ANGELINA Episode 2 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 1 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

ANGELINA Episode 2 By Adelaide Asaf (Daisy Cartel)

(Jordan Mansion).
As I saw the angry look in my aunt’s eyes, I quickly got on my feet and took to my heels into my bedroom and locked myself up. Uncle Tom came from outside and looked at my aunt with a smile.
” Where’s she? ”. He asked.
” She went upstairs..”. She replied, looking relaxed.
” So now what? When are we moving in to take over? I hope you know that we have to keep our promise and pay the lawyer the rest of the money ”. Uncle Tom whispers.
” Yes yes. You never mind. We will move in tomorrow with the children, and we will sell one of my late brother in-laws shops to pay the lawyer to keep his mouth shut ”. She replied.
” Okay,that’s a good idea ”
” Now,shall we go around the mansion and check it out? ”. She laughed.

They both majestically went around the mansion in happiness, and checking things out for themselves. They were now the owners after all. I couldn’t stop thinking, how could my parents do this to me. So upon all the good friends they had,they left me with no one but this woman? My life is surely over.
The next day,the entire family moved in. My aunt,uncle and three cousins. Danny,Ellen and Joshua. I was still locked in my room when I heard the many noises and jubilations downstairs. Truth is,I was very hungry by then. And today was Saturday, which !means no school. So I got up and unlocked my door and went out to the steps. I saw how my cousins were relaxed in my father’s house. The only one I liked and was close with was Danny. He was a good guy. Buy Ellen and Joshua, gosh they were so arrogant. No wonder mum never allowed me to play with them. Danny was 16,Ellen was 14 and Joshua wa. 12. I looked at them down the hall and took a deep breath. My aunt saw me and called me down. As I remembered the slap I got yesterday, I kept my mouth shut and quietly walked downstairs with my hands at my back,their bags were all over the place.
” Won’t you welcome us here? ”. Aunt asked.
” You are welcome ”. I replied silently.
” so hungry now! ”. Ellen mummers.

” Oh my daughter, I am so tired from all the packing, I don’t think I can cook right now ”
” The let Angelina do the cooking! ”. Ellen said in an arrogant tone.
” Who? Me?! ”. I shouted.
” Who else?! Do you think you are still the daughter of this house?! No young lady. I am! ”. Ellen thrown back.
” But this is still her father’s house! ”. Daniel said.
” Hey idiot!!! Who’s father? Don’t mention that ever again ”. My aunt scream at him. ” If anyone asks you who thii house belongs to,mention your father’s name,is that clear?! ”.
” But mum….
” Is that clear ”. She snores in anger.
” Alright ”.
Uncle Tom goes to the fridge and opens it but it was empty. He turned back,looking at me.
” Why is the fridge empty? Where is all the expensive drinks you and your parents have being enjoying? ”. He asked.
” I don’t know ”.
” We will fill the fridge by tomorrow Tom,your children are hungry ”. Aunty said.
” What is Angelina here for? ” He asked lazily.
” I don’t know how to cook aunt ”. I said.
She raised her hand to slap me but Daniel stands in the way.
” Is this how you are going treat an orphan mum? Why are you so heartless?! ”. He shouted.
” God of my father’s,is it my own son,asking me this thing? ”. She shouted in astonishment. ” If you don’t get out of my way now,I will boot you into the swimming pool. What nonsense! ”.

” Danny please, don’t interfere ”. I whispered and he stood aside.
” Now Angelina, go into the kitchen,and make rice and egg stew now! ”.
” Aunt, how can I cook it please? I don’t know the steps ”.
” You don’t know how to cook,but you know how to spend money right? If you don’t get out of my sight now and what I say,you will star walking with your head! ”. She shouted at me,pointing to the kitchen.
This was such a sad day for me. I knew I wa now a slave for this people. I slowly walked to the kitchen and took a saucepan. I remembered my mum once cooked an egg stew. But how many kilometers of salt,or pepper? Jesus,come down and deliver me now.
I put the saucepan on the stove and started cutting an onion, after,I chopped the tomatoes and poured a little amount of oil in the saucepan and fried my vegetables. The rest were in God’s hands,by 30 minutes, I was done.
They all gathered at the dinning hall and I served them. I thought I had done well because it was my first time cooking. I stood there watching them,when I hadn’t got a bite myself. Aunty Okereke took a first bite and spit the whole food out of her mouth,so did everyone else.
” Chineke!!! Jesus! (Coughing)… Jesus Christ, this girl wants to kill all of us! ”. She said sweating.
At that moment, I started sweating and shaking.
” Salt and pepper! ”. Ellen said,drinking a glass of water immediately.
” Oh Jesus,this is funny, that’s what you get when you are so lazy! ”. Danny said laughing.
” Hey,come over here! ”. Aunty shouted, fuming in anger. ” I said,come here!!! ”
I slowly walked towards then and before I could say sorry,rice and stew was thrown all over my body. What hurts me most is the fact,she painted my fave with the stew. Danny was helpless, he wanted to defend me,but it was impossible now. I screamed in horror as I couldn’t see anything at the moment, my whole face was itchy and the pepper had entered my eyes,so I had it closed.
” Please help me ooo!!! ”. I cried in pain.
” Now,with those close eyes,clear the table and go to the kitchen,wash the plates and make there clean! ”. She said and went upstairs with the whole family.
I tapped the dinning table, searching for the water jag and I found it,I quickly raised it up and lured it all over my face,wearing the stew off. I still couldn’t open my eyes,but in some minutes time,the itchiness went away,and whenever I opened my eyes,water came out. I took all the plates and washed it clean,and I cleaned the kitchen as well. After this,I sat on the compound for a while and mourned my misfortune.
When my head was back to reality, it was already dark and the entire estate was quiet. I stood up ad went upstairs,I was weak and exhausted as I had not eaten for two days.
I went to my door and tried opening it,but it seems it was locked from the inside, I was confused, and I began to knock violently, until finally the door was opened and I saw Ellen holding her waist in a night gown.
” Yes? What do you want? ”. She asked disrespectfully.
” Hey,God give me heart. You are in my own room,and you are again asking me what I want! My friend get out,make I come and sleep! ”. I said as I tried to enter,but she pushed me out.
” Madam,where do you think you are going? From this day onwards, this room,belongs to me,not you,is tat clear? ”.
” What?! ”
” You heard me right ”.
” My friend, get out of my way ”. I said angrily and pushed hr away with all my strength.
I entered my room,only to find the shock of all my things taken out from my bed and wardrobe, most of my new clothes were packed in Ellen’s bag and the old ones were lying on the floor. The bedsheets were changed and I was infuriated at once.
” Ellen, what is this? ”.
” What do you think it is? ”.
” Ellen,get out of my room now! ”. I said and tried pushing her out but she bit my hand so hard that,her teeth was drawn on my wrist and got me bleeding.
Everyone gathered in the room with the whole noise.
” What is all this noise?! Can’t I sleep in peace?! ”. Aunty asked angrily.
” Oh Jesus Christ, Angelina, what has happened to your hand? ”. Danny asked,tending to me.
” She bit me ”. I said,crying hard this time.
” Mum,she tried to throw me out of the room,she said I was from a poor background so didn’t deserve to be in her royal room! ”. Ellen lied.
” That’s not true! ”. I screamed.
” don’t care what’s true or not Angelina! Keep in your mind that,this room is not yours anymore. Go straight to the guest room! ”. Aunt said.
” But there’s no light over there! ”.
” Mum,why don’t you allow both Elln and Angelina share the same room,they are cousins after all ”. Danny suggested.
” Never! I don’t want her in my room ”. Ellen frowned.
After everything, I ended up in the dark guest room that night. Only God knows how I felt in the dark.
I don’t know what woke me up this morning, but I woe up before anyone else. At least that’s what I thought. By the weather, I could tell it was 6 AM. I got out of bed and opened the window louvers. I opened the door and found a mountain of dirty clothes in front of the room. I was quite confused. But I could tell,my aunt dropped the clothes there for me to wash. But it was Sunday. I was hungry too. I bypassed the clothes and walked to the hall,no one was around, I won’t believe they’ve gone to church because of how devilish they are. I went straight to the kitchen and found cooked plantain with cabbage stew in the saucepan. I wouldn’t dare touch it until I know who it belonged to. I kept starring at the food when suddenly..someone pressed my breast from behind me…

ANGELINA Episode 2

To be continued…

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4 years ago

We move….