A Wish Episode 20 – 21 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A Wish Episode 20 ?‍♀


Theme: Confession


Little Mermaids and Mermen swimming in and out of the rocks. They sang beautiful songs which echoed under the Sea. Almeta and Adamaris move away from the other mermaids.

“What’s that over there?” Almeta pointed towards a hole.

“It’s the Dark Cave of Scylla”

Adamaris replied

“Dark Cave of Scylla?”

“Yes Scylla the Sea Monster”

“Who told you about Scylla?”

Almeta asked

“My Mother” Adamaris answered

He grabbed her and pulled her away.

“Wait..let’s take a closer look at the cave” Almeta suggested

“No it dangerous. Mother warned me about Dark Caves”


“A Sea Monster is confined in it. Going near it might awaken the Sea Monster”


“Our Blood Scent” he said

Almeta gasped

“Does Sea monsters exist?”

“Yes Almeta let’s go”

They swim away to join the other mermaids

Almeta kept looking back at the cave. She wondered why there wasn’t Sea Warriors guarding the Dark Cave of Scylla.

Adamaris wasn’t telling the truth. He was probably making things up to scare her.

What if there was a beautiful Pearl in that Cave instead of a Sea Monsters.

A Pearl? That would be beautiful! She decided that she would check it out later.



Harry moved out of the room when he heard the doorbell. He rubbed his sleepy eyes as he made his way to the door. A smile formed on his lips when he saw Ephyra. He opened up quickly and hugged her.

“I..I thought you were going to leave…” His voice broke.

“And what made you think I was going to leave you?” She asked in a tight whisper.

“My mom told me that she was going to pay you today. So I thought you were going to leave since the contract is over”

He drew back to look at her

“Come in”

He held her hand and pulled her in gently

“Did you talk to James?” He asked

The smile on her face disappeared. Harry noticed her expression.

“Hey what’s wrong?”

“He doesn’t want to see me anymore”

“What? Why?”

“The truth is..I admitted that I was in love with you. And then he asked me to leave”

He leaned in and cupped her face

“He’s probably finding it hard to believe that I fell in love with my boss in just one week”

“James shouldn’t be mad at you because you love me”

“Exactly I wanted to to explain to him but he didn’t give me the chance..” Her voice trailed

Tears slid down her cheeks. And Harry wiped them with his fingertips.

“James and Gideon are my family”

He hugged her

“I don’t know why he suddenly changed towards me”

“You want me to talk to him?”

“No..no I’ll just let him be for now”

She sniffed

“So..does that mean.. You would stay with me?” Harry muttered after a momentary pause.

Ephyra pulled away from him and wiped her face. She wasn’t going to shed tears because of James again. It was his decision so she would respect it.

“I am your secretary.. but it fine if you don’t want me to live with you. I have a million dollars now enough to buy me a house” She teased him

Harry smiled at her

“You’re rich now”


She said with a half smile. He went to her and wrapped his hands around her waist.

“I am not letting you go to anyone.”

He kissed her forehead

“What about you?”

“I don’t have anyone..I mean James doesn’t want to see me..so you are the only one I have..now”

He pinched her chin gently

“So…have you thought…of us moving pass this stage?”

“What stage?”

He grinned

“I don’t want to be just your boss”

He said with a shrug

“So what?”

“Hmm..your man” he said calmly


She teased

Ephyra understood what he was trying to say.

“I love you” he said boldly

They stood staring at each other awkwardly. Then he said

“Come on” he coaxed

“Let’s just call it a middle ground I love you and you love me too. So I agree that I can mix being your boss and you being my secretary with pleasure as long as the pleasure is just good,clean and fun”

After those words escaped his mouth she made her move. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him for a kiss. It was obvious he was not expecting and it took him a second to adjust. He put his hand on her back,tracing her spine and he kissed her eagerly.

“Ephyra.. I love.. you” he said in between frantic kisses. He never wanted it to end but Ephyra broke the kiss.

“I love you too”

It was her first time and those words felt strange on her lips.

“We’ll attend to business when business needed to be attended to…” She said

“And have good,clean fun the rest of the time” He agreed with a croaked smile

And she nodded in agreement

“I’m hungry” Harry said

“You haven’t eaten?”

“Yea I was resting..” He itched his ear

“Can I have Noddles?” He said

She nodded and motioned towards the kitchen

Harry followed her

“So what’s up with the fashion runway?”

“Ria Robert is still working on the dresses for that day”

“Its next week Saturday”

“Yes Everyone’s is preparing for it. And I want you to meet Ria Robert before that day” he said


“You have to get a dress for that day too”

“Is that necessary?”

He nodded

“I’m more comfortable in Jeans than gowns”

She frowned

“You’ll look pretty in gown too”

“You think so”

He nodded

“Don’t worry I’ll drive you to the store”



“Well thank goodness I don’t have to pay you to drive me to RRC” she laughed

“I wouldn’t mind a token Miss” he gave her a mock bow

And she giggled.


A Wish Episode 21 ?‍♀


Theme: The Call


She woke up to someone stroking her cheeks. Ephyra opened her eyes and saw a little boy staring at her. She stood up quickly, observing her surrounding. She was in a garden with nice roses and beautiful flowers.

“Who are you?” She asked the little boy

“I am a human”

She looked down at him. He had the perfect features of a human.

“Yes I know” she answered

“But you aren’t Human” he said In a harsh tone. Then she glanced down at her body. She still had her long legs and complete human body.

“I am a human” she said

“No you belong there!”

He snarled

Then he pointed towards a section. She looked beyond and saw mermaids in a lake.

“You belong to that world!” He laughed wickedly

“You can never be like us!” He snarled

Ephyra screamed in fear when she saw many humans chanting the same words. Their voices echoed in her head.

“Go back to your world! And give the Sea it belonging!”


She screamed

The beeping sound of the alarm jolted her up from the nightmare. Her forehead was sweaty. She felt weak and lay still on the bed. Thinking over the dream she just had..she doesn’t belong to this world.

“Go back to your world!”

It echoed in her mind

“Neifion do I really have to go back there?”

A tear dropped down her cheek.

“I want to be with him” she muttered

A knock sounded on her bedroom door. She wiped her face and hopped out of bed.

“Good Morning My Lady” Harry greeted

Her gaze fell on the tray in his hands.

“Coffee” he raised a mug

“Oh thanks..come in” she said

He gave her a coffee mug and placed the tray on her dressing table.

“How was your night?” He asked

“Fine..thanks” she sipped the coffee

“I want to go out for a walk around the area,would you like to come with me?”

He asked

“Yes I’d love that..” She nodded

“Okay..I’ll be waiting in the sitting room”

She would have to leave Harry some day. He kissed her cheeks and moved out of the room. The mere thought of being away from him brought tears to her eyes.


“Are you sure you can do this job for me?” She asked

The man she was referring to smoked on his cigarette.

“Who told you about me?” He asked

“A Lady at Den club” she answered

“My name is Vins Bond” he said with a wicked smile

“Yes I know”

“So who am I to deal with for you?” He asked

She passed him a photograph

“She’s pretty” he complimented

“I want you to do a clean job and don’t get caught”

“Can any man capture the wind?” He asked


“So trust me” he said

She gave him a brown envelope

“This is your part payment. I’ll pay the rest when the Job’s done..A clean job”

“You can count on me Miss”

He opened the car door and stepped out of the car.




“Can we make the connection now?” Oceanus asked Kenan

“It being four weeks since we made the last connection with the princess” Tethys said

“Let’s do it again” Oceanus said

Tethys nodded in agreement

“Let’s make her have the desire to return to the Sea” Oceanus added

“My Lord,I’m sure the princess is aware that the Neifion bracelet belong to the Sea” Kenan said

“Can Almeta resist the connection?” Tethys asked

“Yes My Queen if she’s by the sea feeding it with spell songs” Kenan replied

“Her connection with the Sea through spell songs can make her resist the connection” Tethys said

“Yes My Queen”

“I don’t think Almeta knows that fact. She might be far away from the Sea so she wouldn’t get attracted to it and be tempted to return home” Oceanus said

“Let’s Make the connection. I want my child back” Tethys said

Kenan bowed and settled to work his magic.



They held each other hands as they both walk on the beach.

“You like the Sea?” Ephyra asked

“Yes I love the view from our home” Harry Said

Ephyra stopped and stood in front of him

“Can I ask you something?” She said

“Yes” Harry answered

“Would you start a family around this lonely area because you like the view of the Sea?”



“Well I intend to move back to town very soon. Somewhere close to my family home or the agency. But I’ll always come around here anytime I need a  break from work”

She looked at the Sea. And she wondered what was going on under the Sea.

“About.. Starting a family..” He paused

Ephyra looked at him

“Well I was just wondering if you are…”

“I am not ready” she cuts in sharply before Harry could complete his intended statement. She couldn’t say yes to him because she knew sooner or later she’d have to return to her world.

“Okay” Harry mumbled

Even thought he wasn’t satisfied with her immediate response, he let It drop. He didn’t want her to feel pressured. His phone buzzed.

“Your phone..” she nudged at his side. He took it out of his pocket. It was Eleanor. Harry made a disapproving sound and declined the call.

“Your mom?” She asked

“Eleanor” he said

“Answer it..I heard she’s leaving town today” Ephyra Said calmly

“I don’t want to talk to her”

“You’re still mad at her for what she did to me”

He hummed a response

“Come one I already told you it wasn’t her fault. So let it go”

His phone and again. He picked it and clicked on the speaker.


“Hey Harry Jones”

“What’s up Eleanor?”

“I’m good”

“I heard you’re leaving town today”

“Yes I’m at the airport”

“Good for you – so why did you call me?”

“I wanted to tell you something..” She stopped

Ephyra’s heart skipped beat. She was scared. What if there was still traces of what she said last night in Eleanor’s memory?

Then she would tell Harry about it.

“What is it?” Harry asked

“I..I don’t remember some certain things. It’s as if I lost a part of my memory over night..”


“I’m serious..I wanted to tell you about -” she paused

Ephyra knew Eleanor was trying to figure the missing piece In her memory.


“Your mom”

She said finally

Ephyra sighed in relief

“She loves you and you shouldn’t blame her for your Father’s death. I mean it doesn’t make any sense quarrelling with her because she accused him. The dead is gone so you should let things go and be good to her”

“We’re good now.. All thanks to -” he held Ephyra’s hand


She placed her finger on her lips


“Never mind” he muttered

“Anyways I’m going to miss you Harry” she said

Eleanor was disturbed. She couldn’t figure the reason why she was leaving the country. Harry was Silent.

“Won’t you wish me well?”

“Safe Journey Eleanor”

“Thanks.. And take care of your mom”


The call ended

“Why did you silence me?”

“I didn’t want you to tell her about me”

“Why?.. I wanted her to know you reconciled us”

Mentioning Ephyra might make Eleanor lose her mind completely. She wanted to tell him but she held back her words.

“She doesn’t have to know..”

She said with a shrug. Harry nodded in agreement.

Ephyra looked beyond the Sea.

“Hey look it’s a whale!” She screamed

Harry looked up to the Sea and saw nothing. She was teasing him. Ephyra giggled at the look on his face. He had expected to see a whale on the Sea. He would have taken pictures.

“You tricked me” he grabbed her but she pulled away from him.

“Sorry Boss” she laughed

He tried to get her but she sidestepped him.

“You can’t catch me!”

“Of course i can!” He placed his hands on his waist

“Then catch me if you can My Lord!”

She started running on the sand. And in a swift movement Harry caught her.


They both laughed happily. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the bank.

“No..no..Harry don’t..” She pleaded

He ignored her pleads

“Well I intend to drop you in it My lady”

She struggled to free herself

“Come on! Are you scared of the Sea?”

Ephyra knew her tail would appear the moment her legs touches the Sea.

“Wait!” She screamed when he was about entering the Sea.

“What?” He asked

She held on to him tightly

“I love you” she said

“Yeah I know you love me..”

She nodded

“So i was thinking if…we could go in..and..” She stopped. Harry stepped backward when he saw the Wave.

“And?” He asked

“You want to know?”

He nodded

“Let’s move away from the sea first..far away” she replied

Harry rolled his eyes

“I’ll tell you when we are far away from the Sea” she repeated and winked at him. He moved away from the Sea to the dry land.

“Put me down”

He obeyed

“So what were you saying?” He asked

Ephyra stepped away from him. And she said

“I’m hungry”

Harry cocked his brows

“Hold up..is that what you wanted to say?”

“What are you thinking?”

She pouted

“You said we should go in “

“Yes..go inside and have lunch” she completed

Harry ran his hand over his face.

“What’s running through your mind?” She asked with a croaked smile

“Nothing” he said

“Are you sure?”

“Forget it” he walked away

“Harry..” She called out

He didn’t respond

“My Lord!” She called again

Harry smiled as he walked to the front door. Then when she was about to take a step, she felt something hit her in the heart. It was painful than the previous one. She looked down at the bracelet, it was shinning.

“No..no..not again” she said shakily.

Ephyra turned away to the Sea to hide her eyes from Harry who was waiting for her to join him on the porch.

“Come in My Lady!” He said

She didn’t turn to face him. Tears welled up in her eyes at the images of Harry looking at her like she was a monster. She had hated the look on Eleanor’s face. So Harry look would shred her heart in pieces. He won’t hesitate to stay away from her or push her away like James if he sees her like this.. Her Vision became blurry, she held her chest and  screamed out in pain.

Harry watched her for a second. He heard her scream and soon she was falling to the ground. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him.


The light faded as soon as she blacked out. He didn’t see it. Harry held her.

“Ephyra wake up! Can you hear me?!”

He knew she was unconscious again. And she carried her in his arms into the house.

A WISH Episode 21 – 22

To Be Continued……
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