A Wish Episode 18 – 19 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A Wish Episode 18 ?‍♀


Theme: Love ?


Thursday Morning

Ephyra opened her eyes to the bright sunlight filtering through the window. The sun reflected off the wall adjacent to it. She observed her surrounding through her blurred vision. She blinked as she refilled her lungs with cool air. She closed her eyes slowly for a moment and lay very still on the bed.

White Wall! She knew where she was.. hospital! How did she ended up there?

Memories flashed through her mind. She remembered everything. Calling James,deciding to take the day off to see Gideon, talking to Eleanor,her bracelet and it ended.

She opened her eyes slowly trying to focus. Harry! She turned her head,she looked beyond and she saw him. Harry was there,laying on a couch with his eyes closed.

“Harry” she called out

Harry was fast asleep. He hasn’t been able sleep since Ephyra passed out. He had only managed to drift into sleep five minutes ago after watching Ephyra through the night.

She felt stronger now as she shifted on the bed to test her body. Then she got out of bed and went to the couch which was three feet from the bed. She studied him. And she knew he hasn’t slept in a while due to the dark circles under his eyes. Then she wondered how long had she been out?

She looked down at the bracelet as she recalled the look on Eleanor’s face at the sight of the shinning bracelet and her eyes. She had to stop Eleanor from telling anyone what she saw that day. Then she remembered the Golden rule.

She could make Eleanor forget what she saw.. A friendly handshake would do the work.

At that moment,Harry opened his eyes. His gaze met hers and he sat up quickly.


He stood up and touched her. She was Alive!

He pulled her into his arms and her hands wrapped around him.

He didn’t know how long he held her in his arms,just whispering to her. Telling her how scared he was when he saw her in the hallway,when her heart stopped beating and while she was unconscious. He admitted that he’d feared that he was going to lose her and he pleaded with her to stay with him.

Harry drew back to look at her. He pulled her gently to the bed and sat beside her. He grazed her cheeks with his knuckles.

“Tell me what happened between you and Eleanor”

He said

“How long have I been out?” She asked

“Two days” he said

Two days?! She passed out on Tuesday Morning and..

“Today is Thursday?!’ She asked with a wide eye

“Yes Ephyra the doctor couldn’t tell what actually made you unconscious. I tried to get in touch with Eleanor to find out what she did to you but I couldn’t reach her”

“You see..we had a fight that morning..” She said


“Well..I called james after I finished sending out the invitation. So he told me Gideon wasn’t feeling well and then I decided to look for you so I could take the day off to see Gideon at the hospital. But then I met Eleanor in the hallway..”  She paused

“What did she do to you?”

“She said I was the talk to the agency. Believe me Harry I tried to avoid her by keeping quiet but she also said there was nothing special about me. And somehow she hit me”

“Eleanor hit you?”

His fist balled automatically

“Yes..and I slapped her in return”

“Then how did you pass out?”

Ephyra thought for a second. She knew it was the power in the bracelet that weakened her. And there was no way she could tell Harry about it. Telling him would reveal her identity.

“She said something about…your bracelet”

Harry said

“What did she say?” Ephyra asked

“It..it shinned…I don’t really understand what she was trying to say..”

Ephyra pondered about the bracelet. The sudden weakness and unconsciousness.

What does that mean?

A Call Home?!

Ephyra thought deeply

No it shouldn’t be! She wasn’t ready to go back to the MERWORLD.

Harry was disturbed,he fought the urge to tell her what happened on Tuesday. Strange things he couldn’t understand.. Those words she mumbled in her sleep and her heartbeat dropping at every minute almost giving him a heart attack. And the bracelet on her wrist.

A Wish Episode 18

“What’s with this bracelet?” He blurted

Harry held her wrist but Ephyra withdrew quickly.

“Is it magical?”

“No..no Magic doesn’t exist..right?”

“Yeah it doesn’t exist..but your bracelet is..”

His voice trailed

“Where is my cellphone”

Ephyra tried to change the topic.

Harry let it drop. He stood up and took out her phone from his holdall bag.

“Here..” He gave it to her

“I want to call James”

She sounded like she was asking for his permission to call James. Harry nodded and settled on the couch.

“Uhmm..what’s the name of this hospital?” She asked

“Jacob Hospital”

“Jacob? James works here”

She said with a smile beaming across her face.

“I should call him..he and Gideon must have expected me on Tuesday”

She dialed James number and he picked on the third ring.


“Hi James.. It’s me Ephyra”

She bit her lower lip

“Yeah I know” he said coldly

The door opened and doctor Brandon stepped in.

“I’m sorry for not showing up on Tuesday”

“Can we talk some other time. Ephyra I’m busy at work” James said

He sounded like he wasn’t interested in talking to her.


He ended the call before she could finish the word.

She wasn’t happy by James response to her.

“Good Morning Ephyra” Brandon greeted

She sat back on the bed.

“Morning Doctor..”

“Brandon” he said

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine” she said

He exchanged glances with Harry.

“I can see that your color is better now”

He checked her pulse. It was steady and normal.

“Good” He murmured

“Can I go home now?”

“Yes..Mr Harry come with me to sign the discharge papers”

“Wait do you know Doctor James Albert?” She asked

“Surgeon James”

“Yes Why?”

“Do you know if he’s currently at the hospital?”

“He’s off duty to take care of his little brother”

He said

She could hardly believe James had lied to her. He had said he was busy at work whereas he was at home talking care of Gideon. And why was he acting differently on phone?

“Do you know him?”


“Okay…Miss You have a nice bracelet” Brandon said looking at Harry.

She stretched out her hand towards him.

“Nice to meet you Doctor”

The look on his face was that of shock. Ephyra sensed he wanted to say more to her. And he looked at her as if she had grown four head.

He shook hands with her. She wiped apart of his memory which concerns her in the process.

Then Brandon moved out of the room. Harry hated the sad look that replaced her face after Brandon exited the room. He stood up.

“He lied to you?” He said

And she nodded

“I think he’s mad at me for not showing up on Tuesday”

She said soberly

“You can go home and see them after I sign your discharge papers”

She looked at him. There was no smile on his face.

“Is that okay by you?”

“Yes if that’s what would make you happy”

He was concerned about her happiness. He had her in his heart. Ephyra thought.

“Thanks” she said before he made his way out to the door.

Harry signed the paper and he drove Ephyra to James apartment before heading home to rest.

♦ A Wish Episode 18



“Excuse me Ma’am” Tracy said

Isobel looked up from the paper works on her desk.

“Yes Tracy”

“Miss Eleanor is here”

Tracy said

“Let her in”

“Okay Ma’am”

Tracy went back to her office.

“You can go in Miss Eleanor”

Eleanor went in

“Good Morning Mrs Isobel” Eleanor greeted

Isobel sat back in her chair.

“How may I help you?”

Isobel said with a serious look

“Won’t you offer me a seat?”

Eleanor said

“Suit yourself” Isobel said

She already knew what Eleanor did to Ephyra. Harry told her during his drive home.

“You’ve changed towards me”

Eleanor said in a low tone

“Why on earth did you go after Ephyra? And not just that you even tried to get rid of her so you could be with Harry right?”

Isobel said

“No you are mistaken”

“Really? Then tell me how she ended up in a hospital”

“I..I don’t know…” Her voice trailed

“Two days Eleanor, she was unconscious for two days”

Isobel emphasized

Eleanor was silent. She had no idea why Ephyra ended up in the hospital.

“Ephyra said you picked up a fight with her”

“Yes…but I didn’t do anything bad to her”

“Did you hit her?”

“Yes..and she hit me back”

Serves you right! Isobel said to her herself.

“Listen to me that Lady isn’t human”

Eleanor Said

“Why did you say that?”

“I saw her…that bracelet on her wrist is magical”

“What do you mean?”

Eleanor explained to her. Isobel thought she was crazy after she ended the story.

“Are you okay?” She asked

“Yes..yes I’m fine. I know it sounds crazy and weird but believe me that lady is strange. She shouldn’t be with Harry” She said

“Oh I see… Now I understand. You think Ephyra isn’t from this world”


She held a pleading look,hoping Isobel would believe her.

Everyone she told the story thought she was nut. Her mom thought Eleanor was losing her mind.

“Try asking her about that bracelet”

She stood up to leave

“I’m leaving the country” Eleanor said


“I want to be away from Harry or else I might end up hurting the one he loves”

She sounded resigned

“Okay…Safe trip”  Isobel said

“I just hope that you act on what I told you about Ephyra”

She moved out of Isobel’s office.

Isobel never believed her.

She thought Eleanor was making things up to make her fire Ephyra.

“Hello Precious” she said

“Hi Isobel”

“Eleanor just left my office”

“Did you notice anything strange about her”

Precious asked

“Why did you say that?”

“Well I think she’s losing her mind slowly”


“She keeps saying silly things like a Lady close to Harry  being a witch or a weirdo”

“Yeah she said the same to me”

“Do you think Eleanor needs to check into a mental home?”

Precious asked

“Try to talk to a psychiatrist about her case”

“I’ll do that but she insist that she’s leaving the country”

Precious doesn’t know about the deal so it was best to keep her in the dark.

“Probably for a vacation”

“She didn’t disclose the country..”

“Uhmm precious I’ll give you a call later”

“Wait will you be at Karissa daughter’s wedding?”


“Okay let’s meet up on Friday to treat our hair and do our nails too. You know I have the best stylist..”

Isobel rolled her eyes

“I’ll give you a call Precious”

She ended the call.




“what’s wrong?” James asked Gideon

“I’m worried about Miss Ephyra?”

“I told you to forget about her”

He said with annoyance in his tone

“Why are you so mad at her?”

Gideon asked

“She isn’t coming back to us..accept it” James said

“Why? Did she tell you that?”

James avoided his gaze


“Miss Ephyra would definitely come back to us because she doesn’t have anyone except us”

“She has Harry Jones now”

“He’s her boss..and we’re her family”

“She isn’t an Albert”

Gideon stared at his brother in disbelief

“You are like this because she didn’t show up on Tuesday” Gideon said

He didn’t respond

“She wasn’t specific.. Miss Ephyra only said that she was going to plead with her boss to let her see us. So maybe he didn’t give her the chance or probably Mrs Isobel hasn’t seen the change she wanted in her son”

“And she couldn’t make it”

James blurted

“She didn’t even bother to give us a call” he gritted

“She must have a good reason..why don’t you call her?”

He was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

A Wish Episode 18

“I’ll answer it”

Gideon stood up and went to the door. He opened it and Ephyra was there.

“Miss Ephyra!’

He threw his hands around her

“Hi Gideon”

She met James gaze but he looked away quickly.

Gideon pulled her back from her.

“Why didn’t you show up on Tuesday?”

He led her to the couch

“Forgive me Gideon..I was..”

“Busy at work” James snorted

Ephyra looked at him. His expression unreadable. He stood up and motioned towards the door to leave. He wanted to be away from her.

“Wait..James..” She stopped him

He stopped at the door but he didn’t turn to face her.

“I know you are mad at me because I didn’t show up at the hospital. Believe me I wanted to talk to Harry until someone picked up a fight with me and somehow I collapse at the agency”

She didn’t want to go into details.

“I just got discharged this morning from Jacob hospital”

He turned to look at her.

He studied her expression.

“If you don’t believe me you can call Doctor Brandon. He was the one who told me that you took the day off to take care of Gideon”

He was telling me the truth. He knew Doctor Brandon. The mention of him indicated that she was truly admitted at Jacob Hospital.

“So you weren’t feeling well too?” Gideon asked


“So who stayed with you at the hospital?” Gideon asked with a concerned look.

“Harry Jones” she answered

Gideon shot his brother a  ‘ Never jump into hasty conclusion ‘ look.

James realized he needed to apologize for so many things. Ephyra leaned in.

“James I know that I haven’t been paying much attention to you guys lately..”

“I’m sorry” he apologized

“I should be the one apologising for paying too much attention to work”

“I understand”

He muttered

Ephyra knew James doesn’t understand. He was only trying to play cool. Since she found out he lied to her, he felt guilty for lying to her. And for cutting her off the phone like she was some stranger.

“How is work?”

“Fine” she whispered

“Perhaps..is Harry Jones giving you any problem?”

“No we’re good”

His middle clenched at her words. He thought of the possibilities.

“You’re getting along well”

“Yes..and Harry is nice” she said with a smile

James sensed something fishy by Ephyra’s sudden smile at the mention of Harry Jones. He watched her. He was familiar with that look on her face as she answered Gideon’s questions about Harry Jones.

She was in love with Harry Jones.

Ephyra wanted to tell James everything that happened at Harry’s home.

Bit then her phone buzzed, a message from Madam Isobel.

“Harry said you got discharged today and you’re seeing your family. Come to the company before heading to Harry’s home”

She reads

“Mrs Isobel want to see me”

She said in a low tone

“So you are leaving?” Gideon asked with a sad face

“I’m sorry”

She stood up

Ephyra wished she could stay a bit longer.

“When next would you come around?” He asked again

“I don’t know Gideon”

James was silent

“Okay..at least I’m glad you came around today” Gideon said with a half smile. She placed a kiss on his forehead. James rubbed his palms gently without saying anything.

“Bye James” she said

He didn’t respond.

Gideon waved at her as she walked out of the house.

“I told you she would end up leaving us someday”

He stormed into his bedroom.


A Wish Episode 18


A Wish Episode 19 ?‍♀


Theme: Cleared


Isobel’s office

“I wasn’t expecting you that soon” Isobel said

“I came as soon as I received your message”

Ephyra Responded

“I’m happy to see you Ephyra. And I apologize on Eleanor’s behalf..”

“No apologies needed Ma” she said

“First of all I want to thank you for reuniting me and my Son. Harry and I are on good terms now”

She told Ephyra how she reconciled with Harry on Tuesday.

“I’m glad you and Harry are back together now”

She fiddled with her fingers that suddenly became sweaty. She realized her contract with Isobel was over. So she was going to leave Harry and probably start looking for another job. She exhaled roughly. So many thoughts flooded her mind. James,Gideon…and Harry.

James would definitely be happy the contract was over. He won’t be mad at her anymore if she moved back to his home.

But what about Harry?

“Well I found out from my son that he loves you. It surprising that you reconnected us and also won is his heart”

Ephyra nodded slowly

Was that really the end?

“You achieved all these in a week,so I have decided to fulfill my part of the contract”

Pay her and ask her to leave?

She thought of her love towards Harry. Suddenly Ephyra wished she could be with him forever. But it was impossible with the Neifion bracelet on her wrist in the Human World. The bracelet belonged to the Sea and she also belong to the Sea so she has to return to her World. Isobel pushed a cheque to her.

“This is your payment” she said

She gave Ephyra a black card. It was Gold Mall special Card. She could shop at the Mall without Paying.

“1 Million Dollars” she said with a wide Eye.

“Yes Ephyra you have no idea of what happiness you brought back into my life. That long lost joy of hearing my son call me Mom and regarding me as his mother..you brought everything back”

“So..our contract.. Is over?”

Ephyra said


Ephyra looked at her. And she felt them, Tears! at the corner of her eyes.

“Can I ask you something?”

Isobel said

She nodded slowly as she blinked back tears that threatened to spill anytime soon.

“Harry loves you but do you love him too?” She asked


Ephyra heard herself say. She couldn’t lie when asked a direct question.

“Ephyra you love my son” Isobel said

A tear slid down her chin

“Yes..I do..and..I’m sorry for that…because I am..not the..best person to… love someone like him”

She said shakily

Isobel got out of chair


“I’m sorry…I know Falling in love with him wasn’t part of the contract”

“No please don’t be Sorry”

She placed her hands on Ephyra’s shoulder.

“Harry loves you and you feel the same too. So there’s nothing to be sorry about. As a matter of fact this is not the end of our contract”

Ephyra glanced up at her

“What do you mean?.. The contract is over since you paid me”

“Sh sh Ephyra..”

Isobel silenced her

“I want you to stay with my son. I know Harry won’t be happy with me if I let you go just like that and if you decide to leave after the contract”

“So..are you..asking me to stay with Harry?” Ephyra asked

“Listen to me..I watched my son for two days and I found out that he’s deeply in love. So I felt that both of you could start something..even after the contract. That’s out of it now..I mean you could still work for Harry as his secretary”

Isobel sighed

“I want you by his side”

Ephyra was silent

“Do you want to leave?”

“No I want to be with him”

She said sincerely

It was the truth! She really wanted be with Harry Jones.

“Thank You” Ephyra said

Isobel helped her up and hugged her

“I’m so grateful” Isobel said

Ephyra pulled away and looked down at the cheque in her hand. A smile formed on her lips. Deciding that she would give it to James for everything he has done for her. It was enough to thank him for helping her. Ephyra made up her mind that she would be honest with him and tell him the whole truth. Especially her love to Harry Jones.



Eleanor heard the doorbell as she was packing her clothes into a box. She moved out of the room and went to the door. She peered through the small gap on the door. Shawna was there. She opened the door.

“Hi Eleanor” Shawna greeted with a bright smile on her face.

“Hi..come in”

She stepped in

“So who was your visit to the agency? Did you meet that slut?”

Eleanor folded her arms

“Yes I did but things didn’t go has planned”

“What happened?” Shawna asked

Eleanor narrated everything to her.

“So you really think she isn’t human?’

Shawna paced

“Yes and I told my mom and even Madam Isobel but everyone thinks I’m losing my mind” she threw her hands up in frustration.

“What do we do now? You can’t let someone like that be around Harry. She might hurt him” Shawna said

“You think I should tell him about it?”

Shawna nodded

“He won’t believe me. He almost strangled me to death when he saw her laying unconscious at the agency. Harry is blinded by his love for that strange lady”

“You can’t just let her take him away from you” Shawna pestered

“I’m out of the plan. I am not interested in Harry anymore”

Shawna stared at her in disbelief.


“His heart belong to another woman” she said

“A strange woman” Shawna countered

“He loves her” Eleanor reminded

Shawna rolled her eyes

“There’s no point in sticking around him. I wasn’t able to make him believe in love but Ephyra succeeded. So I think she deserves to be with him”

Eleanor sighed

“You can’t just give up..”

Eleanor silenced her with a nod.

“It’s over. I’m leaving the country tomorrow morning”

“Where are you going?”

“Anywhere around the globe. I don’t want to hurt anyone all in the name of Love”

Shawna nodded

“Your choice Eleanor”

She picked up her handbag.

“Safe Journey around the globe”

“Thanks” Eleanor accompanied her to the door.

Shawna stood on the porch for a second. A wicked smile formed on her lips. Eleanor was now out of the picture so she has to face Ephyra alone. She wasn’t going to give up on Harry. She wouldn’t let him go to a strange woman. She would find out Ephyra’s true identity and expose her.

She thought

No! Harry won’t believe her. Maybe getting rid of Ephyra would be the best option! If Ephyra was out of her way then Harry would be left with no choice than to come to her for comfort. And she would be waiting to comfort him.

Eleanor grinned wickedly as she walked to her car.


“Why are you here again?”

He asked as he stood at the door.

“Won’t you let me in?” Ephyra asked

“There’s no need to come in since you’d be leaving soon”

He stepped out to the porch closing the door behind him.

“Where is Gideon?” She asked

“He’s asleep”

James folded his arms

“I dropped by to give you this..”

She gave him the cheque

“Madam Isobel paid me today so I want you to have it”

James eyed the cheque

“The contract is over?” He asked

“Yes it’s over but I still have to stay with Harry Jones”

James lifted his eyebrows


“I am his secretary at the agency so I have to get him a replacement before resigning”

He stared intensely at her

“So you still want to work for him?”

James collected the cheque


“Mrs Jones gave you $1M”

She hummed a response

“Ephyra be honest with me..”

Her gaze met James

“Are you in love with your boss?”

She was taken back by his question. Her heartbeat rapidly as she pondered if she should be sincere with him.

“The truth..” He said

She looked away from him

“Yes James” she replied

“I knew it” he muttered


He grabbed her hand and dropped the cheque in her palm.

“Go back to your love,you’re not needed here anymore” he said

Annoyance clear in his voice

“Listen to me James..”

“I don’t want to listen to you!” He barked

She jumped in fear

“Just leave and forget about us”

He whispered

“Please James”

She grabbed his upper arm but he jerked free and went in,slamming the door in the process. Tears slipped down her cheeks. She waited for minutes knocking on the door,begging James to give her a chance to explain things to him. But no response came from him.

She bounced down the stair and walked away slowly. Her world was upside down. The one she considered a family pushed her away. It was all her fault! She shouldn’t have been away from them. Everything would have been fine if she hadn’t passed out few days ago. Ephyra wandered around the streets lost in thought that she didn’t realize it was late.

Then she recalled that she needed to see someone. Ephyra hail down a taxi. And when she got to her destination she saw the one she wanted to see.

Eleanor was dragging a box out to the porch. Ephyra got out of the taxi and went to her.

Eleanor was stunned. She wondered how Ephyra managed to locate her home. Isobel had given her the address when she asked for it.

“Why are you here?”

She asked

“Can we talk?” Ephyra said

“I’m not interested” she dragged the box to the car in the driveway. Ephyra followed her


“What do you want from me?”

“About Tuesday -“

“I saw everything” she pointed to the bracelet on Ephyra’s wrist.

“I told Madam Isobel about it and she thought I was crazy”

No one would ever believe her without strong evidence.

“Who are you?”

Eleanor kept her distance. Afraid that Ephyra might hurt her.

“I am Ephyra, the daughter of the greatest Merleader Oceanus”

Eleanor chuckled

“Sounds like a fantasy book my mom used to read to me. Merleader? isn’t that related to the Sea world?”

“Yes you are right. I am a Mermaid”

Eleanor jaw dropped completely

“You..you are..a Mermaid” she stuttered

“Yes” Ephyra answered boldly

“So..why are..you in..our world?”

“I like the Human World. Now you know my identity”

“Yes and Harry needs to know too”

Eleanor shakily dropped the box in the car

“Yes and I intend to tell him my true identity but before that..let’s make up and be good to each other”

She stretched out her hand for a handshake. Eleanor eyed her

“I apologize for winning Harry’s heart in your place”

“You succeeded because you aren’t human. You’ve cast a spell on him”

“I don’t do spells. I won his heart because I was willing to stay with him even at his worst. I understand his pain and was patient with him despite his torture”

“Congratulations” Eleanor said with a croaked smile

“Come on I mean no harm” Ephyra said and Eleanor shook hands with her.

“Thanks Eleanor”

Ephyra gave her a stern handshake,draining out her energy. Eleanor tried to pull way as she felt the power in the handshake.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Sorry I need to erase Ephyra from your memory”


Her vision became blurry. Seconds later Ephyra released her.

“Relax you’ll be fine”

Ephyra pats her back as Eleanor coughed.

She regained her strength and looked at Ephyra.

“Who are you?”

She pushed Ephyra away

“Why did you touch Me?!”

She dust her body trying to brush away Ephyra’s touch on her skin. She doesn’t remember anything.

“Uhmm sorry Miss I was only trying to help. I saw you coughing a while ago so I thought you needed help”

Eleanor studied her with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a good thing you are fine..Bye”

She waved and walked away quickly before Eleanor could say anything. Ephyra sighed with relief. She toyed with the bracelet on her wrist. Ephyra thought if she would ever make it back to the Human world if she decided to leave just to return the Neifion Bracelet. It belonged to the Sea.

A WISH Episode 18 – 19

To Be Continued……
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