BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 8 – Ruchinablog



WRITTEN BY:RuchinaBlog



I couldn’t believe my eyes; how could this happen to me? I am very sure that I am a virgin. No man has seen my nakdnss except for the king. I couldn’t stop the tears rolling down my face. I rushed to hold the king and stop him from disgracing me in the face of the elders.

“My king, please believe I kept myself according to the customs and tradition of our land; no man has seen my nakdnss except for you. Please believe me,” I pleaded with the king, hoping he would believe and spare me the impending shame.

“I should believe when the evidence of your unfaithfulness to me and the tradition is here,” he said, lifting up the white cloth for me to see. “How could you? Why weren’t you patient to wait for me? How could you betray my love for you? ANSWER ME!!” He shouted at me. I backed away in fear of what he will do; he looked at me then walked out of the room seething with anger. I couldn’t stop him because I knew nothing I say or do was going to change his mind right now.

I cried profusely while lying on the king’s bed. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. “What went wrong? How did this happen?” I asked myself. If anyone had told me this would happen to me, I would never have believed it. “What will happen to me now? How can I bear this shame? How will my parents feel?” I questioned myself, wondering where things went wrong and how it’s possible I lost my virginity without being penetrated.

My thoughts were interrupted when the king walked into the room with two guards following closely behind him, looking at me with disgust in his eyes. “Take her away from this room this instant and let her stay in the maid’s quarters from now on. No maid shall be assigned to her,” said the king to his guards. I had no objections because there was nothing to prove my innocence right now.

I walked out of the room with the guards as they stared at me with disgust in their eyes. I walked down the hallway with my head bowed in shame, the king’s cabinet members stared at me, some with pity and others with disgust. I saw my father, who was the king’s adviser, holding my mother as she cried profusely. My father refused to look at me as I walked past him.

My mother walked up to me and landed a slap on my face, “Shamless girl, a prost!tte. You have finally disgraced us, haven’t you? Are you finally happy now?” she shouted. I could feel the pain in her eyes, and I wished nothing more than to convince her that this was a joke, but sadly it wasn’t.

“Mom, please believe me. I saved myself for the king,” I pleaded with her, trying to make her believe me because I was sure there was a mistake somewhere.

“Do I look like a fo*l? Why was there no blood on the cloth brought by the king?” she asked me, tears rolling down her eyes. “I never raised you to be a liar. How can you still lie to my face?” she questioned.

“Mom, please believe me,” I shouted, holding her tightly with tears rolling down my eyes. Wishing with every fiber in my body she will believe me and all this will be over.

“SHUT UP!” shouted my father. He walked up to us and pulled my mother into his arms. “I don’t have a daughter like you. Henceforth, you are no longer my daughter, and I want nothing to do with you,” said my father as he looked me in the eye and then turned around to leave.

“Dad, please don’t do this to me. Believe me, I saved myself for the king,” I cried, falling to the floor as my heart broke, watching my parents leave without sparing me a glance.

“Stand up,” the guards shouted as they pulled me to my feet and dragged me toward the maid’s quarters. They pushed me into an empty room and looked at me with disgust before laughing and shutting the door tightly.

I dragged myself to the bed, where I could cry myself to sleep. What was going to happen to me now? What would the king do to me now because I know that I was going to be punished? The irony of it; I was going to be punished for what I knew nothing about. Hmm! What a life. I just pray I was going to be exiled so I could go back to my job and then explain things to Michael, and just maybe he might consider.

Let me see what the morning will bring with it.


I couldn’t control my anger as I pushed down things on my dressing mirror. How could she? What was so difficult about waiting for me? Why did she do this to me, to us? I will never forgive her for this.

“So, what are you going to do to her now?” my friend Anthony asked. “Why don’t you just forgive her and move on? I don’t really see the big deal in all of this because you are the king; you could decide what was going to happen to her,” he added as he picked up his drink and took a sip from it.

“You don’t get it; there is a gift given to the queens on the night they lose their virginity that will help the reign of the king. Why should my own case be different? That I won’t allow,” I said. What he said doesn’t make sense; why should I forgive when she was unfaithful to me?

“So what do you plan to do since you don’t want to forgive her?” he asked.

“I am supposed to exile her, but no, I would make life so unbearable for her so next time she won’t betray our love,” I said with a lopsided smirk.

“Why don’t you just let her go since you can’t stand the betrayal according to you? I am sure other men would want her because she is really beautiful,” he said.

“Never! She is mine alone; I won’t let her go, and no man is going to have her or I will have his head,” I groaned in anger as I imagine another man with Amanda.

“Wow! You are obs*ssed with this girl,” he said.

“Yes, I am obs*ssed, and you better stay away from her else I will make you an example,” I said with a grin.




Nurse Nancy could be seen walking into the CEO’s office with an envelope in her hands.

“Good morning, sir. I have a report to make concerning Nurse Amanda and Director Michael,” she said while placing some pictures on the CEO’s table.

The pictures were that of Michael and Amanda k!ss!ng.

“SHE WAS SEDUC!NG HIM, SIR!!!” She said with a smirk.


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