BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 10 – Ruchinablog



WRITTEN BY:RuchinaBlog



I looked at the king with nothing left to say and turned my gaze towards the villagers, ready to crucify me. Walking towards the gate, tears ran freely from my eyes. Reluctant to go through the gate, I knew I had to be mentally strong to face what was coming, but I was beginning to lose my resolve. I didn’t know if I could survive this humiliation; it was just too much for me to bear.

I snapped out of my reverie when the guards pushed me without pity. I began to walk towards the village market square, being pushed as if I had committed a major crime. Villagers threw food, tomatoes, eggs, and all sorts of things at me, calling me names. What exactly was my crime to warrant this level of humiliation? Even small children were throwing things, thinking it was fun.

Pushed around by the guards, we reached the market square. By now, I was totally drenched with food and tomatoes, smelling really bad. I couldn’t go on anymore, lost all strength, and fell to the ground, letting out a loud cry, feeling heartbroken and betrayed by the very ones who were supposed to be there for me—my parents, my husband, the king, and my friends. All this was too much for me to take. I just knelt, crying out loudly, ignoring the !nsults and name-calling from the villagers.

Soon, the crowd began to disperse, and I was left alone. The guards came, pulled me up, and dragged me back to the palace. We soon got to the palace, and I was taken to my room. I didn’t miss the laughter among the maids and guards. I didn’t know if I would get through this—a graduate like me, doing well in the city, reduced to this humiliation because of tradition.

I was pushed into the room, and the door was immediately locked, making me feel like a prisoner. I went to the bathroom and had a thorough bath to wash off the stench from my body. Soon I was done freshening up, tears couldn’t stop rolling down my eyes. I made up my mind to run away from all of this. Since I had a job, I would do fine just being by myself.

I picked up my phone to make a call to the hospital but immediately got an email. I clicked and opened the email, but its content made another round of tears pour.



I am so furious at myself and worried about Amanda. This was never my intention, but the situation was beyond my control, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

“Alex, what was the point of what you did back there?” Anthony said as he barged into my room looking extremely furious.

“Look, I didn’t want this either. Why would I subject the love of my life to public ridicule…?”

“I don’t think you love her because if you did, you wouldn’t allow her to go through this,” he cut in.

“I LOVE AMANDA WITH EVERY FIBER IN ME. SHE IS THE VERY REASON I CAME BACK. WITH OR WITHOUT MY FATHER’S D*ATH, I WAS COMING FOR HER,” I snapped. I hated myself for putting her through such humiliation, but I really didn’t have a choice.

“But you are the king. I don’t understand. Why all this?” he asked, pouring himself a drink. I think I will be needing that.

“Look, I don’t want my wife ex!led, and I don’t care about her purity and the blessing that comes with it. All I want was to punish her my own way. But I woke up to meet the elders in the palace who insisted on a punishment for Amanda to prevent other maidens from doing the same. I insisted on not wanting to punish her, but they refused and said it was for the betterment of the village. Then the youth entered and insisted on a punishment, or else they will rebel. I just couldn’t let the kingdom go haywire,” I said, feeling frustrated.

“And this was the solution you could come up with?” he asked.

“I tried my best, but they insisted. Even her parents were no exception,” I replied. “I just don’t understand why they supported all this.” I sighed, taking a sip from the glass.

“I don’t understand what is going on, but you need to be strong for Amanda and stop being reckless,” he said softly. The one thing I love about Tony is he cares a lot about me.

“You do know that her friends are lying, right?” he smiled softly.

“Yes! I do know. Those betrayals, I don’t want to ever see them beside my one and only love. For sure, Amanda was too tight and sweet to fit into what they described her as,” I replied with a cheeky smile on my face.

“Thank God! You know, but I guess they want to snatch you away from her. That’s why they said all those things, right?” he stretched the bottle of whiskey towards me.

“They better be gone because I am never going to be interested in their sorry selves,” I muttered softly.

We chatted for a while and then stood up to check if my love is back.

“I want to check if she’s back. Let me tend to her to make up for what happened this morning. The last thing I want is for her to hate me,” I said softly, standing up and adjusting my clothes.

I got out of my room and walked towards the entrance when I heard footsteps approaching.

“Your Highness.”

I turned to see who it was but was instantly annoyed—Mirabel. She was wearing skimpy clothes, I guess to sed*ce me. I chuckled softly.

“I am really happy to help you see the true face of Amanda. She was deceiving you all along and can never be trusted,” she said coyly as she approached me, trying to put her hands on my chest. I smirked.

I leaned forward and lifted her chin, looking into her eyes, then whispered softly into her ear.

“You are just a little chess piece in this game. I knew everything you said about my wife was a lie, but I just used it to infl!ct pain on her. If you think I will have something to do with you, you are mistaken. Get your sorry self out of my palace right before I have your head on a spike,” I said with a warning tone.

I drew my face back, but she held it and placed her disgusting lips on mine. That’s when I heard a series of footsteps rushing away. I turned to see who it was.


No, this can’t be happening. I turned back to the ins8lent f8ol and grabbed her by the neck.




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