BEING MRS SPENCE Final Episode 32 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Final Episode 32 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Final Episode 32 by Amah’s Heart

“You look stunning” he exclaimed as she appeared.

She was grinning from ear to ear as she thanked him.

He opened the door and she got into the car.

Susan was peeping from the window inside and couldn’t help but smile too.

This was the second month that Maxwell and Florence started going out.

It has taking Florence months after her divorce to decide and to agree to give another chance to love.

Ever since then it’s been blooming and beautiful seeing them together.

This will be the first time she will be going over to Maxwell’s house.

She went for shopping last week got lots of beautiful cloths which she used to change her entire wardrobe.

She also got some for Susan and she likes all of hers.

Florence sold her car after the mechanic kept demanding for more money to fix it.

She got a better Job, more than her former place of work through the help of Maxwell.

She insisted she wanted to work, going out and doing something will help her think less.

She was smiling more now than before, Life was making sense again and she felt that though her life was deprived of colours before but the colors were begining to come back.

Her next move will be getting her own apartment which Susan asked her to hold on, even Maxwell discouraged her from that.

They asked her to wait and save up more money before thinking towards an apartment.

As Florence sat inside the car, Maxwell bent over and kissed her cheek before driving off.

When they got to his place, Bianca and other Maxwell domestic staffs lined up to welcome her.

She felt very welcomed

Maxwell served her favorite meal, she devoured it hungrily.

She talked about how much she had missed the whole food.

They sat over an interesting family series, which used to be one of Florence’s favorite before life got busy for her.

She allowed Maxwell hold her in his arms, she crawled up to his warm body relaxed as the show went on.

After it was over, he took her to his big and well decorated bedroom, that is filled with nature.

Florence realized then that not a single thing has changed in it.

It still feels so warm and inviting with all the amazing decorations on the wall.

It all appears new to her eyes, especially the florescent wallpapers.

While she fixed her gaze at one, she suddenly startled as a hand gently grabbed her from behind. It tickles her a little and she went all laughing.

Maxwell turned her over to him.

“You obviously miss some of the things down here, but I miss you way too much. I feel like devouring you…

Florence laughed.

“I miss you too Max. I’m happy, not just because of your forgiveness, but the fact you love and still finds me appealingly…and desirable. You’re not just a good man but one of a kind. I’m blessed to have you and I promise never to take any of that for granted.

Maxwell curved a smile, he kissed her bare shoulder, her neck, cheek and mouth.

He whispered quietly.

“I miss you so much…I miss you Flox.

He pulled her into his body, held and kissed her even more.

Florence responded to the kiss.

“…I love you Flox, I want you…I don’t want to lose you again. I want all of you… ” Maxwell whispered again.

He continued kissing her, he led her to his king size bed, gently unzipped her gown untill it drops from her shoulder.

She held before it will get to the ground.

He removed his t-shirt, pulled off his Jean trouser and toosed it aside. It remains his underpants

He moaned quietly and began kissing her all over again.

Florence flenched in fear as he fondles and caressed her body tenderly.

She suddenly began to tap him to stop.

Maxwell who was panting hard suddenly stopped.

She looked pale and scared when he looked up at her.

“Ar…e you alright? I’m sorry… I was too much in a haste. Flox, my body…is on fire for you. I really want you, I miss your softness, inviting lips…and tender body. I want to make love to you… finally. I don’t want to hide the way I truly feel about you Flox. but it appears like I’m hurrying you beyond your wish… right? I’m sorry about that…what do you want? Tell me and I will abide…”

Florence breathed deeply, sat up from the bed, she wore her cloth properly and said while looking into Maxwell’s eyes

“There’s no use rushing the same food you will get tired of eating Max. I also desires you but there is no need to rush ourselves yet. yesterday made it the second month we started dating again and I can clearly say, that my heart truly beats for you. You make me happy than I imagined ever being. After my encounter with God, I vowed to live an upright life and never to indulge in any thing that displeases him. He didn’t give me another chance to continue meddling in sin of the past…I want to make my every moment count, pleasing God with every of my breath. I wanted to tell you when we started kissing but my own fleshly desires where higher than what I wanted to stand for. I’m equally sorry that I have to stop the fun here. I’m not gonna displeased God to please my worldly desires again…

Maxwell was quiet, he didn’t say a word even after Florence was done talking.

“…are you okay Max? I’m sorry that…

Maxwell stood up, grabbed his trouser from where he tossed it and wore.

Florence became scared of his reaction, but her mind was made up.

She won’t displeased God to please Maxwell because of earthly pleasure.

Her every encounter still feels fresh in her mind and if she indulge in this act because of the way she feels about Maxwell, wanting him more than he even wants her. If she go ahead to do this, God will be highly disappointed in her and she will be disappointed in herself too.

Is either God’s way or no other way at all.

She wasn’t facing Maxwell, rather backing him.

She turned and looked at Maxwell, he was searching for something frantically in his wardrobe.

She turned to her front, wondering how to explain to and make him understand.

She loves him too and wish to also get laid but only at the right time.

Making out with him now will be two adults, who knows and understand God’s way clearly but still went ahead to fornicate together despite how much God frowns at such act.

She only wants to do whatever pleases God and not man and to….


Maxwell interrupted her thoughts.

She turned and saw him on one knee, he was stretching out his hand towards her, there was this beautiful expensive diamond ring in his hand.

“… Flox…”

He cleared his throat, gasped out and called her again.

Florence was shocked as she quickly stood on her feet wondering what he was doing

“Max…. what are you doing?

Florence looked on not knowing what was going on

“please marry me…” Maxwell said with all seriousness.

“What…is this a joke or what? Florence responded, more surprised.

“Please marry me…” Maxwell repeated again.

“Max…I…ho….I don’t understand? Florence stammered

“…are you asking me to marry you because you want to make love to me or because you meant this? I… don’t understand… this wasn’t in the plan…i mean we just started dating last month and this was the first time I will be coming to your place after our previous breakup… how did you get the ring, was it really for me? I don’t know how to react to all of this Max…”

Maxwell rose from the floor and sat on his reading chair.

He dropped the ring beside him and left it open.

He began to speak without looking at Florence. His whole attention was on the ring.

” I bought this diamond when I thought you were truly going to get a divorce after nursing Cole back to health. So, I bought this and kept waiting until when you will finalize with the whole divorce thingy. My hopes where finally coming to life after giving you the cheque which you said will hasten you in signing the papers. I looked at the ring almost everyday back then reassuring myself that it just a matter of little time. But after coming to your place and got the whole shock from Cole that you have not only been sleeping together on the same bed you were intimately involved and you were pregnant for him. That was… the stroke that broke me into pieces. I didn’t know how or where to start from. I trusted and believed you so much and never expected the shock I got. i decided to keep the ring where my eyes won’t get to it so that it doesn’t remind me of you. Recently, when we finally started again, I searched for where I threw the ring, brought it out and kept in my wardrobe. This wasn’t how I planned the whole proposal thing to go, but there’s no better time than now. Flox, i can’t possibly propose to you because I want to get under your pants. That’s crazy and very lame. I dislike the fact you will think less me… how can you even think of such Flox? I love you and have always been patient with you. I respect God and will never come in between you and him. That’s for fact”

“I’m… sorry Max… I’m sorry. please I didn’t mean to sound disrespectful or say any of what I said. I was just shocked… never saw this coming…”

Max nodded quietly.

He picked up the ring, without getting up he looked at Florence and asked.

“So… is that a yes. You will marry me…?

Florence moved around uncomfortably.

She went close to Max and said.

“No… no! I mean I don’t know Max. It feels too early for me. I need time to think about it…

Maxwell nodded, he tries to smile as he stood.

“No problem Flox.

He didn’t act like he was angry or happy.

He later went to drop Florence

Immediately she got down, he zoomed off.

Florence ran inside, before her sister could ask her about her day with Maxwell she began to spill.

“….He asked me to marry him…”

“Oh wow. Congratulations. We got a wedding to plan. He didn’t propose with a ring… because I can’t find one on your finger but that isn’t a big deal. We can do away with the ring thing and focus on the main planning. I’m really happy for you Flo….

Susan kept talking excitedly until Florence interrupted.

” I…I didn’t accept it Suzy… I turned it down. Before you judge me I only felt it was too early. My divorce is not even a year yet is just eight months. Accepting another man fully into my life is not something I want to rush over. I don’t think Max was happy after turning him down, he tries to act like all is well but deep down I know Maxwell very well…he isn’t happy. I only wish he understands and give me time to brood over my ex husband. To totally get rid of being Mrs Spence which comes to mind ones in a while”

Susan began to laugh sarcastically at Florence.

“You are still brooding over being Mrs Spence? Are you also mourning over a lost husband or child? I don’t understand you Flo. You don’t want to move on with your life right? You’re still brooding over the Spence. Okay… just know that Maxwell will not wait forever. He won’t and ones he moves on there’s no looking back. You will get to forty and then fifty and sixty will come knocking and seventy will greet you when you’re about leaving sixty and they will all ask you “how’s your brooding over being Mrs Spence going” you will grow real old because you refused to let go of being Mrs Spence by then you will be lonely without a husband… like Max who will love to grow old with you. A husband who will love you despite anything, with child or without. If you’re finding birthing a child difficult and you opt for an adoption or other method…a husband like Maxwell will never say no to you. He will support you in raising a child you will call yours. But since you are mourning over Coleman Spence who is already a father with Lizbeth baby, living like one family and probably waiting for the baby to be weaned so that he can pregnant her again. Lizbeth is presently the new Mrs Spence hope you can deal with that? Flo, go into your room and continue your mourning. I will support every decision Maxwell takes from now onwards. You have wasted enough of his time…he needs to move on with his dear life. So that you can brood or mourn the Lost of your title as the first chair lady of the Spence properly…”

Susan’s word rang like bell in Florence ear.

The following morning, she couldn’t wait for dawn to come, she woke up early.

Got ready and left the house.

She took a taxi and went over to Maxwell’s resident.

The security and the cleaners cleaning up the compound that morning where surprised to see her so early.

She got inside and went over to Maxwell’s room

As she was about knocking, she had a female voice inside his room.

He was romantically whispering something she can’t hear from the outside door to the lady.

The lady will laugh and say something to him also.

She thought of forcing her way into the room but seeing Maxwell with another woman will break her more.

Is better she just turned back and leave.

Instead of leaving she went to the sitting room and sat quietly, she will wait until when Maxwell will come out with the lady.

She was there for more than two hours waiting.

She arrived there around 6am and sat waiting until 8:30am when Maxwell came out dressed for church.

He was shocked to see Florence.

“What…ho… Flox? What are the doing here….?

She stood up to face him angrily with tears in her eyes.

“, You are a liar and you lie so well. I can’t believe you Maxwell…all you men are filled with scum. Lying, cheating scum…

Maxwell looked shock, he tried to touch her, he slapped his hand off and continue talking.

“… you pretend to love and care for me but you are just like Cole. Keep your distance from me. I hope you will finally give the ring to the main lady that warmed your bed last night. Oh because I refused you, you decided to get another woman. Why did you come back to me when you know that you don’t really want me. You only wanted me to get intimate with you so that you can dump me. That was the plan… right? To get back at me for what I did in the past to you. Well, I get it… I’m glad I refused you touching me. I’m happy that I came unannounced and witnessed this today. Enjoy your life Max. God will never leave me on a crossroad… that’s certain.

She turned to leave and Maxwell held her, preventing her from leaving.

“,I don’t understand anything you just said, I don’t even understand why you are sitting here or crying. I don’t know what I did…or why the whole insult. Give me an idea…. what is my offense… what did I do?

Florence continued struggling and kept saying “men are scum”.

Maxwell try taking her to his room to avoid his domestic staffs hearing them but she kept struggling.

He lifted her up and despite her hitting him, he was able to get her into his room.

Immediately they got to the room, he closed the door.

Florence on getting to the room she began looking around.

She was using her eyes to search every corner.

She went to the bathroom, to the wardrobe, under the bed.

Maxwell stood wondering what got into her and what she was searching for.

When she couldn’t find anything, she came back to Maxwell.

“Where is she hidding? I heard you…I heard her too. I can swear it… that you had a woman in here. You were both talking and laughing. I can bet you on that…

Maxwell raised an eyebrow.

He blinked back as realization hit him.

He went to his iPad, turned it on and showed Florence that he was talking with his daughter Alice.

Florence checked the last hour for the Skype and saw he was right.

She felt so ashamed and sat hard on a chair.

She quietly muttered “I’m sorry… I’m.. really sorry. I thought there was another woman…”

She said wiping off a tear

Maxwell stood watching her speechless.

“I’m not like your ex husband… I’m nothing close like Coleman. Please, don’t compare us next time. men aren’t scum except men like your ex husband who choose that part. Since you’re here, let’s go have breakfast and go to church together.

Florence remained seated.

Maxwell took her by the hand and they later left for church.

When they came back, Florence who never stopped apologising said.

“I thought of everything last night and couldn’t wait for day break so that…I can tell you that I’m ready, I walked down to your room with so much enthusiasm when I heard you talking and a female voice replying you. I’m so sorry Max… forgive me for my actions…

Maxwell assured her that it was okay.

He told her she could have come inside instead of assuming so that she will get to meet and speak to his daughter for the first time.

That evening, he proposed to her again and she accepted.

They were both happy as they began planning their wedding together.

The child was rushed to the hospital after a sudden illness.

It appears she was having difficulty in breathing.

Doctor diagnosed a certain illness that is common with children of her age but it wasn’t leukemia.

They needed to flush out a certain blood causing such illness and infused her with a fresh blood that goes with her blood type.

They asked the father if he will like to pay for two pent of blood, he asked about the price and was told.

The whole hospital bills was choking him badly, he definitely do not want to add another expenses to it.

He agreed to donate for his child.

They tested his blood but it wasn’t the same blood type.

“Mr Spence, we can’t take your blood because you and the baby do not share same blood type and is not something to worry, it happens….

Cole interrupted

“She my flesh and blood, can’t you see the resemblance. She is just three years old and since her mother is AS and I’m AA, my daughter is also AA then her blood should correspond with mine. What are you saying?…

The doctor try to convince him that his blood is not a match for the child.

But Cole who do not want another bill added to the one on ground insisted.

His argument went on and on, he try to convince them further but the doctor said that since his blood wasn’t a match he has to pay to get a pack of blood or he takes his daughter to another hospital.

But with the way things were going, they have to give one pack of blood at that moment to the child as they wait for the father to be calm enough and reason with them instead of arguing.

Cole asked them to retest him, they should run another blood test and the rest on him. He was medically fit in all areas.

As Cole insisted on another round of test.

They decided to do several other test on Cole, his genotype was AA just as he said and so was his daughter.

But they found out that he was suffering from sperm disorder.

A doctor felt that the baby may not be his and decided to run several other test in the process on Cole to confirm what he was saying.

Cole’s blood group was O+ positive while his daughter’s own was far different.

the last result showed that the DNA test was wrong.

It appears negative, meaning Cole wasn’t the father of the child.

Coleman’s world came crashing down.

He refused to believe it.

The child was treated and the whole bill was presented to Cole but he didn’t have such an amount.

He deposited what he had and promised to run around for the rest of the money.

He was doing a menial Job that doesn’t pay much, upkeep and feeding had been quiet difficult but they try to manage with what they have.

He later confronted Lizbeth with what the doctor told him but she denied having anything to do with another men except him.

Cole was begining to think deep to what the doctor told him.

Ever since the birth of his daughter, Lizbeth has not been able to conceive again. They don’t use protection, yet no sign of pregnancy.

Which means that the fertility drugs either didn’t work or something else went wrong.

He went back to the fertility doctor that prescribed the drugs which Florence paid for it all despite how expensive it was back then.

The doctor checked him, shake’s his head sadly. He confirmed that he still has the infertility disorder. Medically, He can’t still pregnant a woman except if miracle happens.

Coleman was emotionally disabled.

He went back to his house and for the first time wept deeply in private.

The doctor said he can purchase the drugs again and give it another try but Cole felt is a waste of money and time.

His mother, madam Gold abandoned him and refused helping him financially.

She said he was a grown man and no more a boy and he needs to start acting like a man.

Maybe he was serving a punishment for his addiction in porn and other dirty and dangerous sexual lifestyle he got involved in the past.

He confronted Lizbeth again, this time he was way serious than he was before.

He threaten throwing her into the street with her daughter if she does not tell him who she slept with aside him before their daughter was conceived.

Lizbeth later confessed to sleeping with Dominic, the security guy and her excuse was because Cole ignored her during the early time that Florence was around.

Which means the baby belongs to Dominic.

Cole fell heavily to the ground. He can’t believe he was previously sharing Lizbeth with his ordinary gate man.

He couldn’t bear all the heartbreak. He angrily threw Lizbeth out with her daughter.

Lizbeth pleaded, she fell to the ground crying and begging Cole because she does not have anywhere to go neither does she know where Dominic lives.

Cole sent her away, Lizbeth left.

Dominic, the security guy resigned after the incident with Florence where he was also arrested.

Immediately after his released from police custody he packed his things and left and was never heard off.

Lizbeth was able to locate where Dominic was living.

He was doing well with his new line of business, which is second grade clothing.

He refused to accept the child, he told Lizbeth he was already married and his wife recently gave birth to a baby girl for him

He does not want any issue with his wife and neither does he want to have anything to do with her or her child.

Lizbeth cry and left, she returned to Cole, all she needed was roof over her head and that of her daughter.

She has no money or house. Her relatives lives far in a distance village.

She knelt pleading for Cole to forgive her, she promised to work and support the house. She promise to be the help she sighed up in the beginning to be.

She only wanted a roof over her head and that of her daughter.

Cole refused, he did not want to see her face or the child’s face.

He was not moved by Lizbeth tears or that of the baby.

For almost four years he has been taking care of the daughter thinking it was his, struggling with everything he can to bring food home.

All this while Lizbeth knew deep within that the child wasn’t his yet never mentioned it.

Marina also deceived him for two years until the truth came to light.

She was able to recover from the hospital after what happened and despite all the surgeries and dermatologic filling, her life was never the same.

Why was he a target of all this evil women. Why will he ever choose such dubious and manipulative women over his own dear wife who truly and sincerely loves him.

Lizbeth was the reason he and Florence divorced, she was the reason Florence almost killed herself.

Maybe he also shares in the blames but Lizbeth broke his family into pieces. She scattered his home and drove Florence out.

He signed the divorce not because he really wanted to but it was a hard choice for him due to Lizbeth pregnancy which he thought was his.

Florence never demanded for anything, she accepted peaceful settlement.

She forgived, she loved and despite all he did Florence never turned her back on him. She took up every responsibility, both for his personal use and for the entire house.

The saying that you never know what you have until you lose it has come to play out in his life.

Florence was worth more than the entire world to him yet he took her for granted.

All she wanted was gratitude from him but she got paid back with several cheating, scandals and verbal abuse.

He miss her and regret all he did.

He wants his wife back and was ready to do anything it takes to have her.

His only prayer and hope was that she should not be marry yet.

Florence deeply loves him and if she sees how sincere he was she may accept him back.

She will definitely accept him back if he kneel and plead for her forgiveness.

They will come back together, remarry again and start living as husband and wife.

They will try the fertility drugs one more time and if it didn’t work out they will settle with adoption. They may adopt one or two kids and become parents as they have always wanted.

There is no other woman that will love and support him like Florence does.

Anything it required he will certainly do. he must remarry his wife again. She belongs to him alone and none other

Florence won’t be able to move on just like that because of the love she has for him.

Coleman went on a search for Florence. He went to Susan’s place despite how scared he was of troublesome Susan.

Susan chased him away and warned him never to smell near her place.

She also mentioned that Florence has a sweet loving family but Cole didn’t believe her. He thought Susan only wanted to get back at him.

He went to her old work place but found out that Florence no longer work there.

Days, weeks, months he kept searching until he decided to swallow pride and shame and go and look for her at Maxwell’s mansion.


Florence was informed by the security that a man was looking for her.

She was sitting outside the pool house while Maxwell swims in the swimming pool.

They have been married for over two years now, it was a quiet wedding. Nothing loud and ever since then her life appears like a fairytale.

She was loved, respected and cared for.

Maxwell adores her.

After their wedding, there was delay in pregnancy but it was not for a long period.

She later became pregnant, it was a dream come true for her and Maxwell

She had her first baby in the UK before returning back.

It was a baby boy, when the baby was just ten months old she became pregnant again unexpectedly and she is already six months gone.

Living a Godly life was far easy with an encouraging partner like Maxwell.

They pray together, study the Bible together. They do things in common and he was planning to finally relocate them to UK.

He was putting plans in place for that and before she will get to nine months of pregnancy everything will be set to travel out.

Maxwell was swimming in the pool, she was relaxing outside the pool house with her a year plus son and her fat pregnancy belle, sipping her home made vegetable smoothie when one of the security guards came to inform her about the stranger.

She was told that the strangers name was Coleman.

Florence startled a little. She began to wonder if it was her ex husband or there was another Coleman.

Maxwell seeing the security came out of the pool, he asked what was the problem and he was told the stranger asking for Florence.

He asked the security to send the person in.

Maxwell dried off his body. Tied a towel round his waist, underneath his swimming trunk and lifted his son to his body.

The little boy wiggles happily and laughed as his Dad played with him.

Maxwell asked his wife if she was alright and she nodded with a smile.

Cole was led by the security, he was in aww as he looked at the compound and how beautiful it was.

Florence used to mention how she loves nature and art works but he usually ignore her whenever she start talking about things she likes and enjoys doing.

Maxwell must be a lover of art due to the decorations on the compound walls, some statue where carefully placed around, there was a small waterfall spring that runs towards a green flower garden.

The whole place looks like an amusement park. He also loves it as he continued looking at the whole place in wonder.

He silently prayed that Florence was only living with Maxwell as dating partner and nothing serious.

He hopes they’re not yet married. Maybe Florence was finding it hard moving on because of the kind of love she truly have for him.

Her love for him can’t be compared to whatever she shares with her ex boyfriend who kept forcing his way into her life

He was led down to where Maxwell and Florence where.

At first, he saw Maxwell holding a little boy up in his arm, he swallowed hard as many thoughts crossed his mind.

Jealousy was suddenly written all over him. He silently wish the cute boy is not for Maxwell.

As he got closer and closer, he saw the big pool, and a shield like a house. There were beach wooden seats all around the pool.

He saw a lady relaxing on one of the beach seat. There was a green juice in a transparent long plastic cup with a straw attached to it. It was on a small table beside her.

That must be smoothie, he thought within himself.

He used to enjoy freshly made smoothie that Florence usually prepares for him back then.

He remembered that Florence concentrated so much into him and less in herself.

Always ready to please him at all cost.

Who could be that lady? maybe Maxwell got married to another woman. Is either he wasn’t interested in Florence again after what happened before or Florence couldn’t move on with him due to she miss being Mrs Spence.

At first he didn’t recognize the lady but another closer look showed that the lady was actually Florence.

She looks pregnant and her bare skin radiat beautifully than he has ever seen her before.

He suddenly began to miss his steps, he doesn’t know what to do or how to approach them.

“Hello Coleman… what brought you to my house?

Maxwell said still standing.

Cole was speechless as he looked from Florence to her stomach.

She was obviously pregnant.

It looks so unbelievable. Florence was pregnant, for real.

That means she was very alright medically all this while, The one with the problem has always been him.

She was wearing a diamond wedding ring, Maxwell too wore a wedding band.

They were married, how come they already have a son and she was pregnant again.

Which means Florence moved on really fast after the divorce.

It was unlike her to forget him so quickly.

He can swear that Florence loved him more than Maxwell and does not suppose to move on so fast.

They were not only married but expecting their second child.

Susan was right then, she said so but he never believed.

“What are you doing here Cole?

Florence asked him with a frown across her face.

Cole began stuttering. He was not making sense. No one understands what he was saying.

He forgot all the line he practice before coming and felt stupid standing like a beggar.

He had no car or a good means of income.

The only thing to his name was the house which he has thought of selling severally, so that he can have enough money, to get a smaller apartment, a car and maybe start a business.

His fear is

What if the business didn’t work out and his rent expired in the new apartment and he couldn’t renew it. He will finally be thrown into the street.

He knew Maxwell was rich, when Florence brought home the cheque that they used to pay back the loan from the bank but he never knew he was far richer beyond his thoughts.


Cole stammered again.

Maxwell turned to him.

“Let this be your first and last time to come close to my house. I will get you locked up if you dares try it. My wife and I won’t tolerate this nonsense next time. We thought you had better thing that brought you here but is obvious that you are confused. I don’t joke with my wife or my kids, and I wouldn’t want to see your wretched face around my estate or close to my compound again… this is a clear warning. Stay far off…

Cole began to apologise. He fell on his knees and began to beg Florence.

He narrated how Lizbeth deceived him again with Dominic baby. The daughter she gave birth to wasn’t his own after everything. He broke down and wept like a child as he told Florence how miserable his life was without her in it.

Florence scoffed and said

“Okay, I’m sorry for your miserable life Mr Spence. I have no grudge or hate against you. As you can see my life is flourishing and I have no reason to hate you for pushing me to my desired glory. If all that happened with you never happened, I will still be stock with you suffering and smiling in silent. You pushed me hard Cole and I landed right here and the honey in my mouth is too sweet I can’t let go, I wish I had discovered it before now but I’m glad that it didn’t pass me by. Like my husband said don’t step your feet in here again, is not because we hate you but we don’t need your type of person niggling in our lives. Go and take back Lizbeth and accept the baby as yours or you will be really lonely for the rest of your life and don’t forget to rededicate your life to God so that he may have mercy on you…”

Cole try saying something, Maxwell asked the security guard to throw him out.

Cole cried himself home.

He was devastated and even attempted suicide but couldn’t.

He decided to take Florence advice by going to look for Lizbeth and the daughter.

He found them and took them home.

Seeing them everyday will remind him that he loosed a diamond while gathering stone.

A regret without remedy that he will forever live with.

He later re-trace his steps back to God as he threw off every form if sinful item in his possession. He surrendered wholeheartedly to God.

He found a bible believing church which he attends with Lizbeth and daughter.


Florence later relocated to UK with her family where she gave birth to her second child, a beautiful baby girl.

She was done with child bearing and decided to focus more in raising her kids with her God sent husband Maxwell who loves her even more on each dawning of a new day.

Being Mrs Spence almost took her life and crumble her entire world but right from the moment she changed her name to Mrs Luke her world was built with a strong beautiful bricks that none can tear down.

She is not only a wife to a unique being like Maxwell, she was also a mother, she was a Mom to children that she carried and gave birth to after thinking she will never be able to give birth to a baby in her life time.

She was a mother after over a decades of childlessness or a happy home.

Her second chance to life that God gave her was far better then the first life she ever lived.

She will never stop appreciating every seconds in it.

She understands better now that every breath we take is a precious gift from God that none should ever take for granted

Rather, we should live a life that will be pleasing to the creator.

For heavenly race is personal and every being must answer to his or her creator how well they spent their days on earth.

“…God is not dead, only those who never encounters him or truly know him says and believe so. if God can reach out and pull me out of the dungeon of death when the enemy try to bury me… how much more he will do to them that sincerely calls out to him for rescue…”

Florence said to the group of women during a bible study class which she was hosting twice in a week right in UK where she was based with her family.

Even Susan sometimes joins her online class.

During the holiday, Florence invited her over.

Maxwell assisted in processing all their papers and Susan with her entire family came to spend quality time in UK.

The two sisters became strong leading women in their different location and society with the full support of their dear husbands.



Thanks for always reading our stories, please no matter what, encourage the writer Amah’s Heart with comments (Shes BLESSED) , One Love ❤.

Read One Of Her BEST Story > TAMAR

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2 years ago

What a happy ending… Thanks Amah’s heart.

2 years ago

It hands are indeed blessed thank you so much

2 years ago

Thanks amahs heart ❤️ I enjoyed every bit of the story more grease to your elbow

2 years ago

It was an amazing read🌹 Kudos to you

2 years ago

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Chiamaka Benedicta
Chiamaka Benedicta
2 years ago

Hi, i just to encourage. Please keep on the good work

1 year ago

Wow, Thank you so much ma. Amah’s Heart, This was really worth the read.
There’s no really no word that can quantify this unique book.
Your hands are definitely blessed @Amah’s Heart. ❤️

Adebayo Mayokun
Adebayo Mayokun
1 year ago

Thank you Amah’s Heart, I couldn’t resist reading this through within a short period.