A WISH Episode 5 – 6 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 5 ?‍♀

My Fantasy ✍


Theme: A Wish Come True



“Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you Harry

Happy Birthday to you”

The people present at Harry’s party sang for him. Paparazzi Flashing Pictures. Harry hated the fact that they were here. He didn’t want any of the Media Houses to know his place that was why he didn’t disclose it on one of his interviews on Tv.

But Now, his mom invited them without his consent.

“Thank You” he said

That was all he could say to them. He saw the prepared place to entertain the guests..somewhere far from his home.

He uttered a profanity.

Harry looked wonderful as he greeted some familiar faces in the crowd. He was dressed in a casual and comfortable dark fitted jeans and a garnet colored polo shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and sculpted chest.

“Excuse me Harry..” Eleanor called his attention

He turned to face her. She leaned in.

They stood face to face cause Eleanor was on a stiletto high heels.

“Happy Birthday Harry” she gave him a paper bag.

“Thank -“

She kept his words at bay with a kiss on his lips.

Harry gasped in shock. Isobel started the clap and others joined in…and paparazzi took pictures.

Harry was Annoyed. He didn’t respond to the kiss. And just when he tried to pull back,Eleanor slid her hands up the back of his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Isobel was glad that Eleanor took the brave step to kiss Harry.

Harry never expected it. And he had never dreamt of kissing Eleanor.

Now everyone thinks they are dating!

It was just An Act!

He pulled back from her and stared at her.

Anger crashed over him.

“Thank you Harry” she said happily

The brightest smile found it way to her lip. She was happy that ..they shared a kiss!

Harry turned away from her and motioned towards his home.

The clapping stopped abruptly.

Eleanor followed him.

“Oh! please let’s move to the Venue -” Isobel pointed towards a direction.

“Thanks for coming!” Precious Added

And they led everyone to the place decorated to entertain the guests.

“Wait up Harry…”

Eleanor said

He stopped after he was sure nobody would see them.

And Eleanor nearly bumped into him.

Harry turned to face her.

“What is it?” He asked

Annoyance clear in his tone

“What’s wrong?..Harry, you left the party Without -“

“Why did you kiss me?” He asked

She leaned in closely

Harry stepped backward to avoid her touch

“Do you realize what you did you out there?!” He yelled

“Harry…I..love you and I wanted to tell everyone about us” she said

Initially she wanted to confess!

It was hard to tell his feelings – but since his mom assured her that Harry loves her so she figured Harry didn’t have the courage to confess his feelings.

“About us?” He snorted

“What’s between us Eleanor?..nothing.. We are not even in a relationship”

“Yes I know..but.. we are in love” His forehead creased

Eleanor was mistaken

“Love?” He chuckled

“Yes Harry”

“Eleanor I don’t believe in love”

“I want to prove to you that it does…love exist”

He shook his head slowly

“You think you love me..and you think I love you in return,that was why you kissed me right? And took away my first -” he stopped and swallowed hard

“First what?” She asked

“Never mind”

He started to walk away

He felt bile rose up in his throat

“Harry!” She called

“Leave! I want to be alone!” Harry unlocked his apartment and rushed to the bathroom. He poured the content in his mouth into the toilet. When he was done, he rinsed his face and brushed his teeth.

He could hardly believe Eleanor took away his first kiss..just like that!

And now pictures of them kissing would be everywhere soon!

He clenched his fists

“Damn it! I can’t take that as my first kiss…Never!”

He pointed to his reflection in the large mirror.

“It was a mistake! She kissed me but I couldn’t respond to her false kiss. It was An Act!..or a mistake?!.. A mistake! Aish!!”

He concluded with a grumble

A WISH Episode 5



The room was full of Spectators. Noblemen,Royal Families, Sea leaders, Travellers and Citizens of Merillia Kingdom.

They watched Maeve and her crew performing.

Maeve and her band entertained them with Music and Dance.

“I am a bold mermaid,

Singing under the Sea,

With a crown of gold on my head.

I would sing the whole day,

I would fill the Sea Halls with Voice of power,

And I would roam abroad and play,

With the Mermaids in and out of the rocks”

They all clapped when the performance ended.

Oceanus stood up from his throne and swims to the centre of the room.

“Noblemen and Citizens of Merillia Kingdom. Today is my daughter’s 18th Birthday. And we are all gathered here to celebrate our Princess of Great Merillia Kingdom! A special Mermaid is born with extraordinary powers granted by the Sea. She is Ephyra but My Queen, I and the rest of my family,we all call her Almeta. The Daughter of the Sea, one who praises the Sea with powerful Spell Songs one could hardly interprete. As you all know,every 18th birthday of any Mermaid/man in Merillia Kingdom, the celebrant is given a chance to make a Wish. I bring to you Princess Ephyra of Merillia Kingdom”

They clapped

Ephyra swims to the centre of the room. She hugged her father before he returned back to his throne.

“Thank You” she said

And it ended abruptly

“I am happy to see you all. My deepest gratitude for honoring my invitations. And I do like to sing a song before making my Wish”

She looked back at her father for permission.

And he said

“Go on Almeta”

“Thanks Father”

Her friends didn’t join her to sing. She wanted to connect to the Sea in the Strongest way. And only few would understand and be able to interpret the words in the Spell song even though she would sing in a general Language.

She began

“Oh Great Sea

A cheerful and mysterious deity

Nothing of him that doth fade

So rich and strange

I would kiss you often under the Sea

I would kiss you again under the hollow hung ocean green

soft are the moss bed under the Sea

We would live merrily.

Oh Great Sea

Today is my day

So grant my Wish

I am a fair mermaid

Singing alone Under the sea

In a golden curl

With a Starry Sea bud crown on my head

I would kiss you again if you grant my Wish

Oh Great Sea!”

She connected with the Sea.

Ephyra sensed it wasn’t happy with the Wish on her mind. Then she felt the shock of wave of power in the Sea.

“Why do you want to leave?”

She heard it clearly from the Sea as the wave grew higher.

They all felt the power radiating around the Sea. The air shimmered with the force of the Sea.

Then she began to sing to calm it.

“You are like a fountain of gold

Springing with a shrill inner sound

So Rich and Strange

Oh! What a cheerful deity!”

And it calmed

Ephyra reopened her eyes slowly. It was time to make her wish.

Today she was going to betray her own people and the entire MERWORLD. They would surely hate her for her wish. They would turn against her and say bad things about her. But she was ready to take it all as long as the Sea grants her Wish.

The Calmness of the Sea after the connection signifies that it would grant her Wish no matter the Sacrifice or atonement to reverse the spell.

The Merillia Sea saw her pains and agreed to her Wish.

“I,Princess Ephyra of Merillia Kingdom wants to make Wish which would surely be granted by the Sea” she paused

Ephyra turned and looked at her Father, Mother,16 brothers and their Wives,Cas and Aalton.

“I’m sorry Father and Mother… Please Forgive Me”

She said to herself and Bowed.

“My wish is to -” she stopped

She swallowed hard to get the important words pass the lump that formed in her throat.

“Say it Ephyra” Oceanus said

She nodded and closed her eyes and raised her hands up.

“Oh Great Sea grant my Wish”

She chanted three times

She was surprised at the tightness in her throat.

“My Wish is to…leave the MERWORLD and experience Human Life!”

They All gasped in shock



She felt someone shaking her and she opened her eyes.

Tethys was there.

“Are you okay Almeta?’

Tethys asked

She nodded

There was general commotion in the room

” silence!” Morrissey barked

And the room was silent.

“Are you serious about your wish?” Tethys asks

“Yes mother” Ephyra replied boldly

“Take it back” Tethys ordered

“No Mother”

Fury crashed over Tethys as she raised her hand

“I said it back!” She slapped Ephyra

“No..I’m not taking it back! that’s my wish! I want to leave this world!”

They murmured with disappointment on their faces.

“You and Father want to marry me off quickly to someone I don’t love! And you both know that it not a tradition or custom that every special mermaid should get married at 18!. You just wanted to go in line with history without caring about my emotion! And for that -“

She paused

Everyone was confused

They were shocked by her wish.

And now surprised by her outburst to the Queen.

No one talks back at the Queen!

“I want to become Human and be Free” She completed

Anger,Pain,disappointment was boldly on their expressions.

They all stood to leave with Hatreds in their Heart.

They could hardly believe the Special Mermaid could make such a wish.

Ephyra saw the tears in her mother’s eyes.

“Oceanus I have to return back to my kingdom” Bhupendra said

“Likewise” Samudra added

“No Father” Cas objected

“I’m not leaving -“

His father went to him

“There’s no point in staying, the Princess doesn’t love you”

Cas looked at Ephyra

“Is that true? Or you only used that as an excuse to leave our world?” He asked

She bowed

“Forgive me Prince Cas. I don’t love you or Prince Aalton”

He chuckled

A tear slid down his cheek

“I’m sorry Friends,I hope this won’t cause a war between us” Oceanus said

“No” Samudra replied

“Don’t Worry Friend” Bhupendra Said

“I promise to make it up to you” Oceanus said

And they nodded

“Okay..good luck in the Human world” Cas said

“That’s if she’s going to leave our World” Aalton added angrily

And they all exited the room.


“I am so disappointed in you!” Oceanus yelled

“Why did you make such a wish in the presence of everyone!” Tethys screamed

“Calm down Mother” Azizi said

Ephyra sat on her bed with her gaze fixed on her tail.

“Will it come to pass Kenan?”

“yes My Queen”

“Is there anyway to reverse or stop it for a while -” Oceanus Asked

“Yes My lord”

“Please what do we do?”

“My lord I will leave to prepare a concoction”

“How long will it take?”

“Not too long My lord. I will be back before night falls”

Kenan replied

“Please leave Kenan”

He bowed and exited the room

“You’ve brought shame to my kingdom!”

“No father..its not my fault. Azizi pleaded with you on my behalf to cancel my marriage. I don’t want to get married but you insisted -“

“Keep quiet Almeta” Azizi silenced her

“Murphy(11th prince Sea Warrior) and Murron (12th Prince Guardian of the Sea) please get me the binding too Now!” Morrissey ordered

“And what does that have to do with the issue on ground?” Oceanus asked

“I’m going to tie her up with the magical rope and tape her mouth to stop her from casting a spell that would make her leave our world”

He explained

“Yes Father and with her mouth sealed and hands tied she won’t be able to do anything” Azizi added

Ephyra sobbed quietly

“I want to be alone”

“You better keep quiet or else I will be forced to hit you!” Oceanus threatened

“Murphy and Murron returned back after some minutes.

She struggled with Azizi and Morrissey.

“Let me go!”

Morrissey placed the tape on her mouth while Azizi tied her wrist.

Morrissey ordered Colbert (6th Prince Seaman” to tighten the tools with his powers. And he did

They all filed out of her room except Fairfax.

“My wish is to leave the MERWORLD and experience human life” He mimicked her.

“Now let’s see how you are going to leave our beautiful world dear little sister” He laughed

“The dear one betrayed her parents. You betrayed the entire MERWORLD! Bringing disgrace to our names! What else do you want? Nothing Almeta cause you have everything. Superpowers,title, pearls, beautiful possessions and precious treasures..Name it! You are such an Ingrate! And you are selfish Ephyra!… Listen to me you are going no where. You would be tied up forever because it the consequence for staining our great names and making such a stupid wish!”

He stormed out of the room.

Ephyra sobbed at the thought of not seeing the human world again.

Hours clicked by until night Falls under the Sea.

Kenan came in with Azizi,Morrissey and Colbert behind him.

Colbert undid the binding tools.

And Ephyra closed her mouth tightly to avoid drinking Kenan’s concoction.

The three Princes pinned her down while Kenan poured the content in her mouth. Morrissey beat her into swallowing it while Colbert blocked her nostrils. And she was left with no option but to open her mouth to swallow the concoction.

“I hope it’s not going to hurt her” Azizi asked

“No the concoction will weaken her powers which might back up the spell and Wish”

They exited the room

And the tears flowed again. But she couldn’t stop them.

°°°A WISH Episode 5


Ephyra was weak! She had refused to eat and the concoction Kenan gave her had affected her.

Her entire world was upside down. She couldn’t cast a spell to free herself. And she felt like her body was shutting down rapidly. Her eyes closed slightly but she blinked severally.

No! She didn’t want to die!

Then she began to sing the song she sang on her birthday in her mind.

She pleaded with the Sea to grant her Wish.

At the same hour she had said the wish seven days ago. Suddenly her tail became translucent. She felt the emptiness and her eyes opened.

Her eyes widened when she was her body was different.

It was more Transparent!

She couldn’t make out what was happening to her. She wanted to scream for help but her mouth was sealed.

Minutes clicked by and then Oceanus, Tethys,Morrissey, Colbert and Azizi came into her room.

Their jaws dropped when they saw Ephyra.

She was translucent.

Tethys rushed to her but she couldn’t feel Ephyra.

“Almeta can you hear me?”

She nodded

Colbert went to her and unbind the tools

“What did you do to yourself?” Oceanus yelled

She opened her mouth to speak but her voice failed her.

She was confused

“Get Kenan!” Oceanus ordered

Colbert rushed out of the room

“How did you become like this?” Tethys asked

Ephyra nodded again

They were stunned at her appearance.

“Don’t leave me Almeta, I’m so sorry for hitting you. And I promise you that you won’t get married to someone you don’t love. Please take back your Wish” Tethys pleaded

“Mother relax..Almeta -“

“Please stay with me” Tethys sobbed

“What’s happening to me?” Ephyra asked herself since they couldn’t hear her. She touched her mother’s cheeks to wipe her tears but she couldn’t feel anything.

She was Transparent!

Kenan jaw dropped completely when his gaze fell on her.

He was stunned!

All his years as a Sea wizard he had never seen a transparent Mermaid.

“Kenan do something!” Oceans ordered

Kenan tried several spells to revive Ephyra but nothing worked.

Then he realized Ephyra was leaving the MERWORLD.

“What’s going on?”

“My Lord I’m confused”


“Yes..but it seems the Sea has finally granted the Princess Wish”

Tethys cried out

Now Ephyra couldn’t make out what Kenan was saying to her family

“But..you gave her concoction”

Their words fading in Ephyra’s ears.

“Yes My Queen the concoction was to weaken her so she could stay a bit longer. That was why she lasted seven days”

“What?!…So are you saying Almeta is going to the Human World?!” Morrissey Snarled

“Forgive Me My Prince”

“No..no..no” Tethys said unsteadily when she noticed Ephyra’s disappearance from her Tail.

“Please don’t leave me Almeta”

Tethys couldn’t stop her

They watched as Ephyra disappeared to the Unknown World leaving just her Sea-bud crown behind on her bed.

“No!!” Tethys Screamed

Morrissey held her tightly

They were heartbroken!

“Kenan bring Almeta back” Tethys said shakily

“she’s a little child. Almeta can’t survive in that world..that wicked Human World” Oceanus said

“Please bring my child back Kenan” she pleaded tearfully

“I’m sorry my Queen…there’s nothing I can do to bring her back. All we have to do is give her our blessings and ask the Sea to protect her in that world”

Tethys Fainted

“Mother! Wake up!”

And she was rushed to her Chambers.

Ephyra was Gone! The special Mermaid left her world to experience Human Life.

A WISH Episode 5




A WISH ??‍♂

Episode 6

Theme: Loving My New World ?‍♀


Gideon Albert was playing football with some other boys he met on the beach.

Minutes clicked by and they all got tired of playing football.

Gideon walked back to his Elder brother James Albert.

“Game over?”

“Yes..let’s go home, I’m so tired” Gideon Said

James stood up and packed their stuffs into a picnic Bag. They walked back to the Car. And then Gideon felt like he needed to ease himself.

“Hey Bro i want to pee”

James rolled his eyes and pointed towards a direction.


Gideon raced off

And while peeing he noticed something. He suddenly saw a hand but the rest of the body was covered up in a heap of Sand.

He screamed and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Gideon was scared! ?

“Hey What’s wrong?” James asked

“I..I..I saw a body -” He explained to James

James didn’t waste much time. He spun on his heel towards the direction.

When he got there,he saw a Human Hand.

And he wondered who had buried a Human on the beach.

And just when he was about stepping backward the fingers twitched. And James exchanged glance with his brother.

“The person is alive” Gideon muttered

And they started putting the sand away until the found the body.

They gasped in Shock

And James placed his hands on Gideon’s face. They found the body of a beautiful woman in Sand. Her upper side was covered with Strange clothes while her lower side was unclad.

“Get the towel”

James ordered as he also looked away from the body.

Gideon rushed back to the car. He came back seconds later.

James closed his eyes as he wrapped the towel around her body. He checked her pulse and he found out she was breathing fine.

James lifted her up in his arms.

“Who is she?” Gideon asked

“I don’t know” he answered with a shrug

“So what are you going to do with her?”

“I’m taking her to our home”

“What?! Our home? Why do you want to bring a stronger to our home?!”

He asked with a wide eye

“To help her regain consciousness”

“Why not take her to the hospital?”

Gideon opened the car door.

James placed her gently in the backseat.

 He chuckled

“Yeah you are right Bro..and I was only joking about taking her to our home” He replied

They entered the Car,

Then James started the Car and drove down to the Hospital where he works as a Surgeon.



Ephyra opened her eyes slowly observing her surrounding through her blurred vision from waking up.

“Where am I?”

She turned her head towards the beeping sound of the machine next to the bed.

“How did I get here?” She asked herself

The door opened

And James walked in with a Nurse behind him

Ephyra looked up at them

Her eyes widened in surprise and shock.

He opened his eyes full and her breathe caught!

Then She stared intensely at him while a smile played on his lips.

Ephyra’s eyes did a slow crawl on James.

His lips were Full and plump. His hair fell on his eyes.


He didn’t have a tail! But Legs!

She gasped as realisation hit her!

“I’m in the Human World!” She screamed

James exchanged confused looks with the Nurse.

Images of her world flashed through her head. And her lower abdomen clenched at the vivid memories and she Shivered.

“How are you feeling Now?”

James soft voice stunned her out of thought. She looked up at him without saying a word.

Ephyra couldn’t believe she was really in her dream world. No it was her dreamworld but now she’s in it!

James moved closer to the bed.

“Can you hear me?” He asked

“Unbelievable! A Human is talking to me!” She thought

James held her wrist to feel her pulse.

She was fine

“Wow! a Human touched me!”

He placed his hand on her forehead

“Wait.. do I have a tail?” She wondered

“Her temperature is normal and she’s fine -” James said the the Nurse

And while he was talking to the Nurse, Ephyra peered under the bedcover to see if she has a tail but she saw Legs!

Then she screamed


Her heartbeats rapidly

James turned to her

“Are you okay?” He asked.

She nodded impatiently

And she looked again to be sure.

“I have Legs!”

James raised an eyebrow

“Well..I..i think you need to rest”

“No I’m fine -” she replied

And she was surprised that she could talk to A Human and..he responded.

“I really do have Legs?”

She asked him

“Yes you’d have Legs. And you’re Human, so you need legs to walk” James explained

She relaxed

“Oh My Sea! Now I’m Human! I have Legs to walk like a human and I can even talk like..like..like A Human!”

She laughed

James pushed her gently to rest her back on the bed. And she did

“Miss what’s your name?” He asked

“Name?” She repeated


And she gave him a hard nod while looking around the room

“What’s your name?” She asked him

“I am Doctor James Albert” he replied

“I am…Doctor Jam -” she paused when she couldn’t pronounce his name.

The Nurse stiffed back a laugh.

Ephyra looked at her

“What’s your name?”she asked

“Nurse Jasmine” she replied

“Strange” Ephyra muttered

But she clapped excitedly

“Jasmine can you please excuse us I need to talk to her alone” James said

“Okay Doctor James”

She exited the room

“Can..you..please..remove this?”

Ephyra pointed to the plaster at the back of her right palm.

She shifted uncomfortably in bed.

Ephyra was anxious to see her legs properly and walk like the Nurse.

“No it for -“

She removed the plaster pulling out the scalp vein in the process. Then she yelped at the sharp pain.

“Why did you do that?” James asked

She stared at him

“Wait here..let me cotton wool”

James walked out of the room.

“Cotton – Wool”

She said

And clapped that she pronounced a Human word correctly. Ephyra hopped out of bed. She took the first step,second and third.

“Finally! I have Human Legs!”

She walked to and Fro..and all around the room.

She jumped happily

“I am in the Human World!”

She looked down at the cloth she had on. It was the hospital gown.


Ephyra went to the machine next to the bed and she began to beat it like a drum as she sings along.

“I am a Fair mermaid

Singing alone

In the Human world

I would kiss you my Sea

For granting my Wish

Oh Great -“

She was interrupted by the door.

James rushed towards her

“Stop that -“

He pulled her away from the machine

“Sit down” he ordered

Ephyra shook her head

He pushed her towards the bed and say her down forcefully.

“What is wrong with you?”

He asked

Ephyra pouts

“You’re weird” he muttered

Then she covered her face with her palms

James chuckled

“You’re weird” she repeated

And she giggled at the sound of her voice.

James wiped the blood. He removed the rubber gloves in his hands and dumped them in the bin at the corner of the room.

Ephyra stamped her feet.

She wanted to leave the room to see other parts of the Human world.

“So Miss I was asking -“

She ran out of the room to the hallway.

There she saw people dressed in the same uniform.

“Wow! Humans!”

She waved at a baby

“Come back Miss!”

James said

Then she spun on her heels when she heard his voice.

He thought if Ephyra need to check into a mental home.

She was fast..too fast and soon he lost track of her. He couldn’t let her go like that – someone might hurt her. And he wanted to know how she ended up in the Sand on the beach.

Ephyra looked at the people on the streets. It was late in the night.

“What’s your name?”she asked no one in particular. Three high school girls laughed as they pass by Ephyra. Then she realized she was different from them…than most of the people on The street. They were neatly and Nicely dressed like the ones she used to see those times she used to swim up to the beach.

“Yes!I am in the Human world!” She screamed

“It’s so beautiful in here!” The people around stared at her and they whispered into each others ears. Ephyra walked faster,turning around with her head tossed back.

“I feel like a Human!”

Then she began to sing as she walked.

“I would be a Human

I would sing to myself the whole day

I would comb my hair with the comb of pearl

And still as I comb it would sing and say,

I would be a Human

I would comb my hair till my ringlet could fall,

Low a down,low a down -“

The song stopped abruptly when she bumped into someone and a phone dropped to the ground… Shattering the screen.

Ephyra reopened her eyes quickly.

The Man utters a profanity while Ephyra walked away without apologizing or even saying a word to him.

She hummed her sing in a low tone

The man went to her and grabbed her clothes and pulled her back.

“hey miss -“

Ephyra jerked free and he stood in front of her. He slowly took in her features.

Her long brown hair swept over one shoulder. She had incredible bone structure and skin that was nothing less than luminous. Her full lips,nice nose and eyes with long thick lashes. They were Aquamarine!

He noticed she was dressed in hospital gown and she was barefooted – No shoes”

Ephyra wanted to leave again but he blocked her pathway

“You should apologize miss” He said

“A – po – lo – gize?” She repeated

“Yes…say sorry”

Ephyra raised her eyebrow

In the MERWORLD you only say sorry when you did something bad,talk bad about someone…. Etc

“For what?” She folded her arms

“You don’t know?” He showed her his broken phone.

“Who are you? And why should I apologize or say sorry -?”

“You bumped into me and you ruined my phone”

“It was your fault!” She pointed a finger at her

“You were busy -” she paused and pointed to his phone

But she didn’t know what he had called it

“Miss! Miss!”

Ephyra turned back and saw James

“Are you her guardian?” He asked when James was close. And James gave him a nod.

“Why did you run out of the hospital like that?”

“I…I..wanted to see the Human world” she answered with shrug

“Are you okay?”

“Yes I am fine”

“Excuse me young Man I don’t think she’s fine. She bumped into me and ruined my phone”

James studied him

He knew who the Man was.

James wondered what a man like him was doing on the street late night. He tried to hide his identity under a disguise but only a true fan of his could tell that he was the Top Most Model in USA. James wasn’t a fan of celebrities but Gideon had pestered him to buy him posters of celebrities so he would put them up in this bedroom. So that made James to know some famous celebrities in their country. The man could buy hundreds of phone if he wanted to or even more But James did well by bringing out his wallet to pay him for the broken phone.

“I don’t need your money young man. You should use it to check her into a mental home and buy her a shoe…or better still just confine her to a mental home for life so she won’t go about hurting people”

Anger crashed over James at the man’s words but he did a good did at hiding it.

“Thanks for the advice but you can as well learn how to talk to people properly.t Being a celebrity doesn’t give you the chance to be rude to others”

James held Ephyra’s hand and pulled her behind him.

“Who is he?” Ephyra asked

“Are you okay?” James asked


“Did he hit you?”


“So why didn’t you apologize to him?”

“It wasn’t my fault!”

“You should have said sorry to him”

Ephyra clenched her teeth as she looked back at the man. In her world he would have bowed to her as the Princess of Merillia Kingdom.

“Where are we going to?”

“To the hospital”

“Where is the hospital?”

“The place you ran -“

“No” she jerked free

“James held her but she stepped backward”

“I don’t want to go back”

“You need to get better”

“No I’m fine”

“Then I’ll be forced to carry you”


He crouched down in front of her.

“Hop on my back”


Ephyra stepped aside

“Come on!” He coaxed

“Can’t I stay in that thing?” She pointed to the moving taxi

“No..not now please.. Let’s go”

There was no arguing with him so she climbed on his back and he carried her up.

“Are you okay?”


The man watched from where he stood

And he figured the doctor knew his identity. Then he thought of Ephyra.

“Are they dating?” He asked

“No…what responsible man would leave his psycho girlfriend to roam the street at night..with no shoe”

He thought

He waved it off. It was none of his business. He concluded but he still found himself drawn to the Psycho Lady.


A WISH Episode 5 – 6



To Be Continued……
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