Behind The Mask Final Episode

Behind The Mask Episode 1 by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Behind The Mask Episode FINAL EPISODE*

*John sends born again Enyonam home*

……I became broken hearted. All these while, Xorsenyo was not aware that i came to see my Enyonam. Judge Amos was calling me for us to go but i was just absent minded. “Hey my guy lets go. why are you absent minded like that?” Amos said. “Did you just see that car? and have you seen how she was talking to me rudely?” i asked. “but you what are you thinking? Is it that you were expecting her to be waiting for you till thy kingdom comes? you’ve moved on and she has also moved on. I just brought you here for you to stop fantasizing.” Amos said looking straight into my face. I looked at him back and with an angry face, i went to sit inside the car for us to go. Amos came to join me in the car and was about to start the engine.

Me: Amos do you think i can’t get my Enyonam back? She is the love of my life.

Amos: My guy, sorry to tell you that monkeys play by their sizes. Left with me alone i will forget about this girl and concentrate on building my marriage. Getting this lady to yourself will mean you must do all you could to match up with those guys she is hanging around with. She has seen it all so there is nothing you can do to influence her.

Me: So you knew about this and you still brought me here. I will do everything to get this girl back. My wife can go to hell. She is just a trouble maker.

Amos: Well, that’s your view. I wont tell you much because i expect that you learn from your mistakes. Do you know something, I forgot i have a meeting to attend in an hours from now so i will alight you at the next junction so that you pick a public transport.

Me: ah! how? i should pick a public transport? alright no problem.

When we got to the junction, Amos truly made me to get down. He didn’t go to any meeting but to meet his girlfriend despite the fact that he was married. I felt very bad for myself when i stood by the road close to 30minutes without getting a car.

“All my friends are now at big places riding in big cars and sleeping in five star houses. Just look at me, standing by the road stopping cars after cars. I do say am an internal auditor for a very big company like Tema Harbour but i cant even boast of Ghc 1,000.00 in my account. hmm God have mercy.” i prayed. Soon i got a car and returned back to my rented house. As soon as i got there, my landlord served me a letter informing me about an upward review of the monthly rent. I looked at the letter and honestly speaking, the tears finally came.

At work on Monday, Xorsenyo came to meet me with my head on the office desk.

Xorsenyo: Johnny why? “you no get correct sleep last night wey you dey sleep like some pregnant he goat?”

Me: charley i no dey feel well. My head all they bash me. Xorsenyo please i want you to cover for me. I want to go home and rest a bit.

Me: Alright.

I left the office and went home. “why should this girl do this to me? ah! Oh my God! how could I have allowed myself to rub buttoms with the porcupine? Nevertheless, it is said that it’s only a fool whose testicles are stepped on twice. How could some humans be so heartless and cruel to their fellow humans? You present and projected yourself as an angel of God sent from above whiles you just covered yourself with a sheep’s cloth and wore the heart of a wolf.” I was thinking aloud.

Enyonam my wife walked and came to stand behind. She tapped my shoulders and that made me to turn to look into her face. Her face was filled with tears.

Enyonam: my husband, I know I’ve cost you a lot. Please all am asking is for your forgiveness. I will be willing to leave the marriage but i wont have peace if you don’t forgive me. Am on my kneels. Please am sorry.

Me: Will your sorry bring back my mother? or will it restore my account? I started life with many people whom i was better than by then. Today, all these people are riding in their cars, happily married with children and living in their own houses. I am here in a rented house. I don’t have a car of my own all because of you. My father who was all i have too you turned my face away from him. I hate you. Enyonam i can’t love you back and i can’t forgive you.

There was this voice from behind us…..

“My son, all is vanity. What does it profit you if you should have all the goodies of this life and lose your soul? How can you hate a fellow human being to the very core of your heart and claim you love God? Learn to forgive because your father in heaven has also forgiven you. God has given you life which is the most important thing. Just start everything at fresh with a pure heart and God almighty will bless you. You have a brighter future and i can assure you that you have more ahead of you than what you’ve lost. Let the dead burry the dead and let the living glorify God. Life is short and don’t think death is far ahead of you. No! death is just beside you. Very close to you. The very little mistake you do and attach yourself to it, it will welcome you. God saved you from a lot so thank Him for your life and forgive from your heart. Do you know when you will die? It might be the next minute and if because you were not able to forgive your wife who is now a born again christian and you are refused entrance into heaven then you see your wife in heaven how will you feel? Turn and look into my face and see who is speaking.”

I turned and behold, it was my father accompanied by my pastor.

Enyonam: (holding his legs) In law, please am very sorry for all that i did. I’ve cost your family a lot. Please forgive me.

My Dad: I have forgiven you. Yesterday is gone and another day has come. Let’s focus on what is ahead than what has expired. John, pastor told me everything so just come back to yourself and love your wife.

But next time, try to listen to the elderly when they are advising you. There is the saying that what an elderly person can see from afar when sitting down can never be seen by a child even if he or she should stand on the tallest tower. A word to the wise is enough.

Me: Daddy thank you for everything. I’ve heard all that you’ve said. You are also welcome to my house.

We walked into the room and Enyonam cooked for us to eat. I had the fear of another charm but i only closed my mind on that i took the food.

I accepted Enyonam back as my wife and it was to the joy of everyone including Xorsenyo. The only person who had problem with it was Golder. This was because Enyonam nearly cost her too.

After some few weeks, Xorsenyo also wedded Golder. The one month fasting and prayers deliverance service organised at the church was also fruitful. Most people got healed including the pastor.

One night whilst in bed with Enyonam, she said ” John please i still have one more thing to tell you. Please don’t take it against me. I love you so much and don’t want to lose you.”

Me: okay go ahead and talk, am listening.

Enyonam: Johnny i don’t have a womb so i cant give birth.

Me: what! you don’t have a womb? why, are you a man? or what happened?

Enyonam: My womb was used for sacrifice when i was with the marine world. The sacrifice gave me all the wealth i was having before we met. The car and the boutique belonged to me and they were all as a result of that sacrifice. I did that to get money to support my parents because we were very poor. Sorry to tell you that i also made them to dilute your sperm in spirit so you can hardly give birth.

Me: Jesus Christ!!! Enyonam please enough of this nonsense. Before 7:00am tomorrow, make sure you pack everything of yours and leave this house. I don’t want to skin you alive so just take the easy way. But if you dare me, i will make you regret coming into this world.

Enyonam stood up quietly from the bed and started packing her things. Looking at her was like seeing satan calling you when you are comfortably walking to heaven. I wish i could kill her but that would also come with its own implications.

Early in the morning, she went for a taxi and off she left. I fell sick instantly.

Hmm, some people just have wickedness ingrained in their veins. “I sat with a bleeding heart under the tree in front of the house thinking aloud. I just saw myself to be fooled and falsely accused of messing myself up. In no time, the clouds began to gather. They did so quickly that one would have thought they were under the spell of an esoteric being. It was accompanied by heavy winds so I decided to go into the room. I dashed into my bedroom and lied on my bed feeling very frustrated and devastated. Little did I know that I would fall asleep in a few minutes. I saw myself in a forest doing ‘only God knows’, when this hungry young antelope spotted me from afar and rushed my way. I never knew I could win an Olympic Marathon race until this moment when my speed increased faster than the antelope. Looking at things, there was no one around to help so I made up my mind to stop and fight it. “Hey, hey, Johnny! What is the problem with you?, wake-up. Why? Is the world crashing on you? ”

Xorsenyo came into the room to check on me.

With some terrible fear and panic, I woke up. “Xorse, it’s you. When did you enter into the room? Charley, it wasn’t easy oo, I was having some bad dream. But answer me, how did you enter?”

“You left the door open and besides that, I overhead you shouting for help when I entered the hall so I decided to come into the bedroom to see what was going on probably, Sis Enyonam is canning you so that I can plead on your behalf. Haha. Look at you, ‘ you dey here dey dream ‘ “. he explained. “Charley, I was dreaming about some antelope chasing me in a thick forest. Let’s leave that for now. How was work today?”, I asked. “Where is your wife, Enyonam?, and why has everything changed in your room like this?”, Xorsenyo asked.

Me: Xorsenyo, hmm, I went to marry a wolf which was nicely dressed and packaged in a sheep’s clothing. If you care to know, I’ve sent her away to wherever she came from.

Xorsenyo: You did what! Has the antelope in your dream finally gotten hold of you and affected your reasoning level? What did I just hear you rattle like that?

Me: Man, you heard me loud and clear. I’ve sacked her, if that would make comprehension easy for you. She is just a gold digger. I don’t know why her parents didn’t name her Golder.

Xorsenyo: Hey!, my friend watch your tongue . Have you forgotten my lady’s name is Golder? But What has come over you? After that expensive and ceremonious wedding which is not yet a year old?, or have you forgotten so soon that you proclaimed in public that for better for worse, and till death do you apart?

Me: For better for worse my foot. So I should allow my head to be chopped off before I know the chains are tightening my neck, is that what you are insinuating? My friend I need to be a man. Look, that lady who claimed her name is Enyonam is not real.

Xorsenyo: Charley put yourself together. I will come back later in the evening to check on you. But you better go back for your wife. Whatever the case is she is your wife. For now she is best for you. Start chasing after her because i promise you that you are making a big mistake. Before Xorsenyo finishes his advise giving, i received a call from the police that my wife was knocked down by a moving vehicle and under going treatment at the Tema General Hospital. Xorsenyo took me with his car to the hospital and truly, she was in critical condition. My love for her came back when i saw her innocent face on the bed.

_*To God be the glory*_

*The End….*

Thanks for reading guys, please do not leave without dropping your comment.
The writer’s name is Jones Kwesi Tagbor

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5 years ago

May God help us to be careful and prayerful in taking life decisions.
Thanks to the writer and Opera for this wonderful story.

5 years ago

Thanks for this. God bless

5 years ago

What are you telling me? and what happened last i dnt understand.

5 years ago

Guys really need to read this all that gliters are not gold we just have to be careful……kudos to the writer and tumbs up to opradre

5 years ago

Nice story