BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 7 – Ruchinablog



WRITTEN BY:RuchinaBlog




Today is the king’s coronation, and I can’t really tell if I am happy or sad because of the set of dreams I have been getting since I arrived in the village or this constant bad feeling I keep getting about things going wrong somewhere; I just can’t tell. I tried to put on a beautiful smile and walked out of my room to meet my mom and sister doing the necessary preparation for the festival. My dad has already gone to the palace to prepare for the coronation of the new king. I greeted my mom, and she hugged me so excitedly.

“My daughter, good morning. How are you doing this beautiful morning?” she asked with a smile on her face. “You don’t even need to reply because you are looking beautiful this morning with this radiant smile on your face, and I know for sure today is going to turn out great for you.” She added while holding my hands.

“Mama! How sure are you that the king is going to choose me among all the beautiful girls in this village? Well, I am not going to put my mind on all these because I already have someone in my heart that I want to give a chance to.” I said, looking away from her.

“Don’t say that, okay! I am sure the king will choose you; my motherly instinct tells me so.” She replied.

“Okay, mama! I have heard you. Let me go and prepare and begin my journey to the palace.” I said, going inside to prepare myself like every other maiden in the village.

A few minutes later, I walked out fully adorned in my beautiful red native attire and beads on my hands, waist, and feet. I knew for sure I was breathtaking. My mother saw me and began to dance and hail me.

“My daughter, my first fruit, the apple of my eyes, oh, my beautiful daughter, the gods be with you, your angels will be with you and guide you. Amen.” She prayed for me with so much expectancy in her eyes.

“Amen, mama. Let me start going to the palace, and please, mama, when Mirabel and Ujunwa come, please direct them to the palace.” I said while walking out of the compound.

I don’t know what made the girls change their minds, but it is going to be great having them around. I soon got to the palace gate and saw many maidens my age there looking beautiful in their maiden attire and gorgeous beads, but one particular person stood out. ADAKU! She paraded the palace, acting as if she has been chosen by the king. I walked past and stood in a corner, waiting for the ceremony to begin when she walked up to me.

“Wow! Look at who decided to show up. I thought you wouldn’t come for this great event since you prefer your city life.” She said, rolling her eyes at me. Adaku and I were very good friends in secondary until she framed me for something I never did and never felt a single remorse for what she did. Since then, we have been at war with each other, always competing for the same things – things that were rightfully mine, she fought for them just to piss me off. Well, today is the day the king’s bride will be chosen, so if the king chooses her, I won’t be offended. I will head back to the city immediately to be with Michael.

“Well, I have to fulfill tradition, so here I am. If you will excuse me, I have other things to do.” I responded as I slightly pushed her and walked forward.

The elders began to come outside, which signifies the king’s coronation is about to begin. My father stepped forward to address the people.

“The great people of Egonna, I greet you all. Today is a great day in this land, and we are excited to crown forth the new king. I present to you Prince Ikenna Alexander Tobechukwu, the crown prince of Egonna land.” He said as a very handsome young man walked out of the palace in his kingly attire. All the maidens were swooned by his looks. But I noticed he swept through the crowd, searching for someone, and it landed on ADAKU! He smiled and looked away; I guess we have our new queen.

He marched forward and kneeled down before my father, who in turn was holding a crown in his hands.

“I hereby pronounce you KING IKENNA ALEXANDER TOBECHUKWU OF EGONNA LAND.” My father said as he placed the crown on the new king. King Ikenna stood up as people began to jubilate and walked towards the throne kept for him in the center of the crowd. My father once again stood up to address the people.

“As tradition demands, it is compulsory that every girl below the age of 25 must remain a virgin until the new king chooses his queen. So, I encourage all the maidens to step forward and dance before the new king.” He said as all the maidens ushered themselves into the center. Adaku was the front liner, while I chose to stay at the back since the king already knows who he wants, at least I still had Michael waiting for me.

The drummer began to beat the drums, and maidens began to dance effortlessly, but I didn’t put much effort because I was no longer interested in the dance or being the king’s bride. I was lost in thought, thinking of Michael, how wonderful it would be to have him as my husband and father of my kids when I felt a hand on my waist drawing me closer. I could hear screams of joy and some of shock, but I didn’t understand what was going on until I looked to check whose hand was on my waist, and I was shocked to see who it was. THE KING!!


I could see the shock on her face when she noticed I was the one. She thought I was going to pick Adaku since I looked at her immediately I stood up after being crowned the king, but I only wanted to make Amanda lose concentration and shock her at the end, which worked perfectly. I drew her closer to myself, sniffing her neck to inhale her scent.

“Hello, my love. Did you miss me?” I asked as I noticed how nervous she was, and that made my body excited and aroused.

“My… ki..ngg” she stammered. I smiled as I let go of her waist and led her to the front and turned to face the people.

“My people, I have made my choice, and I present to you Amanda, my wife, and your new queen.” I said as jubilation filled the place. My love was led away to prepare for our wedding which takes now. I can’t wait to have her with my eyes fully on her behind.


To say I was shocked was an understatement; I couldn’t believe my eyes. The king chose me out of the maidens present. The maids were excited as they helped me prepare for the wedding.

“You are so lucky, but the king is luckier,” Maid 1 said.

“Why did you say so?” I asked her.

“Because you are a whole package; you are beautiful, intelligent, and curvaceous. In fact, you are a complete vibe and best for the king.” Maid 2 replied.

“And we are honored to serve you, our queen,” Maid 3 added.

They quickly dressed me in a beautiful traditional wedding attire and donned me with makeup and beads and led me outside to meet the king.

The traditional marriage rites began immediately, and we exchanged our vows. I was happy, at least even though it came as a shock. We danced and celebrated our marriage and his coronation. The celebration lasted for hours till nightfall; we went in to perform the last rite of the wedding which was to consummate the marriage. I changed into a white wrapper and was led to the king’s bedroom where I met him also wearing a white wrapper around his waist.

I laid on the bed, feeling scared of what was going to happen next. He came to meet me on the bed and whispered in my ears.

“My love, have you missed me so much? I know you can’t remember me, but we have plenty of time for that. But for now, let’s consummate; the elders are waiting for us.” He said, immediately k*ssing my ears, and I turned to let him have his way.

It was difficult to get in at first, but he soon had his way, which made me cry out loud with so much pain, but he shut me up with a French k*ss. Soon he was done, and he lifted up his body from mine. I expected to see happiness on his face, but instead, I saw anger and disgust. I was confused until he lifted a white cloth and shouted.



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