BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 9 – Ruchinablog



WRITTEN BY:RuchinaBlog




I couldn’t stop the joy growing inside me when I saw the anger on the CEO’s face. Oh! Amanda, you are doomed, and now Michael will be mine, and there is nothing you will be able to do about it.

“Thank you, Nurse Nancy. I will look into this immediately,” the CEO said as he began to make calls.

“You are welcome, sir,” I replied as I walked out of his office.

Oh, Amanda. I smirked.



I woke up feeling so weak and couldn’t stop the tears from falling as the memory of yesterday flooded my mind. I don’t know what my fate will be because as it stands now, I am officially an orphan. What remains now is for me to be exiled from this village, which is the standard punishment for offenders. I am beginning to understand the series of dreams I have been having before the coronation; I can’t suffer like the way I saw myself in those dreams. I must find a way to run from all of this.

My thoughts were interrupted by the banging on the door; it was the king’s guards. But what do they want from me this early morning? All I want is a moment of peace to compose myself and arrange my thoughts. The guards barged into the room not minding if I was putting on clothes or not.

“The king demands your presence in the courtyard, Amanda,” one of the guards stated. I stood up and walked towards the wardrobe to put on some clothes to cover the nightgown I was wearing, but the guards started laughing.

“What are you covering your ta!nted body for? You slt,” the guards chuckled. I felt the shame instantly; so, I am now an object of rid!cule all because of this incident. “You are so shaml*ss, why are you now pretending to be a saint now when you are busy sleeping around? You didn’t know you would be d!sgraced; will you move it, f8ol?” he added as he and his colleagues began to drag me out. I didn’t protest or say anything because I owe the king an explanation and not them.

As I was being dragged along the hallway, I saw the maids and guards laughing at me and giving me eyes of disgust, including the maids that dressed me. I just walked because I know I am innocent of all this, and it will be proven.

We soon got to the courtyard where the king and the elders were waiting. The guards pushed me to the ground and went to stand behind the king. I lifted my head to look at the king, who in turn looked at me with anger. I turned my eyes to see the elders, the queen mother, my family, my two besties, and the youths of the village. At last, my besties are here to prove my innocence before the king. I could feel joy within me, but I didn’t know it will soon be short-lived.

“My people, I greet you all. We are gathered to find out what happened to Amanda’s v!rgin!ty because our dear king has proof that he didn’t deflower her; my king, please bring out the proof,” my father said as he moved forward and lifted the white cloth which was placed on a plate. ”My people, this is it, this is the evidence; she claims she is a v!rg!n, but this cloth says otherwise,” my father added as he lifted up the white cloth for all to see.

“Abom!nation, this has never happened before in our land, and she still has the nerve to be claiming a saint,” the villagers began to murmur among themselves. Without hearing from me, they have begun to cond*mn me. Such is life.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself, Amanda?” the king asked as he turned to face me.

“My king, my elders, my people, I greet you all. I have known no man other than the king; throughout my time in the university and in the hospital where I work, I didn’t sleep with any man,” I said looking straight at the king, but he suddenly started laughing followed by the elders.

“And you want me to believe that when your friends have brought more evidence to prove otherwise,” the king snapped.

“I don’t understand what you mean, my king,” I said, starting to feel nervous, but I was soon shocked to the core.

“What don’t you understand, Amanda, that you are no longer a v!rgin as you claim,” a voice from behind said, shocking me. I turned to see who it was and got the shock of my life—Mirabel.

“Your highness, these are the evidence I have against Amanda to prove that she is not a v!rgin as she claims,” Mirabel said as she passed some pictures to the king.

I didn’t know what was in those pictures until the king stood up angrily and threw them at my face. I picked them up and was shocked to see what was inside. Pictures of Michael and me holding hands in the restaurant and him pecking me.

“And that’s not all, your highness, permit me to make a phone call,” Mirabel added as she brought out her phone to make a call.

“You may proceed,” the king said.

“Thank you, my king,” she smirked as she began to dial a number.

“Hello,” she said and put the call on loudspeaker.

“Hello, Mirabel, how are you doing?” The caller replied.

“Stanley, please, do you know Amanda?” Mirabel asked. Why was he calling this Stanley and asking of me when I don’t know any one called Stanley?

“Who doesn’t know Amanda, Amanda that I and my guys have slept with countless times, someone that likes thresoms, someone that did ho*kup to see herself through school. That girl is another thing, and I won’t lie I miss her very much,” Stanley said, shocking me to the core. I don’t know this Stanley from anywhere, why will he say such things about me?

“Thanks, Stanley, we will talk later,” Mirabel said.

“Mirabel, how could you cook up such a lie about me, something you know very well I am innocent of? What do you gain from ruining my life?” I asked, looking straight into her eyes.

“Oh! Shut up, stop doing as if you are innocent, or do you want me to call up your sweet s*gar daddy before you will reveal the truth,” Ujunwa said as she came out of the crowd waving her phone in the air.

“The evidence is enough already, and there won’t be the need for more,” the king said, dismissing Ujunwa.

“What do you have to say for yourself, dear Amanda?” the king asked.

“My king, all these are lies, and I don’t know any Stanley, please believe me,” I replied, pleading with all I have, hoping he will believe me.

“This is my judgment, Amanda, you have been found guilty of being unfaithful to your traditions. Therefore, you will be paraded the whole village in rags begging for forgiveness. You will remain in the palace, but you will fend for yourself. You won’t be allowed to leave this village, and you will be a slave to the villagers for the period of one year,” the king said without mercy, shocking me as the villagers began to jubilate.

The guards came to drag me up, but I stopped them. I looked at everyone present and began to smile. I turned to the priest of truth and asked,

“Priest of truth, why aren’t you saying anything? Can’t you see the truth in this matter?” I questioned, with anger boiling inside me.

“SHUT UP! You insolent girl. I never asked you to be unfaithful to your tradition, and the gods have been silent to your case. It is obvious that you have offended them,” he replied coldly.

“The gods are silent; no problem,” I turned around and picked up sand with my left hand.


I walked to the center and stood in front of Mirabel and Ujunwa, laughing.

“I have not done anything to deserve your betrayal. I loved you two as my own sisters, but how did you pay me back? You betrayed me. MIRABEL AND UJUNWA, FROM TODAY, YOU WILL KNOW NO PEACE. PROBLEMS WILL FOLLOW YOU, YOU WILL LIVE IN PENURY. NO ONE WILL SEE YOU AND HELP YOU. ALL YOU DESIRE WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU. FOR RUINING ME, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE JOY IN YOUR LIFE AND SHALL D!E A MISERABLE DE*TH. AND THIS WILL STAND FOREVER,” I said as I spit into the sand and threw it on the ground.

They just laughed at me, but I didn’t care. I walked straight to the king; I don’t know where I got the confidence, but I loved it.

“I accept my punishment and will start immediately. But IF I AM PROVEN INNOCENT, I WILL EX!LE MYSELF FROM THIS VILLAGE AND CEASE TO BE A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY,” I said with tears streaming down my face.


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