BINA AND TINA Episode 7 – Ebube writes


BINA AND TINA 👭 Episode 7

My intention was to poison the food and still dine with your family because, I’m already tired of living. At least,my Mom will rest, i will rest, you will rest, everyone will rest including all those unfortunate men that tore us apart. Tina said bitterly.

I was almost through executing my mission when i heard someone’s footsteps, didn’t know whom it belongs to. I wanted to run but my long braid came contact with the handle of the pot on fire and the hot food emptied on me. Still wanted to run but slipped and fell with my head. Tina conclude.

Tina,i know that i hurt you so bad,but if someone had told me that you will go this far to revenge,i wouldn’t have believed.

Bina, you have no right to blame me. You allowed men to come in between our friendship. The love and bond we shared since childhood,you destroyed it with your hands and you stand there and blame me?

I know i went too far but you and my mother pushed me. Even though i know that,i might not make it till night falls but i want you to forgive me my friend and sister.

Tina you went too far, my heart is heavy right now. The tears in my eyes has finished,my chest beats faster and my mouth is dried up from crying. Tina you went too far. But i forgive you, you are my sister and nothing will happen to you. You will leave here alive and not…………………

Tina starts breathing fast.

Tina. T. Tina honey, don’t do this to me. The only sister i have ghat. Tinaaaaaaa.

Doctor! Doctorrrr!! Doctorrrrrr!!!

To be continued……

Ebube writes ✍️~

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