After I Married My Wife, My Friends Decided to Come Visit Us – Praises Chidera Obiora

After I Married My Wife, My Friends Decided to Come Visit Us - Praises Chidera Obiora

After I Married My Wife, My Friends Decided to Come Visit Us – Praises Chidera Obiora

So two weeks after I married my wife, my friends decided to come visit us.

Two of her friends came along as well.

It was something we talked about for two days and planned before they came.

On the “D” day, I was outside with my friends and hers talking, when my wife walked over to me and whispered into my ears.

“Baby, can you help me add a little salt to the rice? I haven’t added salt.”

“I should help you add salt.” I shouted.

She covered my mouth and my friends began to laugh.

My wife frowned and sat down.

I stood up and went into the kitchen. But before I added salt, I tasted the food. I couldn’t understand why my wife will ask me to add salt to a food I have watched her cook severally.

When I tasted it, I discovered it was already salty.

I knew at that moment that she didn’t know how else to tell me she had measured her salt wrongly.

I just covered the pot and walked out.

I announced to her and the hearing of others that I had added salt but I didn’t check the quantity I added.

My friends mocked me.

“No full salt inside o.”

We all laughed.

When it was time to dish the food, her friends accompanied her to the kitchen, and the food was served.

The first person who ate the food shouted.

“Praises don cook salt of the ocean give us o. Small salt your wife asked you to add, you went and packed it like lots wife.”

Everyone busted in laughter.

I played along.

My wife didn’t laugh and I noticed it.

The food wasn’t too bad.

We were friends, and it wasn’t like it was a restaurant they came to, so we ate it while I was mocked all through the meal.

That evening while I laid on the bed, my wife walked up to me and knelt down beside me.

She said she was sorry.

“You don’t need to apologize. I knew about the salt already.”

“You knew?”

“Yes. I tasted it.”

“I thought you were going to be mad at me. I am sorry. I knew how much you wanted the food to taste great for your friends. But I was just too careful not to make a mistake, and I spilled the salt. I was scared. I didn’t know how to tell everyone.”

“I understand. And I am happy it was me they laughed at and not you. What would they have said. Praises new wife can’t cook? They will never know that you are the best cook I’ve ever met. The only woman who made me to stop eating mama Calabar food.”

My wife chuckled.

“Now I can boast about your cooking next time.”

I kissed her forehead and lifted her.

“One of my jobs as your husband is to cover your weaknesses and not expose them. I will never allow you to be laughed at.”

My wife teared up and embraced me.

The act of true love is shown by the actions and sacrifices we are ready to take for the happiness of the other, even when we know that such actions taken will bring discomfort to us.


My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.

Read this Super Interesting Inspirational Story > FARIDA

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