, the other boy said and laughed too.

“He is going to get you?”, Lisa moaned again. “He is going to get you all”.

“Who is he?….who is she talking about?”, one of the boy asked and glanced at Angel.

“That fool called Alex…..”, Angel replied. “Don’t worry baby, when am done f@cking you, i will go get him first and let him know what i did to you before taking care of him”, Angel said to her.

“Pathetic bastards……you guys will soon be very sorry”.

Angel heard it and smiled. “You are the pathetic one here”, he said. “And after we are done with you, you gonna be very sorry”. Then he looked at the boys. “Spread her legs”.

The boys held each leg as Angel unbuckled his belt with a smirk. Lisa closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheek.


Both of them crashed into the chairs in the dining and fell on the floor. They rolled with their hands on each others throat as they struggled. Nina was gaining the upper hand as she had Eric lying on his back with her on top of him. She threw punches at him. Eric blocked some while the others hit their target. After a brief fierce struggle and hitting, Eric saw the kitchen knife Nina had earlier thrown at the dining place. He reached and got hold of it.

But Nina saw the movement and grabbed the hand bearing the knife. She held it down and hit him hard across his jaw. She hit him again and this time with her elbow which she brought down hard on Eric’s face and stunned him.

Then with one quick movement, Nina disarmed him of the knife and sat on his chest, pinning him down on the floor. She grabbed his neck and raised the knife above her head.

“See you in hell boy”, Nina said and brought down the knife straight to his face.

Eric remained still as he stared at the blade of the knife that was a few millimetres away from penetrating his face. Nina looked at him and sighed. Then she threw the knife away and got off his chest. Eric sat up and stared at her as she went over to the refrigerator and opened it.

“What are you doing?……aren’t we fighting again?”, Eric gasped, he don’t understand what is going on now.

“Leave me alone boy……am tired”, Nina said and brought out two ice pack and closed the door of the refrigerator. “When will you boys ever listen…..i gave you one job…..just one job!”,

Nina dropped one ice pack beside Eric. She unlocked the door to the living-room and placed the other ice pack on her forehead and winced as she headed towards the the sofa in the living-room. Eric got up and followed her.

“What is the meaning of this?”, Eric demanded as she sat heavily on the sofa and placed the ice pack on her face.

“Please stop talking loud…..i have a headache”, Nina murmured and wiped the blood dripping from her nose.

Eric was really confused. Few minutes ago they were trying to kill each other. Now she is acting like none of that happened.

“Well i won’t stop until i get an explanation for this”.

“Explanation for what?”.

“For this sh;t…….this fuckery that is going on here now”.

“Boy…..mind your language and i owe you no explanation……we are done. That’s all you have to know”, Nina said sternly.

“No we are not done until you tell me where my mother is”, Eric retorted.

Nina sighed and looked away.

Where is my mother?”, Eric asked again.

“Your mother is here”, Nina replied.

“I say where the hell is she?”.

“Goddamit!!…….she is here.”, Nina began irritatedly and looked at Eric.

“I am your biological mother!”.

BLOODLINE Episode 15

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4 years ago

Who is going to save Lisa from that boy and Nina is treating Eric real bad

4 years ago

This is seriously serious

4 years ago

Oh my God what is going

4 years ago

Oh my God. …

4 years ago

Please opra can’t we get another episode,pleeeease☺️??

4 years ago

This is getting out of hand…. So many questions still unanswered ??

God pls save Lisa ?

4 years ago

Like wowwwww