BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 6 – Ruchinablog



WRITTEN BY:RuchinaBlog


I couldn’t shake off the bad feeling as I began my journey down to my village, and it only intensified as I remembered my dream from last night. What is happening? Why was I being chased around and beaten? All these questions with no particular answer to satisfy my curiosity. If this trip wasn’t really important, I wouldn’t have embarked on it.

As I was lost in my thoughts while waiting for the bus to move, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to see an old, frail woman begging for something to eat. I quickly gave her the 2000 naira I had on me and the bread I bought. She thanked me and turned to leave but turned back and said, “My daughter, be strong, for the journey that lies ahead of you is not an easy one, but your Chi will see you through.” She said before turning and finally walking away.

I was so confused at this point, but I knew that everything is connected – the dream, my premonition, the old woman’s words. I just don’t understand what they mean exactly. I said a short prayer as the bus began to move, hoping for guidance to solve the puzzle of my life.

I got to my village three hours later, took transport to get to my family house. As I got down from the bike, I noticed a mad man staring intently at me. I walked towards him and gave him another piece of bread I bought during my trip. I turned to leave, but his laughter drew my attention back to him. He laughed for a long time before clearing his voice and said, “You shouldn’t have come back now, but since you are here, be prepared for your fate has just begun.” He laughed and walked away.

Now this is beginning to creep me out; what is going on? What exactly does all this mean? Well, I know I will soon get my answers; I can feel it.

I walked into my father’s compound and met my sister Nnenna, who ran to meet me and hugged me tightly. “Sister, welcome,” she said excitedly. “How are you doing? See how you are looking fresh; I am sure you are finishing all the food in Mama’s kitchen.” I said as she released me from her tight hug.

“Sister, I am fine oo, but I am not the one finishing the food, it is Jidenna and Lotanna; those two can eat for Africa. Papa and Mama always complain, but they won’t change.” I laughed as she said that.

“Well, they are boys, and boys love food a lot, so please excuse their behavior. Well, where are they?” I asked as we entered the house to drop my bag.

“They went to the farm, Mama went to the women’s meeting, and Papa went to the king’s palace for a meeting with the Umunna,” she said.

We went to my room, placed my bags down, and I changed into a more comfortable outfit before I began to do a little cleanup and arrange my things in their appropriate places. I took my bath and went to the kitchen afterward to make something to eat. My sister walked in, and we began to chat.

“Sister, you are looking good. How is work?” she asked.

“Work is fine, dear, just stressful at times. How is the village? Any latest gist?” I asked her, anticipating the latest gossip from her. However, what she said shocked me.

“Sister, something strange happened a day before the king’s death; there was a huge rainfall, and vultures could be seen flying over the place. What was more strange was the appearance of a black mark on the king’s forehead,” she said, causing me to wonder what is really going on. Could all this be related to my dream? I really hope so because I want to live a peaceful life.

“Didn’t the priest of truth say anything or give a revelation about what is going on?” I asked, trying to satisfy my curiosity because the priest of truth should be able to foretell if something bad is about to happen.

“He did say something on the festival day; he said we should be careful, that tough times are ahead and the fate of this village isn’t for the weak, and we should be careful in all our decisions lest we make a mistake,” she said with a sigh.

I don’t understand what is going on anymore, and this thing is no longer funny. I really need answers, and it seems I would have to wait until things unravel themselves. But these bad feelings I have been getting seem stronger, like something will happen soon enough.

We chatted until Mama came back from her meeting and was so excited to see me. “Oh! My precious daughter is back; now I can celebrate, I can follow other women to begin this great occasion. My daughter, welcome,” she said as she began to dance. I laughed as my sister joined in dancing; I really don’t know what is going on, so I asked.

“What is going on? What is with all this excitement and dancing?”

“My daughter, you won’t understand because you haven’t been around; do you believe that Mama Adaku and her daughter have been parading the whole village saying she is the new queen?” she said. “Yes sister, Adaku is behaving as the new queen of the land, but now you are back, things will change,” my sister added.

“Well, the final decision lies with the king, so when the big day comes, we would know who is the chosen queen,” I said.

We began to cook the evening food, awaiting the return of Papa and my brothers. My brothers came back first and were excited to see me, demanding the goodies I brought for them. I always knew they love to bill me, so I make sure to live up to their expectations.

Papa came in later and was looking depressed. He sat down looking tired and sorrowful. He didn’t pay me much attention, which was unlike him. Mama went close to ask what was wrong, but his answer shocked us to the core.

“The king didn’t die a natural death, THE KING WAS KILLED!!.”

A handsome man silhouette can be seen, but his eyes are starring at a picture of a woman lovingly. He brought the picture close to his lips and placed a peck on it. The woman in the picture is Amanda.
“Amanda, my love; I am back. Hope you kept yourself for me because YOU ARE MINE ALONE!” he groaned sharply with a sharp glint in his eyes.


who can guess who the strange man is?

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