A Wish Episode 28 – 29 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A Wish Episode 28 ?‍♀


Theme: Don’t Die! ?



“I can’t find her around” Vins said over the phone as his eyes searched the hall filled with people.

“I can’t find her too” Shawna replied as she walked down the hallway

“So what do we do?” He asked

“I’ll try to find out from..someone”

Then she saw Isobel and the executive worker. She ended the call.


Isobel said when their gaze met.

“Good day Ma’am” they exchanged pleasantries

“Wow..it’s so good to see you again” Isobel said

Shawna faked a smile

“Have you seen Harry?” She asked

“No,actually I’ve been trying to find him” she replied

“He’s in the dressing room”

“With..Ephyra?” she asked

“No she couldn’t make it” Isobel said

“Okay..I’ll just check on him”

“See you later” Isobel said

Shawna walked away quickly.

She dialed Vins Number


“Ephyra is not here” she said

“Where is she?”

“Well..I don’t know”

“I thought you said she’s living with Harry”

“Yes but I don’t know if she’s still living with him”

“What about Harry?”

“I’m trying to find him”

She strode towards the dressing door.

“Get ready..you may need to drive to his home if she’s there”

She said

A wicked smile formed on his face at the thought of him alone with Ephyra.

“Sounds good” he said

“I’ll get back to you”

She hang up

She stepped into the large room. It was a bit crowded with stylists working on models. She looked for Harry and she found him with the famous clothe designer. They were engrossed in a conversation. Harry typed on his phone quickly before looking back at Ria.

Then she went to him.

“Harry..” She called

His head snapped up and their gaze met.

“Hey..Shawna” he looked surprised to see her

“Hello” she greeted Ria

“Oh Shawna! Meet my partner Mrs Ria Bryant the CEO of Ria Robert Couture” he did an introduction

“Its really nice to meet you in person. I came for the show so I could see your designs”

she lied


“Yes..I’m a fan of you designs” she said with a half smile

“Nice to meet you Shawna” Ria shook hands with her

Then Shawna looked back at Harry.

“Can you spare me a minute?” She said

He nodded

“I’ll be right back” he said to Ria

“Well I’m happy with what’s happening here today”

“Thanks Shawna”

“So..where is Ephyra?”

She looked around pretending to find her.

“She’s not here”


“Uhmm she’s not feeling well”

He focused his attention on his phone and typed on it. She thought it was a good time to question him about her whereabout.

“So..she’s still staying at your place?”


He replied without looking at her

Soon Harry..you’ll come to me for comfort.

“Excuse me Sir” A voice said

And they turned to face a Lady in black suit

“Yes Anne” he said

“Miss Bella is here to see you” she said

“The CEO of Bella Fashion house?”

“Yes Sir”

“Take her to my office. I’ll be right there” he said

“Okay Sir” Anne walked away

He typed the last words and read it within him.

“I hope you are feeling better? The show is moving as planned.. No problems. And mom sent her greetings. I’ll be home soon”

He sent it to Ephyra.

“Shawna..I’m So sorry..I’ve to attend to Bella. Why don’t you join mom in the hall”

He dropped the phone into his pocket

“Okay” she murmured

“We’ll talk later” he said and went to Ria.

He said few words to her before moving out of the room.

Shawna clenched her fists,her knuckles almost cracking. She hated the fact that he didn’t pay attention to her.

Shawna moved out of the room to call Vins

“She’s at his place” she whispered

“Well I don’t know his place” he replied

“He lives alone by the beach”

“Which beach?”

“I’ll text it to you”

“Hold up..what if he shows up?”

“I’ll distract him while you are at his home. Don’t waste too much time with her”

“I can have fun with her before doing my job”

“Whatever! Just do a clean job”

“You can always count on me My lady. And I won’t mind a night with you after the Job’s done”

Disgust filled her on hearing his words. She ended the call quickly and she sent a text to him. Now she needs to be with Harry so he won’t think of going home now.

It was getting to the end of the show. Harry said few words to the crowd and stepped down the stage.

Shawna phone beeped. It was a message from Vins.

“I’m at his home now”

“Have you seen her” she sent it to him”

“No..I’ll still trying to get in”

“Don’t waste time” she typed quickly


She stood up and said to Isobel

“I’ll be right back”

She moved out of the hall and made her way towards Harry’s office. She would start a conversation to stop him from getting home. She had the perfect plan in her Head.

She bumped into Anne

“Oh excuse me..is Harry in his office?”

“Yes Ma’am”


She walked quickly to his office

Shawna popped her head in

“can I come in?”

He was preparing to leave

“Yes..I was about leaving”

“Can you spare me a minute?”

He looked at his wrist watch.

He was in a hurry to leave and be with Ephyra.

She stepped in

“I understand that she isn’t feeling well and you want to go and be with her..but can we talk?”

Harry stared at her


He moved away from his desk

“I can tell that what you feel for Ephyra is strong” she knotted her fingers

“I love her” he said

“Yeah..i know Harry”

Then she started towards him.

“But don’t you think that’s strange?” She said

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t act like you haven’t noticed some strange things about her”

Their gaze locked and they stood staring at each other eye to eye.

“There’s nothing strange about her” he answered

“Come on Harry,try to think”


“You fell in love and she reconciled you and your mother..In one week. You never believed in love until you met Ephyra. And now you can’t live without her”


“Eleanor saw everything” she blurted

He closed his eyes. He remembered that Ephyra had erased Eleanor’s memory to hide her secret but she’d told Shawna before she left the country. Maybe Ephyra needs to erase Shawna memory to keep her secret. He thought

“That Lady isn’t an ordinary Human. And you need to stay away from her”

“Let’s talk about this..some other time” he said

“No Harry..” She blocked his pathway

“You’ve changed” Her hands rested on his chest. He stepped back

“Nothing changed..I only fell in love” he muttered

Anger crashed over her.

“What’s so special about Ephyra?”

She questioned

“Harry listen to me..I love you and I don’t want you to get hurt. Ephyra isn’t good for you”

“What about you?” He asked

She leaned in and looked into his eyes. It was an act to stop him from getting home on time so Vins could do his job. Her hands went around his neck,brushing his hair.

“Harry..” She murmured seductively

“No..no Shawna” he pulled back.

She eyed him when he turned away from her.

“We can’t work out. I’m in love with Ephyra” he said with a serious face.

She stared at him and thought of another way to distract him.

“You have to accept it” he said

He grabbed his keys on his desk.

“I’ll go ahead now”

She blocked the path to the door and in a swift movement she tiptoed and fastened her lips on his. Her tongue pushed into his mouth with her hand in his hair. He shoved at her but she held him close.

His phone beeped in his pocket. First ring – second – and he pushed her away.

Fury crashed over him as he stared at her with a wide eye. Her chest rising and falling. She couldn’t move. Tinge of happiness rose within her because she’d kissed him.

His phone buzzed and he turned away to pick it. It was Ephyra

“Hello?” He said


He didn’t hear her clearly

“Hello Ephyra” he said

“Sa..ve..me” she said

Those words echoed in his head.

Save me?

What was going on with her?

He wondered

His heartbeat rapidly and without saying anything to Shawna he rushed out of the office. He wiped his mouth as he raced to the garage. His thought on Ephyra as he drove home at an high speed. Hoping all was well with her.

Shawna called Vins Bond and he told her that he had murdered Ephyra in Harry’s home.

She was happy!

Soon Harry would be hers..alone. She thought

“You know that bitch turned me in badly” he said

“So why didn’t you take advantage of her?”

“She was too strong” he admitted

“So you can’t win against a woman” she gritted

Vins was silent. Anger boiled within him at her words. She was calling him a weakling!

“When do I get my payment?”


“No..I want it tonight”

“I need to be sure if she’s dead before I pay you”

“Then I’ll call Harry Jones and tell him everything”

He hang up

He redialled his number but he didn’t pick up. He wanted his payment!

“Come and get your payment” she sent it to him

“I want it in cash” he replied

“I’ll be waiting in my car outside the agency”

“No I’ll decide the meeting place. No deal? And I’ll call Harry Jones” he threatened

“Okay” she replied

“I’ll send an address to you” he responded

She walked to the garage and waited for Vins text. Seconds passed and his message came in.


“Ephyra!” He screamed As he bounded up the stairs into his home. And his heart broke into pieces when he saw Ephyra in the pool of her own blood.

“No..no..no” he rushed to her

“Ephyra! Wake up!”

His eyes fell on the knife on the floor, he opened her bathrobe and saw the wound on her stomach. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Wake up”

He shakes her but her hand dropped. A sob erupted in his throat.

“Please wake up Ephyra!”

He stood up and gather her up in his arms

“Don’t..die..on me” he chanted as he carried her into the car. He drove out of the driveway in a close rush.


He saw the body on the stretcher. She was pushed into a ward. She looked familiar, laying lifeless on the stretcher with an oxygen tube on her nose. His gaze moved to the man following the medical team in a rush. Harry Jones.

He saw them from the third floor.


He pushed his way through the patients and nurses to get to the ward. His heartbeat rapidly.

“Sir you can’t come in..” A nurse stopped Harry and closed the door. They set to revive her with machines. Harry stood outside the ICU. Fear filled him. Tears set down his eyes as he watched the medical team from the transparent glass on the door. First press on her chest with a shocker – the second and – third. The machine beeped and her heartbeat dropped on a straight line. The team exchanged glances. He knew what that meant. She can’t die!

“No!” He screamed

He barged into the room and rushed to her. They tried to get him out of the room but he overpowered them.

“No..please..” He held her tightly

He struggled with the team

“Don’t leave..me” he sobbed

He couldn’t accept that she was dead!

He recalled that she’d promised to wait for him but she ended up dying in his home.


What had happened while he was at the agency?

He tried to catch his breathe,his heartbeat wild. His chest hurting that he couldn’t bear the pain.

“Please..come back.. to me” he stuttered




Kenan sat in front of the king trying to make connection with Neifion. The 16 princes sat in the throne hall all waiting for Kenan to make the connection. He closed his eyes and chanted a spell.

They watched Kenan in silence.

Suddenly he shook violently. He couldn’t control the wave of power that surged through him. They exchanged confused glances

“Kenan” Morrissey called

He convulsed.

“Kenan!” Oceanus yelled

Azizi rushed to him

“Kenan!.. Kenan!” He shakes him up

Kenan heard the faint voices in his head as they gathered around him. A white light appeared and the vision came to him.

He saw Ephyra in blood,a man appeared to save her with tears in his eyes. Humans! He saw them in white robes trying to save Ephyra.

Then it ended.

Kenan jolted up from sleep.

“Are you okay?” Morrissey asked

He glanced around. He was on a bed, Oceanus looking straight into his eyes.

He relaxed

“What happened?” Kenan asked

“You passed out during connection”

Morrissey answered

He closed his eyes and the vision flooded his mind’s eye.

“The princess is in trouble” he said

“What?” Oceanus gasped

“And I think she’ll end up dying in that world”

He said in a sad tone as he told them the Vision. Tears set in Azizi eyes at the thought of not seeing Ephyra again.

“She can’t die in that world” Azizi said

“That’s the vision the Sea gave me”

“We need Almeta” Morrissey said

“She has to return home” Colbert added

Oceanus exhaled roughly

“Kenan isn’t there a way to save her from our world?”

Kenan was silent

“Say something..” Azizi said impatiently


Kenan muttered with his eyes closed

“CHANTARA?” They repeated

“Yes” he reopened his eyes

“Why CHANTARA?” Morrissey asked

“CHANTARA is the only way to save our princess in that world”

“Do we transport the moon water into that world?” Azizi asked


“Please Kenan go straight to the point. We don’t have much time to waste”

“We’ll make connection with her through CHANTARA (moon Water) since Neifion can’t be reached. And CHANTARA will revive Neifion and our princess”

“Azizi do you have one in your treasure box?” Oceanus asked

“I’ll find it”

He moved out of the room

“What else do you need?”

“Wanwisa and I will make the connection” Kenan said

“Colbert summon Wanwisa to the throne Hall” Oceanus ordered

“Okay Father” he swims off



“Oh Great Sea

I come to thee today

With the CHANTARA (moon water) in my hands

To revive the princess”

Kenan chanted the spell with his hands locked with Wanwisa. She repeated the same spell.

They chorused in a loud tone

“Oh Great Sea

Go into the Human World

And revive the chosen one”

He released Wanwisa. His hands began to glow brightly, powers sparking in his palms and he set it in the CHANTARA bowl. White sparks shot out of their fingertips into the water. Kenan shook violently. Wanwisa felt the shock wave of power that radiated out of Kenan.

“Revive the princess!” Kenan screamed

Instantly the glowing light moved up and went out of the sea into the Human world.



James stood outside the Ward. He watched in stunned silence as Harry held Ephyra tightly. He was alone with her. James didn’t know if he should go in.

He was shocked that Ephyra was dead.

Tears streamed down Harry’s cheeks.

“I love you..so much..come back.. to me” Harry whispered

minutes passed, and suddenly her body convulsed like she had been shocked with electricity. She slipped from his arms and landed on the bed with a thud.

She remained unconscious. Her body shimmered with unrealized force.

“Doctor!” Harry screamed

James rushed in,his gaze meeting Harry’s. He asked Harry to move away.

Then he moved out of the room and alerted the nurse at the desk.

He drew a deep breath and waited outside the ICU. He watched James bark out orders to the team.

They repositioned to resuscitate Ephyra.

Several minutes passed and then he could sworn that her fingers flinched. He held his breathe and watched intently.

He ran his hand in his hair,tears dripping again,down his chin.

She was going to make it! He could feel it. A gasps of happiness mixed with tears as he continued to murmur.

“I love you Ephyra.. Please come back to me..just a little bit more now..”

Then she opened her eyes slowly to the voices in the air. Her chest rising and falling.

Harry looked at the machine and he couldn’t help the cry of joy and relief. Her breathing was in a steady rhythm.

She was injected and soon she fell into consciousness again. James set his team to stitch up her wound. Thankfully that no damage was done to her internal organs. She was lucky that it was pen knife. And it was indeed a miracle!

A nurse came out and asked Harry to follow her to sign some papers. He signed it and prayed over and over again that she would be fine.



A Wish Episode 29 ?‍♀


Theme: Karma ?

She came out of the car,her eyes surveying the dark area. Shawna brought out her phone to check the address Vins had sent to her. She looked beyond and saw the small sized house. She dialled his number and he picked immediately.

“What’s taking you so long?” He asked

“I’m outside”


“Yes..come outside”

“No you have to come in. Remember am to decide things here”

“Okay..” She murmured

She made her way to his front door. She wondered what Vins was up to by asking her to come to his house. Shawna pressed the bell and the door opened. A huge grin on Vins face. His chest was bare and he’d a white towel around his waist. Her eyes did a slow crawl on his body. Chest and shoulders bare and muscular,his stomach flat and the line of hair from his navel downward.

“Are you here to drool over my body? Or give me my payment?”

She swallowed hard

“Oh..I..I..” She stuttered

“Want some coffee?” He asked


“Come on! We’re friends now!” He coaxed

He opened the door wide

“Let’s grab a drink before you leave..just to celebrate your victory” He said with a croaked smile

Oh no that’s not cool!

She couldn’t take her eyes off him. It was also hard to maintain her train of thought. So without thinking she stepped in and Vins closed the door.

“So did you get to meet Harry?”


she stared at him

“I’m sure he’s crying now” he chuckled

And she nodded slowly

Pay him and leave! She thought

Yes! She can’t keep standing like an idiot. She opened her bag and brought out an envelope.

“This is the balance”

He collected it and checked into it. And he tossed it on the nearest couch. A wicked smile formed on his face. He didn’t want the money tonight. He wanted her. Vins wanted to prove to her that he could win against any woman. And he was determined to take her with force if she rejects him.

“Our meetings ends now?”


Her answer was sharp

She started towards the door

“You’re forgetting something” his voice stopped her

She faced him and said


He advanced towards her and blocked the path to the door.

She froze the moment his hands clasped her waist. He pulled her against him.

“I asked for one night with you”

She shoved at him but he didn’t sway.

“Don’t fight me My lady”

His fingers grazed her cheeks

“I paid you Vins”

“Yes..but I want to prove to you..”

His hands covering her breast. She began to tremble.

“That I can win a woman. I’m up for any challenge”

Her breast fitted his palm perfectly. And she didn’t know why she wasn’t telling him to stop. His lips found hers and her bag dropped to the ground. She couldn’t say no to him.

“You want me..don’t you?” He asked

“Why..why are.. you doing this?” She asked unsteadily

He kissed her roughly

“Do you want me to stop?”

His lips parted. She stared at him. Then she could feel the heat rising between her legs.


“I know you want me” he chuckled

His hands on her shoulder, he put his mouth to hers. She reached up to him,her legs wrapped around his waist.

They kissed until he carried her into his room. Then they were falling together on the bed.

She shouldn’t be doing that with him but she didn’t care. She wanted that moment with him. And she closed her eyes to block the image of Harry in her mind’s eye.




“What happened?” James asked

“I don’t know” Harry whispered


“You heard me”

“Are you saying you don’t know how she ended up like that?! In your home?!” James yelled

Annoyance clear in his tone

Harry could see the anger in his eyes.

“Now tell me you didn’t stab her!”

James accused

“No I didn’t!”

Harry eyes widened in shock

How could he do such a thing to the woman he loved wholeheartedly?

” You..Bastard!”

James fist collided with his lips. Harry staggered a little.

“She was at your home! And you didn’t know how she got stabbed!”

He tried to punch Harry again but Harry outsmarted him,his own fist landed on James jaw.

“What about you?!” He snarled

Two men arrived with Isobel in the hallway. They rushed to separate them.

“Turning your back against her!” He yelled

A man grabbed Harry while the second held James.

“You knew she’d no one else but you pushed her away and cut her off completely! Why?! Because she was in love with me!”

“Shut the fuck up you fool!”

“Coward! You should have confessed to her if you were man enough! And not pushing her out of your lives because she loved another in your place!”

“You don’t deserve Ephyra!”

James shouted

“I deserve her because I’m better off than you! At least I value everything that comes my way. And I don’t take advantage of people!”

James tried to reach him but the man held him in place.

“I’ll kill you if Ephyra dies” James threatened

“Stop this Harry!” His mom said

“She won’t die! Ephyra’s gonna make it!”

The men took James out of the Hallway

“Oh son..” A tear dropped down her chin when her gaze fell on his busted lips

“I’ll be fine Mom”

“You shouldn’t have fight with him”

“He started it..that fool accused me of stabbing Ephyra” he spat

“Why would he think like that? Who is he?”

“Ephyra’s.. He’s like a family friend..”

“I’ll sue him for laying his hands on you”

“You don’t have to press charges on him”

Ephyra won’t be happy with him if he decided to press charges on James.

“We should focus on finding the killer” he said

“We found him” Isobel said

“Who is he?”

“Vins Bond” a voice said

They both looked up and the two men were there.

“Vins Bond?” He repeated

“Son..they are detectives. I made a report to the station after you called me” Isobel explained

“I am Detective Chad” the first man said

“Detective Derrick Thompson. We are from the Criminal Investigative Department of the Police Force” the second Man introduced

“We went to your home as soon as your mom made the report at the station. And when we got there,we found out that what happened was a clear case of attempted Murder. Someone tried to kill your girlfriend” Chad said

“Who are you suspecting?” Derrick demanded

“You just said Vins Bond” Harry said

“Do you know him?”

“I haven’t heard about him”

“Why did you leave her alone at your place?” Derrick questioned

“We’d planned to go to the show together but this morning she wasn’t strong enough to come with me”

“So how did you know she needed help?”

“She called me” he said

Derrick and Chad exchanged glances. Ephyra last call was made to Harry and he’d even sent her a text before she called him.

“We found the killer thanks to the CCTV cameras around your home” Chad said

“We played the tape and saw how he tried to kill your girlfriend” Derrick Said

Harry balled his fists

“Is she related to Vins Bond?”

Chad asked

Ephyra doesn’t have any relative in this world! He wanted to say but he held back his words.

“Or maybe Vins was her Ex?”


Harry said loudly

He was her first in Everything!

And no one else!

“You know the killer then go and find him! Before he makes his way out of town!” He said angrily

“We just want to know if your girlfriend has any connection with Vins Bond” Derrick said calmly

“She doesn’t!”

“Vins Bond is a criminal. And he’s been on the run for years now”

“Find him! And get justice for my girlfriend!”

He threw his hands up in frustration and turned away

“Please find him before he kills another innocent lady” Isobel said

They nodded

“We’ll get back to you as soon as we find anything” Derrick said

“Thank You” she said

And they walked away

“Son you need to relax”

“No I can’t relax mom. I Have no idea of who that killer is and why he wanted to end her life”

She hugged him

“She’ll be fine” she murmured

Harry buried his face in her neck and sobbed like a little boy.

“She’ll make it Son” she reassured him



She opened her eyes to soft darkness only a dim lamp provided brightness in the room. Vins was laying naked beside her. She sat up immediately. She looked under the blanket and she saw that she was naked too.

What has she done to herself again?

She had vowed to never give herself away to any man except she was sure he was in love with her and he truly wanted a long time commitment. But she’d broken that vow. She closed her eyes. Disgust filled her when she looked down at sleeping Vins. She hated him at that moment.

It was hard to say no to him,maybe because she was scared he would tell Harry everything if she’d rejected him.

She should leave before he wakes up!

And she would never get to see him again!

Slowly as she tried to get out of bed,his hand snaked around her.

“Leaving?” He said with a husky voice

He wasn’t sleeping. She thought


“Its late” he pointed to the small clock on the drawer. It was 11:30pm.

“I’ll make it to my apartment in twenty minutes” she said

Vins sat up

She got out of bed quickly and searched for her clothes. Her anger towards him was beyond this world.

“Why are you in hurry to leave me?”

He asked

And she said

“I’m disappointed”

Annoying and harsh words at him and he would let her go. She thought

“What do you mean?”

“I thought I was going to feel pleasure but I felt nothing..just emptiness after love making”

She found her top on the floor and jeans at the foot of the bed.

“You’re so weak in bed” she grounded

Anger and fury crashed over him. She’d done it again. He hated it when he was been looked down on. He hopped out of bed. He was determined to teach her a lesson. She would learn to always talk the right way even if its meant for him to break her bones. He grabbed her upper arm before she could say the next word. She tried to push him away but he slapped her across the face. Her face burned, tears set in her eyes as he pushed her on the bed. She was stunned at the new beast Vins.

“I’ll show you the monster in Vins Bond” he punched her

He was insane!

How had she gotten into this mess with him?

“No..no” she begged when he pulled her under him

“You’ll feel pleasured now”

He kissed her hard on her lips. She grabbed his hair and bit him. He drew back and she spat in his eyes. Another resounding slap landed on her face.

His hands grabbed her neck and without thinking he tightened his hold around it. She tried to catch her breath but he was strangling her. Then she went limp under him. She stopped fighting and darkness came over her.

Seconds clicked by and he relaxed a bit.

Shawna eyes were widely open, staring him but she didn’t move.

He came back to his senses

“Shawna..” He tapped her

She didn’t respond. He stood up and raised her hand but it dropped. Then he gasped in shock when he felt her pulse. No Pulse!

Shawna was dead!

“Oh..no..Vins what have you done?” He panicked

“Wake up Shawna!” He slapped her gently on her cheeks

No Response

He moved away from his bed and rushed to his closet to grab a few clothes. He searched for his car keys after wearing his clothes. Thank Goodness he still had the money Shawna gave him. He would leave town immediately just like he used to after committing a crime. He rushed to the sitting room and grabbed the envelope on the couch and tucked it into his holdall bag.

He unlocked the door and stepped out to the porch. Suddenly he heard it…Sirens! And then knew he was surrounded by cops. He turned and saw the cops waiting with their guns.

“Drop your weapon! And place your hand behind your head!” Derrick barked out

Vins regretted his actions tonight. He didn’t even take his gun in the drawer to defend himself.


Slowly he did as Derrick ordered. He knew this was his end. No more running from the Cops.

Derrick came to him and handcuffed him. Some cops moved into his home.

Shawna! He thought

“Boss there’s a body in his house”

A cop said to Derrick

And he confirmed that she was dead. He called the ambulance before taking Vins to the station.




He sat on the bed in a private ward. He scooted forward and grabbed Ephyra’s hand,stroking her arm. His lips fell on her cheek and grazed along the side of her face and ear as he whispered words of love to her. Her skin was more warmer and she was more than half healed. The CHANTARA had made a connection with her in the human world. And she experienced regenerative healing with the powers in the moon water.

“You are going to make it my Love”

He could feel it and he knew it because she was responding to treatment.

Ephyra woke up slowly to someone grazing her face. Then she coughed, her chest rising and falling. Harry glanced at her and once again he couldn’t help his joy,happiness and relief.

“You’re awake!”

Ephyra groaned deeply when she felt slight pain in her stomach. Harry stroked her face and kissed her cheeks. She stared at him, her voice was hoarse but she got the word out.


“Yes!” He laughed,barely able to see through his tears.

“I’m here..! Right here”

She smiled at him

He hugged her tightly

“You came back to me” He muttered

“I told you I wasn’t going to leave” she whispered

“I love you so much” he said excitedly

She drew back to look at him. A huge smile on his handsome face

“I love you too” she answered

Even though it hurts that she was leaving soon. The vision of her kingdom didn’t stop coming in her conscious state. Ephyra knew she’d to end things with him before Scylla destroys her world.

He kissed her lips before pulling back to look at her.

“They found him” he said


“The guy that stabbed you”

Then the memories flooded her mind, she remembered everything

“My Love many things has happened since your incident”

“I don’t know him..I haven’t met him before.. And I tried to fight him but…”

He shushed her

“I know..and the guy confessed to the police”

“Who is he?”

“Vins Bond, he’s an ardent criminal. He’s been on the run from the cops for years now” Harry said

He squeezed her hands gently

“The truth is that Shawna sent him”


He explained everything to her without leaving a detail

“So she sent him to kill me so she could be with you and.. then she ended up dying in his hands too”

Ephyra said in tears

He nodded

“Please don’t cry my Love…all of that is over now. Vins Bond won’t go scot free..I promise”

He said

“I feel pity for Shawna. It’s sad she’s gone”

She sobbed in his chest

“That’s enough” He silenced her

Ephyra lasted few minutes in tears. She couldn’t believe Shawna could go to such extent of ordering someone to kill her so she could be with Harry.

That’s Terrific!

Harry wiped her tears with his fingertips and said

“Perhaps are you still going back to your world?”

She stared at him

“Yes Harry i can’t stay here anymore. My people needs me to save them”

“So when do you want to leave?”

“Arrange for my discharge”

“You need to get better..”

“I can’t heal completely in this world. I need the Sea Nutrients to cover up my wound and be whole again”


“Steel it’s dangerous to our system”

But Ephyra was surprised that she was still alive in that world after taking that steel. She sensed something about her healing but she couldn’t figure the exact thing she was feeling.

“Okay..but stay a day..or two before leaving”

“Harry..” She wanted to object

No he didn’t want objection!

“I understand you have to save your people.. But what about me? Have you ever thought of what would Happen to me after your departure?”

She reached for his face and wiped a tear that strayed down his cheeks

“I’m..so sorry” she apologized

She had a plan in her heart which would be erasing everything about her from his memory so he would move on with his life.

There must be a way to be a full human like Harry Jones. She thought deeply

No answer came to her head. It was blank. Everything that has happened in this world would be a memory in her head when she finally reached her world. Then she would find a way to forget him and go back to the life she used to live.

A knock came on the door. Harry wiped his face clean and said.

“Come in!”

James popped his head in first and his gaze met Ephyra. Gideon stepped in behind him.

“James..Gideon” she said

She was stunned

Ephyra looked back at Harry

“I’ll give you some minutes with her” Harry said

Gideon went to her

“Thank You” James said to him

He’d apologized to Harry when Vins Bond confessed that he’d tried to kill Ephyra.

And during James stay with Harry and while watching Ephyra he realized that Harry was truly in love with Ephyra.


 Ephyra said without meeting James gaze.

Harry moved out of the room

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m better” she answered

James drew a deep breathe

“You can yell at me.. and hit me if you want..I deserve the worst for pushing you away from our lives”

She fiddled with her fingers

“To be honest I was mad at you because you fell in love with Harry. And I acted without thinking because I had feelings for you too”

Ephyra met his gaze

“I was such a fool to have done such to you”

“It’s fine James”

Her arms around Gideon’s shoulder

“I’m sorry.. And please forgive me”

“James i have nothing against you” she murmured

“I messed up..big time”

“It’s okay..”

That was all she could say to him. Ephyra decided that it was best to erase their memories too.

“I missed you” Gideon said childishly

“Same here” Ephyra gave him a faint smile

“Can I go home today?” She asked James

“You’re half healed”

“But I’m fine now” she said

“I’ll talk to the doctor in charge”

James said after long silence. She nodded

Ephyra placed a kiss in Gideon’s hair as she blinked back tears that threatened to spill anytime soon.

Everything would end soon!

Ephyra realized that it was just a Wish! She never thought it would end this way. And she secretly wished that she would return to the human world again some day.

A WISH Episode 28 – 29


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