AGONY Part 1 – Sire Prince Jhay

AGONY Part 1 - Sire Prince Jhay

AGONY – Sire Prince Jhay


While Florida was taking her bath in the bathroom, Someone secretely sneaked into her room and înjected ãcid into her body cream.

Few minutes later, Florida exit the bathroom. The moment she entered her room, she sensed little changes in her room but she couldn’t find out what exactly the thing was.

“Did someone entered this place just now or I was the one that scattered this place like this?” she found herself asking

She quickly locked the door. she lōōsed her towel tucked around her chest to clean her wet body. She glanced at the mirror and she made a soft smile at herself admiringly

“Omo this girl fine, she get sense, see my brēåst nah, see my yansh too nah. See my tiny waist, Ah omo, I complete dìē” she was admiring herself, flaunting her body at the mirror hung against the wall before her phone’s ringing tone interupted her. She checked the caller, it was the event manager

“Hello my manager” she said

“Miss Florida, everyone have been waiting for you here, the event had started already please” the caller said

“I’m on my way right away. I will be right there” Florida responded

Florida was well known as a fashionista and a face model, Actress, and a dancer too. She had been the latest and the most trendy fast rising upcoming model that the internet had been speaking about lately.

Florida quickly rubbed her body with the cream, she applied some face cosmetic to bring out the beauty in her. She Put on her elegant wears and made her way out.

When she got to the show. Her presence created some excitement on everyone’s face.

The show had started and the atmosphere was already Roxy and fun. The whole crowd had been enjoying the performance from the MC (master of ceremony)

When Florida was summoned on stage. She majestically walked to the stage with a cat-walks. Everyone kept screaming her name FLORIDA… FLORIDA… FLORIDA

She started her performance and all of a sūddēn, her skin started pēēling. She started feeling some sharp pain in her skin. Initially people think she was acting but when she kept scratching her body and they noticed her skin was pēeling, then they knew it was real

People quickly rushed her into the car to take her to the nearest hospital, but on her way to the hospital, they had an accìdent, and behold, Florida left legs got pērãlysêd.

That day, the event got cancelled as people started leaving the Hall one after the other.

Florida was charged two million naira. She seeked assistance from her fans, friends, family and fellow models but none were willing to help her. All her properties and belongings including her phone got sôld to treat her.

Despite the series of treatment, Florida wasn’t getting any better. According to the doctors, Florida was left with no choice than to cūt the left lēg completely and they did.

The cream seller was invited by the police force, she was intergorated about her prōduct. Despite her conviction and defense, she was charged to cōurt and was givên 20 yēãrs imprisonment.

Florida spent few months in the hospital but the hospital management later sent her away since she could not pay the bills anymore.

David was the only one that stood for her. David was one of her toaster but she’s been ignoring him because David was poor and was not up to her level.

There was a day she slapped David and disgråced him publicly that people around started making jēst of David. “Never in your life, don’t stop me and approach me again if you don’t want to be unfôrtūnate” Florida lãmbãsted him and walked away

There was also a day Florida and her friends intentionally bumped into David where he was doing his bricklaying work. David was about to approach her but she insulted him and made jêst of him.

Now David was only the one willing to help. Florida was pushed out from the hospital but David came to her aid. David accommodated her into his one room apartment and she started living with him.

Now, she has no more friends. All her boyfriends, toaster, crushes and even her relatives left and abãndõned her except David.

Now she has no more friends, all her boyfriends, toaster, crushes and Even her relatives left and abãndõned her except David.

Though, David was a poor young guy but he has a good heart. they managed and endure everything together.

Most of the time, Florida stays awake at the middle of the night weeping with her eyes full of tears. David would stay awake to console and cajoled her to sleep again.

Florida experience several sleepless nights. She hates her body. She would looked at her body and cūrsē the day the incident happened to her. Her skin and body was terrible and disgusting.

“So, all my sexy body and beauty is gone” she muttered sadly under her breath.

Every morning, David would take her to the bathroom, freshen her up, put on her cloth, prepare breakfast meal for her, then off to his bricklaying work

The process went for months and It hasn’t been easy for David

Most of the time, David would arrive home with no Money or less because the day wãsn’t a gōöd day for him

Garri has been their daily meal. They only take nice meal once in blue moon.

One day, David was coming back home from work. It was a very bad day as usual. When he got to the corridor, he was about to knock when he heard Florida crying .

“Dēālth please come and tãke me away, I’m fēd up. This suffering is too much.. I think I need to põisōn myself” Florida said bittêrly

David got pained and sad, he felt like crying as well but he needed to proof a man. He opened the door, Florida quickly wiped her tears.

“You’re welcome David, how is work today” she said.

“Florida, I overheard all you said. See Florida. I’ve told you times without number that when there’s life, there’s still hope. Hope for a better living, better than what you’ve ever imagined. Please stop overthinking about your condition, it causes more harm to your health. Please”

“David, what harm does it cause to me that I had not been passing through already. it’s not easy. It’s just as if I am in the darkness., I can’t do anything. my dancing, my acting career, everything is just gone. Ahhh Godddd” she wept sadly

“Florida, see, don’t think that way. Whatever the condition a Man finds himself, he should be thankful. Besides, your condition shouldn’t bother you. It shouldn’t be the barrier, just take a look at YINKA AYEFELE, despite his plight, he still sings and he’s one of the top musician now. A downfall of a man is not the end his life”

“I know David, I’ve tried my best but still the same. you’re the only one I have. Despite what I’ve done to you, you still take me as your friend. My families disowned me simply because they never agreed to my dream from start. They said if I insist on pursuing my dream of being a model, then they will disown me. no friends anymore. And the only person that could chear me up is you. But When I needed you the most, you are not with me, your nature of work doesn’t allow that. I was only the one at home. What do you expect?”

“I understand, I know God will do the best for us very soon. Stop crying Florida” David consoled and wiped Florida’s tears

“Okay, God will do the best. Let me just pretend I believe what you just said. Let me keep hoping that I will become a normal person again” Florida kept weeping which it cannot be again

“Umm, God. Please come to our aid. Please” David looked up, a tears rolled down his face.

Few moment later, David prepared pap and akara (beans cake) for dinner. Despite the efforts and his possible best to keep Florida’s company by gisting and cracking jokes but Florida was still bored till he slept off

The following morning. David prepared breakfast, did the house chores, and the usual assistance for Florida before he left for work.

Florida was the only one at home. She tried to sleep to keep herself from disturbing thought and boredom but all to no avail.

“In the evening, by 8pm, David hadn’t arrived which it was unusual of him. Florida was worried and curious.

At 10pm. David was not yet at home. Florida’s heart wasn’t at rest anymore. She dialled his number but not going through.

By 11pm, all of a sudden, her phone ranged, it was a strange number. When she picked, the caller called to informed her that David had been arrested. Her phone dropped and she screamed loudly.


Stay glued for Part 2 Tomorrow

©️Sire Prince Jhay

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