A Wish Episode 22 – 23 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A Wish Episode 22 ?‍♀


Theme: Scylla is Alive! ?


“Almeta,let’s go and play with the other mermaids” Adamaris said

“No I can’t go today” she replied


“I have to visit Wanwisa with Mother” she lied

“But..mother said you could come with me to play”

“Well you can go ahead..I’ll join you later” she said

“Why not now?” He pestered

“Silly questions!” She barked at him

Adamaris was stunned

“Go away! I don’t want to play with the other mermaids! You all suck!”

She swims away

“Almeta!” Adamaris screamed

“I’m sorry!” He apologized

“Go away!” She screamed

“Forgive me!” He said

She didn’t respond

She swims away quickly so he won’t be able to follow her.

Almeta made her way to the Dark Cave of Scylla when she was sure no one was following her. She peeped into it and saw a shinning light.

“Wow! It’s a pearl!” She exclaimed

Almeta enters the Cave.

“No Almeta!” Adamaris screamed but she was already in it. He couldn’t go into the Cave to stop her or else he would be trapped in it.

“There’s a Sea monster In it!” He shouted

“I see a beautiful pearl you fool!”

She screamed back at him as she swims farther into the Cave.

She ignored his calls and reached out to touch the Pearl. Then the light faded slowly leaving the cave in darkness.

“Where did it go?” She pondered

The Sea Monster nostrils sensed her scent. Her scent filled him and strengthened him a bit. He wanted more…he wanted to taste her to renew his strength. She searched until she touched a rough surface..his nose!

Scylla knew it was a mermaid in his Cave! His eyes flare open immediately.

“Hello little one” his deep voice said

Almeta screamed in fear when she saw his crimson eyes.

“Thanks for coming in here..”

He smelled her gently

“Almeta” he said at the sight of the lines of pearls on her tail. She tried to escape but he grabbed her.

“Somebody help!” She screamed

Adamaris moved away when he heard her voice.

“Please..spare..me” she pleaded

“Scylla is Alive!” The Sea monster screamed. His voice echoed under the Sea. Then he devoured Almeta. Her screams echoed in Adamaris ears.

“Scylla is Alive!” The Sea monster roared. It affected the balance of the Sea. Adamaris knew he had devoured Almeta. He was scared! He alerted the other mermaids around as he made his way to the palace.

“Scylla is Alive!” He screamed

There was commotion. They rushed to their houses when they heard Scylla’s roars from the Cave. Adamaris wept as he told Oceanus about Scylla.

“Colbert!” Oceanus called the 6th prince. The rest of the princes filed into the throne hall. They already heard about Scylla at their offices.

“The Sea Monster is awake!” Morrissey said

“Yes Scylla devoured his little friend” Oceanus pointed at Adamaris.

He could stop his tears at the lose of his dear Friend. She was gone. ?

“We can’t let him into the Main Hall” Morrissey said

“Where is Kenan?” Delma (the 2nd prince) Demanded

“He just left a while ago..” Oceanus said

“Get him Morgan” Morrissey ordered

“Murtaph gather everyone to the Kaimana and let them know Scylla is alive. No one should be seen outside the Main Hall” Morrissey said

“Yes My Lord” Murtaph bowed

“Meredydd and Murron Seal up the Main Hall Gates!” he said again

They all departed to do as Morrissey ordered

“Azizi get the other officials”

He said

Azizi bowed ad exited the room.


“Somebody help!” The little voice echoed in her ears. She swims faster to save the little mermaid that was caught in a Sea Trap.

“Hold on..” She tried to save her but something struck her from behind. She turned but saw nothing. And before she could face the little mermaid,she was dead. The water around her was bloody. She moved back and screamed at the sight of the mermaid(she had been sliced into two)

“Somebody help!”

She heard it again. This time in a different location. She was transported to a Lake. It was filled with Mermaids. They had bloodstains and wounds all over them. They were horrible looking. She felt bile rose up in her throat at the sight.

“Please Save us”

A mermaid grabbed her ankle and tried to pull her into the lake

“Let me go!” She struggled to free herself

“You belong her! Come and Save us!” The mermaid begged with blood dripping down her cheeks.

“Come and save us!” They chorused

“No..no..I am a Human!”

She screamed

Then she felt someone shaking her up.


She screamed in Fear. Harry hugged her tightly.

“Calm down..it’s me Harry”

Harry? He was holding her.

She hugged him tightly.

“You’re fine…” He whispered

She relaxed in his embrace

“You were screaming Ephyra..”

She sobbed in his chest

“I don’t..want to.. go.. back there..” She said shakily

“Its a nightmare..you’ll be fine” he whispered

He whispered soothing words to her and soon she drifted into sleep. Harry watched her. He wondered what sort of nightmare she was having that made her scream that much in an unconscious state. She had been out for 8hours. He didn’t drive her to the hospital to avoid Doctor Brandon’s strange words.

She would regain consciousness. He had concluded

Harry moved out of the room. He was disturbed. He wanted to know the reason why she was always passing out. He was scared at the same time.

What if it was a symptom of an illness? An incurable illness?

His heart pounded so hard it was like it was going to bust.

He should call James and ask for his help. He must know something about it. Ephyra must be hiding some facts about herself from him. He changed his mind about getting coffee and he went to Ephyra’s room.

He searched for her cellphone to call James but he couldn’t find it.

“Where did she drop it?”

His gaze fell on her bed,he saw a book,a part of it was revealing the rest of it was under the bed. He crouched down and reached for it. It was a Diary. ?

Ephyra’s Diary! Her name was boldly written on it. He was tempted to read it but he dropped it on the bed. A piece of paper dropped to the ground. Harry picked it up to return it into the Diary.

“A WISH: Ephyra The Special one” it reads

He sat on her bed and opened the Diary to put the piece back.

“Ephyra Adams was buried in the Sand”

He flipped pages in the diary

“I  ? him…who? James or Harry?…Its Harry Jones!”

He smiled at the note

Harry opened the next page

“Princess Of Merillia Kingdom”

She drew a little mermaid on it.

He was confused as he read the rest of it.

“My Wish as a Special Mermaid was to become Human. It was a dream I had kept alive for years and the Sea granted my wish on my 18th birthday. And here I am in the Human world,acting like a Human. I was saved by a little boy on the beach (Gideon) and his elder brother (James) decided to help me. He took me in..and treated me like a family. The Albert are nice people no doubt about that. Guess what Diary?! I’m working as a maid to a tough heir. He’s a supermodel..topmost in USA. He looks like a Demi god with his cute nose and handsome face. Isn’t that Amusing?! He’s cool and that’s why I love Harry Jones! Though he could be tough and stubborn but also nice and sweet!”

It ended on that page and continued on the next.

“My Life as a Human is Pretty Fun! I enjoyed being a Human and I wish to be a Human forever! Now that I’m in love! Harry and I are in love! But it’s sad that we can’t be together. We’re from separate Worlds! And how I wish things were different. I want to be a Human like Harry so I can be with him forever! That’s impossible because of Neifion. I have to return it back to the Sea. And with my family making connections with the Neifion I can’t dwell in this world. I have to leave.. but what about Harry? How would he feel if he wakes up someday and couldn’t find me in his home?.. sad?…I can’t tell. All I know is that I have to take Neifion back even though it pains me to leave Harry Jones. I’m sure he would move on if he doesn’t see me after along time. Forgive me Harry Jones.

Written by: Ephyra The special Mermaid”

And then it ended

Harry was shocked and surprised. He could hardly believe what he just read in Ephyra’s Diary.

Ephyra must be tying to created a story by using her name.

She isn’t a mermaid!

Ephyra Adams is a Human!

The woman he loved is a Human and not a Mermaid! He exhaled roughly. His legs felt weak as he stood up. He sat back on the bed with his eyes closed. Ephyra would definitely explain things to him when she wakes up. He gathered himself and walked out of the room. He went back to his room and dropped the diary in a drawer and locked it. Harry looked at Ephyra on the bed. She was asleep. He ran his hands over his face,trying to think straight but it was hard.

He exited the room and stormed out of the house. He needed to clear his head and accept what he just found out in her Diary.



A Wish Episode 23 ?‍♀


Theme: Scylla



“Kenan what do we do about Scylla?” Oceanus asked

“We have to build up a boundary to stop Scylla from coming into the Main Hall” Kenan said

“Can’t we fight him?” Morrissey asked

“Scylla can’t be destroyed. And We aren’t strong enough to face Scylla” Wanwisa said

“But we have the strength to fight Scylla” Morgan countered

“Our strength has nothing to do with Scylla” Kenan replied

“Our blood scent strengthens Scylla” Oceanus added

“So how do we defeat Scylla?” Delma demanded

“We have to put him back to sleep” Wanwisa replied

They all exchanged confused glances


Kenan cleared his throat

“A special Mermaid” he said

They gasped in shock

“Kenan are you saying it is only Almeta that can defeat Scylla?” Fairfax asked

“My Prince do we have another special mermaid in our kingdom?” Kenan asked

“No..only Ephyra”

“Our princess is the only solution to putting Scylla back to sleep” Kenan said

“Ephyra is in the strange world” Dylan said

“Can we bring her back?” Murtaph asked

“The Sea will bring her back to save us” Wanwisa answered

“When?” Tethys asked impatiently

“We can’t sit back and watch Scylla destroy our kingdom” Morogh said

“Kenan isn’t there a way to bring Almeta back here?” Colbert asked

“We’ve been trying to Make connection with Neifion” Oceanus Said

“The Water god?” Morogh asked

“Yes..Azizi gave Almeta the Neifion bracelet on her birthday” Tethys explained

“So Neifion is with Almeta in that strange world?” Colbert asked

“Yes” Tethys said

“She can’t stay too long in that world with Neifion” Murtaph said with a concerned tone.

“Yes Neifion belongs to the Sea” Wanwisa said

“So..what do we do? Sit back and wait for Almeta return?” Morrissey demanded in a rough tone.

“Yes My lord” Kenan’s answered with a slight bow. And they all sighed in frustration.



Ephyra awoke to a cool evening. She lay on the bed in silence for a moment. She felt stronger now with no pains. She didn’t hear any sound behind her door.

Harry? Where did he go?

Her eyes scanned the room. He wasn’t there. She realized that she wasn’t in her bedroom but Harry’s room. She pushed herself up and got out of bed. She left the room and headed towards the sitting room. Harry was there. He sat on the couch. She stood there and watched as he typed on his system. She cleared her throat. Harry turned and looked at her.

He looked as if he hadn’t slept well. His eyes were shadowed.

“How are you doing?” He asked

“Better” she muttered

He nodded and focused his attention on his system. She wanted to know how long she had been out. She rubbed her palms together and pondered if she should ask him. Harry closed his laptop and looked straight at her.

“You passed out on the beach yesterday afternoon” he said with a serious face.

“I..I..I..” She stuttered

“Why do you keep passing out every time?” He asked

Ephyra avoided his gaze and looked down at Neifion. She didn’t know what to say to him. And there was no way she was going to reveal her identity to him.

“Are you ill?” He asked


“Then what? You were out for a whole day and you had a nightmare in between and I had no idea of what to do..”

Ephyra looked up at him. Then she remembered the nightmare. The mermaid crying for he to save her,lake filled with horrible looking mermaids. And harry holding her tightly until she had fallen asleep.

“Ephyra is there something you are hiding from me?” He asked in a tight whisper but that was damn straight!

Ephyra looked away and stared into space. He wanted her to tell him the truth. He was tired of trying to figure if she’s human or a mermaid. If what she wrote in her diary was true.

Ephyra heartbeat accelerated. He sounded like he knew her secret. Her palms became sweaty and she couldn’t bring herself to tell him everything. Harry would hate her if she told him her true identity.


“There’s nothing..” She cuts in

He stared at her

“Okay” he muttered

Harry stood up and walked to his bedroom. Ephyra blinked back tears that threatened to spill.

“I’m heading out..” He said

“Harry..” She called

He stopped at the door hoping she would just tell him everything.

“Never mind” she said

She rushed towards her room before Harry could say anything. The tightness in her throat won’t let her spill the truth. She was scared of what his reaction would be. Ephyra locked her door and broke down in tears. She sobbed silently.

Harry moved out of the house. He stayed two minutes in his car before pulling out of the driveway.

♦  ***********   ♦


She opened her eyes slowly and sat up quickly. She glanced around the room and she realized that she had slept off in tears. Then she remembered everything. The thought of Harry filled her mind.

What would happen to him if she return to her world?

She walked to her bed and sat on it. She reached to the drawer to take out her diary but it wasn’t there.

She searched and lifted every objects but the diary was no where to be found.

“Where did I dropped it?” She asked herself

She fell back on the bed to think of where she had dropped the diary the last time she wrote in it. She couldn’t think of anything except Harry. She wondered if he was back home.

Ephyra rushed out of her room to check if he was home.

“Harry..” She called out

No response

She checked his bedroom,bathroom and kitchen but he wasn’t there. And his car was not in the driveway.

“Why isn’t he back yet?” She looked up at the wall clock. It was 9:30. She picked her phone on the couch and dialed his number. It was switched off. Then her stomach let out a loud growl. She was hungry. Ephyra went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She hoped that Harry would return home soon but he didn’t. And she stayed up all night waiting for Harry Jones. Ephyra gave up around 5:30am and she slept off on the couch.



Ephyra woke up immediately she heard the door clicked. It was as if she had just slept for only ten minutes. She rubbed her sleepy eyes to have a clear vision. Then she saw him. She stood up quickly and went to him.

“Good Morning” she yawned loudly

Harry stared at her

“I was expecting you -“

He walked away without listening to her. She followed him.

“Harry I prepared dinner last night and stayed up all night waiting for you. And I was so worried when I tried your number..”

He stopped abruptly and she almost bumped into him.

“But it was switched off” she completed

“I didn’t ask you to prepare dinner for me. And I never asked you to stay up all night waiting for me”

He snapped at her.

Her eyes widened in shock. Ephyra was confused. He started to walk away but soon stopped without facing her.

“There’s no need to come with me to the office today” he said

And he walked into his room. He clenched his fists when he entered his room.

Harry left that morning without saying anything to her. He didn’t want her at the office so she won’t pass out again. Even though she was truly a mermaid then it’s best to keep her at home so others won’t find out. Harry thought.



The silent treatment was killing him. He can’t keep avoiding her forever. If he want the truth then he should man up and confront her. Harry thought deeply as he sat in front of his Mahogany desk. He glanced at Ephyra’s desk and her image appeared on her chair. He knew that he was hallucinating but he didn’t want the image to disappear. He missed her smile..everything about her. Even though he was desperate to know things about her,he still kept calm,giving her a chance to open up to him. But it seems Ephyra wasn’t ready to tell him anything.

She was afraid of what he would do and his reaction!

A WISH Episode 22 – 23

To Be Continued……
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Koledoye Stephen.A
Koledoye Stephen.A
5 years ago

I love this story…. A wish. I wish the story could continue. Nice!❤️